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These are the results for the Founding Member Survey The survey ran from July 9, 2021 to July 17, 2021. The survey had 71 responses.

1. Are you a member of any groups below? | Answer | Share |%| |:-|:-|:-| |I submitted a scoring summary for a Scoring Period |51|71,8| |I submitted a scoring summary for a Scoring Period, I have been on the Council on the latest network (eg. Antioch/ joy_testnet_5) |5|7| |I submitted a scoring summary for a Scoring Period, I have been on the Council on the latest network (eg. Antioch/ joy_testnet_5), I have been part of a Working Group on the latest network (eg. Antioch/ joy_testnet_5) |5|7| |I have been part of a Working Group on the latest network (eg. Antioch/ joy_testnet_5) |4|5,6| |I submitted a scoring summary for a Scoring Period, I have been part of a Working Group on the latest network (eg. Antioch/ joy_testnet_5) |2|2,8| |I have been on the Council on the latest network (eg. Antioch/ joy_testnet_5) |3|4,2| |I have been on the Council on the latest network (eg. Antioch/ joy_testnet_5), I have been part of a Working Group on the latest network (eg. Antioch/ joy_testnet_5) |1|1,4| |Total:|71|100|


2. How many times did you submit a summary when you were active? | Answer | Share |%| |:-|:-|:-| |Every Scoring Period |30|42,3| |I did not submit one or a few summaries |28|39,4| |Never |13|18,3| |Total:|71|100|


2.1. Why did you sometimes miss submitting or never submit? | Answer | Share |%| |:-|:-|:-| |Forgot |13|31,7| |Not woth it, as exepted to few points |11|26,8| |Recently joined |8|19,5| |I don't participate in the Founding Member Programs |3|7,3| |Did nothing, was a little busy:) |1|2,4| |No time to gather all data (validator eras) |1|2,4| |Network update |1|2,4| |Didn't have proper instructions on how and where to fill up until now |1|2,4| |Was not required to |1|2,4| |When I was noticed, that after my submitting, I do not take points, I stoped submitting. My girlfriend the same.|1|2,4| |Total:|41|100|


2.2. What do you typically include in your summaries? | Answer | Share |%| |:-|:-|:-| |I never submit |16 |22,5| |Validating |10 |14,1| |Working Group |3 |4,2| |Bounties, Validating |2 |2,8| |Bounties, Video Uploads |2 |2,8| |Bounties, Video Uploads, Validating |2 |2,8| |Council, Working Group, Validating |2 |2,8| |Video Uploads |2 |2,8| |Actions performed |1 |1,4| |Bounties, Memes, Community Assistance |1 |1,4| |Bounties, Validating, Social media; helping community; inviting new people to project |1 |1,4| |Bounties, Validating, Web apps for validation statistics |1 |1,4| |Bounties, Video Uploads, Memes |1 |1,4| |Bounties, Video Uploads, Memes, Validating |1 |1,4| |Bounties, Video Uploads, Memes, Validating, tweets, articles |1 |1,4| |Bounties, Video Uploads, Node |1 |1,4| |Bounties, Video Uploads, Validating, voting, noderuning |1 |1,4| |Council |1 |1,4| |Council, Bounties, Video Uploads |1 |1,4| |Council, Video Uploads, Validating |1 |1,4| |Council, Working Group, Bounties, Video Uploads, Forum activity |1 |1,4| |Council, Working Group, Video Uploads, Memes, Validating |1 |1,4| |Memes, Validating |1 |1,4| |Node |1 |1,4| |Node typically.Articles,Videos and Memes,if I have a desire to do them :) |1 |1,4| |Usually Council + Validating + some other activities |1 |1,4| |validating, bounties, video uploads, challenges, posts about joystream |1 |1,4| |Validating, social activity, tests, fix text on git, coding |1 |1,4| |Validating. Bounties, Video Uploads |1 |1,4| |Video Uploads, activity on the forum |1 |1,4| |Video Uploads, Running a node |1 |1,4| |Video Uploads, upload video in others platform or social network |1 |1,4| |Video Uploads, Video Production |1 |1,4| |Why isn't this a multiple choice? |1 |1,4| |Working Group, Bounties, Memes |1 |1,4| |Working Group, Bounties, Video Uploads, Memes |1 |1,4| |Working Group, Bounties, Video Uploads, Memes, Validating |1 |1,4| |Working Group, Validating, Help in the group, other content |1 |1,4| |Working Group, Video Uploads, Validating |1 |1,4| |N/A |1|1,4| |Total:|71|100|


