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Jsgenesis Backers Addresses

Date: 12-28-2022 Author: isonar Version: 0.1.0

About this Document

Below is the list of wallet addresses believed to be in custody by Jsgenesis backers. Jsgenesis did not commission, sanction, review, or comment on the data contained here (see Appendix 1.) The sole purpose of this research is to increase Joystream DAO transparency, as well as to give Joystream community members a way to monitor investor activity (selling large volume of project tokens, elections influence, etc) which is the primary factor impacting the project token price.

The exact count of legal entities (or private persons) backing Jsgenesis cannot be inferred from the data in Appendix 1, because most backers have probably asked Jsgenesis to split their total share among several addresses. One can try to estimate the approximate backers figure by observing "clusters" of addresses with the same balance, but we leave this exercise to reader's discretion.

Method of Obtaining the Data

Appendix 1 records are sorted in the descending order of Total Balance, as captured on December 28th, 2022, approximately at 4am EET. We obtained this data independently from Jsgenesis by manually parsing the output of system.account API call and detecting the addresses that has around 79% unlocked $JOY balances. Such manual approach is by definition error prone, but a simple sanity check (sum of all Total balances) gives 31.78% investor share, versus the officially disclosed 32.33%, gives a decent, although a not ideal, result.

Data Errors

Instead of modifying this document directly, kindly reach out to us on Github in case you find errors in this data.

