@@ -0,0 +1,772 @@
+/* tslint:disable */
+/* eslint-disable */
+ * Storage node API
+ * Storage node API
+ *
+ * The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.1.0
+ * Contact: info@joystream.org
+ *
+ * NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech).
+ * https://openapi-generator.tech
+ * Do not edit the class manually.
+ */
+import { Configuration } from './configuration';
+import globalAxios, { AxiosPromise, AxiosInstance } from 'axios';
+// Some imports not used depending on template conditions
+// @ts-ignore
+import { DUMMY_BASE_URL, assertParamExists, setApiKeyToObject, setBasicAuthToObject, setBearerAuthToObject, setOAuthToObject, setSearchParams, serializeDataIfNeeded, toPathString, createRequestFunction } from './common';
+// @ts-ignore
+import { BASE_PATH, COLLECTION_FORMATS, RequestArgs, BaseAPI, RequiredError } from './base';
+ *
+ * @export
+ * @interface DataStatsResponse
+ */
+export interface DataStatsResponse {
+ /**
+ *
+ * @type {number}
+ * @memberof DataStatsResponse
+ */
+ totalSize: number;
+ /**
+ *
+ * @type {number}
+ * @memberof DataStatsResponse
+ */
+ objectNumber: number;
+ /**
+ *
+ * @type {number}
+ * @memberof DataStatsResponse
+ */
+ tempDirSize?: number;
+ /**
+ *
+ * @type {number}
+ * @memberof DataStatsResponse
+ */
+ tempDownloads?: number;
+ *
+ * @export
+ * @interface ErrorResponse
+ */
+export interface ErrorResponse {
+ /**
+ *
+ * @type {string}
+ * @memberof ErrorResponse
+ */
+ type?: string;
+ /**
+ *
+ * @type {string}
+ * @memberof ErrorResponse
+ */
+ message: string;
+ *
+ * @export
+ * @interface InlineResponse201
+ */
+export interface InlineResponse201 {
+ /**
+ *
+ * @type {string}
+ * @memberof InlineResponse201
+ */
+ id?: string;
+ *
+ * @export
+ * @interface InlineResponse2011
+ */
+export interface InlineResponse2011 {
+ /**
+ *
+ * @type {string}
+ * @memberof InlineResponse2011
+ */
+ token?: string;
+ *
+ * @export
+ * @interface TokenRequest
+ */
+export interface TokenRequest {
+ /**
+ *
+ * @type {TokenRequestData}
+ * @memberof TokenRequest
+ */
+ data: TokenRequestData;
+ /**
+ *
+ * @type {string}
+ * @memberof TokenRequest
+ */
+ signature: string;
+ *
+ * @export
+ * @interface TokenRequestData
+ */
+export interface TokenRequestData {
+ /**
+ *
+ * @type {number}
+ * @memberof TokenRequestData
+ */
+ memberId: number;
+ /**
+ *
+ * @type {string}
+ * @memberof TokenRequestData
+ */
+ accountId: string;
+ /**
+ *
+ * @type {number}
+ * @memberof TokenRequestData
+ */
+ dataObjectId: number;
+ /**
+ *
+ * @type {number}
+ * @memberof TokenRequestData
+ */
+ storageBucketId: number;
+ /**
+ *
+ * @type {string}
+ * @memberof TokenRequestData
+ */
+ bagId: string;
+ *
+ * @export
+ * @interface VersionResponse
+ */
+export interface VersionResponse {
+ /**
+ *
+ * @type {string}
+ * @memberof VersionResponse
+ */
+ version: string;
+ /**
+ *
+ * @type {string}
+ * @memberof VersionResponse
+ */
+ userAgent?: string;
+ * FilesApi - axios parameter creator
+ * @export
+ */
+export const FilesApiAxiosParamCreator = function (configuration?: Configuration) {
+ return {
+ /**
+ * Get auth token from a server.
+ * @param {TokenRequest} [tokenRequest] Token request parameters,
+ * @param {*} [options] Override http request option.