3. How many terms have you been a member of the Council? | Answer | Share |%| |:-|:-|:-| |Never |54 |77,5| |Three |2 |2,8| |Once |2 |2,8| |Twice |3 |4,2| |Five |1 |1,4| |- |1 |1,4| |>5 |1 |1,4| |All the times |1 |1,4| |Few times |1 |1,4| |I didn't count, but probably 6+ |1 |1,4| |I do not remember :) I think somewhere between 5 and 10 times |1 |1,4| |More than 10 |1 |1,4| |More than 4 times |1 |1,4| |Total:|71|100|


3.1. How many times have you reported it? | Answer | Share |%| |:-|:-|:-| |Once |5 |33,3| |All the times |4 |26,7| |Three |1 |6,7| |Five |1 |6,7| |Few times |1 |6,7| |Never |2 |13,3| |Twice |1 |6,7| |Total:|15|100|


4. Have you been part of a Working Group? | Answer | Share |%| |:-|:-|:-| |No |57 |80,3| |Operations |7 |9,9| |Curator |6 |8,5| |Storage |1 |1,4| |Total:|71|100|


4.1. How many Scoring Periods have you been a member of said Working Group? | Answer | Share |%| |:-|:-|:-| |Once |5 |31,3| |Never |3 |18,8| |Twice |4 |25| |at least |10 |1 |6,3| |I've become Curator at 11 period |1 |6,3| |more |4 |1 |6,3| |Since march 2021 |1 |6,3| |Total:|16|100|


5. Why not? (if you have not reported taking part in Council/WG/Bounties) | Answer | Share |%| |:-|:-|:-| |Forgot |18 |25,4| |I thought that this work is paid for in tokens and points are not awarded |13 |18,3| |I have reported |10 |14,1| |I don't get points for the validator, maybe it will be the same with the consul? |4 |5,6| |I am new member |4 |5,6| |Difficult to get into or has no chance |2 |2,8| |I have very little free time now, I'm not sure I can help anything. |2 |2,8| |I noticed |2 |2,8| |I don't know what it is =) |2 |2,8| |I do not receive points for reports |1 |1,4| |I didn't know that periods end so quickly |1 |1,4| |Because i never became coucil |1 |1,4| |I applied for Storage Provider,but wasn't accepted.Waiting for the next call :) |1 |1,4| |I have reported in Creative Community Challenge (poem)! |1 |1,4| |I informed in proposual |1 |1,4| |I just started and I'll send reports every time further. |1 |1,4| |I'm just mostly focused on the professional video production:) |1 |1,4| |I've become Curator at 11 period |1 |1,4| |N/a |1 |1,4| |Now i am in progress to get this. |1 |1,4| |Participated in bounties |1 |1,4| |Probably will do in the future |1 |1,4| |When I noticed, that I did not take points for validating and running a node, I thought, that there no sense about bounties submitting. But I participated in some of them. |1 |1,4| |Total:|71|100|


6. Did you know that taking part in Council/WG/Bounties awards lots of points? | Answer | Share |%| |:-|:-|:-| |No |30 |42,3| |Yes |41 |57,7| |Total:|71|100|


7. Did you know that Council/Bounty $ earnings is roughly proportional to FM points awarded? | Answer | Share |%| |:-|:-|:-| |No |48 |67,6| |Yes |23 |32,4| |Total:|71|100|


7.1. Knowing this, would you (re-)submit your summaries for "older" Scoring Periods? | Answer | Share |%| |:-|:-|:-| |Maybe |34 |47,9| |Yes |28 |39,4| |No |9 |12,7| |Total:|71|100|


8. What can be done to make it "easier" for you to submit in the future? - Split by the groups | Answer | Share |%| |:-|:-|:-| |Make it more convenient and simplify |27 |38| |Everything is good |20 |28,2| |Remind to submit a report |7 |9,9| |Detail the principles of scoring |7 |9,9| |More points need to be awarded |3 |4,2| |I don't know |2 |2,8| |I have no time |2 |2,8| |Other |3 |4,2| |Total:|71|100|


