Alexandria Council Round #1 - #57601-#201601 - Tokenomics 3.2 KB

Tokenomics + Network Report

This is a report which explains the current state of the Joystream network in numbers. It pulls figures from the chain and tries to provide a basic level of information about the network, tokens and more.

1.0 Basic Information

  • Block range: 57601 - 201601
  • Date Range: 9/25/2020 - 10/5/2020
  • Council session #: 1

2.0 Tokenomics

2.1 Token generation breakdown

Property Start Block End Block % Change
Total Tokens Minted 142021349 149540201 5.29
Property Value
Total Tokens Burned 0
Validator Role 1211052
Council Role 3171428.57
Storage Role 1128000
Curator Role 0

2.2 Mints

Property Start Block End Block % Change
Council Mint Total Minted 0 4553000 0
Curator Mint Total Minted 0 0 0
Storage Mint Total Minted 0 0 0

3.0 Council

  • Council session #: 1
  • Number of council members: 6
  • Total number of proposals: 11
  • Total number of Approved proposals: 8

3.1 Elections

Property Start Block
Total Applicants 18
Total Applicant Stake 35123001
Total Votes 17

4 Roles

4.1 Validator Information

  • Block generation time (average): 6.17
Property Start Block End Block % Change
Number of Validators 20 20 0
Validator Total Stake 11609731 14878468 28.16

4.2 Storage Role

Property Start Block End Block % Change
Number of Storage Workers 1 2 100
Total Storage Stake (workers + lead) 0 50000 0

4.3 Curator Role

Property Start Block End Block % Change
Number of Curators 0 0 0

5.0 User Generated Content

5.1 Membership Information

Property Start Block End Block % Change
Number of members 495 507 2.42

5.2 Media & Uploads

Property Start Block End Block % Change
Number of uploads 114 115 0.88
Size of content 25649234578 25891762407 0.95
Number of channels 38 41 7.89

5.3 Forum Activity

Property Start Block End Block % Change
Number of categories 26 29 11.54
Number of threads 115 126 9.57
Number of posts 606 661 9.08