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Council Election Round #11 - Performance Review and Minutes

1 - Basic Information

1.1 - Introduction

The council is expected to produce reports during each round and provide feedback in the form of workflow, challenges, thinking and performance as well as minutes covering important events during the council session.

Usernames referenced are Joystream usernames. All times are calculated based on 6 second blocktimes and not actual blocktimes. The Council Round number is taken from the chain, the KPI rounds have an offset number.

This report was compiled by @tomato with assistance from @freakstatic

1.2 - Council Round Overview

1.3 - Council members & vote participation

  • All usernames are listed in the order given by activeCouncil from chain state.
  • Votes cast includes all types of vote (Approve, Reject, Abstain & Slash)
  • In the event a proposal is not finalized within the current council, it will be indicated and current council votes will not be recorded due to system limitations
Username Member ID Prop. Votes Cast CM Own Stake CM Voter Stake
@l1dev 515 26 1000000 12000000
@supunssw 318 14 6000000 4000000
@freakstatic_council 321 35 3000500 9500000
@nexusfallout 4 30 4000000 6500000
@tomato 2 34 7000000 5000000
@sparky 319 2 17000000 0
Total Stake 750005000

Council member Own stake Backers' stake Backers count


l1dev ID 515 5DFb8X…HiJTe8 785,053.000 JOY 1.000M JOY 12.000M JOY 4 2
supunssw ID 318 5EZxuZ…Ji6wTC 3.983M JOY 6.000M JOY 4.000M JOY 2 3

freakstatic_council ID 321 5EnHnM…CUQUYF 982,683.000 JOY 3.005M JOY 9.500M JOY 4 4

nexusfallout ID 4 5FMrFX…GdE56D 362.000 JOY 4.000M JOY 6.500M JOY 2 5

tomato ID 2 TOMATO-SESSION-KEY 7.099M JOY 7.000M JOY 5.000M JOY 1 6

sparky ID 319 5GvbKq…oBmhWH 2.824M JOY 17.000M JOY 0 0

1.4 - Council Roles

1.5 - Council Mint & Budget Status

  • Start minted: 115202776 tokens
  • End minted: 133482776 tokens
  • Total minted during council round: 18280000 tokens (+15.86% from start)
    • Minted from Spending proposals: 19340000 tokens
    • Minted for CM payments: 44400000 tokens

(Note, some spending proposals only get minted after the council session has ended, they are included in the amount minted)

(Note: The council budget is now based on the rewards for roles, council payments and validator payments. Jsgenesis decides how much to set the mint to.)

2 - Minutes

2.1 - Proposal Overview

Proposal Types

  • 43 Proposals Created
    • 11 Text Proposals
    • 31 Spending Proposals
    • 0 SetWorkingGroupLeaderReward Proposals
    • 0 SetWorkingGroupMintCapacity Proposals
    • 0 BeginReviewWorkingGroupLeaderApplication
    • 0 TerminateWorkingGroupLeaderRole
    • 0 FillWorkingGroupLeaderOpening
    • 1 SetValidatorCount
    • 0 AddWorkingGroupLeaderOpening
    • 0 SetElectionParameters

Proposal States

  • 26 Approved & executed proposals
    • Token value of spending proposals: 193400000 tokens
  • 10 Canceled proposals
  • 0 Rejected proposals
  • 0 Slashed proposals
  • 3 Passed to next council proposals
  • 3 Expired proposals

Failed Proposals

  • 1 NotEnoughCapacity failures
    • Token value: 550000 tokens
  • 1 ExecutionFailed

  • Total time for proposals to finalize: 1041.6 hours

  • Average time for proposals to finalize: 34.72 hours

    • The total and average times do not include canceled proposals.

