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helpers: import from index, sum: number[] => number

Joystream Stats 3 years ago
1 changed files with 114 additions and 0 deletions
  1. 114 0

+ 114 - 0

@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@ import { CacheEvent } from "./types";
 import { Mint, MintId } from "@joystream/types/mint";
 import { Moment } from "@polkadot/types/interfaces";
+export const sum = (a: number[]) =>
+  a.reduce((s: number, i: number) => s + i, 0);
 export const getPercent = (value1: number, value2: number): number => {
   if (value1 === 0) return value2 > 0 ? 100 : 0;
   return Number(((value2 * 100) / value1 - 100).toFixed(2));
@@ -32,3 +35,114 @@ export const eventStats = (blockEventsCache: Map<number, CacheEvent[]>) => {
+export {
+  connectApi,
+  getBlock,
+  getBlockHash,
+  getHead,
+  getBestHash,
+  getTimestamp,
+  getIssuance,
+  getEvents,
+  getEra,
+  getEraStake,
+  getCouncil,
+  getCouncilAt,
+  getCouncils,
+  getCouncilRound,
+  getCouncilElectionStage,
+  getCouncilTermEnd,
+  getCouncilElectionStatus,
+  getCouncilSize,
+  getCouncilApplicants,
+  getCouncilApplicantStakes,
+  getCouncilCommitments,
+  getCouncilPayoutInterval,
+  getCouncilPayout,
+  getCouncilElectionDurations,
+  getCommitments,
+  getCommitment,
+  getNextWorker,
+  getWorker,
+  getWorkers,
+  getStake,
+  getWorkerReward,
+  getCouncilMint,
+  getGroupMint,
+  getMintsCreated,
+  getMint,
+  getAccounts,
+  getAccount,
+  getNextMember,
+  getMember,
+  getMemberIdByAccount,
+  getMemberHandle,
+  getMemberHandleByAccount,
+  getNextPost,
+  getNextThread,
+  getNextCategory,
+  getCategory,
+  getThread,
+  getPost,
+  getActiveProposals,
+  getProposalCount,
+  getProposalInfo,
+  getProposalDetails,
+  getProposalType,
+  getProposal,
+  getProposalVotes,
+  getProposalPost,
+  getProposalPosts,
+  getProposalPostCount,
+  getProposalThreadCount,
+  getValidatorCount,
+  getValidators,
+  getPaidMembershipTermsById,
+} from "./api";
+export {
+  getChannel,
+  getChannelCategory,
+  getCuratorGroup,
+  getPerson,
+  getPlaylist,
+  getSeries,
+  getVideo,
+  getVideoCategory,
+  getNextChannel,
+  getNextChannelCategory,
+  getNextChannelOwnershipTransferRequestId,
+  getNextCuratorGroup,
+  getNextPerson,
+  getNextPlaylist,
+  getNextSeries,
+  getNextVideo,
+  getNextVideoCategory,
+} from "./content";
+export {
+  feePerMegabyte,
+  maxStorageBucketsPerBag,
+  maxDistributionBucketsPerBag,
+  maxStorageBucketObjects,
+  maxStorageBucketSize,
+  uploadingBlocked,
+  getBlacklist,
+  getBlacklistSize,
+  getDynamicBagPolicy,
+  getNextDataObject,
+  getNextStorageBucket,
+  getNextDistributionFamily,
+  getBag,
+  getBags,
+  getObject,
+  getBagObjects,
+  getStorageBucket,
+  getStorageBuckets,
+  getDistributionFamily,
+  getDistributionFamilies,
+  getDistributionFamilyNumber,
+  getDistributionFamilyBucket,
+  getDistributionFamilyBuckets,
+} from "./storage";