yasiryagi 1b6a250bb1 Storage documentation (#850) 1 tahun lalu
Upgrade 1b6a250bb1 Storage documentation (#850) 1 tahun lalu
hosting 1b6a250bb1 Storage documentation (#850) 1 tahun lalu
joystream-node 1b6a250bb1 Storage documentation (#850) 1 tahun lalu
monitoring 1b6a250bb1 Storage documentation (#850) 1 tahun lalu
query-node 1b6a250bb1 Storage documentation (#850) 1 tahun lalu
README.md 1b6a250bb1 Storage documentation (#850) 1 tahun lalu
distributor-node.service 1b6a250bb1 Storage documentation (#850) 1 tahun lalu



The instructions below will assume you are running as root. This makes the instructions somewhat easier, but less safe and robust.

Note that this has been tested on a fresh images of Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.


To upgrade the node please go here for the upgrade guide

Initial setup

$ apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y
$ apt install vim git curl -y

Setup hosting

Go here for the installation guide

Setup joystream-node

Go here for the installation guide

Setup Query Node

Go here for the installation guide

Install and Setup the Distributor Node

If you have done this on the query node setup, you can skip this section.

$ git clone https://github.com/Joystream/joystream.git
$ cd joystream
$ ./setup.sh
# this requires you to start a new session. if you are using a vps:
$ exit
$ ssh user@ipOrURL
$ cd joystream
$ ./build-packages.sh
$ yarn joystream-distributor --help

Applying for a Distributor opening

Click here to open the Pioneer app in your browser. Then follow instructions here to generate a set of Keys, get tokens, and sign up for a Membership. This key will be referred to as the member key.

Make sure to save the 5YourJoyMemberAddress.json file. This key will require tokens to be used as stake for the Distributor Provider application (application stake) and further stake may be required if you are selected for the role (role stake).

To check for current openings, visit this page on Pioneer and look for any Distributor Provider applications which are open for applications. If there is an opening available, fill in the details requested in the form required and stake the tokens needed to apply (when prompted you can sign a transaction for this purpose).

During this process you will be provided with a role key, which will be made available to download in the format 5YourDistributorRoleKey.json. If you set a password for this key, remember it :)

The next steps (below) will only apply if you are a successful applicant.

Setup and Configure the Distributor Node

On the machine/VPS you want to run your distributor node:

$ mkdir ~/keys/

Assuming you are running the distributor node on a VPS via ssh, on your local machine:

# Go the directory where you saved your <5YourDistributorRoleKey.json>, then rename it to


$ scp distributor-role-key.json <user>@<your.vps.ip.address>:/root/keys/

Make sure your Joystream full node and Query Node is fully synced before you move to the next step(s)!

Config File

The default config.yml file can be found below. Note that you only need to modify a few lines. May be should condifer changing: id, maxFiles and maxSize.

nano ~/joystream/distributor-node/config.yml

id: <your node name>
  queryNode: http://localhost:8081/graphql
  joystreamNodeWs: ws://localhost:9944
  assets: ./local/data
  cacheState: ./local/cache
    level: debug
    path: ./local/logs
    maxFiles: 30 # 30 days or 30 * 50 MB
    maxSize: 50485760 # 50 MB
    level: verbose
  # elastic:
  #   level: info
  #   endpoint: http://localhost:9200
  storage: 100G
  maxConcurrentStorageNodeDownloads: 100
  maxConcurrentOutboundConnections: 300
  outboundRequestsTimeoutMs: 5000
  pendingDownloadTimeoutSec: 3600
  maxCachedItemSize: 1G
  saveCacheState: 60
  checkStorageNodeResponseTimes: 60
  cacheCleanup: 60
  port: 3334
  port: 3335
  hmacSecret: this-is-not-so-secret
  - suri: //Alice
  # - mnemonic: "escape naive annual throw tragic achieve grunt verify cram note harvest problem"
  #   type: ed25519
  # - keyfile: "/path/to/distributor-role-key.json"
workerId: 0

The following lines must be changed:

# Comment out:
  - suri: //Alice
# uncomment and edit
  - keyfile: "/root/keys/keyfile.json"

# replace 0 with your <workerId>
workerId: 0

# replace with a real secret
hmacSecret: this-is-not-so-secret
  • endpoints: If you are not running your own node and/or query node:
    • change both to working endpoints
  • limits: These numbers should depend on decisions made by the Lead
  • hmacSecret: this-is-not-so-secret
  • directories: You may want to change these. Especially if you are renting extra storage volumes
    • /path/to/storage/volume

Accept Invitation

Once hired, the Distributor Lead will invite you a to "bucket". Before this is done, you will not be able to participate. Assuming:

  • your Worker ID is <workerId>
  • the Lead has invited to bucket family <bucketFamilyId> with index <bucketId> -> <bucketFamilyId>:<bucketId>

    $ cd ~/joystream/distributor-node
    $ yarn joystream-distributor operator:accept-invitation -B <bucketFamilyId>:<bucketId> -w <workerId>

Set Metadata

When you have accepted the invitation, you have to set metadata for your node. If your VPS is in Frankfurt, Germany:

$ nano ~/joystream/distributor-node/metadata.json
# Modify, and paste in everything below the stapled line
  "endpoint": "https://<your.cool.url>/distributor/",
  "location": {
    "countryCode": "DE",
    "city": "Frankfurt",
    "coordinates": {
      "latitude": 52,
      "longitude": 15
  "extra": "<Node ID>: <Location>, Xcores, <RAM>G, <SSD>G "


  • The location should really be correct, IPLocation
  • extra is not that critical. It could perhaps be nice to add some info on your max capacity?

Then set it on-chain with:

$ cd ~/joystream/distributor-node
$ yarn joystream-distributor operator:set-metadata -B <bucketFamilyId>:<bucketId> -w <workerId> -i /path/to/metadata.json

Deploy the Distributor Node

First, create a systemd file. Example file below:

$ nano /etc/systemd/system/distributor-node.service

# Modify, and paste in everything below the stapled line
Description=Joystream Distributor Node
After=network.target joystream-node.service

ExecStart=/root/.volta/bin/yarn joystream-distributor start \
        -c /root/joystream/distributor-node/config.yml


To start the node:

$ systemctl start distributor-node
# If everything works, you should get an output. Verify with:
$ journalctl -f -n 200 -u distributor-node

# If it looks ok, it probably is :)

# To have the distributor-node start automatically at reboot:
$ systemctl enable distributor-node
# If you want to stop the distributor node, either to edit the distributor-node.service file or some other reason:
$ systemctl stop distributor-node

Verify everything is working

In your browser, try: https://<your.cool.url>/distributor/api/v1/status.


If you had any issues setting it up, you may find your answer here!