@@ -3,309 +3,273 @@
// of the Apache-2.0 license. See the LICENSE file for details.
import { ApiProps } from '@polkadot/react-api/types';
-import { BareProps, I18nProps } from '@polkadot/react-components/types';
+import { BareProps, CallContract, I18nProps, StringOrNull } from '@polkadot/react-components/types';
+import { QueueProps } from '@polkadot/react-components/Status/types';
+import { ContractExecResult } from '@polkadot/types/interfaces/contracts';
import BN from 'bn.js';
-import React from 'react';
-import { RouteComponentProps } from 'react-router';
-import { withRouter } from 'react-router-dom';
-import { Abi } from '@polkadot/api-contract';
-import { Button, Dropdown, InputAddress, InputBalance, InputNumber, Modal, TxButton, TxComponent } from '@polkadot/react-components';
-import { getContractAbi } from '@polkadot/react-components/util';
+import React, { useState } from 'react';
+import rpc from '@polkadot/jsonrpc';
+import { Button, Dropdown, InputAddress, InputBalance, InputNumber, Modal, Output, TxButton } from '@polkadot/react-components';
+import { QueueConsumer } from '@polkadot/react-components/Status/Context';
import { withApi, withMulti } from '@polkadot/react-api';
+import { isNull, isUndefined } from '@polkadot/util';
-import translate from '../translate';
import Params from '../Params';
-interface Props extends BareProps, I18nProps, ApiProps, RouteComponentProps<{}> {
- address: string | null;
+import translate from '../translate';
+import { GAS_LIMIT } from '../constants';
+import { findCallMethod, getContractForAddress, getCallMethodOptions, getContractMethodFn } from './util';
+interface Props extends BareProps, I18nProps, ApiProps {
+ callContract: CallContract | null;
+ callMethodIndex: number | null;
isOpen: boolean;
- method: string | null;
+ onChangeCallContract: (callContract: CallContract) => void;
+ onChangeCallMethodIndex: (callMethodIndex: number) => void;
onClose: () => void;
-interface State {
- accountId: string | null;
- address: string | null;
- contractAbi?: Abi | null;
- endowment: BN;
- gasLimit: BN;
- isAddressValid: boolean;
- isBusy: boolean;
- method: string | null;
- params: any[];
-class Call extends TxComponent<Props, State> {
- public defaultState: State = {
- address: null,
- accountId: null,
- endowment: new BN(0),
- gasLimit: new BN(0),
- method: null,
- isAddressValid: false,
- isBusy: false,
- params: []
- };
- public state: State = this.defaultState;
+function Call (props: Props): React.ReactElement<Props> | null {
+ const { isOpen, callContract, callMethodIndex, onChangeCallContract, onChangeCallMethodIndex, onClose, api, t } = props;
- public static getDerivedStateFromProps ({ address: propsAddress, method: propsMethod, isOpen }: Props, { address, method }: State): Pick<State, never> | null {
- if (!isOpen) {
- return {
- address: null,
- method: null,
- contractAbi: null,
- isAddressValid: false
- };
- }
- return {
- ...(
- !address
- ? {
- address: propsAddress,
- contractAbi: propsAddress ? getContractAbi(propsAddress) : null,
- isAddressValid: !!propsAddress
- }
- : {}
- ),
- ...(
- !method
- ? { method: propsMethod }
- : {}
- )
- };
+ if (isNull(callContract) || isNull(callMethodIndex)) {
+ return null;
- public render (): React.ReactNode {
- const { isOpen, t } = this.props;
- return (
- <Modal
- className='app--contracts-Modal'
- dimmer='inverted'
- onClose={this.onClose}
- open={isOpen}
- >
- <Modal.Header>
- {t('Call a contract')}
- </Modal.Header>
- <Modal.Content>
- {this.renderContent()}
- </Modal.Content>
- <Modal.Actions>
- {this.renderButtons()}
- </Modal.Actions>
- </Modal>
- );
- }
- public renderContent (): React.ReactNode {