+ * @throws {RequiredError}
+ */
+ publicApiAuthTokenForUploading: async (tokenRequest?: TokenRequest, options: any = {}): Promise<RequestArgs> => {
+ const localVarPath = `/authToken`;
+ // use dummy base URL string because the URL constructor only accepts absolute URLs.
+ const localVarUrlObj = new URL(localVarPath, DUMMY_BASE_URL);
+ let baseOptions;
+ if (configuration) {
+ baseOptions = configuration.baseOptions;
+ }
+ const localVarRequestOptions = { method: 'POST', ...baseOptions, ...options};
+ const localVarHeaderParameter = {} as any;
+ const localVarQueryParameter = {} as any;
+ localVarHeaderParameter['Content-Type'] = 'application/json';
+ setSearchParams(localVarUrlObj, localVarQueryParameter, options.query);
+ let headersFromBaseOptions = baseOptions && baseOptions.headers ? baseOptions.headers : {};
+ localVarRequestOptions.headers = {...localVarHeaderParameter, ...headersFromBaseOptions, ...options.headers};
+ localVarRequestOptions.data = serializeDataIfNeeded(tokenRequest, localVarRequestOptions, configuration)
+ return {
+ url: toPathString(localVarUrlObj),
+ options: localVarRequestOptions,
+ };
+ },
+ /**
+ * Returns a media file.
+ * @param {string} id Data object ID
+ * @param {*} [options] Override http request option.
+ * @throws {RequiredError}
+ */
+ publicApiGetFile: async (id: string, options: any = {}): Promise<RequestArgs> => {
+ // verify required parameter 'id' is not null or undefined
+ assertParamExists('publicApiGetFile', 'id', id)
+ const localVarPath = `/files/{id}`
+ .replace(`{${"id"}}`, encodeURIComponent(String(id)));
+ // use dummy base URL string because the URL constructor only accepts absolute URLs.
+ const localVarUrlObj = new URL(localVarPath, DUMMY_BASE_URL);
+ let baseOptions;
+ if (configuration) {
+ baseOptions = configuration.baseOptions;
+ }
+ const localVarRequestOptions = { method: 'GET', ...baseOptions, ...options};
+ const localVarHeaderParameter = {} as any;
+ const localVarQueryParameter = {} as any;
+ setSearchParams(localVarUrlObj, localVarQueryParameter, options.query);
+ let headersFromBaseOptions = baseOptions && baseOptions.headers ? baseOptions.headers : {};
+ localVarRequestOptions.headers = {...localVarHeaderParameter, ...headersFromBaseOptions, ...options.headers};
+ return {
+ url: toPathString(localVarUrlObj),
+ options: localVarRequestOptions,
+ };
+ },
+ /**
+ * Returns a media file headers.
+ * @param {string} id Data object ID
+ * @param {*} [options] Override http request option.
+ * @throws {RequiredError}
+ */
+ publicApiGetFileHeaders: async (id: string, options: any = {}): Promise<RequestArgs> => {
+ // verify required parameter 'id' is not null or undefined
+ assertParamExists('publicApiGetFileHeaders', 'id', id)
+ const localVarPath = `/files/{id}`
+ .replace(`{${"id"}}`, encodeURIComponent(String(id)));
+ // use dummy base URL string because the URL constructor only accepts absolute URLs.
+ const localVarUrlObj = new URL(localVarPath, DUMMY_BASE_URL);
+ let baseOptions;
+ if (configuration) {
+ baseOptions = configuration.baseOptions;
+ }
+ const localVarRequestOptions = { method: 'HEAD', ...baseOptions, ...options};
+ const localVarHeaderParameter = {} as any;
+ const localVarQueryParameter = {} as any;
+ setSearchParams(localVarUrlObj, localVarQueryParameter, options.query);
+ let headersFromBaseOptions = baseOptions && baseOptions.headers ? baseOptions.headers : {};
+ localVarRequestOptions.headers = {...localVarHeaderParameter, ...headersFromBaseOptions, ...options.headers};
+ return {
+ url: toPathString(localVarUrlObj),
+ options: localVarRequestOptions,
+ };
+ },
+ /**
+ * Upload data
+ * @param {string} dataObjectId Data object runtime ID
+ * @param {string} storageBucketId Storage bucket ID
+ * @param {string} bagId Bag ID
+ * @param {any} [file] Data file
+ * @param {*} [options] Override http request option.
