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These are the results for the Founding Member Survey The survey ran from July 9, 2021 to July 17, 2021. The survey had 70 responses.

1. Are you a member of any groups below? | Answer | Share |%| |:-|:-|:-| |I submitted a scoring summary for a Scoring Period |50|71,4| |I submitted a scoring summary for a Scoring Period, I have been on the Council on the latest network (eg. Antioch/ joy_testnet_5) |5|7,1| |I submitted a scoring summary for a Scoring Period, I have been on the Council on the latest network (eg. Antioch/ joy_testnet_5), I have been part of a Working Group on the latest network (eg. Antioch/ joy_testnet_5) |5|7,1| |I have been part of a Working Group on the latest network (eg. Antioch/ joy_testnet_5) |4|5,7| |I submitted a scoring summary for a Scoring Period, I have been part of a Working Group on the latest network (eg. Antioch/ joy_testnet_5) |2|2,9| |I have been on the Council on the latest network (eg. Antioch/ joy_testnet_5) |3|4,3| |I have been on the Council on the latest network (eg. Antioch/ joy_testnet_5), I have been part of a Working Group on the latest network (eg. Antioch/ joy_testnet_5) |1|1,4| |Total:|70|100|

2. How many times did you submit a summary when you were active? | Answer | Share |%| |:-|:-|:-| |Every Scoring Period |30|42,9| |I did not submit one or a few summaries |27|38,6| |Never |13|18,6| |Total:|70|100|

2.1. Why did you sometimes miss submitting or never submit? | Answer | Share |%| |:-|:-|:-| |Forgot |13|32,5| |Not woth it, as exepted to few points |11|27,5| |Recently joined |8|20| |I don't participate in the Founding Member Programs |3|7,5| |Did nothing, was a little busy:) |1|2,5| |No time to gather all data (validator eras) |1|2,5| |Network update |1|2,5| |Didn't have proper instructions on how and where to fill up until now |1|2,5| |Was not required to |1|2,5| |Total:|40|100|

2.2. What do you typically include in your summaries? | Answer | Share |%| |:-|:-|:-| |I never submit |16 |22,9| |Validating |9 |12,9| |Working Group |3 |4,3| |Bounties, Validating |2 |2,9| |Bounties, Video Uploads |2 |2,9| |Bounties, Video Uploads, Validating |2 |2,9| |Council, Working Group, Validating |2 |2,9| |Video Uploads |2 |2,9| |Actions performed |1 |1,4| |Bounties, Memes, Community Assistance |1 |1,4| |Bounties, Validating, Social media; helping community; inviting new people to project |1 |1,4| |Bounties, Validating, Web apps for validation statistics |1 |1,4| |Bounties, Video Uploads, Memes |1 |1,4| |Bounties, Video Uploads, Memes, Validating |1 |1,4| |Bounties, Video Uploads, Memes, Validating, tweets, articles |1 |1,4| |Bounties, Video Uploads, Node |1 |1,4| |Bounties, Video Uploads, Validating, voting, noderuning |1 |1,4| |Council |1 |1,4| |Council, Bounties, Video Uploads |1 |1,4| |Council, Video Uploads, Validating |1 |1,4| |Council, Working Group, Bounties, Video Uploads, Forum activity |1 |1,4| |Council, Working Group, Video Uploads, Memes, Validating |1 |1,4| |Memes, Validating |1 |1,4| |Node |1 |1,4| |Node typically.Articles,Videos and Memes,if I have a desire to do them :) |1 |1,4| |Usually Council + Validating + some other activities |1 |1,4| |validating, bounties, video uploads, challenges, posts about joystream |1 |1,4| |Validating, social activity, tests, fix text on git, coding |1 |1,4| |Validating. Bounties, Video Uploads |1 |1,4| |Video Uploads, activity on the forum |1 |1,4| |Video Uploads, Running a node |1 |1,4| |Video Uploads, upload video in others platform or social network |1 |1,4| |Video Uploads, Video Production |1 |1,4| |Why isn't this a multiple choice? |1 |1,4| |Working Group, Bounties, Memes |1 |1,4| |Working Group, Bounties, Video Uploads, Memes |1 |1,4| |Working Group, Bounties, Video Uploads, Memes, Validating |1 |1,4| |Working Group, Validating, Help in the group, other content |1 |1,4| |Working Group, Video Uploads, Validating |1 |1,4| |N/A |1|1,4| |Total:|70|100|

