@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ As an aside, never store any keys or tokens on GitHub, ESPECIALLY if the repo is
## Developing the Bot
-While Discord bots can be built with several different languages - the unofficial [Discord API server](https://discord.gg/discord-api) has channels for at least 19 different languages - I will concentrate on TypeScript.
+While DIscord bots can be built with several different languages - the unofficial [Discord API server](https://discord.gg/discord-api) has channels for at least 19 different languages - I will concentrate on TypeScript.
The [Discord TypeScript Server](https://discord.gg/VDjwu8E) is an ideal source for interacting with other TypeScript developers. as well as a potential source for any technical help one may need. There's also an [examples folder](https://github.com/OwenCalvin/discord.ts/tree/master/examples) of bots built using the Discord TypeScript library.
@@ -102,1263 +102,7 @@ async function start() {
-### @Discord - Getting started
-So we start with an empty class (abstract is not necessary but this is more type-safe, the class shouldn't be initialized).
-abstract class AppDiscord {
-Then you must declare it as a Discord app class with the `@Discord` decorator :
-import { Discord } from "@typeit/discord";
-@Discord() // Decorate the class
-abstract class AppDiscord {
-### @On / @Once - Listen to the events
-We can now declare methods that will be executed whenever a Discord event is triggered.
-Our methods must be decorated with the `@On(event: string)` or `@Once(event: string)` decorator.
-That's simple, when the event is triggered, the method is called:
-import {
- Discord,
- On,
- Once
-} from "@typeit/discord";
-abstract class AppDiscord {
- @On("message")
- private onMessage() {
- // ...
- }
- @Once("messageDelete")
- private onMessageDelete() {
- // ...
- }
-### Client payload injection
-For each event a list of arguments is injected in your decorated method, you can type this list thanks to the `ArgsOf<Event>` type provided by `discord.ts`.
-You also receive other useful arguments after that:
-1. The event payload (`ArgsOf<Event>`)
-2. The `Client` instance
-3. The [guards](https://github.com/OwenCalvin/discord.ts#%EF%B8%8F-guards) payload
-> You should use JS desctructuring for `ArgsOf<Event>` like in this example
-import {
- Discord,
- On,
- Client,
- ArgsOf
-} from "@typeit/discord";
-abstract class AppDiscord {
- @On("message")
- private onMessage(
- [message]: ArgsOf<"message">, // Type message automatically
- client: Client, // Client instance injected here,
- guardPayload: any
- ) {
- // ...
- }
-## 📟 Commands
-`discord.ts` provides a decorator allowing the implementation of command systems very simply by essentially using only two decorators `@Command(commandName?: string)` and `@CommandNotFound()`.
-We will also use `@Discord(prefix: string)` to specify a prefix for our commands within the class.
-**You can specify a `regex` expression for your command names**
-**For advanced usage use the `@Rules` decorator, you can also specify aliases using that**
-> Notice that the first arguments do not use `ArgsOf`, the first payload is a `CommandMessage`.
-import {
- Discord,
- On,
- Client,
- Command,
- CommandMessage,
- CommandNotFound
-} from "@typeit/discord";
-// Specify your prefix
-abstract class AppDiscord {
- // Reachable with the command: !hello
- @Command("hello")
- private hello(message: CommandMessage) {
- }
- // !bye
- // !yo
- @CommandNotFound()
- private notFound(message: CommandMessage) {
- }
-### The `CommandMessage` object
-The `CommandMessage` is the first argument injected into a method using `@Command` or `@CommandNotFound`, it has exactly the same structure as the `Message` object in `discord.js` except that it includes useful information about the command that was executed such as:
-- `prefix`: `string`
-The prefix that is applied to your command.
-- `commandName`: `string`
-The command name
-- `commandContent`: `string`
-The message content without the prefix (`-cmd hello there` becomes `hello there`)
-- `description`: `string`
-[The command description](https://github.com/OwenCalvin/discord.ts#infos--description)
-- `infos`: `InfoType` (`any`)
-[The command infos](https://github.com/OwenCalvin/discord.ts#infos--description)
-- `args`: `ArgsType` (`any`)
-[The command arguments](https://github.com/OwenCalvin/discord.ts#args-parsing)
-- `discord`: `DiscordInfos`:
-The linked `@Discord` class infos
-- `argsRules`: (`ArgsRulesFunction<Expression>[]`)
-The rules that are applied to execute the command (advanced)
-### Args parsing
-You have the ability to specify arguments for your command, as `express.js` does in it's routing system. So by using `":"` (or the value specified in `variablesChar` when your `Client` intializes) in the name of your `@Command` in front of the dynamic values, `discord.ts` will extract these informations when a command is executed and inject it into the `args` property of your `CommandMessage` with the correct name that you indicated in the command name.
