Browse Source

Split GraphQL input schema to multiple files

Leszek Wiesner 3 years ago

+ 2 - 2

@@ -24,8 +24,8 @@
     "bootstrap": "yarn codegen && yarn db:drop && yarn db:bootstrap",
     "hydra-cli": "./codegen/node_modules/.bin/hydra-cli",
     "hydra-typegen": "./codegen/node_modules/.bin/hydra-typegen",
-    "codegen": "yarn hydra-cli codegen",
-    "codegen:noinstall": "yarn hydra-cli codegen --no-install",
+    "codegen": "yarn hydra-cli codegen --schema ../../schemas/",
+    "codegen:noinstall": "yarn codegen --no-install",
     "typegen:configure": "TYPEGEN_WS_URI=${TYPEGEN_WS_URI:-ws://localhost:9944} yarn envsub manifest.yml typegen.yml",
     "typegen": "rm -rf ./mappings/generated && yarn hydra-typegen typegen typegen.yml --debug",
     "mappings:build": "yarn workspace query-node-mappings build",

+ 0 - 999

@@ -1,999 +0,0 @@
-enum Network {
-"The decision of the storage provider when it acts as liaison"
-enum LiaisonJudgement {
-  "Content awaits for a judgment"
-  "Content accepted"
-  "Content rejected"
-"Manages content ids, type and storage provider decision about it"
-type DataObject @entity {
-  "Content owner"
-  owner: DataObjectOwner!
-  "Content added at"
-  addedAt: Int!
-  "Content type id"
-  typeId: Int!
-  "Content size in bytes"
-  size: BigInt!
-  "Storage provider id of the liaison"
-  liaisonId: BigInt!
-  "Storage provider as liaison judgment"
-  liaisonJudgement: LiaisonJudgement!
-  "IPFS content id"
-  ipfsContentId: String!
-  "Joystream runtime content"
-  joystreamContentId: String!
-"Owner type for storage object"
-union DataObjectOwner = DataObjectOwnerMember
-  | DataObjectOwnerChannel
-  | DataObjectOwnerDao
-  | DataObjectOwnerCouncil
-  | DataObjectOwnerWorkingGroup
-"Asset owned by a member"
-type DataObjectOwnerMember @variant {
-  # use `BigInt` instead of `Membership` before variant relations are featured in Hydra
-  #"Member identifier"
-  #memberId: Membership!
-  "Member identifier"
-  member: BigInt!
-  "Variant needs to have at least one property. This value is not used."
-  dummy: Int
-"Asset owned by a channel"
-type DataObjectOwnerChannel @variant {
-  # use `BigInt` instead of `Channel` before variant relations are featured in Hydra
-  #"Channel identifier"
-  #channel: Channel!
-  "Channel identifier"
-  channel: BigInt!
-  "Variant needs to have at least one property. This value is not used."
-  dummy: Int
-"Asset owned by a DAO"
-type DataObjectOwnerDao @variant {
-  "DAO identifier"
-  dao: BigInt!
-"Asset owned by the Council"
-type DataObjectOwnerCouncil @variant {
-  "Variant needs to have at least one property. This value is not used."
-  dummy: Int
-"Asset owned by a WorkingGroup"
-type DataObjectOwnerWorkingGroup @variant {
-  #"Working group identifier"
-  #workingGroup: BigInt!
-  "Variant needs to have at least one property. This value is not used."
-  dummy: Int
-enum MembershipEntryMethod {
-type MemberMetadata @entity {
-  "Member's name"
-  name: String
-  "Avatar data object"
-  avatar: DataObject
-  "Short text chosen by member to share information about themselves"
-  about: String
-"Stored information about a registered user"
-type Membership @entity {
-  "MemberId: runtime identifier for a user"
-  id: ID!
-  "The unique handle chosen by member"
-  handle: String! @unique @fulltext(query: "membersByHandle")
-  "Member's metadata"
-  metadata: MemberMetadata!
-  "Member's controller account id"
-  controllerAccount: String!
-  "Member's root account id"
-  rootAccount: String!
-  "Block number when member was registered"
-  registeredAtBlock: Int!
-  "Timestamp when member was registered"
-  registeredAtTime: DateTime!
-  "How the member was registered"
-  entry: MembershipEntryMethod!
-  "Whether member has been verified by membership working group."
-  isVerified: Boolean!
-  "Staking accounts bounded to membership."
-  boundAccounts: [String!]
-  "Current count of invites left to send."
-  inviteCount: Int!
-  "All members invited by this member."
-  invitees: [Membership!] @derivedFrom(field: "invitedBy")
-  "A member that invited this member (if any)"
-  invitedBy: Membership
-  "All members referred by this member"
-  referredMembers: [Membership!] @derivedFrom(field: "referredBy")
-  "A member that referred this member (if any)"
-  referredBy: Membership
-  "Whether member is founding member."
-  isFoundingMember: Boolean!
-type MembershipSystemSnapshot @entity {
-  "Block number of the snapshot block"
-  snapshotBlock: Int!
-  "Time of the snapshot (based on block timestamp)"
-  snapshotTime: DateTime!
-  "Initial invitation count of a new member."
-  defaultInviteCount: Int!
-  "Current price to buy a membership."
-  membershipPrice: BigInt!
-  "Percentage of tokens diverted to invitor."
-  referralCut: Int!
-  "The initial, locked, balance credited to controller account of invitee."
-  invitedInitialBalance: BigInt!
