@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
const debug = require('debug')('joystream:colossus:api:asset')
const filter = require('@joystream/storage-node-backend/filter')
const ipfsProxy = require('../../../lib/middleware/ipfs_proxy')
+const assert = require('assert')
function errorHandler(response, err, code) {
@@ -95,48 +96,21 @@ module.exports = function (storage, runtime, ipfsHttpGatewayUrl, anonymous) {
try {
stream = await storage.open(id, 'w')
- // We don't know whether the filtering occurs before or after the
- // stream was finished, and can only commit if both passed.
- let finished = false
- let accepted = false
- const possiblyCommit = () => {
- if (finished && accepted) {
- debug('Stream is finished and passed filters; committing.')
- stream.commit()
- }
- }
+ let aborted = false
- // May be emitted before entire stream is processed. If there was an error detecting the
- // file info at end of stream info will be null.
+ // Early file info detection so we can abort early on.. but we do not reject
+ // content because we don't yet have ipfs computed
stream.on('fileInfo', async (info) => {
try {
- debug('Detected file info:', info)
- if (!info) {
- // Do not process unknown content.
- debug('Failed to detect content type!')
- stream.end()
- res.status(403).send({ message: 'Uknown content type' })
- return
- }
+ debug('Early file detection info:', info)
- // Filter allowed content types
- // == We haven't computed ipfs hash yet so is it really fair to reject content?
- // == It may not be the real uploader doing the upload!
const filterResult = filter({}, req.headers, info.mimeType)
if (filterResult.code !== 200) {
- debug('Rejecting content', filterResult.message)
+ aborted = true
+ debug('Ending stream', filterResult.message)
+ stream.cleanup()
res.status(filterResult.code).send({ message: filterResult.message })
- // Reject the content
- await runtime.assets.rejectContent(roleAddress, providerId, id)
- } else {
- debug('Content accepted.')
- accepted = true
- // We may have to commit the stream.
- possiblyCommit()
} catch (err) {
errorHandler(res, err)
@@ -144,24 +118,49 @@ module.exports = function (storage, runtime, ipfsHttpGatewayUrl, anonymous) {
// `finish` comes before `fileInfo` event if file info detection happened at end of stream.
- stream.on('finish', () => {
- try {
- finished = true
- possiblyCommit()
- } catch (err) {
- errorHandler(res, err)
+ stream.on('finish', async () => {
+ if (!aborted) {
+ try {
+ // try to get file info and compute ipfs hash before committing the stream to ifps node.
+ await stream.info()
+ } catch (err) {
+ errorHandler(res, err)
+ }
- stream.on('committed', async (hash) => {
- try {
- if (hash !== dataObject.ipfs_content_id.toString()) {
- debug('Rejecting content. IPFS hash does not match value in objectId')
+ // At end of stream we should have file info and computed ipfs hash - this event is emitted
+ // only by explicitly calling stream.info() in the stream.on('finish') event handler
+ stream.once('info', async (info, hash) => {
+ if (hash === dataObject.ipfs_content_id.toString()) {
+ const filterResult = filter({}, req.headers, info.mimeType)
+ if (filterResult.code !== 200) {
+ debug('Rejecting content')
+ stream.cleanup()
await runtime.assets.rejectContent(roleAddress, providerId, id)
- res.status(400).send({ message: "Uploaded content doesn't match IPFS hash" })
- return
+ res.status(400).send({ message: 'Rejecting content type' })
+ } else {
+ try {
+ await stream.commit()
+ } catch (err) {
+ errorHandler(res, err)
+ }
+ } else {
+ stream.cleanup()
+ res.status(400).send({ message: 'Aborting - Not expected IPFS hash for content' })
+ }
+ })
+ stream.on('committed', async (hash) => {
+ // they cannot be different unless we did something stupid!
+ assert(hash === dataObject.ipfs_content_id.toString())
+ // Send ok response early, no need for client to wait for relationships to be created.
+ debug('Sending OK response.')
+ res.status(200).send({ message: 'Asset uploaded.' })
+ try {
debug('accepting Content')
await runtime.assets.acceptContent(roleAddress, providerId, id)
@@ -171,12 +170,8 @@ module.exports = function (storage, runtime, ipfsHttpGatewayUrl, anonymous) {
debug('toggling storage relationship for newly uploaded content')
await runtime.assets.toggleStorageRelationshipReady(roleAddress, providerId, dosrId, true)
- debug('Sending OK response.')
- res.status(200).send({ message: 'Asset uploaded.' })
} catch (err) {
- errorHandler(res, err)