@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+// Copyright 2017-2020 @polkadot/apps-config authors & contributors
+// This software may be modified and distributed under the terms
+// of the Apache-2.0 license. See the LICENSE file for details.
+// structs need to be in order
+/* eslint-disable sort-keys */
+export default {
+ Address: 'AccountId',
+ LookupSource: 'AccountId',
+ CeremonyPhaseType: {
+ _enum: [
+ 'Registering',
+ 'Assigning',
+ 'Attesting'
+ ]
+ },
+ CeremonyIndexType: 'u32',
+ ParticipantIndexType: 'u64',
+ MeetupIndexType: 'u64',
+ AttestationIndexType: 'u64',
+ CurrencyIdentifier: 'Hash',
+ BalanceType: 'i128',
+ BalanceEntry: '(BalanceType,Moment)',
+ CurrencyCeremony: '(CurrencyIdentifier,CeremonyIndexType)',
+ Location: {
+ lat: 'i64',
+ lon: 'i64'
+ },
+ Reputation: {
+ _enum: [
+ 'Unverified',
+ 'UnverifiedReputable',
+ 'VerifiedUnlinked',
+ 'VerifiedLinked'
+ ]
+ },
+ CurrencyPropertiesType: {
+ name_utf8: 'Text',
+ demurrage_per_block: 'i128'
+ },
+ Attestation: 'Vec<u8>',
+ ProofOfAttendance: 'Vec<u8>'