-# Membership-related events
-enum EventType {
-  # Memberships
-  MembershipBought,
-  MemberInvited,
-  MemberProfileUpdated,
-  MemberAccountsUpdated,
-  MemberVerificationStatusUpdated,
-  ReferralCutUpdated,
-  InvitesTransferred,
-  MembershipPriceUpdated,
-  InitialInvitationBalanceUpdated,
-  LeaderInvitationQuotaUpdated,
-  InitialInvitationCountUpdated,
-  StakingAccountAddedEvent,
-  StakingAccountConfirmed,
-  StakingAccountRemoved,
-  # Working Groups
-  OpeningAdded,
-  AppliedOnOpening,
-  OpeningFilled,
-  LeaderSet,
-  WorkerRoleAccountUpdated,
-  LeaderUnset,
-  WorkerExited,
-  TerminatedWorker,
-  TerminatedLeader,
-  StakeSlashed,
-  StakeDecreased,
-  StakeIncreased,
-  ApplicationWithdrawn,
-  OpeningCanceled,
-  BudgetSet,
-  WorkerRewardAccountUpdated,
-  WorkerRewardAmountUpdated,
-  StatusTextChanged,
-  BudgetSpending,
-type Event @entity {
-  "{blockNumber}-{indexInBlock}"
-  id: ID!
-  "Hash of the extrinsic which caused the event to be emitted"
-  inExtrinsic: String
-  "Blocknumber of a block in which the event was emitted."
-  inBlock: Int!
-  "Index of event in block from which it was emitted."
-  indexInBlock: Int!
-  "Type of the event"
-  type: EventType!
-# FIXME: Warthog bug
-# interface WorkingGroupsEvent @entity {
-#   "Generic event data"
-#   event: Event!
-# }
-# interface MembershipEvent @entity {
-#   "Generic event data"
-#   event: Event!
-# }
-type MembershipBoughtEvent @entity {
-  "Generic event data"
-  event: Event!
-  "New membership created."
-  newMember: Membership!
-  "New member root account in SS58 encoding."
-  rootAccount: String!
-  "New member controller in SS58 encoding."
-  controllerAccount: String!
-  "New member handle."
-  handle: String!
-  "New member metadata"
-  metadata: MemberMetadata!
-  "Referrer member."
-  referrer: Membership
-type MemberInvitedEvent @entity {
-  "Generic event data"
-  event: Event!
-  "Inviting member."
-  invitingMember: Membership!
-  "New membership created."
-  newMember: Membership!
-  "New member root account in SS58 encoding."
-  rootAccount: String!
-  "New member controller in SS58 encoding."
-  controllerAccount: String!
-  "New member handle."
-  handle: String!
-  "New member metadata"
-  metadata: MemberMetadata!
-type MemberProfileUpdatedEvent @entity {
-  "Generic event data"
-  event: Event!
-  "Membership being updated."
-  member: Membership!
-  "New member handle. Null means no new value was provided."
-  newHandle: String
-  "New member metadata. (empty values inside metadata mean no new value was provided)"
-  newMetadata: MemberMetadata!
-type MemberAccountsUpdatedEvent @entity {
-  "Generic event data"
-  event: Event!
-  "Membership in question."
-  member: Membership!
-  "New member root account in SS58 encoding. Null means no new value was provided."
-  newRootAccount: String
-  "New member controller in SS58 encoding. Null means no new value was provided."
-  newControllerAccount: String
-type MemberVerificationStatusUpdatedEvent @entity {
-  "Generic event data"
-  event: Event!
-  "Membership in question."
-  member: Membership!
-  #"TODO: Worker updating status"
-  #worker: Worker!
-  "New status."
-  isVerified: Boolean!
-type ReferralCutUpdatedEvent @entity {
-  "Generic event data"
-  event: Event!
-  "New cut value."
-  newValue: Int!
-type InvitesTransferredEvent @entity {
-  "Generic event data"
-  event: Event!
-  "Membership sending invites."
-  sourceMember: Membership!
-  "Membership receiving invites."
-  targetMember: Membership!
-  "Number of invites transferred."
-  numberOfInvites: Int!
-type MembershipPriceUpdatedEvent @entity {
-  "Generic event data"
-  event: Event!
-  "The new membership price."
-  newPrice: BigInt!
-type InitialInvitationBalanceUpdatedEvent @entity {
-  "Generic event data"
-  event: Event!
-  "New initial invitation balance."
-  newInitialBalance: BigInt!
-type LeaderInvitationQuotaUpdatedEvent @entity {
-  "Generic event data"
-  event: Event!
-  "New quota."
-  newInvitationQuota: Int!
-type InitialInvitationCountUpdatedEvent @entity {
-  "Generic event data"
-  event: Event!
-  "New initial invitation count for members."
-  newInitialInvitationCount: Int!
-type StakingAccountAddedEvent @entity {
-  "Generic event data"
-  event: Event!
-  "Membership in question."
-  member: Membership!
-  "New staking account in SS58 encoding."
-  account: String!
-type StakingAccountConfirmedEvent @entity {
-  "Generic event data"
-  event: Event!
-  "Membership in question."
-  member: Membership!
-  "New staking account in SS58 encoding."
-  account: String!
-type StakingAccountRemovedEvent @entity {
-  "Generic event data"
-  event: Event!
-  "Membership in question."
-  member: Membership!
-  "New staking account in SS58 encoding."
-  account: String!
-type WorkerStatusActive @variant {
-  # No additional information needed
-  _phantom: Int
-type WorkerStatusLeft @variant {
-  # TODO: Variant relationships
-  # TODO: This is not yet emitted by runtime
-  workerLeftEventId: ID!
-  # Set when the unstaking period is finished
-  workerExitedEventId: ID
-type WorkerStatusTerminated @variant {
-  # TODO: Variant relationship
-  terminatedWorkerEventId: ID!