-> If the argument value is a number the value will be casted automaticaly
-abstract class AppDiscord {
- @Command("args :slug :number")
- private hello(message: CommandMessage) {
- const mySlug = message.args.slug;
- const myNumber = message.args.number;
- // Using js destructuring:
- const { slug, number } = message.args;
- }
-### Dynamic Values
-Okay but what if my prefix or my command name of my `@Discord` / `@Command` decorators depends on external datas? Well you can specify a function that will be executed when a command is executed to verify the origin and return the correct value.
-You receive the `Message` as the first argument and the `Client` instance as the second one.
-> This is also applied to `@ComputedRules`
-// If the message has been sent in the guild with
-// the name MyGuildName the prefix "." will be considered
-// otherwise the prefix "$" will trigger the action.
-async function prefixBehaviour(message: Message, client: Client) {
- if (message.guild.name === "MyGuildName") {
- return ".";
- }
- return "$";
-abstract class AppDiscord {
- @Command("hello")
- private hello(message: CommandMessage) {
- // ...
- }
-With a dynamic command name:
-> May be for a very specific use case
-// If the message has been sent in the guild with
-// the name MyGuildName the prefix "." will be considered
-// otherwise the prefix "$" will trigger the action.
-async function prefixBehaviour(message: Message, client: Client) {
- if (message.guild.name === "MyGuildName") {
- return ".";
- }
- return "$";
-// The command name will be yo if the message is "hello"
-async function commandName(message: Message, client: Client) {
- if (message.content === "hello") {
- return "yo";
- }
- return "hello";
-abstract class AppDiscord {
- @Command(commandName)
- private hello(message: CommandMessage) {
- // ...
- }
-### Command directory pattern
-> [Example](https://github.com/OwenCalvin/discord.ts/tree/master/examples/commands-dir)
-If you have a directory pattern that looks like this:
-- Ping.ts
-- Hello.ts
-- Blabla.ts
-- MessageDelete.ts
-You should use the `import` parameter for the `@Discord` decorator.
-Here, all the elements will be injected into this Discord class instance.
-import * as Path from "path";
-import {
- Discord,
- CommandNotFound
-} from "@typeit/discord";
-// The prefix will be applied to the imported commands
-@Discord("!", {
- import: [
- Path.join(__dirname, "commands", "*.ts"),
- Path.join(__dirname, "events", "*.ts")
- // You can also specify the class directly here if you don't want to use a glob
- ]
-export abstract class DiscordApp {
- // This command not found is triggered
- @CommandNotFound()
- notFoundA(command: CommandMessage) {
- command.reply("Command not found");
- }
-Here is an example of what your command file should look like:
-import {
- Command,
- CommandMessage
-} from "@typeit/discord";
-// Do not have to decorate the class with @Discord
-// It applied the parameters of the @Discord decorator that imported it
-export abstract class Bye {
- @Command("bye")
- async bye(command: CommandMessage) {
- command.reply("Bye!");
- }
- @Command("ciao")
- async ciao(command: CommandMessage) {
- command.reply("Ciao!");
- }
-import {
- On,
- ArgsOf
-} from "@typeit/discord";
-// Do not have to decorate the class with @Discord
-// It applied the parameters of the @Discord decorator that imported it
-export abstract class MessageDelete {
- @On("messageDelete")
- async onMessageDelete([message]: ArgsOf<"messageDelete">) {
- message.reply("Bye!");
- }
-## ℹ️ @Infos / @Description
-It would be useful to be able to specify order information, for example to display a help command (`!help`) in your application.
-For the one you have two useful decorators which are `@Infos` and `@Description`.
-> `@Description` is a shortcut for `@Infos({ description: "..." })`
-import {
- ClassCommand,
- Command,
- CommandMessage
-} from "@typeit/discord";
-@Description("Admin commands")
-@Infos({ forAdmins: true })
-export abstract class Bye {
- @Command("ciao")
- @Description("say ciao")
- async ciao(command: CommandMessage) {
- command.reply("Ciao!");
- }
-To retrieve these informations, you can use the `Client` static methods:
-import { Client } from "@typeit/discord";
-Client.getCommands(); // @Command
-Client.getCommandsNotFound(); // @CommandNotFound
-Client.getEvents(); // @On
-Client.getDiscords(); // @Discord
-## @Rules / @ComputedRules - Advanced message validation
-If you need to use advanced expressions and aliases for your commands, this decorator is for you. It accepts regex (if you specify a string it will be considered as a regex expression, you have to escape the `"."` => `"\."` characters) and an instance of [RuleBuilder](https://github.com/OwenCalvin/discord.ts#rulebuilder).
