unsuccessful-council-survey.md 1.1 KB

These are the results for the Unsuccessful Council Run Survey. The survey ran from May 3, 2021 to May 8, 2021. With only 3 responses, this survey had the lowest number of completed interactions.

Question title: When did you last unsuccessfully run for council?

Testnet Name Share
Antioch 1 0%
Antioch 2 0%
Earlier Testnet 100%

Why do you think you were unsuccessful?

Answer Share
I don't know 66.7%
Insufficient tokens 33.3%

What made you apply for council? (Choose as many as apply)

Answer Share
I wanted to earn a salary 33%
I wanted to push a personal project 0%
i wanted to vote so proposals would move faster 100%
Other 66%

What did you do to get elected? (Choose as many as apply)

Answer Share
Tweeted 0%
Posted in the forum 66.7%
Posted in Discord 0%
Other 0%
Nothing 0%