@@ -60,7 +60,12 @@ type Membership @entity {
type ChannelCategory @entity {
type ChannelCategory @entity {
id: ID!
id: ID!
- name: String
+ "The name of the category"
+ name: String @fulltext(query: "channelCategoriesByName")
+ channels: [Channel!] @derivedFrom(field: "category")
+ happenedIn: Block!
"Storage asset"
"Storage asset"
@@ -209,11 +214,11 @@ type Channel @entity {
"The description of a Channel"
"The description of a Channel"
description: String
description: String
- "Url for Channel's cover (background) photo. Recommended ratio: 16:9."
- coverPhotoUrl: Asset
+ "Channel's cover (background) photo. Recommended ratio: 16:9."
+ coverPhoto: Asset
"Channel's avatar photo."
"Channel's avatar photo."
- avatarPhotoUrl: Asset
+ avatarPhoto: Asset
"Flag signaling whether a channel is public."
"Flag signaling whether a channel is public."
isPublic: Boolean
isPublic: Boolean
@@ -229,15 +234,12 @@ type Channel @entity {
happenedIn: Block!
happenedIn: Block!
-type Category @entity {
+type VideoCategory @entity {
"Runtime entity identifier (EntityId)"
"Runtime entity identifier (EntityId)"
id: ID!
id: ID!
"The name of the category"
"The name of the category"
- name: String! @unique @fulltext(query: "categoriesByName")
- "The description of the category"
- description: String
+ name: String @fulltext(query: "videoCategoriesByName")
videos: [Video!] @derivedFrom(field: "category")
videos: [Video!] @derivedFrom(field: "category")
@@ -281,7 +283,7 @@ type Video @entity {
channel: Channel!
channel: Channel!
"Reference to a video category"
"Reference to a video category"
- category: Category
+ category: VideoCategory
"The title of the video"
"The title of the video"
title: String @fulltext(query: "search")
title: String @fulltext(query: "search")
@@ -292,11 +294,8 @@ type Video @entity {
"Video duration in seconds"
"Video duration in seconds"
duration: Int
duration: Int
- "Video's skippable intro duration in seconds"
- skippableIntroDuration: Int
- "Video thumbnail url (recommended ratio: 16:9)"
- thumbnailUrl: String
+ "Video thumbnail (recommended ratio: 16:9)"
+ thumbnail: Asset
"Video's main langauge"
"Video's main langauge"
language: Language
language: Language
@@ -336,6 +335,9 @@ type Video @entity {
"Video media size in bytes"
"Video media size in bytes"
size: Int
size: Int
+ "Reference to video asset"
+ media: Asset
happenedIn: Block!
happenedIn: Block!
"Is video featured or not"
"Is video featured or not"