@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+use crate::*;
+impl<T: Trait> Module<T> {
+ /// Authorize auctioneer
+ pub(crate) fn authorize_auctioneer(
+ origin: T::Origin,
+ actor: &ContentActor<CuratorGroupId<T>, CuratorId<T>, MemberId<T>>,
+ auction_params: &AuctionParams<
+ T::VNFTId,
+ VideoId<T>,
+ <T as timestamp::Trait>::Moment,
+ BalanceOf<T>,
+ >,
+ ) -> Result<T::AccountId, DispatchError> {
+ if let AuctionMode::WithoutIsuance(vnft_id) = auction_params.auction_mode {
+ let vnft = Self::ensure_vnft_exists(vnft_id)?;
+ // Only members are supposed to start auctions for already existing nfts
+ if let ContentActor::Member(member_id) = actor {
+ let account_id = T::MemberOriginValidator::ensure_actor_origin(origin, *member_id)
+ .map_err::<Error<T>, _>(|_| Error::<T>::ActorOriginAuthError.into())?;
+ Self::ensure_vnft_ownership(&account_id, &vnft)?;
+ Ok(account_id)
+ } else {
+ Err(Error::<T>::AuctionDoesNotExist.into())
+ }
+ } else {
+ // TODO: Move to common pallet
+ content::ensure_actor_authorized_to_create_channel::<T>(origin.clone(), &actor)
+ .map_err::<Error<T>, _>(|_| Error::<T>::ActorNotAuthorizedToIssueNft.into());
+ let account_id = ensure_signed(origin)?;
+ Ok(account_id)
+ }
+ }
+ pub(crate) fn validate_auction_params(
+ auction_params: &AuctionParams<
+ T::VNFTId,
+ VideoId<T>,
+ <T as timestamp::Trait>::Moment,
+ BalanceOf<T>,
+ >,
+ ) -> DispatchResult {
+ if let AuctionMode::WithIssuance(Some(royalty), _) = auction_params.auction_mode {
+ Self::ensure_royalty_bounds_satisfied(royalty)?;
+ }
+ Self::ensure_round_time_bounds_satisfied(auction_params.round_time)?;
+ Self::ensure_starting_price_bounds_satisfied(auction_params.starting_price)?;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ /// Ensure given account id is vnft owner
+ pub(crate) fn ensure_vnft_ownership(
+ account_id: &T::AccountId,
+ vnft: &VNFT<T::AccountId>,
+ ) -> DispatchResult {
+ ensure!(*account_id == vnft.owner, Error::<T>::DoesNotOwnVNFT);
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ /// Ensure royalty bounds satisfied
+ pub(crate) fn ensure_royalty_bounds_satisfied(royalty: Perbill) -> DispatchResult {
+ ensure!(
+ royalty <= Self::max_creator_royalty(),
+ Error::<T>::RoyaltyUpperBoundExceeded
+ );
+ ensure!(
+ royalty >= Self::min_creator_royalty(),
+ Error::<T>::RoyaltyLowerBoundExceeded
+ );
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ /// Ensure royalty bounds satisfied
+ pub(crate) fn ensure_round_time_bounds_satisfied(round_time: T::Moment) -> DispatchResult {
+ ensure!(
+ round_time <= Self::max_round_time(),
+ Error::<T>::RoundTimeUpperBoundExceeded
+ );
+ ensure!(
+ round_time >= Self::min_round_time(),
+ Error::<T>::RoundTimeLowerBoundExceeded
+ );
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ /// Ensure royalty bounds satisfied
+ pub(crate) fn ensure_starting_price_bounds_satisfied(
+ starting_price: BalanceOf<T>,
+ ) -> DispatchResult {
+ ensure!(
+ starting_price >= Self::max_starting_price(),
+ Error::<T>::StartingPriceUpperBoundExceeded
+ );
+ ensure!(
+ starting_price <= Self::min_starting_price(),
