# How to Build a Discord Bot This document is written in response to the first question of request for [Joystream's](joystream.org) Bounty [13](https://github.com/Joystream/community-repo/issues/123) ## Getting Started Go to Discord's [bot portal](https://discordapp.com/developers/applications/) and create a new application, giving it an appropriate name. ![Discord's application portal](images/bot1.png) Copy and save the Client ID and secret (where the 2 arrows are pointing at), making sure you keep the secret secret. ![Client ID and Secret](images/bot2.jpg) So far, what you have is a simple application. You click on the Bot tab under settings to your left, and click on the "add a bot button". ![Bot's page](images/bot3.jpg) This would take you to your bot homepage. You'll be given a token, which you should take note off and keep safe. ![Bot's homepage](images/bot4.jpg) As an aside, never store any keys or tokens on GitHub, ESPECIALLY if the repo is public. ## Developing the Bot This is not part of my scope. It would be completed by whoever takes on step 2 of the bounty ## Deploying the Bot This is also for whomever takes step three of the bounty.