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These are the results for the Antioch 2 Council Survey. The survey ran from May 3, 2021 to May 8, 2021. The survey had 11 responses.

What did you think of the KPIs (round 2)?

Answer Share
They were relevant to the most pressing issues 54.5%
They were relevant to some of the most pressing issues 45.5%
They were relevant to only some issues 0%
They were not relevant at all. 0%

How well has the council been cooperating on relevant issues (solving KPIs, voting on proposals, etc).

Answer Share
Extremely cooperative 27.3%
Fairly cooperative 72.7%
Fairly uncooperative 0%
Extremely uncooperative 0%

What do your expect your hourly pay to be?

Answer Share
<= $10 27.3%
$11 - $20 18.2
> $20 18.2%
Doesn't matter/No answer 36.4%

What did you do to get elected to the council? (Multiple Answers Allowed)

Answer Share
Wrote in the forum 36.4%
Staked on myself 18.2%
Active on Joystream, community, or GitHub 18.2%
Nothing 18.2

Did you expect to get elected?

Answer Share
Yes 54.5%
No 18.2%
Maybe 27.3%

When did you first learn of the council?

Answer Share
April 2021 27.2%
March 2021 0%
February 2021 36.4%
Earlier 36.4%