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This is a step-by-step guide on the Joystream Council, allowing users to take part in the governance system for the Joystream Testnet.


This page contains a detailed guide about how the governance system works on the current Joystream testnet, and how you can participate. This page is intended primarily for those wanting to become, or who already are Council Members ("CMs").

Nonetheless, if you are interested in the Joystream project more generally and/or want to become a part of the community now or in the future, there is lots of information in here that will help you understand the project and the governance of the platform at a higher level.

Table of Contents


Starting with the launch of the Antioch network, some changes to the Council Member incentive scheme will take effect. There are two main reasons for this:

  1. To account for the (unfortunately still present) "tragedy of the commons" problem
  2. In order to make easier for newcomers to join, learn and earn through participation in the very important Council Member role.

With the last "iteration" of the KPI rewards scheme, we saw a marked improvement in the achievement of sometimes difficult KPIs. Despite the individual KPI rewards for the Council Members being independent of their actual contribution, the CMs solved the problem by creating spending proposals for the reward of that KPI - effectively granting themselves rewards. Although this is a relatively good solution, it still creates a strong incentive for a "whale" to vote themselves in each term and earn the associated rewards with no further effort.

This last point overlaps neatly with the second point - namely the difficulty for new users to earn their slot on the Council. Jsgenesis countered this by voting themselves, and making sure at least some newcomers got their opportunity, but we are now targeting a more "aggressive" rotation. At launch, we will be targeting a healthy mix of newcomers and more seasoned Council Members.

New Structure

The new structure can be summarized as follows:

  • More members on each Council, and shorter terms
  • The "Announcing" stage will start almost immediately after a new Council is elected, meaning you will be able to announce your candidacy for most of the term (except during "Voting" and "Revealing")
  • In addition to announcing your candidacy by making the transaction, you should also make sure to write a forum post about yourself - as Jsgenesis will vote for those that explain why they would make a good Council Member.
  • The "recurring rewards" will be quite low, and almost all of the rewards will be associated with KPIs, and general voting participation
  • The Council will be presented with a longer list of KPIs, each with designated amounts assigned to each of them
  • At the end of the term, the CM must write a forum post explaining exactly what they achieved, with links and references where applicable
  • A CM that "solves" a KPI singlehandedly will earn the entire reward for themselves. If they co-operate, or if two people solve it independently (equally well, and at the same time), they will split the reward between them 1
  • The reward will be paid in tJOY, and Jsgenesis will publish this in the KPI page on our blog

More details about the KPI rewards can be found here.

Why Become a Council Member

As the governance system is arguably the most important component of the platform on mainnet, we are relying on testnets to train and build up an experienced and highly competent group of initial community members that can diligently perform the tasks required of them once we reach the mainnet stage.

A "good" Council needs CMs that all have a strong understanding of both the platform's token economics ("tokenomics") and each of the individual Working Groups and the roles each of these play in making the platform function. Additionally, the composition of each Council should ensure that the group has expertise in every domain, and some CMs with low-level technical understanding will likely be required to provide guidance on other aspects of the project (marketing, legal, strategy etc.).

Rewards and Incentives

During the Constantinople testnet, Jsgenesis realized we need to put a lot more effort in to attracting, training and retaining these high-quality people. CMs will on a mainnet exclusively earn recurring rewards, similar to other roles. On our testnets however, where there are little incentives for users to diligently scrutinize each applicant and place votes, we have tried to mimic this through use of KPIs.

Jsgenesis will also take an active role in the elections. More information on how to apply, and increase your chances of getting elected can be found here.

Recurring Rewards

A newly elected Council could be assigned a recurring reward that automatically pays out tokens every nth block. The magnitude of this reward may change over time, but can be monitored on the Tokenomics page. In the current Sumer testnet the recurring rewards are absent.

KPI Rewards

The KPI rewards will depend on the Council's performance. Jsgenesis will provide a new set of Council KPIs for each new term, with some variability in terms of scope and maximum rewards.

Each individual KPI will be have a reward assigned to it, which can be achieved if the task is fully completed, and graded as such by Jsgenesis. If the task is considered 20% completed, the reward will be set to 20% of this (unless something else is specified in the KPI).

Unlike previous versions of the KPI reward scheme, these will not be shared (equally) by all CMs, and no rewards will be distributed to the Voters. The reward can be awarded to a single CM, or divided by a group of CMs. This means the Council is incentivized to co-operate, and distribute tasks between them based on whatever metric they choose.