+ * @throws {RequiredError}
+ */
+ publicApiUploadFile: async (dataObjectId: string, storageBucketId: string, bagId: string, file?: any, options: any = {}): Promise<RequestArgs> => {
+ // verify required parameter 'dataObjectId' is not null or undefined
+ assertParamExists('publicApiUploadFile', 'dataObjectId', dataObjectId)
+ // verify required parameter 'storageBucketId' is not null or undefined
+ assertParamExists('publicApiUploadFile', 'storageBucketId', storageBucketId)
+ // verify required parameter 'bagId' is not null or undefined
+ assertParamExists('publicApiUploadFile', 'bagId', bagId)
+ const localVarPath = `/files`;
+ // use dummy base URL string because the URL constructor only accepts absolute URLs.
+ const localVarUrlObj = new URL(localVarPath, DUMMY_BASE_URL);
+ let baseOptions;
+ if (configuration) {
+ baseOptions = configuration.baseOptions;
+ }
+ const localVarRequestOptions = { method: 'POST', ...baseOptions, ...options};
+ const localVarHeaderParameter = {} as any;
+ const localVarQueryParameter = {} as any;
+ const localVarFormParams = new ((configuration && configuration.formDataCtor) || FormData)();
+ // authentication UploadAuth required
+ await setApiKeyToObject(localVarHeaderParameter, "x-api-key", configuration)
+ if (file !== undefined) {
+ localVarFormParams.append('file', file as any);
+ }
+ if (dataObjectId !== undefined) {
+ localVarFormParams.append('dataObjectId', dataObjectId as any);
+ }
+ if (storageBucketId !== undefined) {
+ localVarFormParams.append('storageBucketId', storageBucketId as any);
+ }
+ if (bagId !== undefined) {
+ localVarFormParams.append('bagId', bagId as any);
+ }
+ localVarHeaderParameter['Content-Type'] = 'multipart/form-data';
+ setSearchParams(localVarUrlObj, localVarQueryParameter, options.query);
+ let headersFromBaseOptions = baseOptions && baseOptions.headers ? baseOptions.headers : {};
+ localVarRequestOptions.headers = {...localVarHeaderParameter, ...headersFromBaseOptions, ...options.headers};
+ localVarRequestOptions.data = localVarFormParams;
+ return {
+ url: toPathString(localVarUrlObj),
+ options: localVarRequestOptions,
+ };
+ },
+ }
+ * FilesApi - functional programming interface
+ * @export
+ */
+export const FilesApiFp = function(configuration?: Configuration) {
+ const localVarAxiosParamCreator = FilesApiAxiosParamCreator(configuration)
+ return {
+ /**
+ * Get auth token from a server.
+ * @param {TokenRequest} [tokenRequest] Token request parameters,
+ * @param {*} [options] Override http request option.
+ * @throws {RequiredError}
+ */
+ async publicApiAuthTokenForUploading(tokenRequest?: TokenRequest, options?: any): Promise<(axios?: AxiosInstance, basePath?: string) => AxiosPromise<InlineResponse2011>> {
+ const localVarAxiosArgs = await localVarAxiosParamCreator.publicApiAuthTokenForUploading(tokenRequest, options);
+ return createRequestFunction(localVarAxiosArgs, globalAxios, BASE_PATH, configuration);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Returns a media file.
+ * @param {string} id Data object ID
+ * @param {*} [options] Override http request option.
+ * @throws {RequiredError}
+ */
+ async publicApiGetFile(id: string, options?: any): Promise<(axios?: AxiosInstance, basePath?: string) => AxiosPromise<any>> {
+ const localVarAxiosArgs = await localVarAxiosParamCreator.publicApiGetFile(id, options);
+ return createRequestFunction(localVarAxiosArgs, globalAxios, BASE_PATH, configuration);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Returns a media file headers.