- const { t } = this.props;
- const { gasLimit } = this.state;
- const [address, contractAbi, method] = this.getCallProps();
- const isEndowValid = true;
- const isGasValid = !gasLimit.isZero();
+ const hasRpc = api.rpc.contracts && api.rpc.contracts.call;
+ const callMethod = findCallMethod(callContract, callMethodIndex);
+ const useRpc = hasRpc && callMethod && !callMethod.mutates;
+ // const isRpc = false;
- if (!address || !contractAbi) {
- return null;
- }
- const methodOptions = contractAbi
- ? Object.keys(contractAbi.messages).map((key): { key: string; text: string; value: string } => {
- const fn = contractAbi.messages[key];
- const type = fn.type ? `: ${fn.type}` : '';
- const args = fn.args.map(({ name, type }): string => `${name}: ${type}`);
- const text = `${key}(${args.join(', ')})${type}`;
- return {
- key,
- text,
- value: key
- };
- })
- : [];
- return (
- <div className='contracts--Call'>
- <InputAddress
- help={t('Specify the user account to use for this contract call. And fees will be deducted from this account.')}
- label={t('call from account')}
- onChange={this.onChangeAccount}
- type='account'
- />
- <InputAddress
- help={t('A deployed contract that has either been deployed or attached. The address and ABI are used to construct the parameters.')}
- label={t('contract to use')}
- onChange={this.onChangeAddress}
- type='contract'
- value={address}
- />
- <Dropdown
- defaultValue={method}
- help={t('The message to send to this contract. Parameters are adjusted based on the ABI provided.')}
- isError={!method}
- label={t('message to send')}
- onChange={this.onChangeMethod}
- options={methodOptions}
- style={{ fontFamily: 'monospace' }}
- value={method}
- />
- <Params
- onChange={this.onChangeParams}
- onEnter={this.sendTx}
- params={
- method && contractAbi && contractAbi.messages[method]
- ? contractAbi.messages[method].args
- : undefined
- }
- />
- <InputBalance
- help={t('The allotted value for this contract, i.e. the amount transferred to the contract as part of this call.')}
- isError={!isEndowValid}
- label={t('value')}
- onChange={this.onChangeEndowment}
- />
- <InputNumber
- help={t('The maximum amount of gas that can be used by this deployment, if the code requires more, the deployment will fail.')}
- isError={!isGasValid}
- label={t('maximum gas allowed')}
- onChange={this.onChangeGas}
- onEnter={this.sendTx}
- />
- </div>
- );
- }
+ const [accountId, setAccountId] = useState<StringOrNull>(null);
+ const [endowment, setEndowment] = useState<BN>(new BN(0));
+ const [gasLimit, setGasLimit] = useState<BN>(new BN(GAS_LIMIT));
+ const [isBusy, setIsBusy] = useState(false);
+ const [params, setParams] = useState<any[]>([]);
- private renderButtons (): React.ReactNode {
- const { api, t } = this.props;
- const { accountId, gasLimit, isAddressValid } = this.state;
- const isEndowValid = true; // !endowment.isZero();
- const isGasValid = !gasLimit.isZero();
- const isValid = !!accountId && isEndowValid && isGasValid && isAddressValid;
+ const _onChangeAccountId = (accountId: StringOrNull): void => setAccountId(accountId);
- return (
- <Button.Group>
- <Button
- icon='cancel'
- isNegative
- onClick={this.onClose}
- label={t('Cancel')}
- />
- <Button.Or />
- <TxButton
- accountId={accountId}
- icon='sign-in'
- isDisabled={!isValid}
- isPrimary
- label={t('Call')}
- onClick={this.toggleBusy}
- onFailed={this.toggleBusy}
- onSuccess={this.toggleBusy}
- params={this.constructCall}
- tx={api.tx.contracts ? 'contracts.call' : 'contract.call'}
- ref={this.button}
- />
- </Button.Group>
- );
- }
- private getCallProps = (): [string | null, Abi | null, string | null] => {