If they are able to agree on a distribution up front, this should be posted in a new thread on the forum, which the individual CMs will (at the end of the term) use to outline what they did during the term. This information will then be public, and used for three different purposes:

  1. Grading the KPIs and calculating their individual KPI rewards
  2. Distributing Founding Member points
  3. For Jsgenesis to vote on future Council elections

Below we will expand further on that first point.

Grading of KPI Rewards

In general, Jsgenesis will only use what is included in the forum post, and results/deliveries when grading KPIs. This means that any agreement made between two CMs in other channels will not be considered in case of disputes.

Before the grading deadline, Jsgenesis will not only grade the KPIs for quality, but also decide on who gets what portion of the rewards.

Get Started

Unlike most of the other current and future roles on the Joystream Platform, most of the information and actions required by participants in the governance system is available in our UI - named Pioneer. For elected CMs, some familiarity with GitHub is required, and at any time, a subset of the CMs must be able to use git, and basic coding review skills. As the project grows, new skills and more advanced skills may be required.

If you want to get elected as a CM or vote on the platform, you need to be a Member. Instructions for registration can be found here.

Note After introducing Memberships to the platform, we found it to be confusing to have a concept of both Accounts and Memberships. We are in the process of renaming the Accounts to the Keys, but there are still traces of Accounts showing up.

Council Elections

A new Council of CMs are elected at regular intervals. The election is decided by selecting the applicants that has the highest total "stake" backing them. Staking here means "locking" up your tokens, making them unusable for transfers or staking in other ways, thus forcing participants to put "skin in the game". The total stake is the sum of the applicant's own stake required to put themselves up for election, and the stake of any voters voting for them.

The terms of these elections are defined by some parameters. Although these can be changed either by the Proposal system, or by sudo, the parameter changes should be both infrequent and small.

The current set of parameters, as well as the status and stage of the Council/election cycle can be found here.


In addition to the length (and definitions) of the election stages described below, the most important parameters are:

  • Council Size
    • This is the number of CMs that will be elected. This is a fixed value, meaning neither less nor more CMs can be elected.
  • Candidacy Limit
    • This is the maximum number of applicants, that have announced their candidacy, that are eligible to be voted for in the voting stage. This number will always be bigger than the Council Size
  • Minimum Council Stake
  • Minimum Voting Stake
    • The minimum stake that applicants and voters are required to put up, for standing as a candidate and voting (for others or themselves) respectively.

The full details of the election cycle will also expand upon these parameters.

Council Election Cycle

The election cycle consists of four stages. Currently, the length of each one is:

  1. Announcing - lasts 57,600 blocks (~4 days)
  2. Voting - lasts 14,400 blocks (~24h)
  3. Revealing - lasts 14,400 blocks (~24h)
  4. Term - lasts 14,400 blocks (~24h)


During the entire Announcing stage, anyone that is a Member and can stake a greater number of tokens than the Minimum Council Stake, can apply to become a CM.

How to Announce

With your membership key:

  • select "Council" in the sidebar
  • click the "Applicants" tab
  • set the number of tokens you want to stake
  • click "Apply to council" and confirm

Important Notes

  • you can add to your stake later, by following the same approach as above
  • this can be particularly useful because of the Candidacy Limit, which limits the number of applicants that goes through to the voting
  • active CMs can "re-use" their own stake from the last election cycle
  • this means that you if you staked 10k JOY on yourself, and have 5k "free" balance, you can stake 15k

End of Announcing

At the end of the stage, there are three outcomes depending on:

  • the number of Applicants
  • the Council Size
  • the Candidacy Limit
Scenario A:

If: Council Size <= Applicants <= Candidacy Limit. I.e. the number of applicants is between the Council Size and Candidacy Limit.

The Announcing stage ends, with all the applicants proceeding to the Voting stage.

Scenario B:

If: Candidacy Limit < Applicants. I.e. the number of applicants is greater than the Candidacy Limit.

All of the applicants are sorted and ranked by their stake. The Announcing stage ends, and only those with a rank better than, or equal to, the Candidacy Limit will proceed to the Voting stage.

The applicants that did not make it to the Voting stage get their stake back right away.

Scenario C:

If: Applicants < Council Size. I.e. the number of applicants is smaller than the Council Size.

There are not enough applicants to fill the Council slots, and a new Announcing stage begins, with all the applicants automatically re-entered.


As soon as the Announcing stage closes, anyone that is a Member and can stake more than the Minimum Voting Stake, can vote for any of the applicants for the entire duration of this stage.