-import {
- ClassCommand,
- Command,
- CommandMessage,
- Rules
-} from "@typeit/discord";
-export abstract class Bye {
- @Command()
- @Rules(/salut\s{1,}toi(\s{1,}|$)/i)
- async hello(command: CommandMessage) {
- command.reply("Ciao!");
- }
-The rules can also be applied to `@Discord`, it will be merged to the rules of commands inside the class:
-> In this example we rewrite explicitly the prefix rule
-import {
- ClassCommand,
- Command,
- CommandMessage,
- Rules,
- Rule
-} from "@typeit/discord";
-@Rules(Rule().startWith("!")) // Explicit prefix
-export abstract class Bye {
- @Rules(Rule("salut").space("toi").spaceOrEnd())
- async hello(command: CommandMessage) {
- command.reply("Ciao!");
- }
-### RuleBuilder
-But it's not clear to put a RegExp...
-Yes for this reason you can use the `RuleBuilder` API:
-Now to write `/salut\s{1,}toi(\s{1,}|$)/i` it's simple:
-import {
- ClassCommand,
- Command,
- CommandMessage,
- Rules,
- Rule
-} from "@typeit/discord";
-export abstract class Bye {
- @Rules(Rule("salut").space("toi").spaceOrEnd())
- async hello(command: CommandMessage) {
- command.reply("Ciao!");
- }
-### Computed rules
-Okay but I have rules that depends on computed my server datas like for my `@CommandName`...
-No problem just use `@ComputedRules`:
-import {
- ClassCommand,
- Command,
- CommandMessage,
- Rules,
- Rule
-} from "@typeit/discord";
-async function getRules() {
- return [Rule("salut").space("toi").spaceOrEnd()]
-export abstract class Bye {
- @ComputedRules(getRules)
- async hello(command: CommandMessage) {
- command.reply("Ciao!");
- }
-## ⚔️ Guards
-You can use functions that are executed before your event to determine if it's executed. For example, if you want to apply a prefix to the messages, you can simply use the `@Guard` decorator.
-The order of execution of the guards is done according to their position in the list, so they will be executed in order (from top to bottom).
-Guards works also with `@Command` and `@CommandNotFound`.
-import {
- Discord,
- On,
- Client,
- Guard
-} from "@typeit/discord";
-import { NotBot } from "./NotBot";
-import { Prefix } from "./Prefix";
-abstract class AppDiscord {
- @On("message")
- @Guard(
- NotBot, // You can use multiple guard functions, they are excuted in the same order!
- Prefix("!")
- )
- async onMessage([message]: ArgsOf<"message">) {
- switch (message.content.toLowerCase()) {
- case "hello":
- message.reply("Hello!");
- break;
- default:
- message.reply("Command not found");
- break;
- }
- }
-### The guard functions
-> Notice that the guard function is impacted by your payloadInjection policy
-Here is a simple example of a guard function (the payload and the client instance are injected like for events)
-Guards work like `Koa`'s, it's a function passed in parameter (after the `Client`'s instance) and you will have to call if the guard is passed.
-> If next isn't called the next guard (or the main method) will not be executed
-import { GuardFunction } from "@typeit/discord";
-export const NotBot: GuardFunction<"message"> = (
- [message],
- client,
- next
-) => {
- if (client.user.id !== message.author.id) {
- await next();
- }
-If you have to indicate parameters for a guard function you can simple use the "function that returns a function" pattern like this:
-import { GuardFunction } from "@typeit/discord";
-export function Prefix(text: string, replace: boolean = true) {
- const guard: GuardFunction<"message"> = (
- [message],
- client,
- next
- ) => {
- const startWith = message.content.startsWith(text);
- if (replace) {
- message.content = message.content.replace(text, "");
- }
- if (startWith) {
- await next();
- }
- };
- return guard;
-### Guard datas
-As 4th parameter you receive a basic empty object that can be used to transmit data between guard and with your main method.
-import { GuardFunction } from "@typeit/discord";
-export const NotBot: GuardFunction<"message"> = (
- [message],
- client,
- next,
- guardDatas
-) => {
- if (client.user.id !== message.author.id) {
- guardDatas.message = "the NotBot guard passed"
- await next();
- }
-import {
- Discord,
- Command,
- Client,
- Guard
-} from "@typeit/discord";
-import { NotBot } from "./NotBot";
-import { Prefix } from "./Prefix";
-abstract class AppDiscord {
- @Command()
- @Guard(
- NotBot,
- Prefix("!")
