@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+import { ApiWrapper } from '../../utils/apiWrapper'
+import { KeyringPair } from '@polkadot/keyring/types'
+import BN from 'bn.js'
+import { assert } from 'chai'
+import { Seat } from '@nicaea/types/council'
+import { v4 as uuid } from 'uuid'
+import { Utils } from '../../utils/utils'
+import { Fixture } from '../../utils/fixture'
+export class ElectCouncilFixture implements Fixture {
+ private apiWrapper: ApiWrapper
+ private m1KeyPairs: KeyringPair[]
+ private m2KeyPairs: KeyringPair[]
+ private k: number
+ private sudo: KeyringPair
+ private greaterStake: BN
+ private lesserStake: BN
+ public constructor(
+ apiWrapper: ApiWrapper,
+ m1KeyPairs: KeyringPair[],
+ m2KeyPairs: KeyringPair[],
+ k: number,
+ sudo: KeyringPair,
+ greaterStake: BN,
+ lesserStake: BN
+ ) {
+ this.apiWrapper = apiWrapper
+ this.m1KeyPairs = m1KeyPairs
+ this.m2KeyPairs = m2KeyPairs
+ this.k = k
+ this.sudo = sudo
+ this.greaterStake = greaterStake
+ this.lesserStake = lesserStake
+ }
+ public async runner(expectFailure: boolean): Promise<void> {
+ let now = await this.apiWrapper.getBestBlock()
+ const applyForCouncilFee: BN = this.apiWrapper.estimateApplyForCouncilFee(this.greaterStake)
+ const voteForCouncilFee: BN = this.apiWrapper.estimateVoteForCouncilFee(
+ this.sudo.address,
+ this.sudo.address,
+ this.greaterStake
+ )
+ const salt: string[] = []
+ this.m1KeyPairs.forEach(() => {
+ salt.push(''.concat(uuid().replace(/-/g, '')))
+ })
+ const revealVoteFee: BN = this.apiWrapper.estimateRevealVoteFee(this.sudo.address, salt[0])
+ // Topping the balances
+ await this.apiWrapper.transferBalanceToAccounts(
+ this.sudo,
+ this.m2KeyPairs,
+ applyForCouncilFee.add(this.greaterStake)
+ )
+ await this.apiWrapper.transferBalanceToAccounts(
+ this.sudo,
+ this.m1KeyPairs,
+ voteForCouncilFee.add(revealVoteFee).add(this.greaterStake)
+ )
+ // First K members stake more
+ await this.apiWrapper.sudoStartAnnouncingPerion(this.sudo, now.addn(100))
+ await this.apiWrapper.batchApplyForCouncilElection(this.m2KeyPairs.slice(0, this.k), this.greaterStake)
+ this.m2KeyPairs.slice(0, this.k).forEach((keyPair) =>
+ this.apiWrapper.getCouncilElectionStake(keyPair.address).then((stake) => {
+ assert(
+ stake.eq(this.greaterStake),
+ `${keyPair.address} not applied correctrly for council election with stake ${stake} versus expected ${this.greaterStake}`
+ )
+ })
+ )
+ // Last members stake less
+ await this.apiWrapper.batchApplyForCouncilElection(this.m2KeyPairs.slice(this.k), this.lesserStake)
+ this.m2KeyPairs.slice(this.k).forEach((keyPair) =>
+ this.apiWrapper.getCouncilElectionStake(keyPair.address).then((stake) => {
+ assert(
+ stake.eq(this.lesserStake),
+ `${keyPair.address} not applied correctrly for council election with stake ${stake} versus expected ${this.lesserStake}`
+ )
+ })
+ )
+ // Voting
+ await this.apiWrapper.sudoStartVotingPerion(this.sudo, now.addn(100))
+ await this.apiWrapper.batchVoteForCouncilMember(
+ this.m1KeyPairs.slice(0, this.k),
+ this.m2KeyPairs.slice(0, this.k),
+ salt.slice(0, this.k),
+ this.lesserStake
+ )
+ await this.apiWrapper.batchVoteForCouncilMember(
+ this.m1KeyPairs.slice(this.k),
+ this.m2KeyPairs.slice(this.k),
+ salt.slice(this.k),
+ this.greaterStake
+ )
+ // Revealing
+ await this.apiWrapper.sudoStartRevealingPerion(this.sudo, now.addn(100))
+ await this.apiWrapper.batchRevealVote(
+ this.m1KeyPairs.slice(0, this.k),
+ this.m2KeyPairs.slice(0, this.k),
+ salt.slice(0, this.k)
+ )
+ await this.apiWrapper.batchRevealVote(
+ this.m1KeyPairs.slice(this.k),
+ this.m2KeyPairs.slice(this.k),
+ salt.slice(this.k)
+ )
+ now = await this.apiWrapper.getBestBlock()
+ // Resolving election
+ // 3 is to ensure the revealing block is in future
+ await this.apiWrapper.sudoStartRevealingPerion(this.sudo, now.addn(3))
+ await Utils.wait(this.apiWrapper.getBlockDuration().muln(2.5).toNumber())
+ const seats: Seat[] = await this.apiWrapper.getCouncil()
+ // Preparing collections to increase assertion readability
+ const m2addresses: string[] = this.m2KeyPairs.map((keyPair) => keyPair.address)
+ const m1addresses: string[] = this.m1KeyPairs.map((keyPair) => keyPair.address)
+ const members: string[] = seats.map((seat) => seat.member.toString())
+ const bakers: string[] = seats.map((seat) => seat.backers.map((baker) => baker.member.toString())).flat()
+ // Assertions
+ m2addresses.forEach((address) => assert(members.includes(address), `Account ${address} is not in the council`))
+ m1addresses.forEach((address) => assert(bakers.includes(address), `Account ${address} is not in the voters`))
+ seats.forEach((seat) =>
+ assert(
+ Utils.getTotalStake(seat).eq(this.greaterStake.add(this.lesserStake)),
+ `Member ${seat.member} has unexpected stake ${Utils.getTotalStake(seat)}`
+ )
+ )
+ }