+ * @param {string} id Data object ID
+ * @param {*} [options] Override http request option.
+ * @throws {RequiredError}
+ */
+ async publicApiGetFileHeaders(id: string, options?: any): Promise<(axios?: AxiosInstance, basePath?: string) => AxiosPromise<void>> {
+ const localVarAxiosArgs = await localVarAxiosParamCreator.publicApiGetFileHeaders(id, options);
+ return createRequestFunction(localVarAxiosArgs, globalAxios, BASE_PATH, configuration);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Upload data
+ * @param {string} dataObjectId Data object runtime ID
+ * @param {string} storageBucketId Storage bucket ID
+ * @param {string} bagId Bag ID
+ * @param {any} [file] Data file
+ * @param {*} [options] Override http request option.
+ * @throws {RequiredError}
+ */
+ async publicApiUploadFile(dataObjectId: string, storageBucketId: string, bagId: string, file?: any, options?: any): Promise<(axios?: AxiosInstance, basePath?: string) => AxiosPromise<InlineResponse201>> {
+ const localVarAxiosArgs = await localVarAxiosParamCreator.publicApiUploadFile(dataObjectId, storageBucketId, bagId, file, options);
+ return createRequestFunction(localVarAxiosArgs, globalAxios, BASE_PATH, configuration);
+ },
+ }
+ * FilesApi - factory interface
+ * @export
+ */
+export const FilesApiFactory = function (configuration?: Configuration, basePath?: string, axios?: AxiosInstance) {
+ const localVarFp = FilesApiFp(configuration)
+ return {
+ /**
+ * Get auth token from a server.
+ * @param {TokenRequest} [tokenRequest] Token request parameters,
+ * @param {*} [options] Override http request option.
+ * @throws {RequiredError}
+ */
+ publicApiAuthTokenForUploading(tokenRequest?: TokenRequest, options?: any): AxiosPromise<InlineResponse2011> {
+ return localVarFp.publicApiAuthTokenForUploading(tokenRequest, options).then((request) => request(axios, basePath));
+ },
+ /**
+ * Returns a media file.
+ * @param {string} id Data object ID
+ * @param {*} [options] Override http request option.
+ * @throws {RequiredError}
+ */
+ publicApiGetFile(id: string, options?: any): AxiosPromise<any> {
+ return localVarFp.publicApiGetFile(id, options).then((request) => request(axios, basePath));
+ },
+ /**
+ * Returns a media file headers.
+ * @param {string} id Data object ID
+ * @param {*} [options] Override http request option.
+ * @throws {RequiredError}
+ */
+ publicApiGetFileHeaders(id: string, options?: any): AxiosPromise<void> {
+ return localVarFp.publicApiGetFileHeaders(id, options).then((request) => request(axios, basePath));
+ },
+ /**
+ * Upload data
+ * @param {string} dataObjectId Data object runtime ID
+ * @param {string} storageBucketId Storage bucket ID
+ * @param {string} bagId Bag ID
+ * @param {any} [file] Data file
+ * @param {*} [options] Override http request option.
+ * @throws {RequiredError}
+ */
+ publicApiUploadFile(dataObjectId: string, storageBucketId: string, bagId: string, file?: any, options?: any): AxiosPromise<InlineResponse201> {
+ return localVarFp.publicApiUploadFile(dataObjectId, storageBucketId, bagId, file, options).then((request) => request(axios, basePath));
+ },
+ };
+ * FilesApi - object-oriented interface
+ * @export
+ * @class FilesApi
+ * @extends {BaseAPI}
+ */
+export class FilesApi extends BaseAPI {
+ /**
+ * Get auth token from a server.
+ * @param {TokenRequest} [tokenRequest] Token request parameters,
+ * @param {*} [options] Override http request option.
+ * @throws {RequiredError}
+ * @memberof FilesApi
+ */
+ public publicApiAuthTokenForUploading(tokenRequest?: TokenRequest, options?: any) {
+ return FilesApiFp(this.configuration).publicApiAuthTokenForUploading(tokenRequest, options).then((request) => request(this.axios, this.basePath));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns a media file.