8. What can be done to make it "easier" for you to submit in the future? - All the answers | Answer | |:-| |Make submission process as easy as possible. Preferably via web UI. Without needing to think about a format of submission text. As less paperwork as possible.| |report form similar to this to paste validator addresses and select kind of participation| |Notify in the Russian telegram group| |I don't know I have no problem now| |reminders| |Make submission more easier.| |I'm thinking about it| |maybe some platform where we can submit every thing we did to joystream| |At the moment,it's ok.| |I just need more time| |Nothing, everything is great and convinient| |Report submission form| |simplify the process| |It will help a lot if I know for what activity how many points are awarded. Then I would deliberately change course towards more reward.| |the system of reports is very understandable for me| |to be honest, I'm already used to it| |I think i missed all the idea of this so maybe a guide on what this role is about and how it can be awarded can make sense. Sure, it is already done. | |twitter posts| |For me it’s quite easy as is, but probably for less technical people it might be a bit hard.| |google form)| |Process is already understandable| |Notifications from TG Group admins and other members. I take this survey because Andy ask me.| If there was an understandable form that could be filled out. |So that points for the validator are awarded automatically, without the need to specify blocks| |everything suits me| |Make a google form, sending a report is very inconvenient and unclear what is needed| |Maybe nothing , but as for me making raport can be changed with format| |Clearly understand how many point i would get for certainly activities| |I think the form of the report is simple and straightforward.| |I make my proposal in a forums| |Make an online form indicating activities and a report on the accrual of points| |I am satisfied with everything, points are awarded fairly, and I would not like to change anything| |For me personally, everything seems to be fine! Thank You!:))| |list of acivities for running period| |As for me , this form is great soluotion for beginners and excperienced , so i can't say that it must be changed | |I propose to create a telegram bot that will remind me of the end of the reporting period| |сложно писать отчет. можно как то проще его писать например просто посты делать.| |is there really not enough people willing to be members of the council or consuls?| |Everything is allright| |ну не знаю, может упростить форму?| |google form| |Change scoring period from weekends to week days.| |more transparent conditions and that this will give the participant of the Council| |it's ok| |Accrupar to me the points)| |подробное раскрытие дорожной карты командой проекта| |telegram bot| |I understand everything| |I should try just once| |Everything suits me| |define clear rewards for clear assignments| |awarding the node holder| |A suitable google form would be by the way| |russian language| |nothing, now everything is fine| |easier way of submitting as I can't currently remember how to| |Nothing, I'm used to it.| |make easy tool to get actual validators statistics, change Keybase to Discord or Telegram, maybe prepare some auto-generated templates for submitting reports in the current scoring period (date can be filled automatically for the current period)| |this form of filing is acceptable| |Make a convenient form on the website for submitting reports| |email notification, how to fill examples| |ю| |To know when is the end of current period. | |Make a webpage with online reporting and logging.| |The "validator" report could be simplified a lot| |More information about the scoring period, plus regular reminders| |No screenshot for node), i don't like to make it)| |In fact, everything is quite simple, you just need to carefully read the assignments yourself.| |With the updated UX I could easily notice the banner that I'd have to report activities| |Raise awareness| |You just did it! You show, that it's important. So I hope, that the problem solved. I will try submitting in time. Thank you. With respect.|

