Joystream Sticker Competition Report Author: @tomato This is a report covering the Joystream Sticker Competition. The aim of this competition was to get the community to submit Stickers to be used in the Joystream Telegram channel. @tomato submitted the competition workflow. * Initial competition bounty: * Competition process (submitted by @tomato): * Competition forum thread (posted 22 December 2020): * Grand prize voting thread: This was not submitted in time as I got busy with unexpected work committments. It was supposed to be created 30 days after the start of the competition. Proposals: Approved: * (568182 JOY) * (1000000 JOY) * (500000 JOY) * (300000 JOY) Expired: * * * Financial status: * Budget for 10 stickers: $250 * Budget for grand prize: $50 * Total Spend so far (5 entries): 2368182 JOY (approx $101) * Remaining sticker fund: approx $149 * Remaining grand prize fund: $50 Notes: * All approved stickers appear to be consistent with the platform rules * All approved stickers feature the Joystream branding to some extent Issues: - Lack of council activity made some proposals expire. - None of the participants of the competition appear to have submitted the artwork to the community repo. - Due to council inactivity two stickers were resubmitted under one proposal, which went against the original plan for the competition. This doesn't appear to be much of an issue. - One user submitted several stickers in a pack (Proposal 84) however they asked for less tokens than was agreed to be paid out for each entry. So this doesn't appear to be an issue. - Spending Proposal system appears to be cumbersome for this kind of use case. - Entering the competition properly required knowledge of at least 4 different pieces of software (image editor, Telegram, GitHub, Joystream). This may have made things a bit complex and maybe in the future competitions can require less. Conclusion: This is the first competition on the platform, so there have been a few minor issues surrounding it. It has attracted some interest from new users and the stickers submitted have been used by other users on the platform since they were submitted. Plan going forward: A forum thread will be opened where the community can give their opinion on what to do, given that the grand prize thread never happened it may be that a community member presents a good idea of how to move forward. This thread will have a deadline of 48 hours, after which I will create a proposal with a plan to move forward, and once approved, action it.