1006 B

Bounty: Salary Benchmark For Storage/Distributor Node Runners

We have an exciting new bounty that everyone can do!

Task summary

Collect information and prepare salary benchmark for Storage/Distributor node runners. This will helps Council to create competitive salaries for the Storage and Distributor workers in the mainnet.

Task description

Gather information about salaries (total compensation package) of node runners in other IPFS/Storage projects (Filecoin, etc) or PoS blockchains.

  • Choose at least 4 IPFS/Storage projects and 4 PoS blockchains as a reference.
  • Try to find what the total compensation package is consisted of.
  • Find out the criteria for how these projects can be compared. Example: market cap, tech requirements, number of nodes, etc.
  • Suggest a compensation model for the Storage/Distribution node runners for the Joystream mainnet. Salaries may include fix and bonus parts. All amounts should be both nominated in the USD and JOY.


    200k tJoy/hour