@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@
- [Release Plan Finalization Meeting](#release-plan-finalization-meeting)
- [Release Plan Milestone Evaluation Meeting](#release-plan-milestone-evaluation-meeting)
- [Planned meetings](#planned-meetings)
- - [Other](#other)
- [Lessons Learned](#lessons-learned)
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@@ -471,17 +470,11 @@ Based on the conclusion in :one:, it was decided to delay Storage Tranches for t
# Planned meetings
-## Other
## Lessons Learned
**ID:** `Acropolis Lessons Learned`
-- **Date:** `dd.mm.yy`
-- **Starts:** `hh:mm CET`
+- **Date:** `02.07.19`
+- **Starts:** `11:15 GMT+2`
- **Duration:** `mm`
- **Venue:** `ZOOM`
- **Lead**: `Martin`
@@ -489,15 +482,24 @@ Based on the conclusion in :one:, it was decided to delay Storage Tranches for t
- **Participants**:
- `Alex`
- `Bedeho`
- - `Jens`
- `Martin`
- `Mokhtar`
#### Agenda
-:one: Item 1.
+What went wrong with planning and producing specs?
+Although we ended up releasing almost on time, we were not really ready.
+- We merged non-bug PRs after `Full test` (even worse than `Sub-system`)
+- We found a lot of bugs after `Full test`, that should have been uncovered earlier.
+- The release was poorly managed from a PR/marketing point of view.
+- The weekend before the release put some extra strain on the team.
-:two: ....
#### Minutes
**Started at:** `time`