9. The signs | Sign | |:-| |0x785c95f2a1342ced37085ab93b5d25aa2ef4bf4e98bf2bb252cd787d9802c72b27a9164fbd18dcb7275cfeefd3c3dc684045d1ac5915a37a8386612c79426385| |0xf2bca700e6ffe3f032ede04b37836a12453a112b6f5a77e2e046a2496c69ea06e62489538554ce3c6b6d08d39a712f073cdb721342b2bee6fdc764186ec70088 |0xe476d276e2828459c9fe82b182a1268391192862afb329245ccb15abab0216617f9321a6701f7cccc650bd90072560410d324427c344fba2348de3a533493f87 |0xdef5cb9ee2719b25c69929990e94b9647ed884cf230b34b232db9c80df713608b387125281fa64f01d5f81ffef66ad231e65f43c0ad617fe0b7cb230133e2889 |0x7636d0fdd8631b93799bd0d00009ba430c6f919993e4821023959b424714b234e0cec046f869988e9c8c360bb17c12cc25f6621931b102d57c8c87acc5cc8f8c |0x724888210477fa0456956fe7c8b7ad64089e799e89a4711fb4f5d550758bb640b06ec36c53db8b572f36a672ef619a1e82690c830871c33b5da3d2ffa71aaf82 |0x86b600f8e6e40391278aa5b4bc195dba2a55479e46403986bb4c84ef6346292ab90e42cac5e11a5900b2b9e8a5f08a46481f1c5edaa2d96c8e73fd8f426fce8e |0xfe1a7b8d2a47d515ef4a7fdb97a6d2dfdf6ce00db245cde142574a4f663e3d2384ed3818e1c3148bd2a664ec0f12753f5be738e97ac654e2b79388ac6de0a08e |0x6acc39104156aef1ba3586d1fbb5714f8fe6747b5a14707eb66667876208052548971bea0635332cac5a8e41d31116e0693a52aeeb6e5c8677d8c545edd81889 |0x289d2c7df39377dffd9e07791b4616394f1c020b20e0468e5e8ed9002a7f842be5619055867dc87a4116ffc630f58442ca0e827efebc8deefa62994299a27089 |I am member 630, signing with key 5E2djf7mh242s1AyTTeAV9v81D7sduqwgwir3G2yXFUrX8rX 0xca421822ecfad2f84af9fcc6f55e6b7036e70d1f1b7ac0f8315f31864fae510d3532d2ec97dd6d8aabc97663ff2bdd10e5cead9c5650bc40e84eb29aae2f0685 |I am member <2329>, signing with key <5GeRwBEidgwsSsdrYpUZ1W9Vx2zz7z2yJWqaVjM8QK2yec33> 0x1e3d9edfeba83754ddfb7a37898ed2d567596f65f179b8d1d8591c9921f2f324281f9c155d4e424cbf48d0254f71e3cb361ded0cede50cd8f5575cde3c042b8f" |I am member ID: 777,signing with key rootAccount 5HpuDtCv6BDAhTCpz6BW5CJDRrPXeY5wUQHFB6QqwjBKP3Yu 0xde2f50acfd417d6cd3f448e5e9aa14b29dcbfbdc59dd334ec254fea5a5eda862f70a085f3b2b869414f33a8222db4c1a9018a49c8469772264625592db5e0180 |0xc090f7eaeb59228c82aa82b1b34454760de700dc3a91bfa4cd4e327e8f02fd090346116cca364caa3415cb142beba2f3edf0f10d02706dd22a74f3e4ef494783 |0x5c67a9cda280577a1138865230ed9f392bf2a12a3a0bb973a3806f2eef09d25626ea2ef876eb6b9686faa658afe34945fd876ff7cae2be4cfe06bd135a409e8f |I am member 790, signing with key <5GuMJVvcq4Vfwt1gXFQGq9pafeRn29eya2s9e9EZJCd2PMRn> 0x2ace9f4f0d9d006d34cfd6bbf60219793a1e91c48f0eaf6169e22d38c7c7191674317dd326aec090ca647adf657dc2954ad388d5a5618c022e9bb0a1e4ecea82 |0xa43e1fed3a664a5b3c8025e7025fb749000c170cbf25261403b72afca0cc6937da27b2358ced314e66ec44b2eba11e41501cb0f4a9395683c3f9e17688d2aa86 |1).I am member 1155, signing with key 5Gx8odT5ZGXRzxvwebpqTPQ8JdzK9D72zbzcqGpZYL13xd1g 2). 