3. How many terms have you been a member of the Council? | Answer | Share |%| |:-|:-|:-| |Never |54 |77,1| |Three |2 |2,9| |Once |2 |2,9| |Twice |3 |4,3| |Five |1 |1,4| |- |1 |1,4| |>5 |1 |1,4| |All the times |1 |1,4| |Few times |1 |1,4| |I didn't count, but probably 6+ |1 |1,4| |I do not remember :) I think somewhere between 5 and 10 times |1 |1,4| |More than 10 |1 |1,4| |More than 4 times |1 |1,4| |Total:|70|100|

3.1. How many times have you reported it? | Answer | Share |%| |:-|:-|:-| |Once |5 |33,3| |All the times |4 |26,7| |Three |1 |6,7| |Five |1 |6,7| |Few times |1 |6,7| |Never |2 |13,3| |Twice |1 |6,7| |Total:|15|100|

4. Have you been part of a Working Group? | Answer | Share |%| |:-|:-|:-| |No |56 |80| |Operations |7 |10| |Curator |6 |8,6| |Storage |1 |1,4| |Total:|70|100|

4.1. How many Scoring Periods have you been a member of said Working Group? | Answer | Share |%| |:-|:-|:-| |Once |5 |33,3| |Never |2 |13,3| |Twice |4 |26,7| |at least |10 |1 |6,7| |I've become Curator at 11 period |1 |6,7| |more |4 |1 |6,7| |Since march 2021 |1 |6,7| |Total:|15|100|

5. Why not? (if you have not reported taking part in Council/WG/Bounties) | Answer | Share |%| |:-|:-|:-| |Forgot 18 25,7 |I thought that this work is paid for in tokens and points are not awarded |13 |18,6| |I have reported |10 |14,3| |I don't get points for the validator, maybe it will be the same with the consul? |4 |5,7| |I am new member |4 |5,7| |Difficult to get into or has no chance |2 |2,9| |I have very little free time now, I'm not sure I can help anything. |2 |2,9| |I noticed |2 |2,9| |I do not receive points for reports |1 |1,4| |I didn't know that periods end so quickly |1 |1,4| |Because i never became coucil |1 |1,4| |I applied for Storage Provider,but wasn't accepted.Waiting for the next call :) |1 |1,4| |I don't know what it is =) |2 |2,9| |I have reported in Creative Community Challenge (poem)! |1 |1,4| |I informed in proposual |1 |1,4| |I just started and I'll send reports every time further. |1 |1,4| |I'm just mostly focused on the professional video production:) |1 |1,4| |I've become Curator at 11 period |1 |1,4| |N/a |1 |1,4| |Now i am in progress to get this. |1 |1,4| |Participated in bounties |1 |1,4| |Probably will do in the future |1 |1,4| |Total:|70|100|

6. Did you know that taking part in Council/WG/Bounties awards lots of points? | Answer | Share |%| |:-|:-|:-| |No |29 |41,4| |Yes |41 |58,6| |Total:|70|100|

7. Did you know that Council/Bounty $ earnings is roughly proportional to FM points awarded? | Answer | Share |%| |:-|:-|:-| |No |47 |67,1| |Yes |23 |32,9| |Total:|70|100|

7.1. Knowing this, would you (re-)submit your summaries for "older" Scoring Periods? | Answer | Share |%| |:-|:-|:-| |Maybe |34 |48,6| |Yes |27 |38,6| |No |9 |12,9| |Total:|70|100|

8. What can be done to make it "easier" for you to submit in the future? - Split by groups | Answer | Share |%| |:-|:-|:-|