- let address;
- let contractAbi;
- let method;
+ const _onChangeCallAddress = (callAddress: StringOrNull): void => {
+ const callContract = getContractForAddress(callAddress);
- if (!this.state.address) {
- return [null, null, null];
- } else {
- address = this.state.address;
- contractAbi = this.state.contractAbi || getContractAbi(address);
- method = contractAbi && this.state.method && contractAbi.messages[this.state.method]
- ? this.state.method
- : (
- contractAbi
- ? Object.keys(contractAbi.messages)[0]
- : null
- );
- }
+ onChangeCallContract && callContract.abi && onChangeCallContract(callContract);
+ };
- return [
- address || null,
- contractAbi || null,
- method || null
- ];
- }
+ const _onChangeCallMethodString = (callMethodString: string): void => {
+ setParams([]);
+ onChangeCallMethodIndex && onChangeCallMethodIndex(parseInt(callMethodString, 10) || 0);
+ };
- private constructCall = (): any[] => {
- const {
- endowment, gasLimit, params
- } = this.state;
+ const _onChangeEndowment = (endowment?: BN): void => endowment && setEndowment(endowment);
+ const _onChangeGasLimit = (gasLimit?: BN): void => gasLimit && setGasLimit(gasLimit);
- const [address, contractAbi, method] = this.getCallProps();
+ const _onChangeParams = (params: any[]): void => setParams(params);
+ const _toggleBusy = (): void => setIsBusy(!isBusy);
- if (!contractAbi || !method) {
+ const _constructTx = (): any[] => {
+ const fn = getContractMethodFn(callContract, callMethod);
+ if (!fn || !callContract || !callContract.address) {
return [];
- return [address, endowment, gasLimit, contractAbi.messages[method](...params)];
- }
- private onChangeAccount = (accountId: string | null): void => {
- this.setState({ accountId });
- }
- private onChangeAddress = (address: string | null): void => {
- const contractAbi = getContractAbi(address);
- this.setState({ address, contractAbi, isAddressValid: !!contractAbi });
- }
- private onChangeEndowment = (endowment?: BN | null): void => {
- this.setState({ endowment: endowment || new BN(0) });
- }
- private onChangeGas = (gasLimit: BN | undefined): void => {
- this.setState({ gasLimit: gasLimit || new BN(0) });
- }
- private onChangeMethod = (method: string | null): void => {
- this.setState({ method, params: [] });
- }
- private onChangeParams = (params: any[]): void => {
- this.setState({ params });
- }
- private toggleBusy = (): void => {
- this.setState(({ isBusy }): Pick<State, never> => ({
- isBusy: !isBusy
- }));
- }
+ return [callContract.address, endowment, gasLimit, fn(...params)];
+ };
- private reset = (): void => {
- this.setState((state: State): Pick<State, never> => {
- if (!state.isBusy) {
- return {
- ...state,
- ...this.defaultState
- };
+ const _constructRpc = (): [any] | null => {
+ const fn = getContractMethodFn(callContract, callMethod);
+ if (!fn || !accountId || !callContract || !callContract.address || !callContract.abi || !callMethod) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ return [
+ {
+ origin: accountId,
+ dest: callContract.address,
+ value: endowment,
+ gasLimit,
+ inputData: fn(...params)
+ ];
+ };
- return {};
- });
- }
- private onClose = (): void => {
- const { onClose } = this.props;
- this.reset();
- onClose && onClose();
- }
+ const isEndowmentValid = true;
+ const isGasValid = !gasLimit.isZero();
+ const isValid = !!accountId && isEndowmentValid && isGasValid && callContract && callContract.address && callContract.abi;
+ return (
+ <Modal
+ className='app--contracts-Modal'
+ dimmer='inverted'
+ onClose={onClose}
+ open={isOpen}
+ >
+ <Modal.Header>
+ {t('Call a contract')}
+ </Modal.Header>
+ <Modal.Content>
+ {callContract && (
