@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
- [LRU groups](#lru-groups)
- [Cache cleanup](#cache-cleanup)
- [Logging](#logging)
+- [Query node integration](#query-node-integration)
<a name="the-api"></a>
@@ -381,3 +382,19 @@ The logs can be directed to some of the 3 available outputs, depending on the [`
- console
- a log file inside [`directories.logs`](../schema/definition-properties-directories.md#logs)
- an elasticsearch endpoint specified via [`endpoints.elasticsearch`](../schema/definition-properties-endpoints.md#elasticsearch)
+# Query node integration
+Because the distributor node is making requests to a query node:
+- on [cache miss](#scenario-3)
+- periodically, for [cache cleanup](#cache-cleanup) purposes
+In order to achieve the best perfomance it is recommended to either run the query-node processor and graphql server on the same machine the distributor node will be running on, or use a query node endpoint that can be accessed with a minimal latency.
+Taking the [docker-compose.yml](../../docker-compose.yml) example, the services that could be run on the same machine may include:
+- `db`
+- `processor`
+- `graphql-server`
+- `distributor-node`
+The `INDEXER_ENDPOINT_URL` can be point to a completely external indexer endpoint, as the latency between `processor` and `indexer` is less of an issue in this case.