- )
- async hello(
- command: CommandMessage,
- client: Client,
- guardDatas: any
- ) {
- console.log(guardDatas.message);
- // > the NotBot guard passed
- }
-## API - Retrieve the infos
-You can simply get all the infos about your decorated stuff using:
-import { Client } from "@typeit/discord";
-Client.getCommands(); // @Command
-Client.getCommandsNotFound(); // @CommandNotFound
-Client.getEvents(); // @On
-Client.getDiscords(); // @Discord
-## 💡 Events and payload
-Here you have the details about the payloads that are injected into the method related to a specific event.
-Note that on some events, for example voiceStateUpdate, it will return an array of the subsequent event payloads, and the second parameter will be the discord.ts Client.
-**`@Once(event: DiscordEvent)` exists too, it executes the method only one time**
-### The argument list
-Here is all the `DiscordEvents` and their parameters (`discord.js` version 12.2.0)
-- **channelCreate**: `(Channel)`
-- **channelDelete**: `(Channel | PartialDMChannel)`
-- **channelPinsUpdate**: `(Channel | PartialDMChannel, Date)`
-- **channelUpdate**: `(Channel, Channel)`
-- **debug**: `(string)`
-- **warn**: `(string)`
-- **disconnect**: `(any, number)`
-- **emojiCreate**: `(GuildEmoji)`
-- **emojiDelete**: `(GuildEmoji)`
-- **emojiUpdate**: `(GuildEmoji, GuildEmoji)`
-- **error**: `(Error)`
-- **guildBanAdd**: `(Guild, User | PartialUser)`
-- **guildBanRemove**: `(Guild, User | PartialUser)`
-- **guildCreate**: `(Guild)`
-- **guildDelete**: `(Guild)`
-- **guildUnavailable**: `(Guild)`
-- **guildIntegrationsUpdate**: `(Guild)`
-- **guildMemberAdd**: `(GuildMember | PartialGuildMember)`
-- **guildMemberAvailable**: `(GuildMember | PartialGuildMember)`
-- **guildMemberRemove**: `(GuildMember | PartialGuildMember)`
-- **guildMembersChunk**: `(Collection<Snowflake, GuildMember | PartialGuildMember>, Guild)`
-- **guildMemberSpeaking**: `(GuildMember | PartialGuildMember, Readonly<Speaking>)`
-- **guildMemberUpdate**: `(GuildMember | PartialGuildMember, GuildMember | PartialGuildMember)`
-- **guildUpdate**: `(Guild, Guild)`
-- **inviteCreate**: `(Invite)`
-- **inviteDelete**: `(Invite)`
-- **message**: `(Message)`
-- **messageDelete**: `(Message | PartialMessage)`
-- **messageReactionRemoveAll**: `(Message | PartialMessage)`
-- **messageReactionRemoveEmoji**: `(MessageReaction)`
-- **messageDeleteBulk**: `(Collection<Snowflake, Message | PartialMessage>)`
-- **messageReactionAdd**: `(MessageReaction, User | PartialUser)`
-- **messageReactionRemove**: `(MessageReaction, User | PartialUser)`
-- **messageUpdate**: `(Message | PartialMessage, Message | PartialMessage)`
-- **presenceUpdate**: `(Presence | undefined, Presence)`
-- **rateLimit**: `(RateLimitData)`
-- **ready**: `()`
-- **invalidated**: `()`
-- **roleCreate**: `(Role)`
-- **roleDelete**: `(Role)`
-- **roleUpdate**: `(Role, Role)`
-- **typingStart**: `(Channel | PartialDMChannel, User | PartialUser)`
-- **userUpdate**: `(User | PartialUser, User | PartialUser)`
-- **voiceStateUpdate**: `(VoiceState, VoiceState)`
-- **webhookUpdate**: `(TextChannel)`
-- **shardDisconnect**: `(CloseEvent, number)`
-- **shardError**: `(Error, number)`
-- **shardReady**: `(number)`
-- **shardReconnecting**: `(number)`
-- **shardResume**: `(number, number)`
-## Examples
-Some examples are provided in the [`/examples` folder](https://github.com/OwenCalvin/discord.ts/tree/master/examples) !
-## Migration v1 to v2
-You should just add parenthesis after the `@Discord` decorator, everywhere in your app.
-`@Discord class X` should now be `@Discord() class X`.
