# Joystream Working Groups Bot Discord Bot which informs Joystream DAO about the important events related to working groups: new openings, review periods, hires, fires, applications etc. Built in Node.js. Supports new Working Groups [introduced in Giza network](https://github.com/Joystream/helpdesk/tree/master/roles). # Roadmap How would this product evolve depends chiefly on the demand from the DAO. However, it seems reasonable to add the following features: 1. Show "before/after" state for Salary and Stake events 2. Add a clickable link to apply on an opening # Configuration The main configuration file is `src/config.ts`. Here, the mapping between the Working Groups and Discord channels is kept. You may map several Working Groups to a single channnel, or have each Working Group notifications sent to a dedicated channel, depending on your needs. Make sure your bot has appropriate permissions to channels you configured in `src/config.ts`. # Installation Build with `yarn` Run using `TOKEN= RPC_ENDPOINT=wss://rome-rpc-endpoint.joystream.org:9944 ts-node src/index.ts`