-  # Set when the unstaking period is finished
-  workerExitedEventId: ID
-union WorkerStatus = WorkerStatusActive | WorkerStatusLeft | WorkerStatusTerminated
-# Working Groups
-type Worker @entity {
-  "The group that the worker belongs to"
-  group: WorkingGroup!
-  "Worker membership"
-  membership: Membership!
-  "Worker's role account"
-  roleAccount: String!
-  "Worker's reward account"
-  rewardAccount: String!
-  "Worker's staking account"
-  stakeAccount: String!
-  "Current worker status"
-  status: WorkerStatus!
-  "Whether the worker is also the working group lead"
-  isLead: Boolean!
-  "Current role stake (in JOY)"
-  stake: BigInt!
-  "All related reward payouts"
-  payouts: [WorkerPayoutEvent!] @derivedFrom(field: "worker")
-  # TODO: should we use createdAt for consistency / doesn't Hydra actually require us to override this field?
-  "Blocknumber of the block the worker was hired at"
-  hiredAtBlock: Int!
-  "Time the worker was hired at"
-  hiredAtTime: DateTime!
-  "The event that caused the worker to be hired"
-  entry: OpeningFilledEvent!
-  "Related worker entry application"
-  application: WorkingGroupApplication!
-  "Worker's storage data"
-  storage: String
-type WorkingGroupMetadata @entity {
-  "Status name"
-  name: String!
-  "Status message"
-  message: String
-  "Working group about text"
-  about: String
-  "Working group description text"
-  description: String
-  "Blocknumber of the block at which status was set"
-  setAtBlock: Int!
-  "The time at which status was set"
-  setAtTime: DateTime!
-type WorkingGroup @entity {
-  "Working group runtime id"
-  id: ID!
-  "Working group name"
-  name: String!
-  "Working group current metadata"
-  status: WorkingGroupMetadata
-  "Current working group leader"
-  leader: Worker
-  "Workers that currently belong to the group or belonged to the group in the past"
-  workers: [Worker!] @derivedFrom(field: "group")
-  "All openings related to this group"
-  openings: [WorkingGroupOpening!] @derivedFrom(field: "group")
-  "Current working group budget (JOY)"
-  budget: BigInt!
-  # ...
-type OpeningStatusCancelled @variant {
-  # TODO: Variant relationships
-  openingCancelledEventId: ID!
-type OpeningStatusOpen @variant {
-  # No additional information needed
-  _phantom: Int
-type OpeningStatusFilled @variant {
-  # TODO: Variant relationships
-  openingFilledEventId: ID!
-union WorkingGroupOpeningStatus = OpeningStatusOpen | OpeningStatusFilled | OpeningStatusCancelled
-enum WorkingGroupOpeningType {
-type WorkingGroupOpeningMetadata @entity {
-  "Opening short description"
-  shortDescription: String!
-  "Opening description (md-formatted)"
-  description: String!
-  "Expected max. number of applicants that will be hired"
-  hiringLimit: Int!
-  "Expected time when the opening will close"
-  expectedEnding: DateTime!
-  "Md-formatted text explaining the application process"
-  applicationDetails: String!
-  "List of questions that should be answered during application"
-  applicationFormQuestions: [ApplicationFormQuestion!]! @derivedFrom(field: "openingMetadata")
-type WorkingGroupOpening @entity {
-  "Opening runtime id"
-  id: ID!
-  "Related working group"
-  group: WorkingGroup!
-  "List of opening applications"
-  applications: [WorkingGroupApplication!] @derivedFrom(field: "opening")
-  "Type of the opening (Leader/Regular)"
-  type: WorkingGroupOpeningType!
-  "Current opening status"
-  status: WorkingGroupOpeningStatus!
-  "Opening metadata"
-  metadata: WorkingGroupOpeningMetadata!
-  "Role stake amount"
-  stakeAmount: BigInt!
-  "Role stake unstaking period in blocks"
-  unstakingPeriod: Int!
-  "Initial workers' reward per block"
-  rewardPerBlock: BigInt!
-  "Blocknumber of opening creation block"
-  createdAtBlock: Int!
-  "Time of opening creation"
-  createdAt: DateTime!
-type ApplicationStatusPending @variant {
-  # No additional information needed
-  _phantom: Int
-type ApplicationStatusAccepted @variant {
-  # TODO: Variant relationships
-  openingFilledEventId: ID!
-type ApplicationStatusRejected @variant {
-  # TODO: Variant relationships
-  openingFilledEventId: ID!
-type ApplicationStatusWithdrawn @variant {
-  # TODO: Variant relationships
-  applicationWithdrawnEventId: ID!
-union WorkingGroupApplicationStatus = ApplicationStatusPending | ApplicationStatusAccepted | ApplicationStatusRejected | ApplicationStatusWithdrawn
-type WorkingGroupApplication @entity {
-  "Application runtime id"
-  id: ID!
-  "Related working group opening"
-  opening: WorkingGroupOpening!
-  "Applicant's membership"
-  applicant: Membership!
-  "Application stake"
-  stake: BigInt!
-  "Applicant's initial role account"
-  roleAccount: String!
-  "Applicant's initial reward account"
-  rewardAccount: String!
-  "Applicant's initial staking account"
-  stakingAccount: String!
-  "Answers to application form questions"
-  answers: [ApplicationFormQuestionAnswer!] @derivedFrom(field: "application")
-  "Current application status"
-  status: WorkingGroupApplicationStatus!
-  "Blocknumber of application creation block"
-  createdAtBlock: Int!
-  "Time of application creation"
-  createdAt: DateTime!
