@@ -21,23 +21,38 @@ Each meeting which will be archived has a _meeting identifier_, which is just a
This is the index of past meetings with itineraries, they should all be stored in this directory.
-| Identifier | Scheduled | Status (`pending`,`done`) | [Type](../project-management/README.md#meeting-types) (`daily`, `monday`,`release`, `misc`) | Link |
-| :------------- | :------------- |:-------------: | :-----: | :-----: |
-| x | x | x | x | x |
+| Identifier | Invitation sent | Scheduled (held) | Itenerary and Minutes |
+| :----------------------------------: | :---------------:|-----------------------| :------------------------------------------------: |
+| Acropolis Launch Meeting | 24.04.19 | 26.04.19-12:15CET (x) | [link](../meetings/acropolis#launch-meeting) |
+| Acropolis User Stories Meeting | 26.04.19 | 29.04.19-12:15CET | [link](../meetings/acropolis#user-stories-meeting) |
# Itinerary Template
-- **Nr:** `meeting identifier`
+## Short Meeting Identifier
+- **ID:** `full meeting identifier (e.g. Sparta Launch Meeting)`
- **Date:** `date of meeting`
- **Starts:** `start time with time zone`
- **Duration:** `how long the meeting lasts`
- **Venue:** `e.g. Zoom link or physical location`
-- **Lead**: `person is responsible for time keeping, note taking and post-meeting`
+- **Lead:** `person responsible following agenda and time keeping`
+- **Minutes:** `person responsible for minutes and post-meeting work`
- **Participants**: `persons known to be participating in advance`
- - `Name of person`
+ - `person 1`
- `...`
-- **Agenda:**
+#### Agenda
+:one: Item 1.
+:two: ....
+#### Minutes
+**Started at:** `time`
+**Present:** `person1, ...`
+:one: Item 1.
+:two: ....
+**Other Topics raised:**
-| Time Required | Item | Decision |
-| ------------- |:-------------: | :-----: |
-| x | x | x |
+**Ended at:** `time`