import { MemberId, Membership } from "@joystream/types/members"; import { ApiPromise } from "@polkadot/api"; import { Vec } from "@polkadot/types"; import AccountId from "@polkadot/types/generic/AccountId"; import { Hash } from "@polkadot/types/interfaces"; import { Participant } from './interfaces'; export async function getParticipant(api: ApiPromise, accountId: AccountId): Promise { let memberId = -1 const isMemberRoot = await api.query.members.memberIdsByRootAccountId(accountId) as Vec const isMemberCtrl = await api.query.members.memberIdsByControllerAccountId(accountId) as Vec if (isMemberRoot[0] === isMemberCtrl[0] && isMemberRoot.length == 1 && isMemberCtrl.length == 1) { console.log("true") memberId = isMemberRoot[0].toNumber() const handle = (await api.query.members.membershipById(isMemberRoot[0]) as Membership).handle.toString() const partipant: Participant = { memberId, handle, accountId:accountId.toString(), } return partipant } else { const memberIds: number[] = [] const handle: string[] = [] for (let ids of (isMemberRoot && isMemberCtrl)) { if (!memberIds.includes(ids.toNumber())) { memberIds.push(ids.toNumber()) handle.push((await api.query.members.membershipById(ids) as Membership).handle.toString()) } } if (memberIds.length === 1) { const partipant: Participant = { memberId: memberIds[0], handle, accountId:accountId.toString(), } return partipant } else { const partipant: Participant = { memberId: memberIds, handle, accountId:accountId.toString(), } return partipant } } } export async function getParticipantAt(api: ApiPromise, accountId: AccountId, blockHash: Hash): Promise { let memberId = -1 const isMemberRoot = await,accountId) as Vec const isMemberCtrl = await,accountId) as Vec if (isMemberRoot[0].toNumber() === isMemberCtrl[0].toNumber() && isMemberRoot.length == 1 && isMemberCtrl.length == 1) { memberId = isMemberRoot[0].toNumber() const handle = (await,isMemberRoot[0]) as Membership).handle.toString() const partipant: Participant = { memberId, handle, accountId:accountId.toString(), } return partipant } else { const memberIds: number[] = [] const handle: string[] = [] for (let ids of (isMemberRoot && isMemberCtrl)) { if (!memberIds.includes(ids.toNumber())) { memberIds.push(ids.toNumber()) handle.push((await,ids) as Membership).handle.toString()) } } if (memberIds.length === 1) { const partipant: Participant = { memberId: memberIds[0], handle : handle[0], accountId:accountId.toString(), } return partipant } else { const partipant: Participant = { memberId: memberIds, handle, accountId:accountId.toString(), } return partipant } } }