-type ApplicationFormQuestionAnswer @entity {
-  "Related application"
-  application: WorkingGroupApplication!
-  "The question beeing answered"
-  question: ApplicationFormQuestion!
-  "Applicant's answer"
-  answer: String!
-enum ApplicationFormQuestionType {
-type ApplicationFormQuestion @entity {
-  "Related opening metadata"
-  openingMetadata: WorkingGroupOpeningMetadata!
-  "The question itself"
-  question: String!
-  "Type of the question (UI answer input type)"
-  type: ApplicationFormQuestionType!
-  "Index of the question"
-  index: Int!
-type OpeningAddedEvent @entity {
-  "Generic event data"
-  event: Event!
-  "Related group"
-  group: WorkingGroup!
-  "Related opening"
-  opening: WorkingGroupOpening!
-  # Other opening data like: metadata, type, staking policy, reward etc. is immutable, so can be read directly from Opening entity
-  # TODO: Can it stay like this or are we expecting to introduce updateable openings in the future?
-type AppliedOnOpeningEvent @entity {
-  "Generic event data"
-  event: Event!
-  "Related group"
-  group: WorkingGroup!
-  "Related opening"
-  opening: WorkingGroupOpening!
-  "The application that was created"
-  application: WorkingGroupApplication!
-  # Same as with opening - application parameters are immutable and can be fetched from Application entity
-  # TODO: Can it stay like this or are we expecting to introduce updateable applications in the future?
-type OpeningFilledEvent @entity {
-  "Generic event data"
-  event: Event!
-  "Related group"
-  group: WorkingGroup!
-  "Related opening"
-  opening: WorkingGroupOpening!
-  "Workers that have been hired as a result of filling the opening"
-  workersHired: [Worker!] @derivedFrom(field: "entry")
-type LeaderSetEvent @entity {
-  "Generic event data"
-  event: Event!
-  "Related group"
-  group: WorkingGroup!
-  "Related Lead worker"
-  worker: Worker!
-type WorkerRoleAccountUpdatedEvent @entity {
-  "Generic event data"
-  event: Event!
-  "Related group"
-  group: WorkingGroup!
-  "Related worker"
-  worker: Worker!
-  "New role account"
-  newRoleAccount: String!
-type LeaderUnsetEvent @entity {
-  "Generic event data"
-  event: Event!
-  "Related group"
-  group: WorkingGroup!
-type WorkerExitedEvent @entity {
-  "Generic event data"
-  event: Event!
-  "Related group"
-  group: WorkingGroup!
-  "Related worker"
-  worker: Worker!
-type TerminatedWorkerEvent @entity {
-  "Generic event data"
-  event: Event!
-  "Related group"
-  group: WorkingGroup!
-  "Related worker"
-  worker: Worker!
-  "Slash amount (if any)"
-  penalty: BigInt
-  "Optional rationale"
-  rationale: String
-type TerminatedLeaderEvent @entity {
-  "Generic event data"
-  event: Event!
-  "Related group"
-  group: WorkingGroup!
-  "Related worker"
-  worker: Worker!
-  "Slash amount (if any)"
-  penalty: BigInt
-  "Optional rationale"
-  rationale: String
-type StakeSlashedEvent @entity {
-  "Generic event data"
-  event: Event!
-  "Related group"
-  group: WorkingGroup!
-  "Related worker"
-  worker: Worker!
-  "Balance that was requested to be slashed"
-  requestedAmount: BigInt!
-  "Balance that was actually slashed"
-  slashedAmount: BigInt!
-  "Optional rationale"
-  rationale: String
-type StakeDecreasedEvent @entity {
-  "Generic event data"
-  event: Event!
-  "Related group"
-  group: WorkingGroup!
-  "Related worker"
-  worker: Worker!
-  "The amount of JOY the stake was decreased by"
-  amount: BigInt!
-type StakeIncreasedEvent @entity {
-  "Generic event data"
-  event: Event!
-  "Related group"
-  group: WorkingGroup!
-  "Related worker"
-  worker: Worker!
-  "The amount of JOY the stake was increased by"
-  amount: BigInt!
-type ApplicationWithdrawnEvent @entity {
-  "Generic event data"
-  event: Event!
-  "Related group"
-  group: WorkingGroup!
-  "Related application"
-  application: WorkingGroupApplication!
-type OpeningCanceledEvent @entity {
-  "Generic event data"
-  event: Event!
-  "Related group"
-  group: WorkingGroup!
-  "Related opening"
-  opening: WorkingGroupOpening!
-type BudgetSetEvent @entity {
-  "Generic event data"
-  event: Event!
-  "Related group"
-  group: WorkingGroup!
-  "New working group budget"
-  newBudget: BigInt!
-type WorkerRewardAccountUpdatedEvent @entity {
-  "Generic event data"
-  event: Event!
-  "Related group"
-  group: WorkingGroup!
-  "Related worker"
-  worker: Worker!
-  "New reward account"
-  newRewardAccount: String!
-type WorkerRewardAmountUpdatedEvent @entity {
-  "Generic event data"
-  event: Event!
-  "Related group"
-  group: WorkingGroup!
-  "Related worker"
-  worker: Worker!
-  "New worker reward per block"
-  newRewardPerBlock: BigInt!
-# TODO: Should we rename the event/extrinsic in the runtime?
-type StatusTextChangedEvent @entity {
-  "Generic event data"
-  event: Event!
-  "Related group"
-  group: WorkingGroup!
-  "New working group metadata"
-  metadata: WorkingGroupMetadata!
-type BudgetSpendingEvent @entity {
-  "Generic event data"
-  event: Event!
-  "Related group"
-  group: WorkingGroup!
-  "Reciever account address"
-  reciever: String!
