@@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
-use frame_support::traits::{Get, Randomness};
-use sp_arithmetic::traits::{One, Zero};
-use sp_runtime::SaturatedConversion;
-use sp_std::cell::RefCell;
-use sp_std::collections::btree_set::BTreeSet;
-use sp_std::marker::PhantomData;
-use crate::{DynamicBagType, Module, Trait};
-// Generates storage bucket IDs to assign to a new dynamic bag.
-pub(crate) struct StorageBucketPicker<T> {
- trait_marker: PhantomData<T>,
-impl<T: Trait> StorageBucketPicker<T> {
- // Selects storage bucket ID sets to assign to the storage bucket.
- // At first, it tries to generate random bucket IDs. If acquired random IDs number is not enough
- // it tries to get additional IDs starting from zero up to the total number of the possible IDs.
- // The function filters deleted buckets and disabled buckets (accepting_new_bags == false)
- // Total number of possible IDs is limited by the dynamic bag settings.
- // Returns an accumulated bucket ID set or an empty set.
- pub(crate) fn pick_storage_buckets(bag_type: DynamicBagType) -> BTreeSet<T::StorageBucketId> {
- let creation_policy = Module::<T>::get_dynamic_bag_creation_policy(bag_type);
- if creation_policy.no_storage_buckets_required() {
- return BTreeSet::new();
- }
- let required_bucket_num = creation_policy.number_of_storage_buckets as usize;
- // Storage bucket IDs accumulator.
- let bucket_ids_cell = RefCell::new(BTreeSet::new());
- RandomStorageBucketIdIterator::<T>::new()
- .chain(SequentialStorageBucketIdIterator::<T>::new())
- .filter(Self::check_storage_bucket_is_valid_for_bag_assigning)
- .filter(|bucket_id| {
- let bucket_ids = bucket_ids_cell.borrow();
- // Skips the iteration on existing ID.
- !bucket_ids.contains(bucket_id)
- })
- .take(required_bucket_num)
- .for_each(|bucket_id| {
- let mut bucket_ids = bucket_ids_cell.borrow_mut();
- bucket_ids.insert(bucket_id);
- });
- bucket_ids_cell.into_inner()
- }
- // Verifies storage bucket ID (non-deleted and accepting new bags).
- pub(crate) fn check_storage_bucket_is_valid_for_bag_assigning(
- bucket_id: &T::StorageBucketId,
- ) -> bool {
- // Check bucket for existence (return false if not). Check `accepting_new_bags`.
- Module::<T>::ensure_storage_bucket_exists(bucket_id)
- .ok()
- .map(|bucket| bucket.accepting_new_bags)
- .unwrap_or(false)
- }
-// Iterator for random storage bucket IDs. It uses Substrate Randomness trait
-// (and possibly randomness_collective_flip pallet for implementation).
-// Its maximum iterations are bounded.
-pub(crate) struct RandomStorageBucketIdIterator<T: Trait> {
- // Trait marker.
- trait_marker: PhantomData<T>,
- // Current Iterator step number.
- current_iteration: u64,
- // Maximum allowed iteration number.
- max_iteration_number: u64,
- // Current seed for the randomness generator.
- current_seed: T::Hash,
-impl<T: Trait> Iterator for RandomStorageBucketIdIterator<T> {
- type Item = T::StorageBucketId;
- fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
- // Cannot create randomness in the initial block (Substrate error).
- if <frame_system::Module<T>>::block_number() == Zero::zero() {
- return None;
- }
- if self.current_iteration >= self.max_iteration_number {
- return None;
- }
- let random_storage_bucket_id = self.random_storage_bucket_id();
- self.current_iteration += 1;
- self.current_seed = T::Randomness::random(self.current_seed.as_ref());
- Some(random_storage_bucket_id)
- }
-impl<T: Trait> RandomStorageBucketIdIterator<T> {
- // Generate random storage bucket ID using next_storage_bucket_id() as upper_bound.
- // Deleted storage bucket ID are included.
- fn random_storage_bucket_id(&self) -> T::StorageBucketId {
- let total_buckets_number = Module::<T>::next_storage_bucket_id();
- let random_bucket_id: T::StorageBucketId = Module::<T>::random_index(
- self.current_seed.as_ref(),
- total_buckets_number.saturated_into(),
- )
- .saturated_into();
- random_bucket_id
- }
- // Creates new iterator.
- pub(crate) fn new() -> Self {
- let seed = Module::<T>::get_initial_random_seed();
- Self {
- current_iteration: 0,
- max_iteration_number: T::MaxRandomIterationNumber::get(),
- trait_marker: PhantomData,
- current_seed: seed,
- }
- }
-// Iterator for sequential storage bucket IDs. It starts from the first possible storage bucket ID
-// (zero) and goes up to the last storage bucket IDs (next_storage_bucket_id - excluding).
-pub(crate) struct SequentialStorageBucketIdIterator<T: Trait> {
- // Trait marker.
- trait_marker: PhantomData<T>,
- // Storage bucket ID for the current iteration.
- current_bucket_id: T::StorageBucketId,
-impl<T: Trait> Iterator for SequentialStorageBucketIdIterator<T> {
- type Item = T::StorageBucketId;
- fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
- if self.current_bucket_id >= Module::<T>::next_storage_bucket_id() {
- return None;
- }
- let result = self.current_bucket_id;
- self.current_bucket_id += One::one();
- Some(result)
- }
-impl<T: Trait> SequentialStorageBucketIdIterator<T> {
- // Creates new iterator.
- pub(crate) fn new() -> Self {
- Self {
- current_bucket_id: Zero::zero(),
- trait_marker: PhantomData,
- }
- }