How to Vote

With your membership key:

  • select "Council" in the sidebar
  • click the "Applicants" tab
  • find your preferred Applicant, and click the "Vote" button
  • set the number of tokens you want to stake
  • click "Submit my vote" and confirm

You can vote as many times as you like, for any Applicant (including yourself).

Important Notes When you submit a Vote, a Random salt will be generated for you, and only a Hash of the vote will be broadcast and stored on chain. This means:

  • no one will know who you voted for, or how much you staked
  • unless this hash is "revealed" during the Revealing stage, the vote will not count
  • unless you save the Random salt somewhere, you will only be able to "reveal" your vote if:
    • you use the same key, computer and browser - without clearing local storage.
    • if you save the Random salt, you only need the key
  • if you voted for one or more active CMs, you can "re-use" your voting stake from the last election cycle
  • this means that you if you staked 10k JOY voting for one or more current CMs, and have 5k "free" balance, you can stake 15k for voting


As soon as the Voting stage closes, the Revealing stage begins. As stated before, only when a vote is "revealed" will it become public, and count.

How to Reveal

With your membership key (used to vote on the candidates):

  • select "Council" in the sidebar
  • click the "Votes" tab
  • you should see the votes you have already made on this page
  • click the "Reveal" button next to the votes you wish to reveal and confirm

End of Revealing

At the end of the Revealing stage, the applicants are sorted and ranked by their total stake, i.e. the sum of the stake(s) they bonded during the Announcing stage, and the sum of all "revealed" votes.

The applicants ranked within the number equal to the Council Size will become CMs.

The applicants that did not get elected will get their stake back immediately. The same goes for those that voted for them, and those that did not reveal their votes.


On the block that marks the end of the Revealing stage, the elected CMs will automatically be given their new privileges. Namely, the right to vote on Proposals, and be assigned an on-chain Recurring Reward.

The CMs' stakes will be not only be held until the Term Duration expires, but until a new Council is elected. The same applies to those that voted for them.

The Recurring Rewards however, will only be paid during the Term Duration.

Note that the next Announcing stage will start at the exact block the Term Duration expires.

How to Get Elected

Unless you have sufficient tokens to get (re-)elected without any extra voters, you are unlikely to get any votes without making an effort to do so. As Jsgenesis represents a large proportion of the voting power, and community members are unlikely to vote for unknown actors without a proven track record, there are some steps you can take to greatly increase your probability of getting votes:

Announce on the Forum

Before a new Announcing stage begins, a new thread will be made on the on-chain forum. Regardless of whether you are a new to the project, have been following it from a distance, are an active member or an experienced CM, make a post or two explaining why you deserve to be voted in. Some suggestions of what to include are:

  • All
    • A little bit about yourself (no need to dox yourself)
    • Handles on other platforms, such as GitHub, Telegram, Discord, Keybase (again, no need to dox yourself)
    • Why you want to be a CM
    • Interest in the project
    • Interest in the space (blockchain, media, both)
    • Any useful skills or assets, such as:
    • technical/coding
    • sysadmin
    • economics
    • spreadsheets
    • math
    • media production, curation
    • free time and grit
    • etc.
  • Newcomers
    • A little (more?) about yourself (still, no need to dox yourself)
    • What brought you in to the project
    • Goals
    • Participation in other projects of any kind
    • What you have done to prepare
    • Any questions about the role
    • etc.
  • Long-term community members
    • General Joystream "record", such as
    • Roles you had
    • Contributions (bounties, KPIs, etc.)
    • Proposals made
    • Participation on discussions on Telegram, Discord, Forum, GitHub, Proposals
    • CM "record"
    • Election history
    • Proposal voting history
    • Council KPIs performed

As you are likely to get some follow up questions, it is a good idea to check in at regular intervals to answer these.

Elected Council Members

The CMs have a variety of tasks. Some are pro-active, others are re-active. Some are recurring and predictable, others will require on the spot problem solving.

To some extent, the same applies to their rewards. They could receive a fixed (in tJOY) Recurring Reward, which will be handled automatically by the chain. The other relies on their ability to solve the tasks and challenges they face through the Council KPIs.

A CM that is slacking off, or for other reasons unable or unwilling to perform their tasks will still receive their rewards for the term, but are unlikely to get re-elected in the near future.

