@@ -0,0 +1,353 @@
+import React, { useEffect } from 'react';
+import { getFormErrorLabelsProps, FormErrorLabelsProps } from './errorHandling';
+import * as Yup from 'yup';
+import {
+ withProposalFormData,
+ ProposalFormExportProps,
+ ProposalFormContainerProps,
+ ProposalFormInnerProps,
+ genericFormDefaultOptions
+} from './GenericProposalForm';
+import {
+ GenericWorkingGroupProposalForm,
+ FormValues as WGFormValues,
+ defaultValues as wgFromDefaultValues
+} from './GenericWorkingGroupProposalForm';
+import { FormField, InputFormField, TextareaFormField } from './FormFields';
+import { withFormContainer } from './FormContainer';
+import './forms.css';
+import { ActivateOpeningAtKey, ActivateOpeningAtDef, StakingAmountLimitModeKeys, IApplicationRationingPolicy, IStakingPolicy } from '@joystream/types/hiring';
+import { GenericJoyStreamRoleSchema } from '@joystream/types/hiring/schemas/role.schema.typings';
+import { Dropdown, Grid, Message, Checkbox } from 'semantic-ui-react';
+import { formatBalance } from '@polkadot/util';
+import _ from 'lodash';
+import { IWorkingGroupOpeningPolicyCommitment } from '@joystream/types/working-group';
+import { IAddOpeningParameters } from '@joystream/types/proposals';
+import { WorkingGroupKeys } from '@joystream/types/common';
+import { BlockNumber } from '@polkadot/types/interfaces';
+import { withCalls } from '@polkadot/react-api';
+import { SimplifiedTypeInterface } from '@polkadot/joy-utils/types/common';
+import Validation from '../validationSchema';
+type FormValues = WGFormValues & {
+ activateAt: ActivateOpeningAtKey;
+ activateAtBlock: string;
+ maxReviewPeriodLength: string;
+ applicationsLimited: boolean;
+ maxApplications: string;
+ applicationStakeRequired: boolean;
+ applicationStakeMode: StakingAmountLimitModeKeys;
+ applicationStakeValue: string;
+ roleStakeRequired: boolean;
+ roleStakeMode: StakingAmountLimitModeKeys;
+ roleStakeValue: string;
+ terminateRoleUnstakingPeriod: string;
+ leaveRoleUnstakingPeriod: string;
+ humanReadableText: string;
+const defaultValues: FormValues = {
+ ...wgFromDefaultValues,
+ activateAt: 'CurrentBlock',
+ activateAtBlock: '',
+ maxReviewPeriodLength: '',
+ applicationsLimited: false,
+ maxApplications: '',
+ applicationStakeRequired: false,
+ applicationStakeMode: StakingAmountLimitModeKeys.Exact,
+ applicationStakeValue: '',
+ roleStakeRequired: false,
+ roleStakeMode: StakingAmountLimitModeKeys.Exact,
+ roleStakeValue: '',
+ terminateRoleUnstakingPeriod: '',
+ leaveRoleUnstakingPeriod: '',
+ humanReadableText: ''
+const HRTDefault: (memberHandle: string, group: WorkingGroupKeys) => GenericJoyStreamRoleSchema =
+ (memberHandle, group) => ({
+ version: 1,
+ headline: `Looking for ${group} Working Group Leader!`,
+ job: {
+ title: `${group} Working Group Leader`,
+ description: `Become ${group} Working Group Leader! This is a great opportunity to support Joystream!`
+ },
+ application: {
+ sections: [
+ {
+ title: 'About you',
+ questions: [
+ {
+ title: 'Your name',
+ type: 'text'
+ },
+ {
+ title: 'What makes you a good fit for the job?',
+ type: 'text area'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ reward: '100 JOY per block',
+ creator: {
+ membership: {
+ handle: memberHandle
+ }
+ }
+ });
+type FormAdditionalProps = {}; // Aditional props coming all the way from export component into the inner form.