0x8e318bd7910b2083cf138e18a2971b2b9680164483bbd04b9f1819c4779cd9510483c5902f2d8613acf8eacf0590cf9e58b329a5098df082b5df6e6060834f82" |0xc0c308a0e60e8c7526338b0f9396d08c8c6cf20711c18d4fe831b317518a660c2b479f8066a529b239436faf86a7d6e838f161e7393ebb58e22f7cb2e86f238f l am member 772, signing with key 5D7jRoJW6nXZz25B8X4Fa7ezgFA5d4auzxaMpwGFeukRnBAV |0x88943a862dfe1e57606f8734a197a5896d71fb9f2cf43b03b1233817e635b264b54430e6543fee0388b8ad779151a29a19a99d83f4e2f0c2566d47679565d188" |I am member 1521 signing with key 5CaDmoBUtV2ebxiFY3YVaK1k2k8bo9wcxGVTjKPhBSxXLuoH 0xe0d9e714780194ff35e71a7a7fb4b1954a444c4c90c1166e5b5c376ce72c7560b9360d8cde589ba7a15f81a278f0db6a00e3ff96f2b6f5f3ca364cc469e36f87 |I'm member 2462, signing with the key 5F7cQRc7mVxpfTdGKS36EGeKvg4LFTNoLhkg34ELFzr7NTty 0x16a9255c8e837c9f98ba9aca436fa39edb36fbb7f4d2bfb21cb0575c760e3b57f86a12c6f6523d6f5c2503e96b014a70cc48b59d1baeccd4f318d49c55dc4082 |I am member 513 signing with key 5HRBJvNKS4EmSw5GcUNgH2TVck1EX9tEEWJMRhjqXR3VQeqJ 0x9ee898615c75df19902cb294497c4a34796012c7153aee934f7df8d3d835092880574f532d055b48c2d927aa612300fc41c9eaa439cf9990a72183328ec8e68e |l am member 585, signing with key 5Fs1ZmYkfMWsafQmYByWktLXMuZjCexsisq8EnygUCwAUTwi 0x08052850932f1554d8505df5d9b233a83412e0cf932b51b0f681a7831bd24209685b36cc1462a759436d503d39bf091a0e2379b79a7f2807c9e2df7e2a179981 |0xc0a01a520631e5165954b66383aa1db69331d2492dc8227ab8651929f216be31212c3600a5445602751feacf52af1b48bd5522945d645525be9c7cd3d1e3f684 |i am member 1722, signing with key 5FZ32VoYzLCjFUvVVKGzLCt8mcpbbKWYd4HcZWV2y5S7p3tp 0x4249485ab576fa7160beb005e95dc00532a44f60678b74fa8ba0a694d6ce056ce3f61c6b860a20827ccb0ddc4f3cd2cf0db0af3d1f9f31e8e0857b2e3ddc9485 |i am member 2435 , signing with key 5HGiQRvh1pTq2ff33BdJKMDPggL3VhLbxkvdwYGxFyS3yNeP 0xd41e2a5c81fc564bcf9ca65eadd463f626c7afbb08e729945eb13e26b3c4440f2cfe0add80a044e6a3608a5923634541c111d785e623d10ae73f557b8bfd6589" i am marat_mu 2154, signing with key 5HTsLu13VLHoq3aFjkDxRHo9Jh8ve4wf9nwwHbDLCnriaCV9 |0x30633f6c267f86da738ecff5eb3990cf1a91d3a8686f8120f197b5b6b7e24a365dbc7d5ae536f39bbaa67c61a41a474f4cea915261f999365a18d59f4172d482" |l am member 2392, signing with key 5HYvcHTeQVWToBF3caRT9rvneR8owBEgHQQEmMzVpMo2V2bB 0xa8ee019c1a80e504f75dec3472d747da0823c90e363a4b2b226f0e11891b8a07547451c7b043c0c23287c1e1f1ae55bd13d07cbf220ac06def9efa9517077788" |I'm member 2462 signing wit key 5F7cQRc7mVxpfTdGKS36EGeKvg4LFTNoLhkg34ELFzr7NTty 0x329ec3583a3518f2184006369892305578b0e6123388fa696286a782e47fe162d72511b9c5eea85dccd7c23945baf6565327d858cd83573dee03393068f3968d |I am member 574, signing with key 5GbDTEp1RZtjFKzGqvWLPWBxMQZxfNVCrvfzfH12V71kq4eE 0x92e04893f99bed4789932a4cbb373cc30c4c2a58d1e63d58a2551a7648780250815b394678b488b9925b84be62be236e5357930da0ca6783d577f79632f7a182" |l am member 1843, signing with key 5Dktmjs6UTN7eRPAHwg9mcu8stgLLfjHyWXfr9yQH3WtfjER 0xf4827624f682adebdcc8202f914c530da247a981c3b49f0682f3b8f842129349f496033f5b8fa742672515640187dbc4289965a28bea599b74a7f534ddd58382 |I am member 555, signing with key 5GUBVMsB8ZPbmJwECyRNBjTUDJRUqthd33Lepax7Ab5z5H2D 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0xe2bf7b4ab93f717237c46a14e0103a52e384b52977ee77537861992353c46c2527438068f5209e6b8899be875e571a8d0cfad3bd84d4f41f09a97e5e9e5c8988" |l am member 738, signing with key 5HdyY5PMvAzJqH9ae7HhzRMGK8ymErFyN9LdhY2usoTGDk4u 