Tasks Overview

The list below contains a high-level overview of their responsibilities:

  • Elect a Council Secretary, to be the "official" point of contact between the Council and Jsgenesis
  • Pay attention to the forum and Discord group, to assist and answer questions when appropriate
  • Pay attention to incoming Proposals, discuss and make informed votes
  • Monitor the performance on the Working Groups and, if necessary, take action
  • Monitor, communicate with, fund and report on the forum sudo
  • Monitor the platform's infrastructure, and report issues or perform the appropriate action(s)
    • endpoint nodes (does blocks come in on hosted pioneer)
    • pioneer (any sites not responding as expected)
    • storage system (is media served)
    • status-server
  • Monitor the platform's spending and resource allocation
  • Perform and/or delegate the required tasks related to the Council KPIs
  • Perform the required tasks related to the Community Bounties

Although only the Council KPIs will qualify for extra rewards in that particular term, other tasks will be rewarded through Founding Member points and increased probability of re-election.

Council KPIs

For each Council Term, a set of Council KPIs will be released. These will contain tasks that the Council, or individual CMs acting on behalf of the Council, should try to complete. Although the tasks and actions required by the Council will vary, the structure of the Council KPIs are fixed.

Structure Example

An example of the structure for a single Council KPI is outlined below. Note that the number of KPIs, success events, individual and sum of the rewards, and complexity of the KPIs per term will vary.

Council KPI - Term X

  • id: - The unique identifier (e.g. X.1)
  • Title: - The title
  • Reward: - The maximum reward paid, assuming all Success Events are delivered and graded complete
  • Description: - A description of the problem solved if all Success Events are complete
  • Success Events:
    • 1. - A precise definition of subtask 1.
    • 2. - A precise definition of subtask 2.
    • ...
    • n. - A precise definition of subtask n.
  • Annihilation: - A precise definition of something that, if it occurs, would result in the entire KPI Reward getting lost, even in the event all the Success Events are fully completed.
  • Grading date: - A (loose) deadline for when Jsgenesis will grade the KPIs, and if applicable, pay the CMs their rewards.

In addition to these, there are some other information that may or may not be included:

  • Starting at: - The exact block height (and approx. date/time) from which the KPI is "Active"
  • Ends at: - The exact block height (and approx. date/time) from which the KPI is no longer "Active"
  • Measurement period: - Similar to the above

The reason these may not always be present is because the intention is that a Council KPI will be active from the block the Council is elected, until the block a new one replaces them.

Scope of Work

The Council KPIs will emphasize tasks that the Council would be expected to handle or directly delegate once the project is live on mainnet. Instead of partially repeating what is listed here, this section will instead focus on some examples of specific Success Events, and workflow.

Most KPIs will be graded based on one of two things:

  1. A deliverable submitted
  2. On-chain records and numbers

Council Deliverables

For a deliverable to qualify, it must, unless noted otherwise:

Unless these conditions are met, Jsgenesis reserves the right to consider a deliverable invalid. However, exemptions can be made depending on the circumstances.

It is irrelevant whether the Council collaborates in producing the deliverable, if it is made by a single CM, or procured from another Member or outsider. The only exceptions are if the deliverable:

  • includes a claim (optional) of its source that proves false
  • does not follow the license requirements of the repo, or violates any other license
  • contains anything violating the platform ToS

Chain Values

The KPI will define whether the value in question shall be:

  • maintained throughout some period of blocks
  • reached at some point during some period of blocks
  • the value from a specific block height


Each Council will be prompted to submit deliverables reporting on things like:

  • interesting events (such as Proposal history)
  • discussions that lead to decisions made (such as voting on said Proposals)
  • budgets and accounts
  • network statistics

Council Secretary

The Council Secretary is an informal role, where the Council themselves are given some flexibility in deciding on compensation and extending their Scope of Work, outside of what is defined in the Council KPI.

The following bullet points should be expected as the Success Events for the KPI:

  • A Text Proposal electing an active CM is "approved" within 24h of a new Term
    • An optional deputy can be chosen
  • The Secretary provides a GitHub handle, which will be granted "Triage" permission to the community-repo
  • Secretary uses their permission to perform the tasks listed here and here.

Managing the Working Groups

Currently, there are two Working Groups on the network:

The role of the Council is not to control these directly, but rather ensure they are being well-run by their respective Leads. What is considered "well-run" is of course open to a wide interpretation, so specific quantitive and qualitative targets would be defined in the Council KPIs.

However, to understand what these targets could entail, how to monitor them, and perhaps even stay ahead of the curve, one should be familiar with some indicators of what to look for.

Finally, a CM must understand what the Council's options are for dealing with a Working Group that is underperforming.