-## Migration v2 to v3
-Now the `payloadInjection` policy is by default `"first"`, convert each events of your app or change your `payloadInjection` policy to `"spread"` inside the `Client` constructor:
-const client = new Client({
- payloadInjection: "spread"
-## Migration v3 to v4
-payloadInjection policy doesn't exists anymore, moreover the parameters inside the decorators has changed, please refer to the documentation or ask help using the discord server.
-## See also
-- [discord.js](https://discord.js.org/#/)## @Discord - Getting started
-So we start with an empty class (abstract is not necessary but this is more type-safe, the class shouldn't be initialized).
-abstract class AppDiscord {
-Then you must declare it as a Discord app class with the `@Discord` decorator :
-import { Discord } from "@typeit/discord";
-@Discord() // Decorate the class
-abstract class AppDiscord {
-### @On / @Once - Listen to the events
-We can now declare methods that will be executed whenever a Discord event is triggered.
-Our methods must be decorated with the `@On(event: string)` or `@Once(event: string)` decorator.
-That's simple, when the event is triggered, the method is called:
-import {
- Discord,
- On,
- Once
-} from "@typeit/discord";
-abstract class AppDiscord {
- @On("message")
- private onMessage() {
- // ...
- }
- @Once("messageDelete")
- private onMessageDelete() {
- // ...
- }
-### Client payload injection
-For each event a list of arguments is injected in your decorated method, you can type this list thanks to the `ArgsOf<Event>` type provided by `discord.ts`.
-You also receive other useful arguments after that:
-1. The event payload (`ArgsOf<Event>`)
-2. The `Client` instance
-3. The [guards](https://github.com/OwenCalvin/discord.ts#%EF%B8%8F-guards) payload
-> You should use JS desctructuring for `ArgsOf<Event>` like in this example
-import {
- Discord,
- On,
- Client,
- ArgsOf
-} from "@typeit/discord";
-abstract class AppDiscord {
- @On("message")
- private onMessage(
- [message]: ArgsOf<"message">, // Type message automatically
- client: Client, // Client instance injected here,
- guardPayload: any
- ) {
- // ...
- }
-## 📟 Commands
-`discord.ts` provides a decorator allowing the implementation of command systems very simply by essentially using only two decorators `@Command(commandName?: string)` and `@CommandNotFound()`.
-We will also use `@Discord(prefix: string)` to specify a prefix for our commands within the class.
-**You can specify a `regex` expression for your command names**
-**For advanced usage use the `@Rules` decorator, you can also specify aliases using that**
-> Notice that the first arguments do not use `ArgsOf`, the first payload is a `CommandMessage`.
-import {
- Discord,
- On,
- Client,
- Command,
- CommandMessage,
- CommandNotFound
-} from "@typeit/discord";
-// Specify your prefix
-abstract class AppDiscord {
- // Reachable with the command: !hello
- @Command("hello")
- private hello(message: CommandMessage) {
- }
- // !bye
- // !yo
- @CommandNotFound()
- private notFound(message: CommandMessage) {
- }
-### The `CommandMessage` object
-The `CommandMessage` is the first argument injected into a method using `@Command` or `@CommandNotFound`, it has exactly the same structure as the `Message` object in `discord.js` except that it includes useful information about the command that was executed such as:
-- `prefix`: `string`
-The prefix that is applied to your command.
-- `commandName`: `string`
-The command name
-- `commandContent`: `string`
-The message content without the prefix (`-cmd hello there` becomes `hello there`)
-- `description`: `string`
-[The command description](https://github.com/OwenCalvin/discord.ts#infos--description)
-- `infos`: `InfoType` (`any`)
-[The command infos](https://github.com/OwenCalvin/discord.ts#infos--description)
-- `args`: `ArgsType` (`any`)
-[The command arguments](https://github.com/OwenCalvin/discord.ts#args-parsing)
-- `discord`: `DiscordInfos`:
-The linked `@Discord` class infos
-- `argsRules`: (`ArgsRulesFunction<Expression>[]`)
-The rules that are applied to execute the command (advanced)
-### Args parsing
-You have the ability to specify arguments for your command, as `express.js` does in it's routing system. So by using `":"` (or the value specified in `variablesChar` when your `Client` intializes) in the name of your `@Command` in front of the dynamic values, `discord.ts` will extract these informations when a command is executed and inject it into the `args` property of your `CommandMessage` with the correct name that you indicated in the command name.