Appendix 1. Blockchain addresses believed to belong to Jsgenesis investors

## Total Balance Vested Amount Liquidity % Address
1 190,850,000 40,078,500 79 j4SRrm45uSxgKiJKpicSmtc9yJBHJtYGyfa1iuPtctrSf1qZu
2 21,000,000 4,410,000 79 j4TebSaavpcpeztpDbcouVvs2Y3dxCJHGUVbn2tyxjDFBhmyk
3 7,000,000 1,470,000 79 j4SNDeUBmmi5EYDtCeUbJTx3j5Dd6deJXZw2CuKdt8ExttbtF
4 5,850,000 1,228,500 79 j4SqP3TEdNemb6yYpdCzxrUTYWnR3XBwuenaZ4fPhbzZtdExx
5 5,833,334 1,225,000 79.0000024 j4S1yKtAmtkyUWBV7ZHHTsvVnQ6UZFzoQxgVjBBUZNoTt7NYq
6 5,000,008 1,050,001 79.0000136 j4WFhDZoXTwvh184Mxzx1jc9ek2PXzuZnDmWxm28TguSYpwgR
7 5,000,000 1,050,000 79 j4VdRGKxx9EBdGfuQaXZPTYpejosuQff2dP7415SenPdEwyq2
8 5,000,000 1,050,000 79 j4SnUe4gbNqrhJ4PJLqWiiYh1dNMNsMZJjW4qWxNxAfC1RRK1
9 4,166,667 875,000 79.00000168 j4T6EPqDBoGA64i8b8jCYZoHE2DyRiNoXRHMSono7AjoQaaWh
10 4,166,667 875,000 79.00000168 j4SZJ967AVoNUUiWXSn2QRnjG6ADhGATx1jsLRTomhAvX593L
11 4,166,667 875,000 79.00000168 j4TN2fgVJjsATiojEnJdF4ofKx2UfGnDYEnRdrzQ1SSiAkC9o
12 4,166,667 875,000 79.00000168 j4Uj2GJLKV4wbsPkAoQEGKqxdEsyfefCwfrveLz6XtDinQg8M
13 4,166,667 875,000 79.00000168 j4VYHWcPF9c9B9Xstf7csncLpdwSXBBmybW9Ff4JqavY4K1kx
14 3,477,790 875,000 74.84034724 j4RuyV6AnMA1BMBZD2545AGLdxi1uV5UeACMNy4AzWpE7XEq3
15 3,333,334 700,000 79.0000042 j4SCJJPERQT46evHQfgHNk2etyq6zrbZWuhMctjFhcgUSm3XD
16 3,333,334 700,000 79.0000042 j4WXmppKCPWVWcR2Gc81xoEEzboPhqubKVAA1MgJsRsNK24H4
17 3,333,334 700,000 79.0000042 j4TKW2hxBpjcjWqAcRw4ZEJnEWCw7VyLyrT8GLEFxv7LzEuGC
18 3,333,334 700,000 79.0000042 j4VMX4tz5EpMoXtMimDSErNDZwB9EwE8VbnjcLMPchnj7b6DS
19 3,333,334 700,000 79.0000042 j4RgiCk2dYsy47SfCeMFvVHkq6ELn9yDGHeaHAz6rhiWoNfGb
20 2,500,167 525,035 79.0000028 j4RkVsnTTXUxLtoYFwKdDS1mFvPiPDukXWmx6oFxP6Z2SgFLG
21 2,500,014 525,002 79.0000376 j4TYy6GCAwbZqxM2Pi8N7HS3rECSHpv9oAd71mgQ1WvHAmBkt
22 2,500,000 525,000 79 j4WiT7NQeeYxUeDWpcrYyWyAyjTWN1T9PEas7Zi43vsdoaBzM
23 2,500,000 525,000 79 j4RpVXQDySw2QdaLMUH1qt4wRQYMXBwaSNsAagjHp5pELW5tv
24 2,500,000 506,483 79.74066139 j4U5d7ZWhjtD5NivHcUA35mV6C6R6enqcesevQejkSgzBxj9K
25 2,233,334 469,000 79.00000627 j4RsdmY7f4Vq1guZ74F6s4qX2Vwz7QXth2bxykmojFpAoGCQn
26 1,668,317 350,346 79.00003417 j4SYghLtumNZA45uip6vgpWThsKxiEgs64MYEkWsQPZHUR2rX
27 1,666,834 350,035 79.0000084 j4V5bJFszkM8d59bWM6ARFUBmPRoZmu6AXJBKbDYzDFgXYP11
28 1,666,667 350,000 79.0000042 j4UGbwdVMnJZr5dcbpnNdWp6YpkHGBsAnephnNGCDSaFYTQVn
29 1,666,667 350,000 79.0000042 j4RUfxXaEHTQnKGvVtnhwy43UgYGyQZ2HeDTJ6KSSN4XwZAxY
30 1,100,000 231,000 79 j4SbAvmFXSVuKu2Gww6JJuAWm7Auqm19EX2EkhcPwdqUtXazX
31 833,473 175,029 79.00003959 j4UiSpDJGdUwJzAMxYyk7PZRtUGUkDvATvZqC88nCX1MTn63h
32 833,473 175,029 79.00003959 j4VpRn4YdfFjm7cTAZPXDFWRnmj2mDjGhLssNQXe5t2rqbdmx
33 833,471 175,028 79.00010918 j4X5Heyaw2hBXpQNuepRkzE5zjtajjmsqS2ioaL8NeRRKKqpX
34 833,334 175,000 79.0000168 j4T92vWgKQFdRCNED348aHP1RdVY1H39mDtoYgNG7i8vkMevi
35 833,334 175,000 79.0000168 j4Voo7nEJq9jZCPT6BkaMZBmyWWoGvuA9YT2mCFmuE4cbp5e1
36 833,334 175,000 79.0000168 j4SECCTSmRgL2LZbzQbJtpohjZuk9C4i8vFdBpHpXAxt7WRYV
37 832,917 174,912 79.00006843 j4RgetzY28i4fADTMwh1k8QnqDjbgCMd8eXmKbbpeNbQGV61t
38 790,002 175,000 77.84815544 j4T74GEvJnhHD8Cgs4koox5hmFT9GsGEfJr8NTJq1qZurBpoQ
39 750,000 157,500 79 j4RxsLAn8k1TXH592hdHru9Kyz7o2heTXw9SxUaKqYVyxUA5L
40 500,000 105,000 79 j4W2PA64uDT9JwrQYdeixHaAUyd2pqaNFibUZvMGt7dPBUgiM
41 416,667 87,500 79.0000168 j4VbPDrSP8DNk9xDEUuaJsfdvjV4SSkXibXpefkT7xFRZBV21
42 261,000 50,000 80.8429105 j4Vu9iwKQZ4g84ihAsDxqjPBvmSVmArHNN1tZWRMjBSJJpgAU
43 250,000 52,500 79 j4TjXZaxuieCYiDSrd9rnKq1rJgzR3JToFkJLr8q36Su3WHBE