Cost Control

How the Council chooses to approach this is up to them. It is up to the Lead of each group to create Proposals for replenishing the Working Groups mint, but it's up to the Council to approve or reject these requests.

A good approach could be to agree on weekly budgets, and revise them on an as-needed basis. How to set these budgets would depend on a variety of factors such as:

  • Changes in the exchange rate
  • Increased costs and/or workload
    • The Storage Provider Group's real costs depend on:
    • size of the dataDirectory
    • bandwidth due to frequent uploads, downloads and playbacks
    • replication requirement (the platform may wish to have sufficient backup in case workers quit or crash)
    • changes in hardware/VPS costs
    • The Content Curators Group's costs is mostly associated with their time:
    • Verifying new content are in line with the ToS
    • Verifying the metadata of new and existing content
    • Running or creating tools for monitoring changes in the Content Directory or dataDirectory

General Performance

In addition to the bottom-line costs, there are some nuances to the distribution of said costs, and the general quality of the service each Working Group Provides.

Storage Providers

  • Quality of service
    • Is the Storage Providers' uptime acceptable and consistent
    • Are uploads interrupted or failing at an unacceptable rate
    • Is the content replicated to an acceptable level
  • Speed of service
    • Are some/all providers slow to upload to
    • Are some/all providers slow to download/play from

Content Curators

  • Quality of service
    • Is good at getting content featured or promoted
    • Are quality channels getting verified
    • Are the curation actions made accurately and reliably
  • Speed of service
    • Are the points listed above dealt with in a reasonable time
    • Are the curators responsive to requests/complaints/questions made

Lead Actions Are the Leads doing their jobs, in terms of:

  • Managing workers
    • slashing and/or firing non-performing workers
    • keeping the "right" workers, when a cut to the number of workers is required
    • creating and completing new openings quickly and professionally
    • hiring/firing too many/few workers
  • Professionally Conduct
    • reacting swiftly to requests/complaints/questions made
    • failing to report their actions as/if required
    • responding to the Council's directives
  • Economics
    • ensuring the workers' stakes and unstaking terms are reasonable
    • creating the proposals to replenish their mints in time

Council Actions

In some cases, the Council may wish to take some action in relation to the Lead of a Working Group.

If a Working Group is not performing adequately, the first course of action may simply be to give an informal warning to the Lead in question.

The main way of dealing with Leads is through the proposal system. Unfortunately, there are currently limited ways of dealing with the Curator Lead. For the Storage Lead, there are more options, but only one that is not a punishment: Content Curator Lead

  • reduce the group's mint
  • fire the lead Storage Provider Lead
  • reduce the group's mint
  • slash all or parts of the Lead's stake (without firing them)
  • fire the Lead (without slashing them)
  • fire and slash all or parts of the Lead's stake
  • decrease the stake of a Lead (in case the exchange rate has made the stake bigger than "justifiable")

Managing Bounties

The concept and some examples of (Community) Bounties (previously referred to as "Community KPIs") are explained here, so this section will rather focus on the Council's role in these as Project Managers. What this entails exactly will vary depending on the type, complexity, and stage of the active Bounties themselves, but "good" Project Management will be rewarded through the Council KPIs.

A Community Bounty will in general be graded based on deliverables, with conditions similar to what is described here.

Unlike the Council KPIs, the rewards for fulfilling them will not go directly to the CMs, but rather increase the Fiat Pool, thus increasing the value of all the token holders. However, it's assumed that most, if not all, of these rewards will be directed at the group or individual that made the deliverable.

This section contains examples with suggestions for the step-by-step workflow some "common" formats for Bounties - namely "Open", "Free For All" and "Closed" formats. The format should try to optimize for the time, quality, risk and cost, associated with each Bounty.

Note that the target audience for this is not the participants themselves, but rather the Council Members.

Definitions of Terms

  • Community Repo - this GitHub repo
  • Bounty Issue - meaning a GitHub issue made by bwhm or blrhc of Jsgenesis in the Community Repo
  • Council Member (CM) - a (current) member of the Joystream Council
  • Council Secretary - a CM elected by the other CMs to be the "main" representative of the Council towards Jsgenesis
  • Bounty Manager (BM) - a Community Member (can be a CM as well) elected by the Council to be responsible for managing all Bounties for some period of time, or "just" this specific Bounty. Defaults to the Council Secretary if no other person is chosen
  • Forum - the on-chain Joystream forum

Councils Role

As seen in below, the amount of work managing a Bounty will in some cases be substantial. Previously, it was intended that the Council should perform this work as group, but it has become clear that hiring a single (or small group) to act as Bounty Manager(s), either for all open Bounties, or individual ones, is needed for the system to work.