-> If the argument value is a number the value will be casted automaticaly
-abstract class AppDiscord {
- @Command("args :slug :number")
- private hello(message: CommandMessage) {
- const mySlug = message.args.slug;
- const myNumber = message.args.number;
- // Using js destructuring:
- const { slug, number } = message.args;
- }
-### Dynamic Values
-Okay but what if my prefix or my command name of my `@Discord` / `@Command` decorators depends on external datas? Well you can specify a function that will be executed when a command is executed to verify the origin and return the correct value.
-You receive the `Message` as the first argument and the `Client` instance as the second one.
-> This is also applied to `@ComputedRules`
-// If the message has been sent in the guild with
-// the name MyGuildName the prefix "." will be considered
-// otherwise the prefix "$" will trigger the action.
-async function prefixBehaviour(message: Message, client: Client) {
- if (message.guild.name === "MyGuildName") {
- return ".";
- }
- return "$";
-abstract class AppDiscord {
- @Command("hello")
- private hello(message: CommandMessage) {
- // ...
- }
-With a dynamic command name:
-> May be for a very specific use case
-// If the message has been sent in the guild with
-// the name MyGuildName the prefix "." will be considered
-// otherwise the prefix "$" will trigger the action.
-async function prefixBehaviour(message: Message, client: Client) {
- if (message.guild.name === "MyGuildName") {
- return ".";
- }
- return "$";
-// The command name will be yo if the message is "hello"
-async function commandName(message: Message, client: Client) {
- if (message.content === "hello") {
- return "yo";
- }
- return "hello";
-abstract class AppDiscord {
- @Command(commandName)
- private hello(message: CommandMessage) {
- // ...
- }
-### Command directory pattern
-> [Example](https://github.com/OwenCalvin/discord.ts/tree/master/examples/commands-dir)
-If you have a directory pattern that looks like this:
-- Ping.ts
-- Hello.ts
-- Blabla.ts
-- MessageDelete.ts
-You should use the `import` parameter for the `@Discord` decorator.
-Here, all the elements will be injected into this Discord class instance.
-import * as Path from "path";
-import {
- Discord,
- CommandNotFound
-} from "@typeit/discord";
-// The prefix will be applied to the imported commands
-@Discord("!", {
- import: [
- Path.join(__dirname, "commands", "*.ts"),
- Path.join(__dirname, "events", "*.ts")
- // You can also specify the class directly here if you don't want to use a glob
- ]
-export abstract class DiscordApp {
- // This command not found is triggered
- @CommandNotFound()
- notFoundA(command: CommandMessage) {
- command.reply("Command not found");
- }
-Here is an example of what your command file should look like:
-import {
- Command,
- CommandMessage
-} from "@typeit/discord";
-// Do not have to decorate the class with @Discord
-// It applied the parameters of the @Discord decorator that imported it
-export abstract class Bye {
- @Command("bye")
- async bye(command: CommandMessage) {
- command.reply("Bye!");
- }
- @Command("ciao")
- async ciao(command: CommandMessage) {
- command.reply("Ciao!");
- }
-import {
- On,
- ArgsOf
-} from "@typeit/discord";
-// Do not have to decorate the class with @Discord
-// It applied the parameters of the @Discord decorator that imported it
-export abstract class MessageDelete {
- @On("messageDelete")
- async onMessageDelete([message]: ArgsOf<"messageDelete">) {
- message.reply("Bye!");
- }
-## ℹ️ @Infos / @Description
-It would be useful to be able to specify order information, for example to display a help command (`!help`) in your application.
-For the one you have two useful decorators which are `@Infos` and `@Description`.
-> `@Description` is a shortcut for `@Infos({ description: "..." })`
-import {
- ClassCommand,
- Command,
- CommandMessage
-} from "@typeit/discord";
-@Description("Admin commands")
-@Infos({ forAdmins: true })
-export abstract class Bye {
- @Command("ciao")
- @Description("say ciao")
- async ciao(command: CommandMessage) {
- command.reply("Ciao!");
- }
-To retrieve these informations, you can use the `Client` static methods:
-import { Client } from "@typeit/discord";
-Client.getCommands(); // @Command
-Client.getCommandsNotFound(); // @CommandNotFound
-Client.getEvents(); // @On
-Client.getDiscords(); // @Discord
-## @Rules / @ComputedRules - Advanced message validation
-If you need to use advanced expressions and aliases for your commands, this decorator is for you. It accepts regex (if you specify a string it will be considered as a regex expression, you have to escape the `"."` => `"\."` characters) and an instance of [RuleBuilder](https://github.com/OwenCalvin/discord.ts#rulebuilder).