+ Error::<T>::StartingPriceLowerBoundExceeded
+ );
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ /// Check whether auction for given video id exists
+ pub(crate) fn is_auction_exist(video_id: T::VideoId) -> bool {
+ <AuctionByVideoId<T>>::contains_key(video_id)
+ }
+ /// Check whether vnft for given vnft id exists
+ pub(crate) fn is_vnft_exist(vnft_id: T::VNFTId) -> bool {
+ <VNFTById<T>>::contains_key(vnft_id)
+ }
+ /// Ensure auction for given video id exists
+ pub(crate) fn ensure_auction_exists(video_id: T::VideoId) -> Result<Auction<T>, Error<T>> {
+ ensure!(
+ Self::is_auction_exist(video_id),
+ Error::<T>::AuctionDoesNotExist
+ );
+ Ok(Self::auction_by_video_id(video_id))
+ }
+ /// Ensure given vnft exists
+ pub(crate) fn ensure_vnft_exists(vnft_id: T::VNFTId) -> Result<VNFT<T::AccountId>, Error<T>> {
+ ensure!(Self::is_vnft_exist(vnft_id), Error::<T>::VNFTDoesNotExist);
+ Ok(Self::vnft_by_vnft_id(vnft_id))
+ }
+ /// Try complete auction when round time expired
+ pub fn try_complete_auction(auction: Auction<T>, video_id: T::VideoId) -> bool {
+ let now = timestamp::Module::<T>::now();
+ if (now - auction.last_bid_time) >= auction.round_time {
+ Self::complete_auction(auction, video_id);
+ true
+ } else {
+ false
+ }
+ }
+ /// Complete auction
+ fn complete_auction(auction: Auction<T>, video_id: T::VideoId) {
+ <AuctionByVideoId<T>>::remove(video_id);
+ match auction.auction_mode.clone() {
+ AuctionMode::WithIssuance(royalty, _) => {
+ <Module<T>>::issue_vnft(auction, video_id, royalty)
+ }
+ AuctionMode::WithoutIsuance(vnft_id) => {
+ <Module<T>>::complete_vnft_auction_transfer(auction, vnft_id)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /// Issue vnft and update mapping relations
+ pub(crate) fn issue_vnft(auction: Auction<T>, video_id: T::VideoId, royalty: Option<Royalty>) {
+ let vnft_id = Self::next_video_nft_id();
+ <VNFTIdByVideo<T>>::insert(video_id, vnft_id);
+ let creator_royalty = if let Some(royalty) = royalty {
+ Some((auction.auctioneer_account_id.clone(), royalty))
+ } else {
+ None
+ };
+ <VNFTById<T>>::insert(
+ vnft_id,
+ VNFT::new(auction.current_bidder.clone(), creator_royalty),
+ );
+ NextVNFTId::<T>::put(vnft_id + T::VNFTId::one());
+ Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::NftIssued(video_id, vnft_id, auction));
+ }
+ /// Complete vnft transfer
+ pub(crate) fn complete_vnft_auction_transfer(auction: Auction<T>, vnft_id: T::VNFTId) {
+ let vnft = Self::vnft_by_vnft_id(vnft_id);
+ let current_bid = auction.current_bid;
+ if let Some((creator_account_id, creator_royalty)) = vnft.creator_royalty {
+ let royalty = creator_royalty * current_bid;
+ T::NftCurrencyProvider::slash_reserved(&auction.current_bidder, current_bid);
+ T::NftCurrencyProvider::deposit_creating(
+ &auction.auctioneer_account_id,
+ current_bid - royalty,
+ );
+ T::NftCurrencyProvider::deposit_creating(&creator_account_id, royalty);
+ } else {
+ T::NftCurrencyProvider::deposit_creating(&auction.auctioneer_account_id, current_bid);
+ }
+ <VNFTById<T>>::mutate(vnft_id, |vnft| vnft.owner = auction.current_bidder);
+ }