@@ -16,60 +16,59 @@ import {
- StatisticsData,
- ValidatorReward, WorkersInfo
-} from "./StatisticsData";
+ Statistics,
+ ValidatorReward, WorkersInfo, Channel, SpendingProposals, Bounty
+} from "./types";
-import {u32, Vec} from "@polkadot/types";
+import {Option, u32, Vec} from "@polkadot/types";
import {ElectionStake, SealedVote, Seats} from "@joystream/types/council";
import {Mint, MintId} from "@joystream/types/mint";
import {ContentId, DataObject} from "@joystream/types/media";
-import {RoleParameters} from "@joystream/types/roles";
-import {Entity, EntityId} from "@joystream/types/versioned-store";
-import Option from "@polkadot/types/codec/Option";
import Linkage from "@polkadot/types/codec/Linkage";
import {PostId, ThreadId} from "@joystream/types/common";
import {CategoryId} from "@joystream/types/forum";
-import {Event} from "@polkadot/types/interfaces/system/types";
-import number from "@polkadot/util/is/number";
-import toNumber from "@polkadot/util/hex/toNumber";
-import {
- ProposalStatus,
- FinalizationData,
- ProposalDecisionStatus,
- Finalized,
- IProposalStatus, Approved
-} from "@joystream/types/proposals";
-import {MemberId} from "@joystream/types/members";
+import {MemberId, Membership} from "@joystream/types/members";
import {RewardRelationship, RewardRelationshipId} from "@joystream/types/recurring-rewards";
-import {StorageProviderId, WorkerId, Worker, RoleStakeProfile} from "@joystream/types/working-group";
import workingGroup from "@joystream/types/src/working-group/index";
import {Stake} from "@joystream/types/stake";
import {ChannelId} from "@joystream/types/content-working-group";
+import {WorkerId} from "@joystream/types/working-group";
+import {Entity, EntityId, PropertyType} from "@joystream/types/content-directory";
+import {ProposalDetails, ProposalId, WorkerOf} from "@joystream/types/augment-codec/all";
+import {SpendingParams} from "@joystream/types/proposals";
+import * as constants from "constants";
const fsSync = require('fs');
const fs = fsSync.promises;
+const parse = require('csv-parse/lib/sync');
const BURN_ADDRESS = '5D5PhZQNJzcJXVBxwJxZcsutjKPqUPydrvpu6HeiBfMaeKQu';
const PROVIDER_URL = "ws://localhost:9944";
const CACHE_FOLDER = "cache";
-const WORKER_ID_OFFSET = 1;
+const WORKER_ID_OFFSET = 0;
+const VIDEO_CLASS_iD = 10;
+const CHANNEL_CLASS_iD = 1;
export class StatisticsCollector {
private api?: ApiPromise;
private blocksEventsCache: Map<number, CacheEvent[]>;
- private statistics: StatisticsData;
+ private statistics: Statistics;
constructor() {
this.blocksEventsCache = new Map<number, CacheEvent[]>();
- this.statistics = new StatisticsData();
+ this.statistics = new Statistics();
- async getStatistics(startBlock: number, endBlock: number): Promise<StatisticsData> {
+ async getStatistics(startBlock: number, endBlock: number): Promise<Statistics> {
this.api = await StatisticsCollector.connectApi();
let startHash = (await this.api.rpc.chain.getBlockHash(startBlock)) as Hash;
@@ -91,173 +90,32 @@ export class StatisticsCollector {
await this.fillMembershipInfo(startHash, endHash);
await this.fillMediaUploadInfo(startHash, endHash);
await this.fillForumInfo(startHash, endHash);
- this.api.disconnect();
+ await this.api.disconnect();
return this.statistics;
+ }
+ async getApprovedBounties() {
+ let bountiesFilePath = __dirname + '/../bounties.csv';
+ try {
+ await fs.access(bountiesFilePath, constants.R_OK);
+ } catch {
+ throw new Error('Bounties CSV file not found');
+ }
- //
- // if (statistics.electionVotes) {
- // statistics.avgVotePerApplicant = statistics.electionVotes / statistics.electionApplicants;
- // } else {
- // statistics.avgVotePerApplicant = 0;
- // }
- //
- //
- //
- //
- //
- //
- //
- // let startNrStakes = await this.api.query.stake.stakesCreated.at(startHash) as StakeId;
- // let endNrStakes = await this.api.query.stake.stakesCreated.at(endHash) as StakeId;
- // statistics.newStakes = endNrStakes.toNumber() - startNrStakes.toNumber();
- //
- // for (let i = startNrStakes.toNumber(); i < endNrStakes.toNumber(); ++i) {
- // let stakeResult = await this.api.query.stake.stakes(i) as unknown as [Stake, Linkage<StakeId>];
- // let stake = stakeResult[0] as Stake;
- //
- // statistics.totalNewStakeValue += stake.value ? stake.value.toNumber() : 0;
- // }
- //
- // // let startBurnedTokens = await this.api.query.balances.freeBalance.at(startHash, BURN_ADDRESS) as Balance;
- // // let endBurnedTokens = await this.api.query.balances.freeBalance.at(endHash, BURN_ADDRESS) as Balance;
- // //
- // // statistics.totalBurned = endBurnedTokens.toNumber() - startBurnedTokens.toNumber();
- //
- //
- //
- // let newMedia = endMedias.filter((endMedia) => {
- // return !startMedias.some((startMedia) => startMedia.id == endMedia.id);
- // });
- //
- // statistics.newMedia = newMedia.length;
- // statistics.totalMedia = endMedias.length;
- // statistics.percNewMedia = this.convertToPercentage(statistics.newMedia, statistics.totalMedia);
- //
- // let startDataObjects = await this.api.query.dataDirectory.knownContentIds.at(startHash) as Vec<ContentId>;
- // let startUsedSpace = await this.computeUsedSpaceInBytes(api, startDataObjects);
- //
- // let endDataObjects = await this.api.query.dataDirectory.knownContentIds.at(endHash) as Vec<ContentId>;
- // let endUsedSpace = await this.computeUsedSpaceInBytes(api, endDataObjects);
- //
- // statistics.newUsedSpace = endUsedSpace - startUsedSpace;
- // statistics.totalUsedSpace = endUsedSpace;
- // statistics.percNewUsedSpace = this.convertToPercentage(statistics.newUsedSpace, statistics.totalUsedSpace);
- //
- // statistics.avgNewSizePerContent = Number((statistics.newUsedSpace / statistics.newMedia).toFixed(2));
- // statistics.totalAvgSizePerContent = Number((statistics.totalUsedSpace / statistics.totalMedia).toFixed(2));
- // statistics.percAvgSizePerContent = this.convertToPercentage(statistics.avgNewSizePerContent, statistics.totalAvgSizePerContent);
- //
- // //
- // // for (let startMedia of startMedias) {
- // // let deleted = !endMedias.some((endMedia) => {
- // // return endMedia.id == startMedia.id;
- // // })
- // // if (deleted) {
- // // ++statistics.deletedMedia;
- // // }
- // // }
- //
- //
- //
- // for (let i = startNrProposals.toNumber(); i < endNrProposals.toNumber(); ++i) {
- // let proposalNumber = i - 1;
- // let proposalDetails = await this.api.query.proposalsCodex.proposalDetailsByProposalId.at(endHash, proposalNumber) as ProposalDetails;
- // switch (proposalDetails.type) {
- // case ProposalTypes.Text:
- // ++statistics.newTextProposals;
- // break;
- //
- // case ProposalTypes.RuntimeUpgrade:
- // ++statistics.newRuntimeUpgradeProposal;
- // break;
- //
- // case ProposalTypes.SetElectionParameters:
- // ++statistics.newSetElectionParametersProposal;
- // break;
- //
- // case ProposalTypes.Spending:
- // ++statistics.newSpendingProposal;
- // break;
- //
- // case ProposalTypes.SetLead:
- // ++statistics.newSetLeadProposal;
- // break;
- //
- // case ProposalTypes.SetContentWorkingGroupMintCapacity:
- // ++statistics.newSetContentWorkingGroupMintCapacityProposal;
- // break;
- //
- // case ProposalTypes.EvictStorageProvider:
- // ++statistics.newEvictStorageProviderProposal;
- // break;
- //
- // case ProposalTypes.SetValidatorCount:
- // ++statistics.newSetValidatorCountProposal;
- // break;
- //
- // case ProposalTypes.SetStorageRoleParameters:
- // ++statistics.newSetStorageRoleParametersProposal;
- // break;
- // }
- // }
- //
- // let validatorRewards: ValidatorReward[] = [];
- // let exchangesCollection: Exchange[] = [];
- // let promises = [];
- //
- // console.time('extractValidatorsRewards');
- // for (let i = startBlock; i < endBlock; ++i) {
- // let promise = (async () => {
- // const blockHash: Hash = await this.api.rpc.chain.getBlockHash(i);
- // const events = await this.api.query.system.events.at(blockHash) as Vec<EventRecord>;
- // let rewards = await this.extractValidatorsRewards(api, i, events);
- // if (rewards.length) {
- // validatorRewards = validatorRewards.concat(rewards);
- // }
- // let exchanges = this.extractExchanges(i, events);
- // if (exchanges.length) {
- // exchangesCollection = exchangesCollection.concat(exchanges);
- // }
- //
- // })();
- // promises.push(promise);
- // }
- // await Promise.all(promises);
- // console.timeEnd('extractValidatorsRewards');
- //
- // statistics.newValidatorReward = validatorRewards.map((validatorReward) => validatorReward.sharedReward).reduce((a, b) => a + b);
- // let avgValidators = validatorRewards.map((validatorReward) => validatorReward.validators).reduce((a, b) => a + b) / validatorRewards.length;
- // statistics.avgValidators = Number(avgValidators.toFixed(2));
- //
- // statistics.newTokensBurn = exchangesCollection.map((exchange) => exchange.amount).reduce((a, b) => a + b);
- //
- // statistics.newStorageProviderReward = await this.computeStorageRewards(api, startBlock, endBlock);
- //
- // this.api.disconnect();
- // return statistics;
- }
+ const fileContent = await fs.readFile(bountiesFilePath);
+ const rawBounties = parse(fileContent);
+ rawBounties.shift();
- async fillBasicInfo(startHash: Hash, endHash: Hash) {
- let startDate = (await this.api.query.timestamp.now.at(startHash)) as Moment;
- let endDate = (await this.api.query.timestamp.now.at(endHash)) as Moment;
- this.statistics.dateStart = new Date(startDate.toNumber()).toLocaleDateString("en-US");
- this.statistics.dateEnd = new Date(endDate.toNumber()).toLocaleDateString("en-US");
- }
+ let bounties = rawBounties.map((rawBounty: any) => {
+ return new Bounty(rawBounty[0], rawBounty[1], rawBounty[2], rawBounty[3], rawBounty[4]);
+ });
- async fillTokenGenerationInfo(startBlock: number, endBlock: number, startHash: Hash, endHash: Hash) {
- this.statistics.startIssuance = (await this.api.query.balances.totalIssuance.at(startHash) as Balance).toNumber();
- this.statistics.endIssuance = (await this.api.query.balances.totalIssuance.at(endHash) as Balance).toNumber();
- this.statistics.newIssuance = this.statistics.endIssuance - this.statistics.startIssuance;
- this.statistics.percNewIssuance = StatisticsCollector.convertToPercentage(this.statistics.startIssuance, this.statistics.endIssuance);
+ return bounties.filter((bounty: Bounty) => bounty.status == "Approved");
+ }
+ async getSpendingProposals() : Promise<Array<SpendingProposals>>{
+ let spendingProposals = new Array<SpendingProposals>();
for (let [key, blockEvents] of this.blocksEventsCache) {
let validatorRewards = blockEvents.filter((event) => {
return event.section == "staking" && event.method == "Reward";
@@ -276,7 +134,54 @@ export class StatisticsCollector {
this.statistics.newTokensBurn = Number(amount);
+ let proposalEvents = blockEvents.filter((event) => {
+ return event.section == "proposalsEngine" && event.method == "ProposalStatusUpdated";
+ });
+ for (let proposalEvent of proposalEvents) {
+ let statusUpdateData = proposalEvent.data[1] as any;
+ if (!(statusUpdateData.finalized && statusUpdateData.finalized.finalizedAt)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ let proposalId = proposalEvent.data[0] as ProposalId;
+ let proposalDetail = await this.api.query.proposalsCodex.proposalDetailsByProposalId(proposalId) as ProposalDetails;
+ if (!proposalDetail.isOfType("Spending")) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ let spendingParams = Array.from(proposalDetail.asType("Spending") as SpendingParams);
+ spendingProposals.push(new SpendingProposals(Number(proposalId), Number(spendingParams[0])));
+ }
+ }
+ return spendingProposals;
+ }
+ async fillBasicInfo(startHash: Hash, endHash: Hash) {
+ let startDate = (await this.api.query.timestamp.now.at(startHash)) as Moment;
+ let endDate = (await this.api.query.timestamp.now.at(endHash)) as Moment;
+ this.statistics.dateStart = new Date(startDate.toNumber()).toLocaleDateString("en-US");
+ this.statistics.dateEnd = new Date(endDate.toNumber()).toLocaleDateString("en-US");
+ }
+ async fillTokenGenerationInfo(startBlock: number, endBlock: number, startHash: Hash, endHash: Hash) {
+ this.statistics.startIssuance = (await this.api.query.balances.totalIssuance.at(startHash) as Balance).toNumber();
+ this.statistics.endIssuance = (await this.api.query.balances.totalIssuance.at(endHash) as Balance).toNumber();
+ this.statistics.newIssuance = this.statistics.endIssuance - this.statistics.startIssuance;
+ this.statistics.percNewIssuance = StatisticsCollector.convertToPercentage(this.statistics.startIssuance, this.statistics.endIssuance);
+ let bounties = await this.getApprovedBounties();
+ let spendingProposals = await this.getSpendingProposals();
+ this.statistics.bountiesTotalPaid = 0;
+ for (let bounty of bounties){
+ let bountySpendingProposal = spendingProposals.find((spendingProposal) => spendingProposal.id == bounty.proposalId);
+ if (bountySpendingProposal){
+ this.statistics.bountiesTotalPaid += bountySpendingProposal.spentAmount;
+ }
+ this.statistics.spendingProposalsTotal = spendingProposals.reduce((n, spendingProposal) => n + spendingProposal.spentAmount, 0);
let roundNrBlocks = endBlock - startBlock;
this.statistics.newCouncilRewards = await this.computeCouncilReward(roundNrBlocks, endHash);
this.statistics.newCouncilRewards = Number(this.statistics.newCouncilRewards.toFixed(2));
@@ -314,7 +219,7 @@ export class StatisticsCollector {
let nextWorkerId = (await this.api.query.storageWorkingGroup.nextWorkerId.at(startHash) as WorkerId).toNumber();
let info = new WorkersInfo();
for (let i = 0; i < nextWorkerId; ++i) {
- let worker = await this.api.query.storageWorkingGroup.workerById(i) as Worker;
+ let worker = await this.api.query.storageWorkingGroup.workerById(i) as WorkerOf;
if (worker.role_stake_profile.isSome) {
let roleStakeProfile = worker.role_stake_profile.unwrap();
let stake = await this.api.query.stake.stakes(roleStakeProfile.stake_id) as Stake;
@@ -326,7 +231,7 @@ export class StatisticsCollector {
let rewardRelationshipIds = Array<RewardRelationshipId>();
for (let i = 0; i < nextWorkerId; ++i) {
- let worker = await this.api.query.storageWorkingGroup.workerById(i) as Worker;
+ let worker = await this.api.query.storageWorkingGroup.workerById(i) as WorkerOf;
if (worker.reward_relationship.isSome) {
@@ -342,11 +247,11 @@ export class StatisticsCollector {
async computeCuratorsReward(roundNrBlocks: number, startHash: Hash, endHash: Hash) {
- let nextCuratorId = (await this.api.query.contentWorkingGroup.nextCuratorId.at(endHash) as WorkerId).toNumber();
+ let nextCuratorId = (await this.api.query.contentDirectoryWorkingGroup.nextWorkerId.at(endHash) as WorkerId).toNumber();
let rewardRelationshipIds = Array<RewardRelationshipId>();
for (let i = 0; i < nextCuratorId; ++i) {
- let worker = await this.api.query.contentWorkingGroup.curatorById(i) as Worker;
+ let worker = await this.api.query.contentDirectoryWorkingGroup.workerById(i) as WorkerOf;
if (worker.reward_relationship.isSome) {
@@ -401,9 +306,7 @@ export class StatisticsCollector {
for (let i = startNrMints; i < endNrMints; ++i) {
- let endMintResult = ((await this.api.query.minting.mints.at(endHash, i)) as unknown) as [Mint, Linkage<MintId>];
- let endMint = endMintResult[0] as Mint;
+ let endMint = await this.api.query.minting.mints.at(endHash, i) as Mint;
if (!endMint) {
@@ -418,7 +321,7 @@ export class StatisticsCollector {
this.statistics.newCouncilMinted = councilMintStatistics.diffMinted;
this.statistics.percNewCouncilMinted = councilMintStatistics.percMinted;
- let curatorMint = (await this.api.query.contentWorkingGroup.mint.at(endHash)) as MintId;
+ let curatorMint = (await this.api.query.contentDirectoryWorkingGroup.mint.at(endHash)) as MintId;
let curatorMintStatistics = await this.computeMintInfo(curatorMint, startHash, endHash);
this.statistics.startCuratorMinted = curatorMintStatistics.startMinted;
this.statistics.endCuratorMinted = curatorMintStatistics.endMinted;
@@ -470,8 +373,8 @@ export class StatisticsCollector {
for (let event of blockEvents) {
if (event.section == "proposalsEngine" && event.method == "ProposalStatusUpdated") {
let statusUpdateData = event.data[1] as any;
- let finalizeData = statusUpdateData.Finalized as any
- if (finalizeData && finalizeData.proposalStatus.Approved) {
+ let finalizeData = statusUpdateData.finalized as any
+ if (finalizeData && finalizeData.proposalStatus.approved) {
@@ -491,7 +394,7 @@ export class StatisticsCollector {
if (!isStartBlockFirstCouncilBlock) {
- console.warn('The given start block is not the first block of the council round so council election information will be empty');
+ console.warn('Note: The given start block is not the first block of the council round so council election information will be empty');
let previousCouncilRoundLastBlock = startBlock - 1;
@@ -516,9 +419,15 @@ export class StatisticsCollector {
/ 1000) / this.statistics.newBlocks);
this.statistics.avgBlockProduction = Number(avgBlockProduction.toFixed(2));
- this.statistics.startValidators = (await this.api.query.staking.validatorCount.at(startHash) as u32).toNumber();
- this.statistics.endValidators = (await this.api.query.staking.validatorCount.at(endHash) as u32).toNumber();
- this.statistics.percValidators = StatisticsCollector.convertToPercentage(this.statistics.startValidators, this.statistics.endValidators);
+ let maxStartValidators = (await this.api.query.staking.validatorCount.at(startHash) as u32).toNumber();
+ let startValidators = await this.findActiveValidators(startHash, false);
+ this.statistics.startValidators = startValidators.length + " / " + maxStartValidators;
+ let maxEndValidators = (await this.api.query.staking.validatorCount.at(endHash) as u32).toNumber();
+ let endValidators = await this.findActiveValidators(endHash, true);
+ this.statistics.endValidators = endValidators.length + " / " + maxEndValidators;
+ this.statistics.percValidators = StatisticsCollector.convertToPercentage(startValidators.length, endValidators.length);
const startEra = await this.api.query.staking.currentEra.at(startHash) as Option<EraIndex>;
this.statistics.startValidatorsStake = (await this.api.query.staking.erasTotalStake.at(startHash, startEra.unwrap())).toNumber();
@@ -529,6 +438,29 @@ export class StatisticsCollector {
this.statistics.percNewValidatorsStake = StatisticsCollector.convertToPercentage(this.statistics.startValidatorsStake, this.statistics.endValidatorsStake);
+ async findActiveValidators(hash: Hash, searchPreviousBlocks: boolean): Promise<AccountId[]> {
+ const block = await this.api.rpc.chain.getBlock(hash);
+ let currentBlockNr = block.block.header.number.toNumber();
+ let activeValidators;
+ do {
+ let currentHash = (await this.api.rpc.chain.getBlockHash(currentBlockNr)) as Hash;
+ let allValidators = await this.api.query.staking.snapshotValidators.at(currentHash) as Option<Vec<AccountId>>;
+ if (!allValidators.isEmpty) {
+ let max = (await this.api.query.staking.validatorCount.at(currentHash)).toNumber();
+ activeValidators = Array.from(allValidators.unwrap()).slice(0, max);
+ }
+ if (searchPreviousBlocks) {
+ --currentBlockNr;
+ } else {
+ ++currentBlockNr;
+ }
+ } while (activeValidators == undefined);
+ return activeValidators;
+ }
async fillStorageProviderInfo(startBlock: number, endBlock: number, startHash: Hash, endHash: Hash) {
let roundNrBlocks = endBlock - startBlock;
@@ -540,16 +472,33 @@ export class StatisticsCollector {
this.statistics.endStorageProvidersStake = storageProvidersRewards.endStake;
this.statistics.percNewStorageProviderStake = StatisticsCollector.convertToPercentage(this.statistics.startStorageProvidersStake, this.statistics.endStorageProvidersStake);
- this.statistics.startStorageProviders = (await this.api.query.storageWorkingGroup.nextWorkerId.at(startHash) as WorkerId).toNumber() - WORKER_ID_OFFSET;
- this.statistics.endStorageProviders = (await this.api.query.storageWorkingGroup.nextWorkerId.at(endHash) as WorkerId).toNumber() - WORKER_ID_OFFSET;
+ this.statistics.startStorageProviders = await this.api.query.storageWorkingGroup.activeWorkerCount.at(startHash);
+ this.statistics.endStorageProviders = await this.api.query.storageWorkingGroup.activeWorkerCount.at(endHash);
this.statistics.percNewStorageProviders = StatisticsCollector.convertToPercentage(this.statistics.startStorageProviders, this.statistics.endStorageProviders);
+ let lastStorageProviderId = Number(await this.api.query.storageWorkingGroup.nextWorkerId.at(endHash)) - 1;
+ this.statistics.storageProviders = "";
+ for (let i = lastStorageProviderId, storageProviderCount = 0; storageProviderCount < this.statistics.endStorageProviders; --i, ++storageProviderCount){
+ let storageProvider = await this.api.query.storageWorkingGroup.workerById.at(endHash, i) as WorkerOf;
+ let membership = await this.api.query.members.membershipById.at(endHash, storageProvider.member_id) as Membership;
+ this.statistics.storageProviders += "@" + membership.handle + " | (" + membership.root_account +") \n";
+ }
async fillCuratorInfo(startHash: Hash, endHash: Hash) {
- this.statistics.startCurators = (await this.api.query.contentWorkingGroup.nextCuratorId.at(startHash));
- this.statistics.endCurators = (await this.api.query.contentWorkingGroup.nextCuratorId.at(endHash));
+ this.statistics.startCurators = Number(await this.api.query.contentDirectoryWorkingGroup.activeWorkerCount.at(startHash));
+ this.statistics.endCurators = Number(await this.api.query.contentDirectoryWorkingGroup.activeWorkerCount.at(endHash));
this.statistics.percNewCurators = StatisticsCollector.convertToPercentage(this.statistics.startCurators, this.statistics.endCurators);
+ let lastCuratorId = Number(await this.api.query.contentDirectoryWorkingGroup.nextWorkerId.at(endHash)) - 1;
+ this.statistics.curators = "";
+ for (let i = lastCuratorId, curatorCount = 0; curatorCount < this.statistics.endCurators; --i, ++curatorCount){
+ let curator = await this.api.query.contentDirectoryWorkingGroup.workerById.at(endHash, i) as WorkerOf;
+ let curatorMembership = await this.api.query.members.membershipById.at(endHash, curator.member_id) as Membership;
+ this.statistics.curators += "@" + curatorMembership.handle + " | (" + curatorMembership.root_account +") \n";
+ }
async fillMembershipInfo(startHash: Hash, endHash: Hash) {
@@ -560,22 +509,28 @@ export class StatisticsCollector {
async fillMediaUploadInfo(startHash: Hash, endHash: Hash) {
- let startMedias = await this.getMedia(startHash);
- let endMedias = await this.getMedia(endHash);
+ let startEntites = await this.getEntities(startHash);
+ let endEntities = await this.getEntities(endHash);
+ let startVideos = await this.parseVideos(startEntites);
+ let endVideos = await this.parseVideos(endEntities);
- this.statistics.startMedia = startMedias.length;
- this.statistics.endMedia = endMedias.length;
+ this.statistics.startMedia = startVideos.length;
+ this.statistics.endMedia = endVideos.length;
this.statistics.percNewMedia = StatisticsCollector.convertToPercentage(this.statistics.startMedia, this.statistics.endMedia);
