require('dotenv').config(); import TelegramBot from 'node-telegram-bot-api'; import { MemberModel } from './db'; import connect from './db'; import botService from './botService'; import AccountTransferTokens from './commands/transferTokens'; // const typeTelegramBot = process.argv[2]; console.log('================ start ================'); console.log('PRODUCTION', process.env.PRODUCTION); // console.log('typeTelegramBot', typeTelegramBot); connect(); /* const telegramBotToken = typeTelegramBot === 'private' ? process.env.TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN : process.env.TELEGRAM_GROUP_BOT_TOKEN; const token = (process.env.PRODUCTION === 'true' ? telegramBotToken : process.env.TELEGRAM_BOT_TEST_TOKEN) || ''; */ const token = (process.env.PRODUCTION === 'true' ? process.env.TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN : process.env.TELEGRAM_BOT_TEST_TOKEN) || ''; const groupBotToken = process.env.TELEGRAM_GROUP_BOT_TOKEN; const bot = new TelegramBot(token, { polling: true }); const groupBot = new TelegramBot(groupBotToken, { polling: true }); bot.on('polling_error', console.log); groupBot.on('polling_error', console.log); const setFaucetCommand = { command: '/faucet', description: 'get 101 token', }; bot.setMyCommands([ { command: '/sethandle', description: 'set your handle name', }, { command: '/lookup', description: 'return the score of the user', }, { ...setFaucetCommand }, ]); groupBot.setMyCommands([{ ...setFaucetCommand }]); const isPrivate = (message: TelegramBot.Message) => === 'private'; const deleteMessage = (_bot, message: TelegramBot.Message) => setTimeout( () => _bot.deleteMessage(, message.message_id.toString()), 1000 * 60 * 5 ); function init(_bot) { botService(_bot, { send: async (message: TelegramBot.Message, text: string) => { const result = await _bot.sendMessage(, text, { parse_mode: 'Markdown', }); if (!isPrivate(message)) { deleteMessage(_bot, result); } return result; }, commandPrefix: '/', client: _bot, getId: (message: TelegramBot.Message) => message.from?.id, getName: (message: TelegramBot.Message) => message.from?.first_name, getChatId: (message: TelegramBot.Message) =>, getText: (message: TelegramBot.Message) => message.text, getDate: (message: TelegramBot.Message) =>, isPrivate, deleteMessage, dbId: 'tgId', log: (...args: any) => console.log('Telegram: ', ...args), }); } init(bot); init(groupBot); // send notification only once a day setInterval(async () => { const transferTokens = new AccountTransferTokens(); const balance = await transferTokens.getBalance(); // console.log('balance', balance); if (balance.toBigInt() < 1000) { const dateLastNotify = new Date().getTime() - 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24; console.log('dateLastNotify', dateLastNotify); const notifyMembers = await MemberModel.find({ enableNotify: { $lt: dateLastNotify }, }); console.log('notifyMembers', notifyMembers); notifyMembers.forEach(async (m) => { await bot.sendMessage( m.tgId.toString(), `Bot balance alert! Current balance - ${balance}` ); await MemberModel.updateOne( { tgId: m.tgId }, { $set: { lastCommand: '', enableNotify: new Date().getTime() } } ); }); } }, 1000 * 60);