-import {
- ClassCommand,
- Command,
- CommandMessage,
- Rules
-} from "@typeit/discord";
-export abstract class Bye {
- @Command()
- @Rules(/salut\s{1,}toi(\s{1,}|$)/i)
- async hello(command: CommandMessage) {
- command.reply("Ciao!");
- }
-The rules can also be applied to `@Discord`, it will be merged to the rules of commands inside the class:
-> In this example we rewrite explicitly the prefix rule
-import {
- ClassCommand,
- Command,
- CommandMessage,
- Rules,
- Rule
-} from "@typeit/discord";
-@Rules(Rule().startWith("!")) // Explicit prefix
-export abstract class Bye {
- @Rules(Rule("salut").space("toi").spaceOrEnd())
- async hello(command: CommandMessage) {
- command.reply("Ciao!");
- }
-### RuleBuilder
-But it's not clear to put a RegExp...
-Yes for this reason you can use the `RuleBuilder` API:
-Now to write `/salut\s{1,}toi(\s{1,}|$)/i` it's simple:
-import {
- ClassCommand,
- Command,
- CommandMessage,
- Rules,
- Rule
-} from "@typeit/discord";
-export abstract class Bye {
- @Rules(Rule("salut").space("toi").spaceOrEnd())
- async hello(command: CommandMessage) {
- command.reply("Ciao!");
- }
-### Computed rules
-Okay but I have rules that depends on computed my server datas like for my `@CommandName`...
-No problem just use `@ComputedRules`:
-import {
- ClassCommand,
- Command,
- CommandMessage,
- Rules,
- Rule
-} from "@typeit/discord";
-async function getRules() {
- return [Rule("salut").space("toi").spaceOrEnd()]
-export abstract class Bye {
- @ComputedRules(getRules)
- async hello(command: CommandMessage) {
- command.reply("Ciao!");
- }
-## ⚔️ Guards
-You can use functions that are executed before your event to determine if it's executed. For example, if you want to apply a prefix to the messages, you can simply use the `@Guard` decorator.
-The order of execution of the guards is done according to their position in the list, so they will be executed in order (from top to bottom).
-Guards works also with `@Command` and `@CommandNotFound`.
-import {
- Discord,
- On,
- Client,
- Guard
-} from "@typeit/discord";
-import { NotBot } from "./NotBot";
-import { Prefix } from "./Prefix";
-abstract class AppDiscord {
- @On("message")
- @Guard(
- NotBot, // You can use multiple guard functions, they are excuted in the same order!
- Prefix("!")
- )
- async onMessage([message]: ArgsOf<"message">) {
- switch (message.content.toLowerCase()) {
- case "hello":
- message.reply("Hello!");
- break;
- default:
- message.reply("Command not found");
- break;
- }
- }
-### The guard functions
-> Notice that the guard function is impacted by your payloadInjection policy
-Here is a simple example of a guard function (the payload and the client instance are injected like for events)
-Guards work like `Koa`'s, it's a function passed in parameter (after the `Client`'s instance) and you will have to call if the guard is passed.
-> If next isn't called the next guard (or the main method) will not be executed
-import { GuardFunction } from "@typeit/discord";
-export const NotBot: GuardFunction<"message"> = (
- [message],
- client,
- next
-) => {
- if (client.user.id !== message.author.id) {
- await next();
- }
-If you have to indicate parameters for a guard function you can simple use the "function that returns a function" pattern like this:
-import { GuardFunction } from "@typeit/discord";
-export function Prefix(text: string, replace: boolean = true) {
- const guard: GuardFunction<"message"> = (
- [message],
- client,
- next
- ) => {
- const startWith = message.content.startsWith(text);
- if (replace) {
- message.content = message.content.replace(text, "");
- }
- if (startWith) {
- await next();
- }
- };
- return guard;
-### Guard datas
-As 4th parameter you receive a basic empty object that can be used to transmit data between guard and with your main method.
-import { GuardFunction } from "@typeit/discord";
-export const NotBot: GuardFunction<"message"> = (
- [message],
- client,
- next,
- guardDatas
-) => {
- if (client.user.id !== message.author.id) {
- guardDatas.message = "the NotBot guard passed"
- await next();
- }
-import {
- Discord,
- Command,
- Client,
- Guard
-} from "@typeit/discord";
-import { NotBot } from "./NotBot";
-import { Prefix } from "./Prefix";
-abstract class AppDiscord {
- @Command()
- @Guard(
- NotBot,
- Prefix("!")