+type ExportComponentProps = ProposalFormExportProps<FormAdditionalProps, FormValues>;
+type FormContainerProps = ProposalFormContainerProps<ExportComponentProps> & {
+ currentBlock?: BlockNumber;
+type FormInnerProps = ProposalFormInnerProps<FormContainerProps, FormValues>;
+type StakeFieldsProps = Pick<FormInnerProps, 'values' | 'handleChange' | 'setFieldValue'> & {
+ errorLabelsProps: FormErrorLabelsProps<FormValues>;
+ stakeType: 'role' | 'application';
+const StakeFields: React.FunctionComponent<StakeFieldsProps> = ({
+ values,
+ errorLabelsProps,
+ handleChange,
+ stakeType,
+ setFieldValue
+}) => {
+ return (
+ <>
+ <FormField label={`${_.startCase(stakeType)} stake` }>
+ <Checkbox
+ toggle
+ onChange={(e, data) => { setFieldValue(`${stakeType}StakeRequired`, data.checked); }}
+ label={ `Require ${stakeType} stake` }
+ checked={ stakeType === 'role' ? values.roleStakeRequired : values.applicationStakeRequired }/>
+ </FormField>
+ { (stakeType === 'role' ? values.roleStakeRequired : values.applicationStakeRequired) && (<>
+ <FormField label="Stake mode">
+ <Dropdown
+ onChange={handleChange}
+ name={ `${stakeType}StakeMode` }
+ selection
+ options={[StakingAmountLimitModeKeys.Exact, StakingAmountLimitModeKeys.AtLeast].map(mode => ({ text: mode, value: mode }))}
+ value={ stakeType === 'role' ? values.roleStakeMode : values.applicationStakeMode }
+ />
+ </FormField>
+ <InputFormField
+ label="Stake value"
+ unit={formatBalance.getDefaults().unit}
+ onChange={handleChange}
+ name={ `${stakeType}StakeValue` }
+ error={ stakeType === 'role' ? errorLabelsProps.roleStakeValue : errorLabelsProps.applicationStakeValue}
+ value={ stakeType === 'role' ? values.roleStakeValue : values.applicationStakeValue}
+ placeholder={'ie. 100'}
+ />
+ </>) }
+ </>
+ );
+const valuesToAddOpeningParams = (values: FormValues): SimplifiedTypeInterface<IAddOpeningParameters> => {
+ const commitment: SimplifiedTypeInterface<IWorkingGroupOpeningPolicyCommitment> = {
+ max_review_period_length: parseInt(values.maxReviewPeriodLength),
+ terminate_role_stake_unstaking_period: parseInt(values.terminateRoleUnstakingPeriod),
+ exit_role_stake_unstaking_period: parseInt(values.leaveRoleUnstakingPeriod)
+ };
+ if (values.applicationsLimited) {
+ const rationingPolicy: SimplifiedTypeInterface<IApplicationRationingPolicy> = {
+ max_active_applicants: parseInt(values.maxApplications)
+ };
+ commitment.application_rationing_policy = rationingPolicy;
+ }
+ if (values.applicationStakeRequired) {
+ const applicationStakingPolicy: SimplifiedTypeInterface<IStakingPolicy> = {
+ amount: parseInt(values.applicationStakeValue),
+ amount_mode: values.applicationStakeMode
+ };
+ commitment.application_staking_policy = applicationStakingPolicy;
+ }
+ if (values.roleStakeRequired) {
+ const roleStakingPolicy: SimplifiedTypeInterface<IStakingPolicy> = {
+ amount: parseInt(values.roleStakeValue),
+ amount_mode: values.roleStakeMode
+ };
+ commitment.role_staking_policy = roleStakingPolicy;
+ }
+ return {
+ activate_at: { [values.activateAt]: values.activateAt === 'ExactBlock' ? parseInt(values.activateAtBlock) : null },
+ commitment: commitment,
+ human_readable_text: values.humanReadableText,
+ working_group: values.workingGroup
+ };
+const AddWorkingGroupOpeningForm: React.FunctionComponent<FormInnerProps> = props => {
+ const { handleChange, errors, touched, values, setFieldValue, myMemberId, memberProfile } = props;
+ useEffect(() => {
+ if (memberProfile?.isSome && !touched.humanReadableText) {
+ setFieldValue(
+ 'humanReadableText',
+ JSON.stringify(HRTDefault(memberProfile.unwrap().handle.toString(), values.workingGroup), undefined, 4)
+ );
+ }
+ }, [values.workingGroup, memberProfile]);
+ const errorLabelsProps = getFormErrorLabelsProps<FormValues>(errors, touched);
+ return (
+ <GenericWorkingGroupProposalForm
+ {...props}
+ txMethod="createAddWorkingGroupLeaderOpeningProposal"
+ proposalType="AddWorkingGroupLeaderOpening"
+ submitParams={[
+ myMemberId,
+ values.title,
+ values.rationale,
+ '{STAKE}',
+ valuesToAddOpeningParams(values)
+ ]}
+ >
+ <Grid columns="4" doubling stackable verticalAlign="bottom">
+ <Grid.Row>
+ <Grid.Column>
+ <FormField label="Activate opening at">
+ <Dropdown
+ onChange={handleChange}
+ name="activateAt"
+ selection
+ options={Object.keys(ActivateOpeningAtDef).map(wgKey => ({ text: wgKey, value: wgKey }))}
+ value={values.activateAt}
+ />
+ </FormField>
+ </Grid.Column>
+ <Grid.Column>
+ { values.activateAt === 'ExactBlock' && (
+ <InputFormField
+ onChange={handleChange}
+ name="activateAtBlock"
+ error={errorLabelsProps.activateAtBlock}
+ value={values.activateAtBlock}
+ placeholder={'Provide the block number'}
+ />
+ ) }
+ </Grid.Column>
+ </Grid.Row>
+ </Grid>
+ { values.activateAt === 'ExactBlock' && (
+ <Message info>
+ In case <b>ExactBlock</b> is specified, the opening will remain in <i>Waiting to Begin</i> stage (which means it will be visible,
+ but no applicants will be able to apply yet) until current block number will equal the specified number.