+ * @param {string} id Data object ID
+ * @param {*} [options] Override http request option.
+ * @throws {RequiredError}
+ * @memberof FilesApi
+ */
+ public publicApiGetFile(id: string, options?: any) {
+ return FilesApiFp(this.configuration).publicApiGetFile(id, options).then((request) => request(this.axios, this.basePath));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns a media file headers.
+ * @param {string} id Data object ID
+ * @param {*} [options] Override http request option.
+ * @throws {RequiredError}
+ * @memberof FilesApi
+ */
+ public publicApiGetFileHeaders(id: string, options?: any) {
+ return FilesApiFp(this.configuration).publicApiGetFileHeaders(id, options).then((request) => request(this.axios, this.basePath));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Upload data
+ * @param {string} dataObjectId Data object runtime ID
+ * @param {string} storageBucketId Storage bucket ID
+ * @param {string} bagId Bag ID
+ * @param {any} [file] Data file
+ * @param {*} [options] Override http request option.
+ * @throws {RequiredError}
+ * @memberof FilesApi
+ */
+ public publicApiUploadFile(dataObjectId: string, storageBucketId: string, bagId: string, file?: any, options?: any) {
+ return FilesApiFp(this.configuration).publicApiUploadFile(dataObjectId, storageBucketId, bagId, file, options).then((request) => request(this.axios, this.basePath));
+ }
+ * StateApi - axios parameter creator
+ * @export
+ */
+export const StateApiAxiosParamCreator = function (configuration?: Configuration) {
+ return {
+ /**
+ * Returns all local data objects.
+ * @param {*} [options] Override http request option.
+ * @throws {RequiredError}
+ */
+ stateApiGetAllLocalDataObjects: async (options: any = {}): Promise<RequestArgs> => {
+ const localVarPath = `/state/data-objects`;
+ // use dummy base URL string because the URL constructor only accepts absolute URLs.
+ const localVarUrlObj = new URL(localVarPath, DUMMY_BASE_URL);
+ let baseOptions;
+ if (configuration) {
+ baseOptions = configuration.baseOptions;
+ }
+ const localVarRequestOptions = { method: 'GET', ...baseOptions, ...options};
+ const localVarHeaderParameter = {} as any;
+ const localVarQueryParameter = {} as any;
+ setSearchParams(localVarUrlObj, localVarQueryParameter, options.query);
+ let headersFromBaseOptions = baseOptions && baseOptions.headers ? baseOptions.headers : {};
+ localVarRequestOptions.headers = {...localVarHeaderParameter, ...headersFromBaseOptions, ...options.headers};
+ return {
+ url: toPathString(localVarUrlObj),
+ options: localVarRequestOptions,
+ };
+ },
+ /**
+ * Returns local data objects for the bag.
+ * @param {string} bagId Bag ID
+ * @param {*} [options] Override http request option.
+ * @throws {RequiredError}
+ */
+ stateApiGetLocalDataObjectsByBagId: async (bagId: string, options: any = {}): Promise<RequestArgs> => {
+ // verify required parameter 'bagId' is not null or undefined
+ assertParamExists('stateApiGetLocalDataObjectsByBagId', 'bagId', bagId)
+ const localVarPath = `/state/bags/{bagId}/data-objects`
+ .replace(`{${"bagId"}}`, encodeURIComponent(String(bagId)));
+ // use dummy base URL string because the URL constructor only accepts absolute URLs.
+ const localVarUrlObj = new URL(localVarPath, DUMMY_BASE_URL);
+ let baseOptions;
+ if (configuration) {
+ baseOptions = configuration.baseOptions;
+ }
+ const localVarRequestOptions = { method: 'GET', ...baseOptions, ...options};
+ const localVarHeaderParameter = {} as any;
+ const localVarQueryParameter = {} as any;
+ setSearchParams(localVarUrlObj, localVarQueryParameter, options.query);
+ let headersFromBaseOptions = baseOptions && baseOptions.headers ? baseOptions.headers : {};
+ localVarRequestOptions.headers = {...localVarHeaderParameter, ...headersFromBaseOptions, ...options.headers};
+ return {
+ url: toPathString(localVarUrlObj),
+ options: localVarRequestOptions,
+ };
+ },
+ /**
+ * Returns local uploading directory stats.