- )
- async hello(
- command: CommandMessage,
- client: Client,
- guardDatas: any
- ) {
- console.log(guardDatas.message);
- // > the NotBot guard passed
- }
-## API - Retrieve the infos
-You can simply get all the infos about your decorated stuff using:
-import { Client } from "@typeit/discord";
-Client.getCommands(); // @Command
-Client.getCommandsNotFound(); // @CommandNotFound
-Client.getEvents(); // @On
-Client.getDiscords(); // @Discord
-## 💡 Events and payload
-Here you have the details about the payloads that are injected into the method related to a specific event.
-Note that on some events, for example voiceStateUpdate, it will return an array of the subsequent event payloads, and the second parameter will be the discord.ts Client.
-**`@Once(event: DiscordEvent)` exists too, it executes the method only one time**
-### The argument list
-Here is all the `DiscordEvents` and their parameters (`discord.js` version 12.2.0)
-- **channelCreate**: `(Channel)`
-- **channelDelete**: `(Channel | PartialDMChannel)`
-- **channelPinsUpdate**: `(Channel | PartialDMChannel, Date)`
-- **channelUpdate**: `(Channel, Channel)`
-- **debug**: `(string)`
-- **warn**: `(string)`
-- **disconnect**: `(any, number)`
-- **emojiCreate**: `(GuildEmoji)`
-- **emojiDelete**: `(GuildEmoji)`
-- **emojiUpdate**: `(GuildEmoji, GuildEmoji)`
-- **error**: `(Error)`
-- **guildBanAdd**: `(Guild, User | PartialUser)`
-- **guildBanRemove**: `(Guild, User | PartialUser)`
-- **guildCreate**: `(Guild)`
-- **guildDelete**: `(Guild)`
-- **guildUnavailable**: `(Guild)`
-- **guildIntegrationsUpdate**: `(Guild)`
-- **guildMemberAdd**: `(GuildMember | PartialGuildMember)`
-- **guildMemberAvailable**: `(GuildMember | PartialGuildMember)`
-- **guildMemberRemove**: `(GuildMember | PartialGuildMember)`
-- **guildMembersChunk**: `(Collection<Snowflake, GuildMember | PartialGuildMember>, Guild)`
-- **guildMemberSpeaking**: `(GuildMember | PartialGuildMember, Readonly<Speaking>)`
-- **guildMemberUpdate**: `(GuildMember | PartialGuildMember, GuildMember | PartialGuildMember)`
-- **guildUpdate**: `(Guild, Guild)`
-- **inviteCreate**: `(Invite)`
-- **inviteDelete**: `(Invite)`
-- **message**: `(Message)`
-- **messageDelete**: `(Message | PartialMessage)`
-- **messageReactionRemoveAll**: `(Message | PartialMessage)`
-- **messageReactionRemoveEmoji**: `(MessageReaction)`
-- **messageDeleteBulk**: `(Collection<Snowflake, Message | PartialMessage>)`
-- **messageReactionAdd**: `(MessageReaction, User | PartialUser)`
-- **messageReactionRemove**: `(MessageReaction, User | PartialUser)`
-- **messageUpdate**: `(Message | PartialMessage, Message | PartialMessage)`
-- **presenceUpdate**: `(Presence | undefined, Presence)`
-- **rateLimit**: `(RateLimitData)`
-- **ready**: `()`
-- **invalidated**: `()`
-- **roleCreate**: `(Role)`
-- **roleDelete**: `(Role)`
-- **roleUpdate**: `(Role, Role)`
-- **typingStart**: `(Channel | PartialDMChannel, User | PartialUser)`
-- **userUpdate**: `(User | PartialUser, User | PartialUser)`
-- **voiceStateUpdate**: `(VoiceState, VoiceState)`
-- **webhookUpdate**: `(TextChannel)`
-- **shardDisconnect**: `(CloseEvent, number)`
-- **shardError**: `(Error, number)`
-- **shardReady**: `(number)`
-- **shardReconnecting**: `(number)`
-- **shardResume**: `(number, number)`
-## Examples
-Some examples are provided in the [`/examples` folder](https://github.com/OwenCalvin/discord.ts/tree/master/examples) !
-## Migration v1 to v2
-You should just add parenthesis after the `@Discord` decorator, everywhere in your app.
-`@Discord class X` should now be `@Discord() class X`.
-## Migration v2 to v3
-Now the `payloadInjection` policy is by default `"first"`, convert each events of your app or change your `payloadInjection` policy to `"spread"` inside the `Client` constructor:
-const client = new Client({
- payloadInjection: "spread"
-## Migration v3 to v4
-payloadInjection policy doesn't exists anymore, moreover the parameters inside the decorators has changed, please refer to the documentation or ask help using the discord server.
-## See also
-- [discord.js](https://discord.js.org/#/)