-  "Amount beeing spent"
-  amount: BigInt!
-  "Optional rationale"
-  rationale: String
-enum PayoutType {
-  "Standard reward payout"
-  "Return of the previously missed reward"
-# TODO: This will be either based on the actual runtime event or be just a custom query-node event generated of preBlock/postBlock
-type WorkerPayoutEvent @entity {
-  "Type of the worker payout"
-  type: PayoutType
-  "Related worker"
-  worker: Worker!
-  "Amount recieved"
-  recieved: BigInt!
-  "Amount missed (due to, for example, empty working group budget)"
-  missed: BigInt!

+ 67 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+enum Network {
+enum EventType {
+  # Memberships
+  MembershipBought
+  MemberInvited
+  MemberProfileUpdated
+  MemberAccountsUpdated
+  MemberVerificationStatusUpdated
+  ReferralCutUpdated
+  InvitesTransferred
+  MembershipPriceUpdated
+  InitialInvitationBalanceUpdated
+  LeaderInvitationQuotaUpdated
+  InitialInvitationCountUpdated
+  StakingAccountAddedEvent
+  StakingAccountConfirmed
+  StakingAccountRemoved
+  # Working Groups
+  OpeningAdded
+  AppliedOnOpening
+  OpeningFilled
+  LeaderSet
+  WorkerRoleAccountUpdated
+  LeaderUnset
+  WorkerExited
+  TerminatedWorker
+  TerminatedLeader
+  StakeSlashed
+  StakeDecreased
+  StakeIncreased
+  ApplicationWithdrawn
+  OpeningCanceled
+  BudgetSet
+  WorkerRewardAccountUpdated
+  WorkerRewardAmountUpdated
+  StatusTextChanged
+  BudgetSpending
+type Event @entity {
+  "{blockNumber}-{indexInBlock}"
+  id: ID!
+  "Hash of the extrinsic which caused the event to be emitted"
+  inExtrinsic: String
+  "Blocknumber of a block in which the event was emitted."
+  inBlock: Int!
+  "Index of event in block from which it was emitted."
+  indexInBlock: Int!
+  "Type of the event"
+  type: EventType!
+# FIXME: Warthog bug currently prevents it from beeing implemented
+# interface IEvent @entity {
+#   "Generic event data"
+#   event: Event!
+# }

+ 90 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+enum MembershipEntryMethod {
+type MemberMetadata @entity {
+  "Member's name"
+  name: String
+  "Avatar data object"
+  avatar: DataObject
+  "Short text chosen by member to share information about themselves"
+  about: String
+"Stored information about a registered user"
+type Membership @entity {
+  "MemberId: runtime identifier for a user"
+  id: ID!
+  "The unique handle chosen by member"
+  handle: String! @unique @fulltext(query: "membersByHandle")
+  "Member's metadata"
+  metadata: MemberMetadata!
+  "Member's controller account id"
+  controllerAccount: String!
+  "Member's root account id"
+  rootAccount: String!
+  "Block number when member was registered"
+  registeredAtBlock: Int!
+  "Timestamp when member was registered"
+  registeredAtTime: DateTime!
+  "How the member was registered"
+  entry: MembershipEntryMethod!
+  "Whether member has been verified by membership working group."
+  isVerified: Boolean!
+  "Staking accounts bounded to membership."
+  boundAccounts: [String!]
+  "Current count of invites left to send."
+  inviteCount: Int!
+  "All members invited by this member."
+  invitees: [Membership!] @derivedFrom(field: "invitedBy")
+  "A member that invited this member (if any)"
+  invitedBy: Membership
+  "All members referred by this member"
+  referredMembers: [Membership!] @derivedFrom(field: "referredBy")
+  "A member that referred this member (if any)"
+  referredBy: Membership
+  "Whether member is founding member."
+  isFoundingMember: Boolean!
+  "Member's working group roles (current and past)"
+  roles: [Worker!] @derivedFrom(field: "membership")
+type MembershipSystemSnapshot @entity {
+  "Block number of the snapshot block"
+  snapshotBlock: Int!
+  "Time of the snapshot (based on block timestamp)"
+  snapshotTime: DateTime!
+  "Initial invitation count of a new member."
+  defaultInviteCount: Int!
+  "Current price to buy a membership."
+  membershipPrice: BigInt!
+  "Percentage of tokens diverted to invitor."
+  referralCut: Int!
+  "The initial, locked, balance credited to controller account of invitee."
+  invitedInitialBalance: BigInt!

+ 174 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+type MembershipBoughtEvent @entity {
+  "Generic event data"
+  event: Event!
+  "New membership created."
+  newMember: Membership!
+  "New member root account in SS58 encoding."
+  rootAccount: String!
+  "New member controller in SS58 encoding."
+  controllerAccount: String!
+  "New member handle."
+  handle: String!
+  "New member metadata"
+  metadata: MemberMetadata!
+  "Referrer member."
+  referrer: Membership
+type MemberInvitedEvent @entity {
+  "Generic event data"
+  event: Event!
+  "Inviting member."
+  invitingMember: Membership!
+  "New membership created."
+  newMember: Membership!
+  "New member root account in SS58 encoding."
+  rootAccount: String!
+  "New member controller in SS58 encoding."
+  controllerAccount: String!
+  "New member handle."
+  handle: String!
+  "New member metadata"
+  metadata: MemberMetadata!
+type MemberProfileUpdatedEvent @entity {
+  "Generic event data"
+  event: Event!
+  "Membership being updated."
+  member: Membership!
+  "New member handle. Null means no new value was provided."
+  newHandle: String
+  "New member metadata. (empty values inside metadata mean no new value was provided)"
+  newMetadata: MemberMetadata!