+ * @param {*} [options] Override http request option.
+ * @throws {RequiredError}
+ */
+ stateApiGetLocalDataStats: async (options: any = {}): Promise<RequestArgs> => {
+ const localVarPath = `/state/data`;
+ // use dummy base URL string because the URL constructor only accepts absolute URLs.
+ const localVarUrlObj = new URL(localVarPath, DUMMY_BASE_URL);
+ let baseOptions;
+ if (configuration) {
+ baseOptions = configuration.baseOptions;
+ }
+ const localVarRequestOptions = { method: 'GET', ...baseOptions, ...options};
+ const localVarHeaderParameter = {} as any;
+ const localVarQueryParameter = {} as any;
+ setSearchParams(localVarUrlObj, localVarQueryParameter, options.query);
+ let headersFromBaseOptions = baseOptions && baseOptions.headers ? baseOptions.headers : {};
+ localVarRequestOptions.headers = {...localVarHeaderParameter, ...headersFromBaseOptions, ...options.headers};
+ return {
+ url: toPathString(localVarUrlObj),
+ options: localVarRequestOptions,
+ };
+ },
+ /**
+ * Returns server version.
+ * @param {*} [options] Override http request option.
+ * @throws {RequiredError}
+ */
+ stateApiGetVersion: async (options: any = {}): Promise<RequestArgs> => {
+ const localVarPath = `/version`;
+ // use dummy base URL string because the URL constructor only accepts absolute URLs.
+ const localVarUrlObj = new URL(localVarPath, DUMMY_BASE_URL);
+ let baseOptions;
+ if (configuration) {
+ baseOptions = configuration.baseOptions;
+ }
+ const localVarRequestOptions = { method: 'GET', ...baseOptions, ...options};
+ const localVarHeaderParameter = {} as any;
+ const localVarQueryParameter = {} as any;
+ setSearchParams(localVarUrlObj, localVarQueryParameter, options.query);
+ let headersFromBaseOptions = baseOptions && baseOptions.headers ? baseOptions.headers : {};
+ localVarRequestOptions.headers = {...localVarHeaderParameter, ...headersFromBaseOptions, ...options.headers};
+ return {
+ url: toPathString(localVarUrlObj),
+ options: localVarRequestOptions,
+ };
+ },
+ }
+ * StateApi - functional programming interface
+ * @export
+ */
+export const StateApiFp = function(configuration?: Configuration) {
+ const localVarAxiosParamCreator = StateApiAxiosParamCreator(configuration)
+ return {
+ /**
+ * Returns all local data objects.
+ * @param {*} [options] Override http request option.
+ * @throws {RequiredError}
+ */
+ async stateApiGetAllLocalDataObjects(options?: any): Promise<(axios?: AxiosInstance, basePath?: string) => AxiosPromise<Array<string>>> {
+ const localVarAxiosArgs = await localVarAxiosParamCreator.stateApiGetAllLocalDataObjects(options);
+ return createRequestFunction(localVarAxiosArgs, globalAxios, BASE_PATH, configuration);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Returns local data objects for the bag.
+ * @param {string} bagId Bag ID
+ * @param {*} [options] Override http request option.
+ * @throws {RequiredError}
+ */
+ async stateApiGetLocalDataObjectsByBagId(bagId: string, options?: any): Promise<(axios?: AxiosInstance, basePath?: string) => AxiosPromise<Array<string>>> {
+ const localVarAxiosArgs = await localVarAxiosParamCreator.stateApiGetLocalDataObjectsByBagId(bagId, options);
+ return createRequestFunction(localVarAxiosArgs, globalAxios, BASE_PATH, configuration);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Returns local uploading directory stats.
+ * @param {*} [options] Override http request option.