+ </Message>
+ ) }
+ <Grid columns="4" doubling stackable verticalAlign="bottom">
+ <Grid.Row>
+ <Grid.Column>
+ <InputFormField
+ label="Max. review period"
+ onChange={handleChange}
+ name="maxReviewPeriodLength"
+ error={errorLabelsProps.maxReviewPeriodLength}
+ value={values.maxReviewPeriodLength}
+ placeholder={'ie. 72000'}
+ unit="blocks"
+ />
+ </Grid.Column>
+ </Grid.Row>
+ </Grid>
+ <Grid columns="4" doubling stackable verticalAlign="bottom">
+ <Grid.Row>
+ <Grid.Column>
+ <FormField label="Applications limit">
+ <Checkbox
+ toggle
+ onChange={(e, data) => { setFieldValue('applicationsLimited', data.checked); }}
+ label="Limit applications"
+ checked={values.applicationsLimited}/>
+ </FormField>
+ { values.applicationsLimited && (
+ <InputFormField
+ onChange={handleChange}
+ name="maxApplications"
+ error={errorLabelsProps.maxApplications}
+ value={values.maxApplications}
+ placeholder={'Max. number of applications'}
+ />
+ ) }
+ </Grid.Column>
+ </Grid.Row>
+ </Grid>
+ <Grid columns="2" stackable style={{ marginBottom: 0 }}>
+ <Grid.Row>
+ <Grid.Column>
+ <StakeFields stakeType="application" {...{ errorLabelsProps, values, handleChange, setFieldValue }}/>
+ </Grid.Column>
+ <Grid.Column>
+ <StakeFields stakeType="role" {...{ errorLabelsProps, values, handleChange, setFieldValue }}/>
+ </Grid.Column>
+ </Grid.Row>
+ </Grid>
+ <Grid columns="2" stackable style={{ marginBottom: 0 }}>
+ <Grid.Row>
+ <Grid.Column>
+ <InputFormField
+ onChange={handleChange}
+ name="terminateRoleUnstakingPeriod"
+ error={errorLabelsProps.terminateRoleUnstakingPeriod}
+ value={values.terminateRoleUnstakingPeriod}
+ label={'Terminate role unstaking period'}
+ placeholder={'ie. 14400'}
+ unit="blocks"
+ help={
+ 'In case leader role or application is terminated - this will be the unstaking period for the role stake (in blocks).'
+ }
+ />
+ </Grid.Column>
+ <Grid.Column>
+ <InputFormField
+ onChange={handleChange}
+ name="leaveRoleUnstakingPeriod"
+ error={errorLabelsProps.leaveRoleUnstakingPeriod}
+ value={values.leaveRoleUnstakingPeriod}
+ label={'Leave role unstaking period'}
+ placeholder={'ie. 14400'}
+ unit="blocks"
+ help={
+ 'In case leader leaves/exits his role - this will be the unstaking period for his role stake (in blocks). ' +
+ 'It also applies when user is withdrawing an active leader application.'
+ }
+ />
+ </Grid.Column>
+ </Grid.Row>
+ </Grid>
+ <TextareaFormField
+ label="Opening schema (human_readable_text)"
+ help="JSON schema that describes some characteristics of the opening presented in the UI (headers, content, application form etc.)"
+ onChange={handleChange}
+ name="humanReadableText"
+ placeholder="Paste the JSON schema here..."
+ error={errorLabelsProps.humanReadableText}
+ value={values.humanReadableText}
+ rows={20}
+ />
+ </GenericWorkingGroupProposalForm>
+ );
+const FormContainer = withFormContainer<FormContainerProps, FormValues>({
+ mapPropsToValues: (props: FormContainerProps) => ({
+ ...defaultValues,
+ ...(props.initialData || {})
+ }),
+ validationSchema: (props: FormContainerProps) => Yup.object().shape({
+ ...genericFormDefaultOptions.validationSchema,
+ ...Validation.AddWorkingGroupLeaderOpening(props.currentBlock?.toNumber() || 0)
+ }),
+ handleSubmit: genericFormDefaultOptions.handleSubmit,
+ displayName: 'AddWorkingGroupOpeningForm'
+export default withCalls<ExportComponentProps>(
+ ['derive.chain.bestNumber', { propName: 'currentBlock' }]
+ withProposalFormData<FormContainerProps, ExportComponentProps>(FormContainer)