+type MemberAccountsUpdatedEvent @entity {
+  "Generic event data"
+  event: Event!
+  "Membership in question."
+  member: Membership!
+  "New member root account in SS58 encoding. Null means no new value was provided."
+  newRootAccount: String
+  "New member controller in SS58 encoding. Null means no new value was provided."
+  newControllerAccount: String
+type MemberVerificationStatusUpdatedEvent @entity {
+  "Generic event data"
+  event: Event!
+  "Membership in question."
+  member: Membership!
+  "Worker updating status"
+  worker: Worker!
+  "New status."
+  isVerified: Boolean!
+type ReferralCutUpdatedEvent @entity {
+  "Generic event data"
+  event: Event!
+  "New cut value."
+  newValue: Int!
+type InvitesTransferredEvent @entity {
+  "Generic event data"
+  event: Event!
+  "Membership sending invites."
+  sourceMember: Membership!
+  "Membership receiving invites."
+  targetMember: Membership!
+  "Number of invites transferred."
+  numberOfInvites: Int!
+type MembershipPriceUpdatedEvent @entity {
+  "Generic event data"
+  event: Event!
+  "The new membership price."
+  newPrice: BigInt!
+type InitialInvitationBalanceUpdatedEvent @entity {
+  "Generic event data"
+  event: Event!
+  "New initial invitation balance."
+  newInitialBalance: BigInt!
+type LeaderInvitationQuotaUpdatedEvent @entity {
+  "Generic event data"
+  event: Event!
+  "New quota."
+  newInvitationQuota: Int!
+type InitialInvitationCountUpdatedEvent @entity {
+  "Generic event data"
+  event: Event!
+  "New initial invitation count for members."
+  newInitialInvitationCount: Int!
+type StakingAccountAddedEvent @entity {
+  "Generic event data"
+  event: Event!
+  "Membership in question."
+  member: Membership!
+  "New staking account in SS58 encoding."
+  account: String!
+type StakingAccountConfirmedEvent @entity {
+  "Generic event data"
+  event: Event!
+  "Membership in question."
+  member: Membership!
+  "New staking account in SS58 encoding."
+  account: String!
+type StakingAccountRemovedEvent @entity {
+  "Generic event data"
+  event: Event!
+  "Membership in question."
+  member: Membership!
+  "New staking account in SS58 encoding."
+  account: String!

+ 91 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+"The decision of the storage provider when it acts as liaison"
+enum LiaisonJudgement {
+  "Content awaits for a judgment"
+  "Content accepted"
+  "Content rejected"
+"Manages content ids, type and storage provider decision about it"
+type DataObject @entity {
+  "Content owner"
+  owner: DataObjectOwner!
+  "Content added at"
+  addedAt: Int!
+  "Content type id"
+  typeId: Int!
+  "Content size in bytes"
+  size: BigInt!
+  "Storage provider id of the liaison"
+  liaisonId: BigInt!
+  "Storage provider as liaison judgment"
+  liaisonJudgement: LiaisonJudgement!
+  "IPFS content id"
+  ipfsContentId: String!
+  "Joystream runtime content"
+  joystreamContentId: String!
+"Owner type for storage object"
+union DataObjectOwner =
+    DataObjectOwnerMember
+  | DataObjectOwnerChannel
+  | DataObjectOwnerDao
+  | DataObjectOwnerCouncil
+  | DataObjectOwnerWorkingGroup
+"Asset owned by a member"
+type DataObjectOwnerMember @variant {
+  # use `BigInt` instead of `Membership` before variant relations are featured in Hydra
+  #"Member identifier"
+  #memberId: Membership!
+  "Member identifier"
+  member: BigInt!
+  "Variant needs to have at least one property. This value is not used."
+  dummy: Int
+"Asset owned by a channel"
+type DataObjectOwnerChannel @variant {
+  # use `BigInt` instead of `Channel` before variant relations are featured in Hydra
+  #"Channel identifier"
+  #channel: Channel!
+  "Channel identifier"
+  channel: BigInt!
+  "Variant needs to have at least one property. This value is not used."
+  dummy: Int
+"Asset owned by a DAO"
+type DataObjectOwnerDao @variant {
+  "DAO identifier"
+  dao: BigInt!
+"Asset owned by the Council"
+type DataObjectOwnerCouncil @variant {
+  "Variant needs to have at least one property. This value is not used."
+  dummy: Int
+"Asset owned by a WorkingGroup"
+type DataObjectOwnerWorkingGroup @variant {
+  #"Working group identifier"
+  #workingGroup: BigInt!
+  "Variant needs to have at least one property. This value is not used."
+  dummy: Int

+ 282 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
+type WorkerStatusActive @variant {
+  # No additional information needed
+  _phantom: Int
+type WorkerStatusLeft @variant {
+  # TODO: Variant relationships
+  # TODO: This is not yet emitted by runtime
+  workerLeftEventId: ID!
+  # Set when the unstaking period is finished
+  workerExitedEventId: ID
+type WorkerStatusTerminated @variant {
+  # TODO: Variant relationship
+  terminatedWorkerEventId: ID!
+  # Set when the unstaking period is finished
+  workerExitedEventId: ID
+union WorkerStatus = WorkerStatusActive | WorkerStatusLeft | WorkerStatusTerminated
+# Working Groups
+type Worker @entity {
+  "The group that the worker belongs to"
+  group: WorkingGroup!
+  "Worker membership"
+  membership: Membership!
+  "Worker's role account"
+  roleAccount: String!
+  "Worker's reward account"
+  rewardAccount: String!
+  "Worker's staking account"
+  stakeAccount: String!
