# Rules of participation and publication for Bounty # 24!

1. Find interesting videos that you want to upload to the platform.

2. Make sure the video license complies with the Terms

- If you want to change it, make sure it is not CC BY-ND.

3. Create or specify the desired sketch and, depending on the license type, obtain the correct attribution information.

- Please note that if the source is a YouTube video licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed), the link at the bottom of the description is CC BY 3.0, not 4.0.

4. Upload the video to the platform with all the metadata.

5. Repeat 1-4 until you've downloaded all the videos you want for the week.

## Conditions
- The video, and all metadata, is licensed under:
  - No rights reserved:
    - [Public Domain](https://creativecommons.org/share-your-work/public-domain/pdm)
    - [CC0 - Public Domain Dedication](https://creativecommons.org/share-your-work/public-domain/cc0) (Same terms as the Public Domain)
  - Other Creative Commons licenses:
    - [CC BY - Creative Commons Attribution License](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
      - Requires attribution
    - [CC BY-SA - Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/)
      -  Requires attribution, and any derivative work must have the same license
    - [CC BY-ND - Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs License](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-bd/4.0/)

- Requires attribution, and no derivative work allowed
- If you want to share any content that is not licensed under any of these, you must clarify this with the Bounty Manager
- The same licensing rules to all metadata, meaning channel artwork and video thubmnails
- All metadata is set correctly, especially if relevant to the license (eg. attribution is required for all CC BY* licenses)
- Duplicates will not be accepted unless the quality is significantly better
- Videos are placed in channels themed appropriately (eg. a cryptocurrency video shouldn't be in a baking channel)

    - Please post to the correct forum thread created for the Bounty with all requested information in the exact format required by BM.
    - The maximum number of posts from one user per week is 10 videos
    - Maximum payout for one user per week $ 30
    - Each submission must be a unique message on the forum, must contain - source, format, category, description, license.
    - Any mass applications may be disqualified.
    - Any incomplete materials WILL BE FULLY IGNORED 

### Videos without specifying all the points described below WILL NOT BE CONFIRMED!

1. Link to your video in Atlas

2. Video title (short description of the video)

3. Video duration (at least 1 minute)

4. Video category

5. License (source clearly showing that the video is properly licensed)