Although the idea of forcing the Council to communicate and co-operate their way through this was noble, it leads to an example of the tragedy of the commons.

As managing the Bounties will be a significant part of their (potential) KPI rewards, they have some excess resources and incentives to hire the "right" people. They can either pay for this out of pocket, request funding for this through spending proposals, reserve some part of the Bounty reward for this purpose or by asking Jsgenesis for designated funding.

In the end, the Council will still be responsible for the work the BM does, so they should still verify the spending and/or text proposals made, and seek feedback of the BM's performance (e.g. responsiveness and communication) from participants.

General Steps

Jsgenesis creates a Bounty Issue in the Community Repo with a new Bounty. This Bounty Issue is meant for the Council first and foremost, and ideally, the person(s) attempting, or successfully manages, to solve the Bounty should not even need to read this.

In this Bounty Issue, Jsgenesis will explain/outline:

  • what the bounty is for
  • success events and their associated rewards
  • some restrictions/requirements
  • how the final submission should be made before it is graded by Jsgenesis

After this, the BM, parses the Bounty Issue, and starts drafting what will be the original post(s) in the Forum thread. In this post, the following should be made clear:

  • The full Scope of Work
  • The full set of rules and conditions, including budgets
    • meaning, for both points above, not only what is covered in the Bounty Issue itself, but any other information the BM sees fitting to include
  • The full workflow for all relevant parties, including deadlines etc.
    • what this entails will be addressed for each individual Bounty Format below.

If the BM needs clarity or more information than what is covered in the Bounty Issue, reply to it for clarity.

Once the draft is completed, the BM creates a text or spending proposal (if funding is needed for their tasks) presenting a draft of the Forum post that will be made for the bounty. If the text is too long to fit in the proposal, a link to the text is shared in its place.

If the proposal is approved, with or without any agreed corrections, the Forum thread is created with the agreed content.

Finally, the BM replies with the content in the Bounty Issue, and makes a PR to the Community Repo, updating the information required.

Bounty Formats

If the Bounty Issue doesn't include, or just suggests a format, the Council is free to choose.

If a format is specified, there is still some freedom to choose within that realm. What is listed below are simply examples.

Open Format

An example of the "Open" format is Bounty #10 - "Upload Public Domain Content".

Anyone (with a membership) can participate in this bounty, it has a fairly low barrier to entry, and will run indefinitely.

However, managing this bounty is not as straightforward, as one would expect a large number of entries, from many different users.

Full Workflow

Involved parties, and their responsibilities:

  • Jsgenesis
    • initial Bounty Issue
    • final grading
  • the Bounty Manager
    • deploying the Bounty
    • initial grading
    • weekly reports and spending proposals
  • the Council
    • approving the Bounty
    • voting spending proposals
  • Content Curators
    • approving uploaded Videos and Channels
  • Entrants
    • creating channels and uploading videos for rewards
  1. The Bounty Manager sets some Bounty specific rules (in addition to the General Steps), such as:
    • Required metadata
    • Other requirements for a video to be rewarded $n (length, resolution, encoding, etc.)
    • Exactly how an Entrant should submit their videos (see 3.)
    • When they will perform their weekly grading
    • The role of the Content Curators
    • etc.
  2. The Entrant sees the Bounty, and uploads one or more videos.
  3. After doing so, they post in the bounties Forum post, with the following information:
    • channelId(s)
    • videoId(s)
    • Brief explanation of the videos uploaded, and perhaps what they expect the reward for each video should be.
  4. The Content Curators should, as is their role, regularly go through all videos uploaded on the platform, curate channels and videos, and post updates on the Forum.
  5. The Bounty Manager, when performing their weekly grading and reporting, can look through the Content Curators Forum thread, and see what has been approved or not. If a video/channel posted in 2. is not approved, it need not be graded. Once the BM has completed grading all (approved) entries, they create a report containing:
    • For each Entrant identified by their membershipId, membershipHandle and account
    • all channels and videos by their IDs
    • with grading (i.e. reward) for each video ID
    • A summary of the rewards
    • A list of all videos/channels that was not approved by Curators
  6. This report is submitted as a PR to the Community Repo, along with a Spending Proposal equalling the sum of the Rewards (plus, if applicable, a payment for their own labour).
  7. If approved by the Council, a review of the PR containing the report is requested by Jsgenesis, and the BM sends the funds minted by the Proposal to the rightful owners.
  8. Jsgenesis grades the report, (including some spot checks of the videos), and adds the amount they see applicable to the Fiat Pool.

