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Tests: update_entity_permissions failure cases added

iorveth 4 лет назад

+ 1 - 1

@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ pub const FIRST_ENTITY_ID: EntityId = 1;
 pub const SECOND_ENTITY_ID: EntityId = 2;
 pub const SECOND_ENTITY_ID: EntityId = 2;
 pub const UNKNOWN_CLASS_ID: ClassId = 111;
 pub const UNKNOWN_CLASS_ID: ClassId = 111;
-// pub const UNKNOWN_ENTITY_ID: EntityId = 222;
+pub const UNKNOWN_ENTITY_ID: EntityId = 222;
 pub const UNKNOWN_PROPERTY_ID: PropertyId = 333;
 pub const UNKNOWN_PROPERTY_ID: PropertyId = 333;
 pub const UNKNOWN_SCHEMA_ID: SchemaId = 444;
 pub const UNKNOWN_SCHEMA_ID: SchemaId = 444;

+ 53 - 0

@@ -49,3 +49,56 @@ fn update_entity_permissions_success() {
+fn update_entity_permissions_lead_auth_failed() {
+    with_test_externalities(|| {
+        // Create simple class with default permissions
+        assert_ok!(create_simple_class(LEAD_ORIGIN, ClassType::Valid));
+        let actor = Actor::Lead;
+        // Create entity
+        assert_ok!(create_entity(LEAD_ORIGIN, FIRST_CLASS_ID, actor));
+        // Runtime state before tested call
+        // Events number before tested call
+        let number_of_events_before_call = System::events().len();
+        // Make an attempt to update entity permissions for chosen entity under non lead origin
+        let update_entity_permissions_result =
+            update_entity_permissions(FIRST_MEMBER_ORIGIN, FIRST_ENTITY_ID, None, Some(false));
+        // Failure checked
+        assert_failure(
+            update_entity_permissions_result,
+            number_of_events_before_call,
+        );
+    })
+fn update_entity_permissions_of_non_existent_entity() {
+    with_test_externalities(|| {
+        // Create simple class with default permissions
+        assert_ok!(create_simple_class(LEAD_ORIGIN, ClassType::Valid));
+        // Runtime state before tested call
+        // Events number before tested call
+        let number_of_events_before_call = System::events().len();
+        // Make an attempt to update entity permissions for chosen entity under non lead origin
+        let update_entity_permissions_result =
+            update_entity_permissions(FIRST_MEMBER_ORIGIN, UNKNOWN_ENTITY_ID, None, Some(false));
+        // Failure checked
+        assert_failure(
+            update_entity_permissions_result,
+            number_of_events_before_call,
+        );
+    })