0x8e64489dd01f687551aa2e5b13255058455cb74ae32eaaf9325f480f630e61353ed05eb008526cf2ac83ee36b2882cb4d57f55a7e511000deaa8b3d27fab458b |I am member 2143, signing with key 5EAUhfBGAz1ESSNXViCsS112SjXUvEcMxdMLDvMgc76HawU5 0x4a58ec2e05a3ae6fef7c74f7fbdd2b7491d0cab4ec692fd39f0eea9fbedce17381158892de135b03a2d03895b886f6714327c9c7a883dc9e74c55fc74481828d |l am member 741, signing with key 5GvCSSoAs8NW8duF4HNkwmHz9YqD83dD7QG9F4NFDqtjMkPC 0x8860f95584ad18e377f37a4231d62ac520dd44b44dd3cb176c45836a778d6b4af3152912e7b2cd89307a3ce16dea695890bdbfbd192b6a3c912d533e4526fd84 |I am member 1. signing with key 5CV5mSRxkjWj9jCcEqbjnZtHVY8HaCuUuAgNsijtorPfSHEq 0xba6b9850cc51e154deddb78c3f1487bb979e4737f71105fee5c5f022133f260280722e02eb9435c6cec0894be828695441181138451c5ac4931d00141aa11b84 |I am member 1116, signing with key 5DRwPF3U6UTxuq5rdHVPQ9qiTkwHcsNNKP197fuaNeY2bSb8 0x443b737d0369240c364c13310da7dc98216e19a8cb61363f239a32c8f4a70320752e1a96a9aab4647315b31cd6db7dc656b8bade789abcd6fefc60791e1ed18f |l am member 743, signing with key 5DkTG2cNX5oQBEWbQF4qioRDuki8CaSZKLWFr8Gj9pBVnU8L 0x74ac465fd743407df5e48d196c1488a09868ffbc7576599cff6e51dc4c479054ac4c7cd85821b4f13101dc13fc0ed8b8579cb0ceb13dff954dc466987cb6b78f |I am member 2194, signing with key 5CGNixxrGRU7gib49RYMS5fSaBZ4dtVNLxQkSMVXF96X4oCG 0xd42a8a0da73a2291eeaf3a502ef620a206925d15e2eccb25da87d9a414b5d865067ac24ce290921c5d120c3104e4e4881aa4647218f80a7d6b69967684902489 |l am member 750, signing with key 5Gmv1oVpVwvCS8AvAW8rezM9jeaipgtUDbazwH6nC8XeVVmc 0xaa79374c6809e9f9fc09dd0a34a9e151bb164874435435f5ebc71967cdb9df0705728010d0e94800a03ee2be523326c924b40d422c50c2c1267461985e564688 |l am member 766, signing with key 5FHiYDHcuEv6tX8Zp3sTnTW97QAnSxubrZ9moeKfsuhDdDeK 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the field "1"; 0xf09551bb22a11663e6ed366e5928c2272140d9851a7efb6d41dc951e678504413d4db1ff0390b032f6a7fd7561905c8a7e607a69dd769da5116dda8c030deb80 |0x06f4a8d137fd7354fcd9407c749823180a4cd16778ce7e067f813dca72d95d2dfe056ee54310ab66b3a78776b204f984525df11281426db3d486681c6cbd8e81| |0xb423cb85c7ef2b6baf2796fb530691852f670459c6d1cff51f8647b6bb148c0fb832d932c1716d77985ceef6336b176ebb62a068c30f1d58a6977a6c80926980| |0x681c48c20b5e5b529fd54e7681ea059df64316fccc4e451340f0cebb212e5634b39f1fbaa37b4c87046cf05df5fa0dea19bea9b03e8c099c6431553a02b7f281| |0x6326a8e85dd4f48a9cd80c0e592309119fac344995e8f15504281a0723d2755be3b3ddec613403a1176c32ab57fc678879c049d3d3f98a835158e596a73dcc08| |0x6a7ab52d10ff76082b03c62c3cbf386eb795ebd94022252c4715dd6ddaff040dd85d96ad69c522247d2254f94f1c5d2b924b5d53a9e8e90279d24e3c6308368f| |0xd69c936e31754756ad927f8ed81fb312233ba29d989f5a5cfe4a21fce9951d064a04d114d327d2ded5908a9ef90de9243e2337d2c1270cbeff74f8ee362a9d86| 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Trying me luck :) 5DkqJ2DXqj7B66o3ohnBKsnNzsyLixCMtKq9dZmarUETcyLL| | I am member 1842, signing with key 5EqqPRuWLwUbK9ZzcTEiHHWd8ZzGjiWiHbM1fNMNb4RhRCJN 0x5c7846d62bb9372a77efa7e3b7879c8be5ad75db6eacb66d05a7acaa9e5264614752986be82163dee4f11a2d3e3967c7689cde9267b51f6d2a3cb560fe703e82|