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This page will contain all information on how to act as a Content Creator
, and how to create a channel, upload videos, and managing your content.
Starting with the Sumer release, content is now consumed, created, and managed in the Joystream Player. You can still use the Joystream-CLI to create channels and upload videos, but using the Joystream Studio will provide a far better experience for most purposes.
You must always keep in mind our Terms of Service when uploading content. Further details can be found here.
Before you can upload your first video, you need to create a membership (if you don't already have one) and then a channel. Instructions for using the Joystream Player can be found below, but if you prefer to use the CLI, go here.
In order to use the Joystream Studio interface, you need to install the Polkadot browser extension in order to sign transactions.
If you already have a membership, follow the instructions below.
If you are new to the platform, you can create a new membership through the onboarding system. Skip to here.
Note that you can also register in our (less polished - but we're working on a new one) governance app - Pioneer, but then you'll need to get tokens first. Using the onboarding flow below is recommended for new participants.
Once you have signed in, it's time to create a Channel.
Although neither cover nor avatar are required, we strongly recommend your to add these as well. Unlike previous versions, where you had to provide a URL, these will also be uploaded to our storage system.
If you are seeking rewards for your content, please be aware that the channel metadata matters. Make it appropriate and descriptive, and use high resolution, well cropped images. If you are planning to upload videos across multiple categories/genres/themes, consider making multiple channels! This can be done by clicking your profile in the top right corner. Here, you can also log out if you want to use a different membership or key.
Now that we have created a channel, we can upload a video.
If you've made a mistake, or simply want to make an improvement, you can edit the video metadata. This is not possible for the video file itself, which can't be changed. If this is incorrect, you will have to delete the video, and start again.
If you have any issues - the first step is to ask in our Discord server!
Although the CLI is not the recommended of uploading, it can be beneficial in some situations. Especially if you want to create/upload multiple channels/videos at the time, and have already ensured your (image) assets are in the correct aspect ratios.
To get, install and configure (ie. importing your membership key to) the CLI, go here.
First, create an input .json file based on the example here.
currently doesn't do anything, as the reward system hasn't been implemented on the runtime side. Unless you want to deal with it later however, it may be worth setting it now.category
(for channels) are currently not displayed in the Player. You can set still them now, by passing it as an integer. At launch, the available categories will be the same as for videos, and listed here.Then, with your membershipController
key selected:
$ yarn joystream-cli content:createChannel -i /path/to/channel-input.json --context Member
To bulk create, prepare multiple input files, and use a bash script:
export AUTO_CONFIRM=true
yarn joystream-cli content:createChannel -i /path/to/channel-input1.json --context Member
yarn joystream-cli content:createChannel -i /path/to/channel-input2.json --context Member
If you want to change the account in between creations, add:
yarn joystream-cli account:choose -a <5ctrlAccountOfMyMembership>
First, create an input .json file based on the example here.
currently doesn't do anything, and can just omitted.category
is passed as an integer. At launch, the available categories will be the same as for channels, and listed here.license
is passed as an integer. At launch, the available license can be found here. Note that depending on the license you choose, the json looks slightly different:
// Custom License:
"license": {
"code": 1000,
"customText": "Some custom text of your choosing!"
// Public Domain:
"license": {
"code": 1001
// All Creative Commons, ie. 1002-1008 (although not strictly required by 1002)
"license": {
"code": 1002,
"Attribution": "Attribution to the original creator as per the license rules."
Then, with your channelOwner
key selected:
$ yarn joystream-cli content:createVideo -i /path/to/video-input.json -c <channelId>
To bulk create, prepare multiple input files, and use a bash script:
export AUTO_CONFIRM=true
yarn joystream-cli content:createVideo -i /path/to/video-input1.json -c <channelId>
If you want to change the account in between creations, add:
yarn joystream-cli account:choose -a <5ctrlAccountOfMyMembership>
If you want to update your channel or video, with <*Id>
, update your input .json, and, with your channelOwner
key selected:
$ yarn joystream-cli content:updateChannel <channelId> -i /path/to/video-input.json
$ yarn joystream-cli content:updateVideo <videoId> -i /path/to/video-input.json
If you only want to change the title of your channel or video, the .json example below is sufficient:
"title": "Your new video or channel title."
If you have any issues - the first step is to ask in our Discord server!
The new content directory is partially using metaprotocols. That means a lot of the information in a transaction is not actually available on chain, but has to be looked up in our query-node "playground" here.
A basic example of how to find the first 100 videos sorted by the block height created:
query {
videos (limit:100, orderBy:createdInBlock_ASC){
category {
channel {
ownerMember {
Note that the clicking "docs" (and/or "schema") is very be helpful, once you get the general syntaxt!
At the time of writing, the only way to find the current set of categories is to go to the query-node playground and query:
query {
videoCategories {
If you are looking for the channel categories, replace videoCategories
with channelCategories
Note that the categories below only include what was set at launch, and may have changed since then.
{"id":"1","name":"Film & Animation"},
{"id":"2","name":"Autos & Vehicles"},
{"id":"4","name":"Pets & Animals"},
{"id":"6","name":"Travel & Events"},
{"id":"8","name":"People & Blogs"},
{"id":"11","name":"News & Politics"},
{"id":"12","name":"Howto & Style"},
{"id":"14","name":"Science & Technology"},
{"id":"15","name":"Nonprofits & Activism"}
At launch, the available license are:
1000 Custom
1001 PDM Public Domain https://creativecommons.org/share-your-work/public-domain/pdm
1002 CC0 Public Domain Dedication https://creativecommons.org/share-your-work/public-domain/cc0
1003 CC_BY Creative Commons Attribution License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0
1004 CC_BY_SA Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0
1005 CC_BY_ND Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0
1006 CC_BY_NC Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0
1007 CC_BY_NC_SA Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0
1008 CC_BY_NC_ND Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0
It is very important that you do not upload illegal or copyrighted content on our testnets. Firstly, this will result in a disqualification from payouts. It will also result in the takedown of content, potentially slashing of funds, and the deletion of your channel. Multiple spam uploads which represent a burden to moderate for the Content Curators
may also be penalized and result in deductions on payouts due for qualifying content uploads on your content creator profile.