# Council Minutes generator - Counil & Tokenomics Report: `yarn run report [round|block range]` collects information from the [Joystream chain](https://testnet.joystream.org/). It was created to allow the council to generate a report after the end of a council round. It takes some minutes to cache all events. The next run with the same block range, will be quicker. - Storage: `yarn run storage` generates a table with stats how many liaisons each storage worker has (similar to https://joystreamstats.live/storage) ## Setup `yarn` To update the submodule in `src/lib`: ``` git submodule init git submodule update ``` ## Usage `yarn run report` OR `yarn build && node build/generator.js ` ## Examples - `yarn run report 30` - `node build/generator.js 57601 234038` # Contributors * [freakstatic](https://github.com/freakstatic) * [l1dev](https://git.joystreamstats.live/l1dev) * [isonar](https://github.com/singulart)