# Event Email Service The goal of [25.OP-2](https://blog.joystream.org/sumer-kpis/#25.OP-2) is to investigate options to set up an email notification system for various on chain events. ## Technical Feasibility ### 1. Hosted There are several options to store user emails: 1. Create a public website connected to a hosted database, authentication and data security would be the biggest efforts. 2. Update the discord / telegram bot to save a selection of event methods, listen for events and spool emails to a local mailserver. This would leave the burden to authenticate users to the respective chat service. 3. Host a service with user management and plugin infrastructure could save time, either adding fields to the user table or saving subscriptions in a separate file. 4. Extend joystreamstats.live to store settings and let users authenticate with their wallet (by signing the request) or off chain by sending a confirmation email with a token / link. A mail server is already installed so the effort would be minimal. ### 2. Self-hosted Giving users / node operators the power to Filter events is the easiest part, there is an example to listen to events [here](https://pioneer.joystreamstats.live/#/js), from there [nodemailer](https://www.w3schools.com/nodejs/nodejs_email.asp) or similar could take over. The focus for this task is on documentation to account for unforeseen issues. Some resources should be allocated for maintenance and support to incorporate requests. ## Estimated Costs - script to filter for block events: 2h 1. Hosted - joysteamstats.live registration page with email integration: 4h - bot interface to select event sections and methods: 4h 2. Self-hosted - create a standalone site with user management and email integration: 8h - write and maintain documentation how to run your own: 3h + X ### Notes These estimates may be low. Time needed to set it up depends on the skill level. If non-developersa run a foreign script it can work out or it can fail in many ways. Especially deploying a mail server can lead to frustration without prior knowledge (spam, blacklisting). However running a node or just a script connected to an endpoint (local or a redundant list of remote servers) and/or a chat bot on a home (micro) computer with a secured mailserver would be an elegant solution. Author: [l1dev](https://pioneer.joystreamstats.live/#/members/l1dev)