#### Purpose The Curators will sometimes need to be able to edit videos. For example in order to create previews/teasers. Although it's doubtful the best tools are available for free, there may go some that are good enough! #### Scope of Work Research video editing software that has (some) the following functionalities, in order of priority: A) Cut and splice videos B) Add still images C) Add/replace audio tracks (for specific frames only) D) Transcoding (change the video format, without negatively affecting the audio/video quality) For each of the Operative System below, test the default software, and search for the "top" recommended free alternatives, and report back: - If possible (A-D) - Ease of use - Quality of end product - Precision (eg. can you cut from specific frame, or by second?) - What file formats are supported 1. In browser tools 2. Windows 3. MacOS 4. Linux (ubuntu) Reward Distribution Unlike most WG KPIs, you do not have to submit all at once in order to be graded. The same person does not have to do them all.