Free for All Format

An example of the "Open" format is Bounty #11 - "Design Community Repo Banner".

Similar to the Open format, anyone (with a membership) can participate in this bounty, but it requires a little more specialized skills. It's similar to a competition in many ways, as there can be unlimited entrant, but only a few winners.

Full Workflow

Involved parties, and their responsibilities:

  • Jsgenesis
    • initial Bounty Issue
    • final grading
  • the Bounty Manager
    • deploying the Bounty
    • initial grading
    • spending proposals
  • the Council
    • approving the Bounty
    • voting on spending proposals
  • Entrants
    • designing covers
  • Candidates
    • entrants the BM picks as winners
  1. The Bounty Manager sets some Bounty specific rules (in addition to the General Steps), such as:
    • Where and how a Banner should be submitted initially (e.g. the forum or Community Repo)
    • Exact specifications of a banner (e.g. file format(s), resolutions, etc.)
    • Information on how to find resources (e.g. "blank canvas", fonts, preferred themes, etc.)
    • Deadline(s) for submissions
    • Reserves the right to extend deadlines under certain conditions
    • etc.
  2. Entrants sees the Bounty, and creates banners.
  3. After doing so, they post in the bounties Forum post (and/or makes a draft PR to the Community Repo), with their work.
  4. The BM performs their reviews, and selects up to three Candidates (if there are fewer than three, the BM can choose to extend the deadline). These are each encouraged to make spending proposals.
  5. The Candidates (if they haven't already), opens PRs with their work to the Community Repo, and make their spending proposals - linking to the PRs, and the BMs approvals.
  6. If one or more is approved by the Council, the Candidates mark their PR ready for review, and the BM requests a review by Jsgenesis.
  7. Jsgenesis grades the work and adds the amount they see applicable to the Fiat Pool.

Closed Format

In Bounties that requires significant time and/or other resources to complete, and with only one "winner" in practice, Jsgenesis considers it fair to all parties to have an application process culminating in a single Community Member being assigned the Bounty for some agreed time.

Most coding and research Bounties fits equally well as examples, but #8 - "Ledger for Joystream" seems most suitable due to its extensive scope.

Full Workflow

Involved parties, and their responsibilities:

  • Jsgenesis
    • initial Bounty Issue
    • final grading
  • the Bounty Manager
    • deploying the Bounty
    • advising the Council
    • initial grading
  • the Council
    • approving the Bounty
    • voting on spending proposals
  • Applicants
    • Community Members applying to be Assigned the Bounty
  • Assigned
    • the Applicant chosen
  1. The Bounty Manager sets some Bounty specific rules (in addition to the General Steps), such as:
    • Applications for the bounty will be accepted for until blockheight n, say 2 weeks from now.
    • The BM reserves the right to extend the deadline, if no "suitable" Applicants apply
    • If that is not the case, an Applicant will be assigned within blockheight n+43200, say within three days of the Application stage ending
    • The application must contain:
    • Hardware wallets owned by the Applicant (Ledger required)
    • Experience with using cryptocurrencies
    • Milestones and timelines
    • Brief explanation of why they should be Assigned the Bounty
    • The BM is free to suggest or set parameters for milestones (e.g. 3), timelines (e.g. max two weeks for each), and other reporting requirements
    • A milestone implies some partial delivery at an agreed time, with some part of the compensations being paid out on completion.
  2. Applicants apply for the Bounty. (They may also ask questions, and set some conditions if applicable.)
  3. After the application stage is over, the Bounty Manager either:
    • Assigns an Applicant themselves, or makes a text proposal to the Council proposing to assign one (depending on what was agreed in initially)
    • Extend the Application process - possible with some new terms (e.g. requesting more funding, longer deadlines, etc.)
  4. Assuming an Applicant is now Assigned, they start working with the following agreements:
    • Milestone 1 covers Success Events 1 and 2, will pay the full amount ($100) on completion, if submitted within blockheight n+43200+72000 (five days) and fully accepted. If not submitted, a new Applicant may be Assigned, unless an agreement is made.
    • Milestone 2 covers Success Event 3, and will pay the full amount ($100) on completion, if submitted within blockheight n+43200+72000+72000 (ten days) and fully accepted. If not submitted, a new Applicant may be chosen, unless an agreement is made.
    • Milestone 3 covers Success Events 4 and 5, and will pay the full amount ($250) on completion, if submitted within blockheight n+43200+72000+72000+72000 (fifteen days) and fully accepted. If not submitted, a new Applicant may be chosen, unless an agreement is made.
  5. Before Milestone 1 is reached, the Assigned makes a draft PR to the Community Repo, and a spending proposal for the amount agreed (or less, if the Assigned is themselves aware that their work is incomplete). The Assigned should communicate this to the BM.
  6. The BM advices the Council (by replying to the Proposal) on whether to approve or not.
    • If the BM advices approval, and the Council approves the proposal, the Assigned proceeds to Milestone 2
    • If the BM advices not approving, they must state why. If the Council agrees, the BM decides whether to assign a new Applicant, or extend the deadline(s)
    • Any other outcome should lead to the BM getting replaced.
  7. Assuming step 6. was approved, repeat steps 5. and 6. (except instead of a new PR, new commits are pushed to the draft PR)
  8. Assuming step 6. and 7. was approved, the Assigned makes their (hopefully) final commits to the PR, and creates their final spending proposal.
  9. The BM advices the Council (by replying to the Proposal) on whether to approve or not.
  10. If approved, the Assigned marks the PR "ready for review", and the BM assigns Jsgenesis for review.
  11. Jsgenesis grades the "entire" Bounty, and increases the fiat pool with the equivalent amount.