+ * @throws {RequiredError}
+ */
+ async stateApiGetLocalDataStats(options?: any): Promise<(axios?: AxiosInstance, basePath?: string) => AxiosPromise<DataStatsResponse>> {
+ const localVarAxiosArgs = await localVarAxiosParamCreator.stateApiGetLocalDataStats(options);
+ return createRequestFunction(localVarAxiosArgs, globalAxios, BASE_PATH, configuration);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Returns server version.
+ * @param {*} [options] Override http request option.
+ * @throws {RequiredError}
+ */
+ async stateApiGetVersion(options?: any): Promise<(axios?: AxiosInstance, basePath?: string) => AxiosPromise<VersionResponse>> {
+ const localVarAxiosArgs = await localVarAxiosParamCreator.stateApiGetVersion(options);
+ return createRequestFunction(localVarAxiosArgs, globalAxios, BASE_PATH, configuration);
+ },
+ }
+ * StateApi - factory interface
+ * @export
+ */
+export const StateApiFactory = function (configuration?: Configuration, basePath?: string, axios?: AxiosInstance) {
+ const localVarFp = StateApiFp(configuration)
+ return {
+ /**
+ * Returns all local data objects.
+ * @param {*} [options] Override http request option.
+ * @throws {RequiredError}
+ */
+ stateApiGetAllLocalDataObjects(options?: any): AxiosPromise<Array<string>> {
+ return localVarFp.stateApiGetAllLocalDataObjects(options).then((request) => request(axios, basePath));
+ },
+ /**
+ * Returns local data objects for the bag.
+ * @param {string} bagId Bag ID
+ * @param {*} [options] Override http request option.
+ * @throws {RequiredError}
+ */
+ stateApiGetLocalDataObjectsByBagId(bagId: string, options?: any): AxiosPromise<Array<string>> {
+ return localVarFp.stateApiGetLocalDataObjectsByBagId(bagId, options).then((request) => request(axios, basePath));
+ },
+ /**
+ * Returns local uploading directory stats.
+ * @param {*} [options] Override http request option.
+ * @throws {RequiredError}
+ */
+ stateApiGetLocalDataStats(options?: any): AxiosPromise<DataStatsResponse> {
+ return localVarFp.stateApiGetLocalDataStats(options).then((request) => request(axios, basePath));
+ },
+ /**
+ * Returns server version.
+ * @param {*} [options] Override http request option.
+ * @throws {RequiredError}
+ */
+ stateApiGetVersion(options?: any): AxiosPromise<VersionResponse> {
+ return localVarFp.stateApiGetVersion(options).then((request) => request(axios, basePath));
+ },
+ };
+ * StateApi - object-oriented interface
+ * @export
+ * @class StateApi
+ * @extends {BaseAPI}
+ */
+export class StateApi extends BaseAPI {
+ /**
+ * Returns all local data objects.
+ * @param {*} [options] Override http request option.
+ * @throws {RequiredError}
+ * @memberof StateApi
+ */
+ public stateApiGetAllLocalDataObjects(options?: any) {
+ return StateApiFp(this.configuration).stateApiGetAllLocalDataObjects(options).then((request) => request(this.axios, this.basePath));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns local data objects for the bag.
+ * @param {string} bagId Bag ID
+ * @param {*} [options] Override http request option.
+ * @throws {RequiredError}
+ * @memberof StateApi
+ */
+ public stateApiGetLocalDataObjectsByBagId(bagId: string, options?: any) {
+ return StateApiFp(this.configuration).stateApiGetLocalDataObjectsByBagId(bagId, options).then((request) => request(this.axios, this.basePath));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns local uploading directory stats.
+ * @param {*} [options] Override http request option.
+ * @throws {RequiredError}
+ * @memberof StateApi
+ */
+ public stateApiGetLocalDataStats(options?: any) {
+ return StateApiFp(this.configuration).stateApiGetLocalDataStats(options).then((request) => request(this.axios, this.basePath));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns server version.
+ * @param {*} [options] Override http request option.
+ * @throws {RequiredError}
+ * @memberof StateApi
+ */
+ public stateApiGetVersion(options?: any) {
+ return StateApiFp(this.configuration).stateApiGetVersion(options).then((request) => request(this.axios, this.basePath));
+ }