+ <div className='contracts--CallControls'>
+ <InputAddress
+ defaultValue={accountId}
+ help={t('Specify the user account to use for this contract call. And fees will be deducted from this account.')}
+ isDisabled={isBusy}
+ label={t('call from account')}
+ onChange={_onChangeAccountId}
+ type='account'
+ value={accountId}
+ />
+ <InputAddress
+ help={t('A deployed contract that has either been deployed or attached. The address and ABI are used to construct the parameters.')}
+ isDisabled={isBusy}
+ label={t('contract to use')}
+ onChange={_onChangeCallAddress}
+ type='contract'
+ value={callContract.address}
+ />
+ {callMethodIndex !== null && (
+ <>
+ <Dropdown
+ help={t('The message to send to this contract. Parameters are adjusted based on the ABI provided.')}
+ isDisabled={isBusy}
+ isError={callMethod === null}
+ label={t('message to send')}
+ onChange={_onChangeCallMethodString}
+ options={getCallMethodOptions(callContract)}
+ value={`${callMethodIndex}`}
+ />
+ <Params
+ isDisabled={isBusy}
+ onChange={_onChangeParams}
+ params={
+ callMethod
+ ? callMethod.args
+ : undefined
+ }
+ />
+ </>
+ )}
+ <InputBalance
+ help={t('The allotted value for this contract, i.e. the amount transferred to the contract as part of this call.')}
+ isDisabled={isBusy}
+ isError={!isEndowmentValid}
+ label={t('value')}
+ onChange={_onChangeEndowment}
+ value={endowment}
+ />
+ <InputNumber
+ defaultValue={gasLimit}
+ help={t('The maximum amount of gas that can be used by this call. If the code requires more, the call will fail.')}
+ isDisabled={isBusy}
+ isError={!isGasValid}
+ label={t('maximum gas allowed')}
+ onChange={_onChangeGasLimit}
+ value={gasLimit}
+ />
+ </div>
+ )}
+ <QueueConsumer>
+ {
+ ({ queueRpc, txqueue }: QueueProps): React.ReactNode => {
+ const _onSubmitRpc = (): void => {
+ const values = _constructRpc();
+ if (values) {
+ queueRpc({
+ accountId,
+ rpc: rpc.contracts.methods.call,
+ values
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ const results = txqueue
+ .filter(({ error, result, rpc, values }): boolean =>
+ ((!isUndefined(error) || !isUndefined(result)) &&
+ rpc.section === 'contracts' && rpc.method === 'call' && !!values && values[0].dest === callContract.address)
+ )
+ .reverse();
+ return (
+ <>
+ <Button.Group>
+ <Button
+ icon='cancel'
+ isNegative
+ onClick={onClose}
+ label={t('Cancel')}
+ />
+ <Button.Or />
+ {useRpc
+ ? (
+ <Button
+ icon='sign-in'
+ isDisabled={!isValid}
+ isPrimary
+ label={t('Call')}
+ onClick={_onSubmitRpc}
+ />
+ )
+ : (
+ <TxButton
+ accountId={accountId}
+ icon='sign-in'
+ isDisabled={!isValid}
+ isPrimary
+ label={t('Call')}
+ onClick={_toggleBusy}
+ onFailed={_toggleBusy}
+ onSuccess={_toggleBusy}
+ params={_constructTx}
+ tx={api.tx.contracts ? 'contracts.call' : 'contract.call'}
+ />
+ )
+ }
+ </Button.Group>
+ {results.length > 0 && (
+ <>
+ <h3>{t('Call results')}</h3>
+ <div>
+ {
+ results.map(
+ (tx, index): React.ReactNode => {
+ let output: string;
+ const contractExecResult = tx.result as ContractExecResult;
+ if (contractExecResult.isSuccess) {
+ const { data } = contractExecResult.asSuccess;
+ output = data.toHex();
+ } else {
+ output = 'Error';
+ }
+ return (
+ <Output
+ isError={contractExecResult.isError}
+ key={`result-${tx.id}`}
+ label={t(`#${results.length - 1 - index}`)}
+ style={{ fontFamily: 'monospace' }}
+ value={output}
+ withCopy
+ withLabel
+ />
+ );
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ </div>
+ </>
+ )}
+ </>
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ </QueueConsumer>
+ </Modal.Content>
+ </Modal>
+ );
export default withMulti(
- translate(withRouter(Call)),
+ Call,
+ translate,