This report aims to answer the questions of the KPI 11.4.
1) After the proposal was executed (#1937365), how quickly did the new validators show up?
It took around 10 days (05/02/2021-15/02/2021) for the number of validators to grow from 47 to 80.
2) Was there any clear patterns for the new validators?
There was a small increase from 05/02/2021 until 09/02/2021 of one or two new validators per day.
Between 09/02/2021 and 10/02/2021 the number increase from from 59 to 72.
Until 15/02/2021 the number kept increasing by really slow.
4) Did the number of network nodes increase 'proportionally'? (Might be hard to figure out, unless you've configured your node to accept >80 peers.)
**Since no data was saved about the peers, the data from the active and waiting validators were used.
As can been seen in the Validator Status graph the number of nodes increased drastically.
By the end of 16/02/2021 already 40 nodes were in the waiting list.**
5) What happened to the rewards in tJOY and USD terms?
6) Was there a spike in tokens staked, or were they just shifted?
7) What happened to the average block time, and blocks per era and session/epoch?
8) Anything else that was noteworthy?
Data available here: