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+# Tokenomics + Network Report
+This is a report which explains the current state of the Joystream network in numbers. It pulls figures from the chain and tries to provide a basic level of information about the network, tokens and more.
+## 1.0 Basic Information
+* Block range: 2,192,400 - 2,293,200
+* Date Range: 9/7/2021 - 9/14/2021
+* Council session #: 21
+## 2.0 Tokenomics
+### 2.1 Token generation breakdown
+| Property | Start Block | End Block | % Change |
+| Total Tokens Minted | 1,338,546,840 | 1,381,714,232 | 3.22 |
+| Property | Value |
+| Total Tokens Burned | 39,700,000 |
+| Spending Proposals (Executed) | 38,008,919 |
+| Bounties paid | 36,322,645 |
+| Validator Role | 16,566,109 |
+| Storage Role | 10,203,228 |
+| Curator Role | 7,159,628 |
+| Operations Role | 11,270,000 |
+### 2.3 Mints
+| Property | Start Block | End Block | % Change |
+| Council Mint Total Minted | 616,352,734 | 658,249,653 |6.8 |
+| Curator Mint Total Minted | 126,241,662 | 133,467,698| 5.72 |
+| Storage Mint Total Minted | 127,227,309 | 136,218,137 | 7.07 |
+| Operations Mint Total Minted | 108,086,650 | 116,306,650 | 7.61 |
+## 3.0 Council
+* Council session #: 21
+* Number of council members: 16
+* Total number of proposals: 31
+* Total number of Approved proposals: 28
+### 3.1 Elections
+| Property | Start Block |
+| Total Applicants |32 |
+| Total Applicant Stake |104,131,778 |
+| Total Votes |71 |
+## 4 Roles
+### 4.1 Validator Information
+* Block generation time (average): 6.03
+| Property | Start Block | End Block | % Change |
+| Number of Validators | 105 / 105 | 105 / 105 | 0 |
+| Validator Total Stake | 319,494,690 | 321,270,563 | 0.56 |
+### 4.2 Storage Role
+| Property | Start Block | End Block | % Change |
+| Number of Storage Workers | 12 | 11 | -8.33 |
+| Total Storage Stake (workers + lead) | 600,000 | 1,100,000 | 83.33 |
+Role occupants:
+@joystreamstats | (5C8BEb4AwVmDnxkZmbh4PVxJR5TMQ7QxU6nZtYkqTAvXhUP3)
+@julysake | (5CFnUMpSNxXSkb3p2yaqw2rCdyqZbAUtx9SQVkPBYL5P5Jku)
+@kalpakci | (5FxJ7z9tnscgL9xeqeo8sB3izwJKszFPdJSpRPWFr1y35Gcw)
+@joystream_storage_member | (5EyTk4G9zt5wApxwK6MbPWQfRY6xy2nxfq8V6EXWfHxP5jou)
+@maxlevush | (5Gy9eib5P1vB4Tvr9u74J7rhxvHqv5qhTdP3xwFfkArHQWPe)
+@joyval | (5CyYw8yjJ1VYnqBJcNTwBegZKfmrWFVMukqEE96UyrWzwfiu)
+@dapplooker | (5GvFLWbDLvs6CmBo2LZ15A4Vj15Fy8TzBd1sMWoLmdNe55nM)
+@godshunter | (5CSuu4WFADz7afhcjbEDbErQ6774uSk4cmrWzXz5kxRftKpN)
+@bwhm0 | (5DaDUnNVzZPwK9KLwyPFgeSbc9Xeh6G39A2oq36tiV9aEzcx)
+@seainvestor | (5CA73jgvw1WK1sxmNky1Nvd3rFQg9jR6sYh46eHKncZcciAR)
+@0x2bc | (5DX9Vvk4uP8YNFSsvWGbjBcTG21PJbeLpgTRgCVpGQg2bDSx)
+### 4.3 Curator Role
+| Property | Start Block | End Block | % Change |
+| Number of Curators | 7 | 7 | 0 |
+Role occupants:
+@l1dev | (5DFb8Xr8FfQyiFMjURjQHqHfunfEb4jWLhF5q4HR6EHiJTe8)
+@kiraa | (5G9Bpf8dgSgojMZyjCHMcGdvYpxX1gdgeUtnKahcY45Hysbm)
+@mmsaww | (5FsdXvMjiMf77TAoKrYk8v9aFPiUqrN5yCmA4NBbW18ZekSu)
+@kadyrovs | (5F4ENyjriDAyXrJ4cMrGNjKxJbSAMhXTnHMSDLqkoVA1DY7W)
+@zazik | (5HGiQRvh1pTq2ff33BdJKMDPggL3VhLbxkvdwYGxFyS3yNeP)
+@laura | (5GeRwBEidgwsSsdrYpUZ1W9Vx2zz7z2yJWqaVjM8QK2yec33)
+@igrex | (5H3hJqNb8Je2sfcGkxFQqsxn1FTy96bHrRW6wGCDwiLeCW1i)
+### 4.4 Operations Role
+| Property | Start Block | End Block | % Change |
+| Number of Operations Workers | 6 | 6 | 0 |
+| Total Operations Stake (workers + lead) | 150,000 | 150,000 | 0 |
+Role occupants:
+@l1dev | (5DFb8Xr8FfQyiFMjURjQHqHfunfEb4jWLhF5q4HR6EHiJTe8)
+@isonar | (5HT8Mty5U5hFKVwv24uFswX2e41vurU3F5rkLMoETR8XmjFy)
+@lkskrn | (5CiRcZCWKDDo4nu1TNXnRVYWichHHmyU6x1nCUeDwjCNQRCw)
+@freakstatic | (5FVxUFN6fQFXrrV4FvhEDQUwefzwu9g1SrZCryiKrFhUiVc1)
+@dapplooker | (5GvFLWbDLvs6CmBo2LZ15A4Vj15Fy8TzBd1sMWoLmdNe55nM)
+@joystreamstats | (5C8BEb4AwVmDnxkZmbh4PVxJR5TMQ7QxU6nZtYkqTAvXhUP3)
+## 5.0 User Generated Content
+### 5.1 Membership Information
+| Property | Start Block | End Block | % Change |
+| Number of members | 2,773| 2,806 | 1.19 |
+### 5.2 Media & Uploads
+| Property | Start Block | End Block | % Change |
+| Number of uploads | 6,153 | 6,207 | 0.88 |
+| Size of content (MB) | 785,968.57 | 800,453.42 | 1.84 |
+| Number of channels | 414 | 432 | 4.35 |
+### 5.3 Forum Activity
+| Property | Start Block | End Block | % Change |
+| Number of categories | 57 | 57 | 0 |
+| Number of threads | 590| 603 | 2.2 |
+| Number of posts | 4,979 | 5,115 | 2.73 |