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1. Since the current Lead was hired, how many weekly reports were created? What, in general, did each report contain?

role of the lead of operations wg was opened 05.06.2021 (link

current OWG lead (l1dev) was hired on this role 06.062021 (link

first report was made 28.10.2021 and contained information about rounds from 7 to 27:

then there were 3 reports:

each report contains the following information:

  • the number of the round
  • date of the round
  • spent amount (in $ and tJOY)
  • balance (in $ and tJOY)
  • number of operations workers at the beginning and in the end of the round and % change
  • total Operations Stake (workers + lead) t the beginning and in the end of the round and % change
  • list of WG members, their status, salary (tJOY/block, M tJOY/term, and total M tJOY)

some reports contains additional information, such as:

  • budgets links
  • specific tasks that have been made and paid and proposal links
  • links to proposals which asks to increase OWG budgets
  • links to operations tasks

2. Since the current Lead was hired, how many workers were hired and fired? If anyone was fired, what was the stated reason(s)?

hired members:

round 7 - 1 hired member:

  1. l1dev

round 10 - 3 hired members:

  1. isonar
  2. nexusfallout
  3. freakstatic

round 11 - 4 hired members:

  1. stwoof
  2. maxlevush
  3. drmarkovi
  4. dapplooker

round 14 - 1 hired member:

  1. lkskrn

round 15 - 2 hired members:

  1. shtihmas
  2. palladium

round 18 - 1 hired member:

  1. joystreamstats

round 22 - 18 hired members:

  1. isonar (second time because of technical questions)
  2. arseniy2706
  3. mmsaww
  4. shtihmas
  5. chiffah
  6. zazik
  7. chasil
  8. mmsaww (second time because of technical questions)
  9. goldmember
  10. metralunab
  11. ilich
  12. kate_fm
  13. ururu
  14. andybut
  15. kriptos
  16. chiffah (second time because of technical questions)
  17. surpaul
  18. allyes

round 27 - 1 hired member:

  1. whitebarbie

total members hired: 31 without lead: 30 without reruns (3 people are written two times because of technical questions): 27

fired members

round 16 - 5 fired members:

  1. stwoof
  2. maxlevush
  3. drmarkovi
  4. shtihmas
  5. palladium

round 17 - 1 fired member:

  1. nexusfallout

round 30 - 9 fired members:

  1. isonar 2 (he was fired two times because of technical questions, then he was fired from the second role, but still works in OWG)
  2. mmsaww
  3. mmsaww (he was fired two times because of technical questions, then he was fired from the both roles)
  4. chiffah (he was fired two times because of technical questions, then he was fired from the second role, but still works in OWG)
  5. chasil
  6. metralunab
  7. kriptos
  8. surpaul
  9. allyes

total members fired: 15 without reruns (3 people are written two times because of technical questions): 12

as for the reasons of firing, there is no information about it in the reports. but i asked current lead about it. his answer: “the reason was simply that i got no response and thought they are no longer interested. everyone who got fired can message me and will create a new opening.”

3. What was the overall spending (in both tJOY and USD) at the start of every Council Term starting from the week before the Lead was hired, until now?

i can’t grade overall spending in OWG before hiring a current lead just because he was the first member of the group and the only lead of this group. so all spending were under the direction of the current lead.

round number spent (M tJOY) spent ($)
7 0,3 11,37
8 0,9 33,525
9 0,9 32,4
10 1,8 63,72
11 3,3 114,84
12 3,9 131,82
13 6,7 225,79
14 12,2 414,8
15 11,3 358,21
16 18,8 543,32
17 17,5 537,25
18 9,1 276,64
19 11,7 240,435
20 10 263
21 8,2 192,946
22 11,5 285,2
23 11,1 280,83
24 5 127
25 9,5 257,45
26 10,8 279,72
27 14,5 374,1
28 7 180,6
29 24,1 554,3
30 13,1 326,19
31 10,3 302,305

4. Is the Operations handling their "basic" workload as defined in the helpdesk repo?

i think yes. lead answered me that the main focus of the group now - to improve jsstats and the bots we use, among other things. he also asked me if weekly reports should contain information about workers activities. i said yes!

now it’s difficult to see operations work and understand what they are doing. but including such information in weekly report will make group work more visible.

i also believe that this group is very important and powerful, but they need to do something with the budget. he is too low, but council members don’t see it: they only see that OWG is the most expensive group and may think that they should reduce their budget. but the true is that this group makes a lot for the project. yes, it needs lots of money because there are good developers. so my goal for now - to create some system which will help to make their work clear for others.