+  "Current worker status"
+  status: WorkerStatus!
+  "Whether the worker is also the working group lead"
+  isLead: Boolean!
+  "Current role stake (in JOY)"
+  stake: BigInt!
+  "All related reward payouts"
+  payouts: [WorkerPayoutEvent!] @derivedFrom(field: "worker")
+  # TODO: should we use createdAt for consistency / doesn't Hydra actually require us to override this field?
+  "Blocknumber of the block the worker was hired at"
+  hiredAtBlock: Int!
+  "Time the worker was hired at"
+  hiredAtTime: DateTime!
+  "The event that caused the worker to be hired"
+  entry: OpeningFilledEvent!
+  "Related worker entry application"
+  application: WorkingGroupApplication!
+  "Worker's storage data"
+  storage: String
+type WorkingGroupMetadata @entity {
+  "Status name"
+  name: String!
+  "Status message"
+  message: String
+  "Working group about text"
+  about: String
+  "Working group description text"
+  description: String
+  "Blocknumber of the block at which status was set"
+  setAtBlock: Int!
+  "The time at which status was set"
+  setAtTime: DateTime!
+type WorkingGroup @entity {
+  "Working group runtime id"
+  id: ID!
+  "Working group name"
+  name: String!
+  "Working group current metadata"
+  status: WorkingGroupMetadata
+  "Current working group leader"
+  leader: Worker
+  "Workers that currently belong to the group or belonged to the group in the past"
+  workers: [Worker!] @derivedFrom(field: "group")
+  "All openings related to this group"
+  openings: [WorkingGroupOpening!] @derivedFrom(field: "group")
+  "Current working group budget (JOY)"
+  budget: BigInt!
+  # ...
+type OpeningStatusCancelled @variant {
+  # TODO: Variant relationships
+  openingCancelledEventId: ID!
+type OpeningStatusOpen @variant {
+  # No additional information needed
+  _phantom: Int
+type OpeningStatusFilled @variant {
+  # TODO: Variant relationships
+  openingFilledEventId: ID!
+union WorkingGroupOpeningStatus = OpeningStatusOpen | OpeningStatusFilled | OpeningStatusCancelled
+enum WorkingGroupOpeningType {
+type WorkingGroupOpeningMetadata @entity {
+  "Opening short description"
+  shortDescription: String!
+  "Opening description (md-formatted)"
+  description: String!
+  "Expected max. number of applicants that will be hired"
+  hiringLimit: Int!
+  "Expected time when the opening will close"
+  expectedEnding: DateTime!
+  "Md-formatted text explaining the application process"
+  applicationDetails: String!
+  "List of questions that should be answered during application"
+  applicationFormQuestions: [ApplicationFormQuestion!]! @derivedFrom(field: "openingMetadata")
+type WorkingGroupOpening @entity {
+  "Opening runtime id"
+  id: ID!
+  "Related working group"
+  group: WorkingGroup!
+  "List of opening applications"
+  applications: [WorkingGroupApplication!] @derivedFrom(field: "opening")
+  "Type of the opening (Leader/Regular)"
+  type: WorkingGroupOpeningType!
+  "Current opening status"
+  status: WorkingGroupOpeningStatus!
+  "Opening metadata"
+  metadata: WorkingGroupOpeningMetadata!
+  "Role stake amount"
+  stakeAmount: BigInt!
+  "Role stake unstaking period in blocks"
+  unstakingPeriod: Int!
+  "Initial workers' reward per block"
+  rewardPerBlock: BigInt!
+  "Blocknumber of opening creation block"
+  createdAtBlock: Int!
+  "Time of opening creation"
+  createdAt: DateTime!
+type ApplicationStatusPending @variant {
+  # No additional information needed
+  _phantom: Int
+type ApplicationStatusAccepted @variant {
+  # TODO: Variant relationships
+  openingFilledEventId: ID!
+type ApplicationStatusRejected @variant {
+  # TODO: Variant relationships
+  openingFilledEventId: ID!
+type ApplicationStatusWithdrawn @variant {
+  # TODO: Variant relationships
+  applicationWithdrawnEventId: ID!
+union WorkingGroupApplicationStatus =
+    ApplicationStatusPending
+  | ApplicationStatusAccepted
+  | ApplicationStatusRejected
+  | ApplicationStatusWithdrawn
+type WorkingGroupApplication @entity {
+  "Application runtime id"
+  id: ID!
+  "Related working group opening"
+  opening: WorkingGroupOpening!
+  "Applicant's membership"
+  applicant: Membership!
+  "Application stake"
+  stake: BigInt!
+  "Applicant's initial role account"
+  roleAccount: String!
+  "Applicant's initial reward account"
+  rewardAccount: String!
+  "Applicant's initial staking account"
+  stakingAccount: String!
+  "Answers to application form questions"
+  answers: [ApplicationFormQuestionAnswer!] @derivedFrom(field: "application")
+  "Current application status"
+  status: WorkingGroupApplicationStatus!
+  "Blocknumber of application creation block"
+  createdAtBlock: Int!
+  "Time of application creation"
+  createdAt: DateTime!
+type ApplicationFormQuestionAnswer @entity {
+  "Related application"
+  application: WorkingGroupApplication!
+  "The question beeing answered"
+  question: ApplicationFormQuestion!
+  "Applicant's answer"
+  answer: String!
+enum ApplicationFormQuestionType {
+type ApplicationFormQuestion @entity {
+  "Related opening metadata"
+  openingMetadata: WorkingGroupOpeningMetadata!
+  "The question itself"
+  question: String!
+  "Type of the question (UI answer input type)"
+  type: ApplicationFormQuestionType!