In addition to the varieties outlined, other formats can be defined and chosen if they are more appropriate for a specific Bounty.

A "new" Council must honor any agreements and rules set by their predecessors, for as long as the rules say so.


The workflow will depend both on the Reward Distribution and the Format, and must be established beforehand.

  • For "Closed" formats, an Applier must present a bid justifying why they ought to be assigned the given Bounty. This should include detailed terms, such as time needed, costs, etc. If approved, this makes the terms valid.
  • In some cases, it may make sense to break a Bounty up in to milestones, with partial rewards at each stage. This builds trust as the Council can see the progress being made, and the Assignee can get chunks of the reward along the way.
  • In other cases, the person may need some initial funding to get started.
  • For "Closed" formats, the specifics of the workflow could be part of the Applier's application for participation.


Constantinople introduced a number of important changes to the governance structure of the platform. The most important of these was the enhancement of the platform's proposal system. You can read descriptions of each of the proposal types on the helpdesk article here.

Most of the proposals are meant to allow the Council to allocate the platforms resources as efficiently as possible. In order to do so, a tokenomics spreadsheet has been made to assist in the decision making.


As a Member (CM or not) you are able to make proposals to be voted on by the Council.

The types of proposals available include:

  • Text/signal Proposal
  • Spending Proposal
  • Set Max Validator Count
  • Set Content Curator Lead
  • Set Content Working Group Mint Capacity
  • Set Election Parameters
  • Runtime Upgrade
  • Add Working Group Leader Opening
  • Set Working Group Mint Capacity
  • Begin Review Working Group Leader Application
  • Fill Working Group Leader Opening
  • Slash Working Group Leader Stake
  • Decrease Working Group Leader Stake
  • Set Working Group Leader Reward
  • Terminate Working Group Leader Role

To make a proposal:

  1. Click the Proposals tab in the Pioneer sidebar (/proposals).
  2. This will provide a view of all of the currently active (as well as past) proposals.
  3. If there are fewer than five active proposals, you can click the New Proposal button at the top of the page.
  4. You will be given a list of proposal types; select the one which is required for your proposal.
  5. Make a note of the staking requirements, ensuring your account balance is sufficient to create the proposal.
  6. Also note the other variables on the page, paying particular attention to the quorum and threshold for votes.
  7. Click Create Proposal and fill in the required fields, Title, Rationale and Description.
  8. When you are ready, click Submit Proposal and sign the transaction.
  9. If everything has worked correctly, your proposal should now be active on the proposals page.

Voting on Proposals

While any member can make a proposal, only Council Members can vote!

The voting process is rather simple. The first step is to navigate to the proposals (/proposals) page and view the currently active proposals. Select the proposal you would like to vote on and simply click the button corresponding to your decision (based on discussion with other council members) on the merits of the proposal.

You can choose:

  • Approve - approving the proposed action
  • Reject - reject the proposed action
  • Slash - reject the proposed action, and slash the stake of the proposer
  • Abstain - abstain from voting

More information on how council votes are processed can be read here.