2.2 - Proposal Breakdown

Proposal 135 - Create a Russian language forum category

Proposal 136 - KPI 11.3 - Appoint New Council Secretary

Proposal 137 - KPI 10.2 - Council 3 - Tokenomics Report

Proposal 138 - Greeting telegram sticker

Proposal 139 - Greeting telegram sticker

Proposal 140 - Adjust Runtime Parameters

Proposal 141 - Telegram stickers

Proposal 142 - KPI 10.2 - Council 10 Report

Proposal 143 - Stickers

Proposal 144 - Supplement translation Russian-UI

Proposal 145 - Stickers Pack FunJoystream

Proposal 146 - Telegram stickers

Proposal 147 - Jsgenesis Forum Category

Proposal 148 - Banner

Proposal 149 - Increase Validator Count

Proposal 150 - Supplement translation Russian-UI (upd)

Proposal 151 - Another stick)

Proposal 152 - Stickers Pack FunJoystream

Proposal 153 - Cooking with the Joystream

Proposal 154 - Banner (Community Repo)

Proposal 155 - JoystreamStats development (weeks 4-6)

Proposal 156 - updating RuTranslation joy-* modules

Proposal 157 - Cooking with the Joystream

Proposal 158 - Community Bounty #11 — banner #CheOmsk

Proposal 159 - Telegram bot faucet

Proposal 160 - Community Bounty #11 — #CheOmsk upd.

Proposal 161 - Banner (Community Repo) Update*

Proposal 162 - Runtime Upgrade Proposal

Proposal 163 - Creating RUS guides on reporting

Proposal 164 - Joystream Wikipedia .

Proposal 165 - Whitepaper in RUS + on Medium

Proposal 166 - Made a drawing in the style of joystream

Proposal 167 - Updating RuTranslation page-* modules

Proposal 168 - Council Bounty Management

Proposal 169 - Move my youtube channel to Joystream.

Proposal 170 - Bounty - " Articles on Wikipedia"

Proposal 171 - node status widget

Proposal 172 - Script for installing node

Proposal 173 - Positive video of the future joystream

Proposal 174 - JoystreamStats development (week 7/21)

Proposal 175 - Positive video of the future joystream

Proposal 176 - New creative promotion act for Joystream

Proposal 177 - RUS guides and tutorials about Joystream

2.4 - Select threads & events

  • N/A

2.5 - Working Group Spotchecks

  • Storage Role Spot Check: (this wasn't performed during the council session)
  • Curator Role Spot Check: (this wasn't performed during the council session)

3 - Review

3.1 - Workflow, Performance, Challenged & Thinking

  • N/A

4 - Obligations

Council obligations are payments or items that carry through council sessions. These are noted so that future councils can easily see what items they should be aware of. Items can be removed from here once they have been resolved or become outdated.

4.1 Current Documents / Processes

  • Council Report
    • Each council should produce a report which highlights important events, council participation, mint spending and other important facts surrounding the council term
  • Council Budget
    • This is a proposal which tries to guide how many tokens the current council may have available to it during a term. This is a non binding proposal, so is mainly used as a guide for now.

4.2 Regular Payments / Proposals

  • Council Mint
    • The council mint needs to be checked on a regular basis and in the event it is near depletion, a council member should notify a member of Jsgenesis in order for it to be refilled.
    • The council mint is set at a value decided by Jsgenesis.
  • Council Roles
    • Council Secretary
      • This role was introduced in Council Round #18 and the current payment is 2 million tokens per council round
  • Content Curator Mint
    • The Content Curator Mint currently has a maximum value of 5 million tokens.
    • The Content Curator Mint has to be filled periodically and the agreed amount was discussed earlier. The amount may change in the future, but the rewards for this role are dependent on the council passing these proposals in a timely fashion.
    • The Content Curator Lead role is expected to keep track of their mint level and any member of the Joystream platform can create a proposal to refill this mint.
  • Storage Mint
    • The Storage Mint currently has a maximum value of 5 million tokens.
    • This mint has be refilled periodically
    • The Storage Lead role is expected to keep track of their mint level and any member of the Joystream platform can create a proposal to refill this mint.

4.2 Bounties

5 - Report changelog

  • 04.11.2020

    • added working group review section
  • 22.10.2020

    • updated budget section to reflect nature of new budget system
    • updated events to be threads & events
  • 14.09.2020

    • removed member addresses and replaced with member IDs since they take less space
    • added realized and unrealized spending