+  "Index of the question"
+  index: Int!

+ 280 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,280 @@
+type OpeningAddedEvent @entity {
+  "Generic event data"
+  event: Event!
+  "Related group"
+  group: WorkingGroup!
+  "Related opening"
+  opening: WorkingGroupOpening!
+  # Other opening data like: metadata, type, staking policy, reward etc. is immutable, so can be read directly from Opening entity
+type AppliedOnOpeningEvent @entity {
+  "Generic event data"
+  event: Event!
+  "Related group"
+  group: WorkingGroup!
+  "Related opening"
+  opening: WorkingGroupOpening!
+  "The application that was created"
+  application: WorkingGroupApplication!
+  # Same as with opening - application parameters are immutable and can be fetched from Application entity
+type OpeningFilledEvent @entity {
+  "Generic event data"
+  event: Event!
+  "Related group"
+  group: WorkingGroup!
+  "Related opening"
+  opening: WorkingGroupOpening!
+  "Workers that have been hired as a result of filling the opening"
+  workersHired: [Worker!] @derivedFrom(field: "entry")
+type LeaderSetEvent @entity {
+  "Generic event data"
+  event: Event!
+  "Related group"
+  group: WorkingGroup!
+  "Related Lead worker"
+  worker: Worker!
+type WorkerRoleAccountUpdatedEvent @entity {
+  "Generic event data"
+  event: Event!
+  "Related group"
+  group: WorkingGroup!
+  "Related worker"
+  worker: Worker!
+  "New role account"
+  newRoleAccount: String!
+type LeaderUnsetEvent @entity {
+  "Generic event data"
+  event: Event!
+  "Related group"
+  group: WorkingGroup!
+type WorkerExitedEvent @entity {
+  "Generic event data"
+  event: Event!
+  "Related group"
+  group: WorkingGroup!
+  "Related worker"
+  worker: Worker!
+type TerminatedWorkerEvent @entity {
+  "Generic event data"
+  event: Event!
+  "Related group"
+  group: WorkingGroup!
+  "Related worker"
+  worker: Worker!
+  "Slash amount (if any)"
+  penalty: BigInt
+  "Optional rationale"
+  rationale: String
+type TerminatedLeaderEvent @entity {
+  "Generic event data"
+  event: Event!
+  "Related group"
+  group: WorkingGroup!
+  "Related worker"
+  worker: Worker!
+  "Slash amount (if any)"
+  penalty: BigInt
+  "Optional rationale"
+  rationale: String
+type StakeSlashedEvent @entity {
+  "Generic event data"
+  event: Event!
+  "Related group"
+  group: WorkingGroup!
+  "Related worker"
+  worker: Worker!
+  "Balance that was requested to be slashed"
+  requestedAmount: BigInt!
+  "Balance that was actually slashed"
+  slashedAmount: BigInt!
+  "Optional rationale"
+  rationale: String
+type StakeDecreasedEvent @entity {
+  "Generic event data"
+  event: Event!
+  "Related group"
+  group: WorkingGroup!
+  "Related worker"
+  worker: Worker!
+  "The amount of JOY the stake was decreased by"
+  amount: BigInt!
+type StakeIncreasedEvent @entity {
+  "Generic event data"
+  event: Event!
+  "Related group"
+  group: WorkingGroup!
+  "Related worker"
+  worker: Worker!
+  "The amount of JOY the stake was increased by"
+  amount: BigInt!
+type ApplicationWithdrawnEvent @entity {
+  "Generic event data"
+  event: Event!
+  "Related group"
+  group: WorkingGroup!
+  "Related application"
+  application: WorkingGroupApplication!
+type OpeningCanceledEvent @entity {
+  "Generic event data"
+  event: Event!
+  "Related group"
+  group: WorkingGroup!
+  "Related opening"
+  opening: WorkingGroupOpening!
+type BudgetSetEvent @entity {
+  "Generic event data"
+  event: Event!
+  "Related group"
+  group: WorkingGroup!
+  "New working group budget"
+  newBudget: BigInt!
+type WorkerRewardAccountUpdatedEvent @entity {
+  "Generic event data"
+  event: Event!
+  "Related group"
+  group: WorkingGroup!
+  "Related worker"
+  worker: Worker!
+  "New reward account"
+  newRewardAccount: String!
+type WorkerRewardAmountUpdatedEvent @entity {
+  "Generic event data"
+  event: Event!
+  "Related group"
+  group: WorkingGroup!
+  "Related worker"
+  worker: Worker!
+  "New worker reward per block"
+  newRewardPerBlock: BigInt!
+# TODO: Should we rename the event/extrinsic in the runtime?
+type StatusTextChangedEvent @entity {
+  "Generic event data"
+  event: Event!
+  "Related group"
+  group: WorkingGroup!
+  "New working group metadata"
+  metadata: WorkingGroupMetadata!
+type BudgetSpendingEvent @entity {
+  "Generic event data"
+  event: Event!
+  "Related group"
+  group: WorkingGroup!
+  "Reciever account address"
+  reciever: String!
+  "Amount beeing spent"
+  amount: BigInt!
+  "Optional rationale"
+  rationale: String
+enum PayoutType {
+  "Standard reward payout"
+  "Return of the previously missed reward"
+# TODO: This will be either based on the actual runtime event or be just a custom query-node event generated of preBlock/postBlock
+type WorkerPayoutEvent @entity {
+  "Type of the worker payout"
+  type: PayoutType
+  "Related worker"
+  worker: Worker!
+  "Amount recieved"
+  recieved: BigInt!
+  "Amount missed (due to, for example, empty working group budget)"
+  missed: BigInt!