- this.statistics.startChannels = (await this.api.query.contentWorkingGroup.nextChannelId.at(startHash) as ChannelId).toNumber();
- this.statistics.endChannels = (await this.api.query.contentWorkingGroup.nextChannelId.at(endHash) as ChannelId).toNumber();
+ let startChannels = await this.parseChannels(startEntites);
+ let endChannels = await this.parseChannels(endEntities);
+ this.statistics.startChannels = startChannels.length;
+ this.statistics.endChannels = endChannels.length;
this.statistics.percNewChannels = StatisticsCollector.convertToPercentage(this.statistics.startChannels, this.statistics.endChannels);
let startDataObjects = await this.api.query.dataDirectory.knownContentIds.at(startHash) as Vec<ContentId>;
- this.statistics.startUsedSpace = await this.computeUsedSpaceInBytes(startDataObjects);
+ this.statistics.startUsedSpace = Number((await this.computeUsedSpaceInMbs(startDataObjects)).toFixed(2));
let endDataObjects = await this.api.query.dataDirectory.knownContentIds.at(endHash) as Vec<ContentId>;
- this.statistics.endUsedSpace = await this.computeUsedSpaceInBytes(endDataObjects);
+ this.statistics.endUsedSpace = Number((await this.computeUsedSpaceInMbs(endDataObjects)).toFixed(2));
this.statistics.percNewUsedSpace = StatisticsCollector.convertToPercentage(this.statistics.startUsedSpace, this.statistics.endUsedSpace);
@@ -604,36 +559,64 @@ export class StatisticsCollector {
static convertToPercentage(previousValue: number, newValue: number): number {
if (previousValue == 0) {
- return 0;
+ return newValue > 0 ? Infinity : 0;
return Number((newValue * 100 / previousValue - 100).toFixed(2));
- async computeUsedSpaceInBytes(contentIds: Vec<ContentId>) {
+ async computeUsedSpaceInMbs(contentIds: Vec<ContentId>) {
let space = 0;
for (let contentId of contentIds) {
let dataObject = (await this.api.query.dataDirectory.dataObjectByContentId(contentId)) as Option<DataObject>;
space += dataObject.unwrap().size_in_bytes.toNumber();
- return space;
+ return space / 1024 / 1024;
- async getMedia(blockHash: Hash) {
- let nrEntities = ((await this.api.query.versionedStore.nextEntityId.at(blockHash)) as EntityId).toNumber();
+ async parseVideos(entities: Map<number, Entity>) {
+ let videos: Media[] = [];
+ for (let [key, entity] of entities) {
+ if (entity.class_id.toNumber() != VIDEO_CLASS_iD || entity.values.isEmpty) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ let values = Array.from(entity.getField('values').entries());
+ if (values.length < 2 || values[2].length < 1) {
+ continue;
+ }
- let medias: Media[] = [];
- for (let i = 0; i < nrEntities; ++i) {
- let entity = await this.api.query.versionedStore.entityById.at(blockHash, i) as Entity;
+ let title = values[2][1].getValue().toString();
- if (entity.class_id.toNumber() != 7 || entity.entity_values.isEmpty) {
+ videos.push(new Media(key, title));
+ }
+ return videos;
+ }
+ async parseChannels(entities: Map<number, Entity>) {
+ let channels: Channel[] = [];
+ for (let [key, entity] of entities) {
+ if (entity.class_id.toNumber() != CHANNEL_CLASS_iD || entity.values.isEmpty) {
+ let values = Array.from(entity.getField('values').entries());
- let title = entity.entity_values[0].value.toString();
+ let title = values[0][1].getValue().toString();
+ channels.push(new Channel(key, title));
+ }
+ return channels;
+ }
+ async getEntities(blockHash: Hash) {
+ let nrEntities = ((await this.api.query.contentDirectory.nextEntityId.at(blockHash)) as EntityId).toNumber();
+ let entities = new Map<number, Entity>();
+ for (let i = 0; i < nrEntities; ++i) {
+ let entity = await this.api.query.contentDirectory.entityById.at(blockHash, i) as Entity;
- medias.push(new Media(entity.id.toNumber(), title));
+ entities.set(i, entity);
- return medias;
+ return entities;
async buildBlocksEventCache(startBlock: number, endBlock: number) {