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Merge pull request #352 from ZAZIK3/patch-6

Create 18-report-18.09.2021.md
mochet 3 лет назад
1 измененных файлов с 46 добавлено и 0 удалено
  1. 46 0

+ 46 - 0

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+# Eveluate bounty 18 
+### Bounty 18 has been verified under the new rules. New document : 
+12.09.2021 Videos were eveluated and checked.
+1. Today the number of uploaded videos were 17.
+2. Duration of checking was 5 hours.
+3. BM checked all videos. Work of BM were re-checked Curators Lead .
+4. General reward for all videos were 285$
+Also, the check was carried out in a new format and the entire assessment can be viewed here:
+|        |            |                         |                                                                                | WEEK 4 -13.09.2021 - 19.09.2021                                                                                                              |                                       |          |                       |                                  |               |        |                                                                                                                                                                                                                           |               |                                                                                                                      |            |
+| ------ | ---------- | ----------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------- | -------- | --------------------- | -------------------------------- | ------------- | ------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------- |
+| NUMBER | MEMBER     | CHANNEL                 | ATLAS                                                                          | LINK FORUM                                                                                                                                   | TITLE IN ATLAS                        | DURATION | CATEGORY              | License (source clearly showing) | BM            | REWARD | COMMENTS                                                                                                                                                                                                                  | LICENSE ATLAS | ORIGINAL LICENSE                                                                                                     | DATE       |
+| 120    | adovrn     | Rodion Adov             | [https://play.joystream.org/video/6193](https://play.joystream.org/video/6193) | [https://testnet.joystream.org/#/forum/threads/598?page=1&replyIdx=2](https://testnet.joystream.org/#/forum/threads/598?page=1&replyIdx=2)   | Сдаём отчет Joystream report (15)     | 1:07     | education             | Owner video                      | Confirmed     | 10     | \-                                                                                                                                                                                                                        | CCO           | CCO                                                                                                                  | 18.09.2021 |
+| 121    | olewko     | AmbaUA                  | [https://play.joystream.org/video/6166](https://play.joystream.org/video/6166) | [https://testnet.joystream.org/#/forum/threads/598?page=1&replyIdx=3](https://testnet.joystream.org/#/forum/threads/598?page=1&replyIdx=3)   | Грін Кард - Інструкція                | 30:03:00 | education             | Owner video                      | duplicate     | 0      | [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1VmOGKtxtPXP79Z6GFP\_-JeElpfUPtlrW/edit#gid=1461462558&range=133:133](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1VmOGKtxtPXP79Z6GFP_-JeElpfUPtlrW/edit#gid=1461462558&range=133:133) | CCO           | CCO                                                                                                                  | 18.09.2021 |
+| 122    | goldmember | Family channel          | [https://play.joystream.org/video/6195](https://play.joystream.org/video/6195) | [https://testnet.joystream.org/#/forum/threads/598?page=1&replyIdx=4](https://testnet.joystream.org/#/forum/threads/598?page=1&replyIdx=4)   | Марк тестирует аквапарк "Затока"      | 18:23    | Travel & Event        | Owner video                      | Confirmed     | 15     | \-                                                                                                                                                                                                                        | CCO           | CCO                                                                                                                  | 18.09.2021 |
+| 123    | vagif      | Vagif WorkShip          | [https://play.joystream.org/video/6200](https://play.joystream.org/video/6200) | [https://testnet.joystream.org/#/forum/threads/598?page=1&replyIdx=5](https://testnet.joystream.org/#/forum/threads/598?page=1&replyIdx=5)   | Book about JOYSTREAM.                 | 1:01     | Nonprofit & Activism. | Owner video                      | Confirmed     | 60     | \-                                                                                                                                                                                                                        | CCO           | CCO                                                                                                                  | 18.09.2021 |
+| 124    | vagif      | Vagif WorkShip          | [https://play.joystream.org/video/6201](https://play.joystream.org/video/6201) | [https://testnet.joystream.org/#/forum/threads/598?page=1&replyIdx=6](https://testnet.joystream.org/#/forum/threads/598?page=1&replyIdx=6)   | BIT.COUNTRY METAVERS                  | 9:34     | Nonprofit & Activism. | Owner video                      | Confirmed     | 15     | \-                                                                                                                                                                                                                        | CCO           | Creative Commons (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7\_z2x\_QwI84)                                                     | 18.09.2021 |
+| 125    | marat\_mu  | Пивной животик          | [https://play.joystream.org/video/6190](https://play.joystream.org/video/6190) | [https://testnet.joystream.org/#/forum/threads/598?page=1&replyIdx=7](https://testnet.joystream.org/#/forum/threads/598?page=1&replyIdx=7)   | Обзор пива "Thron"                    | 6:56     | entertaiment          | Owner video                      | Confirmed     | 10     | \-                                                                                                                                                                                                                        | CCO           | CCO                                                                                                                  | 18.09.2021 |
+| 126    | marat\_mu  | News JS                 | [https://play.joystream.org/video/6165](https://play.joystream.org/video/6165) | [https://testnet.joystream.org/#/forum/threads/598?page=1&replyIdx=8](https://testnet.joystream.org/#/forum/threads/598?page=1&replyIdx=8)   | Good shit in South Korea              | 3:46     | News and Politics     | Owner video                      | Confirmed     | 25     | \-                                                                                                                                                                                                                        | CCO           | CCO                                                                                                                  | 18.09.2021 |
+| 127    | asobakin   | asobakin                | [https://play.joystream.org/video/6179](https://play.joystream.org/video/6179) | [https://testnet.joystream.org/#/forum/threads/598?page=1&replyIdx=9](https://testnet.joystream.org/#/forum/threads/598?page=1&replyIdx=9)   | Diasoft FA#1                          | 6:53     | education             | Owner video                      | Confirmed     | 15     | \-                                                                                                                                                                                                                        | CCO           | CCO                                                                                                                  | 18.09.2021 |
+| 128    | asobakin   | asobakin                | [https://play.joystream.org/video/6203](https://play.joystream.org/video/6203) | [https://testnet.joystream.org/#/forum/threads/598?page=1&replyIdx=10](https://testnet.joystream.org/#/forum/threads/598?page=1&replyIdx=10) | DiasoftFA#2                           | 8:08     | education             | Owner video                      | UCLEAR        | 5      | NOISE IN VIDEO , NOT PLEASANT TO LISTEN                                                                                                                                                                                   | CCO           | CCO                                                                                                                  | 18.09.2021 |
+| 129    | asobakin   | asobakin                | [https://play.joystream.org/video/6204](https://play.joystream.org/video/6204) | [https://testnet.joystream.org/#/forum/threads/598?page=2&replyIdx=11](https://testnet.joystream.org/#/forum/threads/598?page=2&replyIdx=11) | Diasoft FA#3                          | 8:43     | education             | Owner video                      | Confirmed     | 15     | \-                                                                                                                                                                                                                        | CCO           | CCO                                                                                                                  | 18.09.2021 |
+| 130    | pascual    | Rocket Star             | [https://play.joystream.org/video/6214](https://play.joystream.org/video/6214) | [https://testnet.joystream.org/#/forum/threads/598?page=2&replyIdx=12](https://testnet.joystream.org/#/forum/threads/598?page=2&replyIdx=12) | Проект Genshiro Аукцион за парачейны  | 2:54     | People & Blogs        | Owner video                      | Confirmed     | 5      | \-                                                                                                                                                                                                                        | CCO           | Standart YouTube license [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u52G\_LfvV1c](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u52G_LfvV1c) | 18.09.2021 |
+| 131    | pascual    | Rocket Star             | [https://play.joystream.org/video/6215](https://play.joystream.org/video/6215) | [https://testnet.joystream.org/#/forum/threads/598?page=2&replyIdx=13](https://testnet.joystream.org/#/forum/threads/598?page=2&replyIdx=13) | Обзор экосистемы Qredo                | 5:08     | People & Blogs        | Owner video                      | Confirmed     | 5      | \-                                                                                                                                                                                                                        | CCO           | Standart YouTube license [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fMwy3i0Rr\_g](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fMwy3i0Rr_g) | 18.09.2021 |
+| 132    | frdm1      | FrDm                    | [https://play.joystream.org/video/6221](https://play.joystream.org/video/6221) | [https://testnet.joystream.org/#/forum/threads/598?page=2&replyIdx=14](https://testnet.joystream.org/#/forum/threads/598?page=2&replyIdx=14) | JoyStram\_new age                     | 0:10     | Fun                   | Owner video                      | NON CONFIRMED | 0      | Doesn't correspond conditions (less than 1 minutes)                                                                                                                                                                       | CCO           | CCO                                                                                                                  | 18.09.2021 |
+| 133    | shtihmas   | Joystream movie         | [https://play.joystream.org/video/6158](https://play.joystream.org/video/6158) | [https://testnet.joystream.org/#/forum/threads/598?page=2&replyIdx=15](https://testnet.joystream.org/#/forum/threads/598?page=2&replyIdx=15) | Know your Councils #3 (Isonar)        | 24:21:00 | Film & Animation      | Owner video                      | Confirmed     | 50     | \-                                                                                                                                                                                                                        | CCO           | CCO                                                                                                                  | 18.09.2021 |
+| 134    | alenleps   | Harmonious psychologist | [https://play.joystream.org/video/6231](https://play.joystream.org/video/6231) | [https://testnet.joystream.org/#/forum/threads/598?page=2&replyIdx=16](https://testnet.joystream.org/#/forum/threads/598?page=2&replyIdx=16) | Часть 4: Анализ проблемы беспокойства | 6:19     | Education             | Owner video                      | Confirmed     | 20     | \-                                                                                                                                                                                                                        | CCO           | CCO                                                                                                                  | 18.09.2021 |
+| 135    | pascual    | Rocket Star             | [https://play.joystream.org/video/6232](https://play.joystream.org/video/6232) | [https://testnet.joystream.org/#/forum/threads/598?page=2&replyIdx=17](https://testnet.joystream.org/#/forum/threads/598?page=2&replyIdx=17) | Joystream Founding Member             | 16:04    | People & Blogs        | Owner video                      | Confirmed     | 25     | \-                                                                                                                                                                                                                        | CCO           | CCO                                                                                                                  | 18.09.2021 |
+| 136    | thanh\_tan | Orange Pi Vietnam       | [https://play.joystream.org/video/6236](https://play.joystream.org/video/6236) | [https://testnet.joystream.org/#/forum/threads/598?page=2&replyIdx=18](https://testnet.joystream.org/#/forum/threads/598?page=2&replyIdx=18) | Android for OPi Lite, PC and Plus2e   | 2:24     | Science & Technology  | Owner video                      | Confirmed     | 10     | \-                                                                                                                                                                                                                        | CCO           | CCO                                                                                                                  | 18.09.2021 |
+|        |            |                         |                                                                                |                                                                                                                                              |                                       |          |                       |                                  |               | 285    |                                                                                                                                                                                                                           |               |                                                                                                                      |
+All licenses and videos have been verified under the new rules. Also, the video design has become more acceptable.
+`Notes: after the adoption of the new rules, the videos have become more interesting to watch and the quality of the videos has increased.
+Also, the video design has become more acceptable. `
+The new rules were confirmed by the consuls: