@@ -0,0 +1,354 @@
+// @ts-check
+import {ApiPromise, WsProvider} from '@polkadot/api'
+import {types as joyTypes} from '@joystream/types'
+import {Hash, Moment} from '@polkadot/types/interfaces'
+import {
+ BlockRange,
+ CouncilMemberInfo,
+ CouncilRoundInfo,
+ ProposalFailedReason,
+ ProposalInfo,
+ ProposalStatus,
+ ProposalType,
+ ReportData
+} from "./types";
+import {Seats} from "@joystream/types/council";
+import {MemberId, Membership} from "@joystream/types/members";
+import {StorageKey, u32, U32, Vec} from "@polkadot/types";
+import {Mint, MintId} from "@joystream/types/mint";
+import {ProposalDetailsOf, ProposalOf} from "@joystream/types/augment/types";
+const fsSync = require('fs')
+const fs = fsSync.promises
+const PROPOSAL_URL = 'https://testnet.joystream.org/#/proposals/';
+async function main() {
+ const args = process.argv.slice(2);
+ if (args.length != 2) {
+ console.error('Usage: [start bock number] [end block number]');
+ process.exit(1);
+ }
+ const startCouncilBlock = Number(args[0]);
+ const endCouncilBlock = Number(args[1]);
+ const provider = new WsProvider('ws://localhost:9944');
+ const api = new ApiPromise({provider, types: joyTypes});
+ await api.isReady;
+ const startHash = (await api.rpc.chain.getBlockHash(startCouncilBlock)) as Hash;
+ const endHash = (await api.rpc.chain.getBlockHash(endCouncilBlock)) as Hash;
+ const blockRange = new BlockRange(startCouncilBlock, startHash, endCouncilBlock, endHash);
+ const reportData = await generateReportData(api, blockRange)
+ const reportGenerationResult = await generateReport(reportData);
+ await fs.writeFile('report.md', reportGenerationResult);
+ api.disconnect()
+async function generateReportData(api: ApiPromise, blockRange: BlockRange){
+ const averageBlockProductionTime = await computeAverageBlockProductionTime(api, blockRange);
+ const proposals = await getProposals(api, blockRange);
+ const electionRound = await api.query.councilElection.round.at(blockRange.startBlockHash) as u32;
+ const councilRoundInfo = await getCouncilMembersInfo(api, blockRange, proposals);
+ let councilTable =
+ '| Username | Member ID | Prop. Votes Cast | CM Own Stake | CM Voter Stake |\n'
+ + '|----------------------|-----------|------------------|--------------|----------------|\n';
+ for (let councilMemberInfo of councilRoundInfo.members) {
+ councilTable += '| @' + councilMemberInfo.username + ' | ' + councilMemberInfo.memberId + ' | ' + councilMemberInfo.votesInProposals + ' | ' + councilMemberInfo.ownStake + ' | ' + councilMemberInfo.backersStake + ' | \n'
+ }
+ councilTable += '| | | Subtotal: | ' + councilRoundInfo.membersOwnStake + ' | ' + councilRoundInfo.backersTotalStake + ' |\n'
+ councilTable += '| | | Total: | ' + (councilRoundInfo.membersOwnStake + councilRoundInfo.backersTotalStake) + ' | |\n'
+ let councilSecretary = getCouncilSecretary(proposals);
+ let councilSecretaryDeputy = getCouncilSecretaryDeputy(proposals);
+ let proposalsBreakdownText = ''
+ for (let proposal of proposals) {
+ let proposalStatusText = '';
+ switch (proposal.status) {
+ case ProposalStatus.Active:
+ proposalStatusText = 'Passed to next council'
+ break;
+ case ProposalStatus.Executed:
+ proposalStatusText = 'Approved & Executed'
+ break;
+ case ProposalStatus.ExecutionFailed:
+ proposalStatusText = 'Execution failed (' + ProposalFailedReason[proposal.failedReason as ProposalFailedReason] + ')'
+ break;
+ case ProposalStatus.PendingExecution:
+ proposalStatusText = 'Execution Pending'
+ break;
+ case ProposalStatus.Rejected:
+ proposalStatusText = 'Rejected'
+ break;
+ case ProposalStatus.Cancelled:
+ proposalStatusText = 'Canceled'
+ break;
+ case ProposalStatus.Expired:
+ proposalStatusText = 'Expired'
+ break;
+ case ProposalStatus.Slashed:
+ proposalStatusText = 'Slashed'
+ break;
+ }
+ proposalsBreakdownText +=
+ '#### Proposal ' + proposal.id + ' - ' + proposal.name;
+ proposalsBreakdownText += '\n- Proposal Link: ' + PROPOSAL_URL + proposal.id + '\n' +
+ '- Proposal Type: ' + ProposalType[proposal.type] + '\n' +
+ '\t- Amount: ' + (proposal.paymentDestinationMemberUsername ? proposal.paymentDestinationMemberUsername : 'N/A') + '\n';
+ if (proposal.paymentDestinationMemberUsername) {
+ proposalsBreakdownText += '\t- Destination member: ' + proposal.paymentDestinationMemberUsername + '\n';
+ }
+ proposalsBreakdownText += '- Status: ' + proposalStatusText + '\n';
+ if (proposal.blocksToFinalized > 0 && proposal.status != ProposalStatus.Cancelled) {
+ proposalsBreakdownText += '\t- Time to finalize: ' + proposal.blocksToFinalized + ' blocks (' + convertBlocksToDays(proposal.blocksToFinalized, averageBlockProductionTime) + 'h)\n';
+ }
+ proposalsBreakdownText += '- Created by: @' + proposal.creatorUsername + '\n';
+ let participantsText = proposal.votersUsernames.map((vote) => '@' + vote).join(', ');
+ proposalsBreakdownText += '- Participants: ' + participantsText + '\n\n';
+ }
+ proposalsBreakdownText = proposalsBreakdownText.substring(0, proposalsBreakdownText.length - 2); //Remove last \n\n
+ let reportData = new ReportData();
+ reportData.averageBlockProductionTime = averageBlockProductionTime.toFixed(2);
+ reportData.electionRound = Number(electionRound.toBigInt()) + ELECTION_OFFSET;
+ reportData.startBlockHeight = blockRange.startBlockHeight;
+ reportData.endBlockHeight = blockRange.endBlockHeight;
+ reportData.startMinted = councilRoundInfo.startMinted;
+ reportData.endMinted = councilRoundInfo.endMinted;
+ reportData.totalNewMinted = councilRoundInfo.endMinted - councilRoundInfo.startMinted;
+ reportData.percNewMinted = convertToPercentage(councilRoundInfo.startMinted, councilRoundInfo.endMinted);
+ reportData.councilTable = councilTable;
+ reportData.councilSecretary = councilSecretary == "" ? "?" : '@' + councilSecretary;
+ reportData.councilDeputySecretary = councilSecretaryDeputy == "" ? "?" : "@" + councilSecretaryDeputy;
+ reportData.proposalsCreated = proposals.length;
+ reportData.textProposals = proposals.filter((proposal) => proposal.type == ProposalType.Text).length;
+ reportData.spendingProposals = proposals.filter((proposal) => proposal.type == ProposalType.Spending).length;
+ reportData.setWorkingGroupLeaderRewardProposals = proposals.filter((proposal) => proposal.type == ProposalType.SetWorkingGroupLeaderReward).length;
+ reportData.setWorkingGroupMintCapacityProposals = proposals.filter((proposal) => proposal.type == ProposalType.SetWorkingGroupMintCapacity).length;
+ reportData.beginReviewWorkingGroupLeaderApplicationProposals = proposals.filter((proposal) => proposal.type == ProposalType.BeginReviewWorkingGroupLeaderApplication).length;
+ reportData.terminateWorkingGroupLeaderRoleProposals = proposals.filter((proposal) => proposal.type == ProposalType.TerminateWorkingGroupLeaderRole).length;
+ reportData.fillWorkingGroupLeaderOpeningProposals = proposals.filter((proposal) => proposal.type == ProposalType.FillWorkingGroupLeaderOpening).length;
+ reportData.setValidatorCountProposals = proposals.filter((proposal) => proposal.type == ProposalType.SetValidatorCount).length;
+ reportData.addWorkingGroupLeaderOpeningProposals = proposals.filter((proposal) => proposal.type == ProposalType.AddWorkingGroupLeaderOpening).length;
+ reportData.setElectionParametersProposals = proposals.filter((proposal) => proposal.type == ProposalType.SetElectionParameters).length;
+ reportData.runtimeUpgradeProposals = proposals.filter((proposal) => proposal.type == ProposalType.RuntimeUpgrade).length;
+ reportData.approvedExecutedProposals = proposals.filter((proposal) => proposal.status == ProposalStatus.Executed).length;
+ reportData.canceledProposals = proposals.filter((proposal) => proposal.status == ProposalStatus.Cancelled).length;
+ reportData.rejectedProposals = proposals.filter((proposal) => proposal.status == ProposalStatus.Rejected).length;
+ reportData.slashedProposals = proposals.filter((proposal) => proposal.status == ProposalStatus.Slashed).length;
+ reportData.expiredProposals = proposals.filter((proposal) => proposal.status == ProposalStatus.Expired).length;
+ reportData.activeProposals = proposals.filter((proposal) => proposal.status == ProposalStatus.Active).length;
+ let executedNonCancelledProposals = proposals.filter((proposal) => proposal.blocksToFinalized > 0 && proposal.status != ProposalStatus.Cancelled);
+ let totalFinalizeTime = executedNonCancelledProposals.reduce((accumulator, proposal) => accumulator + proposal.blocksToFinalized, 0)
+ let averageFinalizeTime = totalFinalizeTime / executedNonCancelledProposals.length;
+ let failedProposals = proposals.filter((proposal) => proposal.status == ProposalStatus.ExecutionFailed);
+ reportData.proposalsFailedForNotEnoughCapacity = failedProposals.filter((failedProposal) => failedProposal.failedReason == ProposalFailedReason.NotEnoughCapacity).length;
+ reportData.proposalsFailedForExecutionFailed = failedProposals.filter((failedProposal) => failedProposal.failedReason == ProposalFailedReason.ExecutionFailed).length;
+ reportData.totalProposalsFinalizeTime = convertBlocksToDays(totalFinalizeTime, averageBlockProductionTime);
+ reportData.averageTimeForProposalsToFinalize = convertBlocksToDays(averageFinalizeTime, averageBlockProductionTime);
+ reportData.proposalBreakdown = proposalsBreakdownText;
+ return reportData;
+async function generateReport(data: ReportData) {
+ try {
+ let fileData = await fs.readFile(__dirname + '/../report-template.md', {
+ encoding: "utf8"
+ });
+ let entries = Object.entries(data);
+ for (let entry of entries) {
+ let regex = new RegExp('{' + entry[0] + '}', "g");
+ fileData = fileData.replace(regex, entry[1].toString());
+ }
+ return fileData;
+ } catch (e) {
+ console.error(e);
+ }
+ return "";
+async function getCouncilMembersInfo(api: ApiPromise, range: BlockRange, proposals: Array<ProposalInfo>) {
+ const seats = await api.query.council.activeCouncil.at(range.startBlockHash) as Seats;
+ let councilRoundInfo = new CouncilRoundInfo();
+ councilRoundInfo.members = await Promise.all(seats.map(async (seat) => {
+ let info = new CouncilMemberInfo()
+ let memberKey = seat.member.toString()
+ info.memberId = Number((await api.query.members.memberIdsByControllerAccountId(memberKey) as Vec<MemberId>)[0].toBigInt())
+ const membership = await api.query.members.membershipById(info.memberId) as Membership
+ info.username = membership.handle.toString()
+ info.ownStake = Number(seat.stake.toBigInt())
+ const backersStakeArray = seat.backers.map((backer) => Number(backer.stake.toBigInt()))
+ info.backersStake = backersStakeArray.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0)
+ return info;
+ }));
+ councilRoundInfo.membersOwnStake = councilRoundInfo.members.map((councilMemberInfo) => councilMemberInfo.ownStake).reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0)
+ councilRoundInfo.backersTotalStake = councilRoundInfo.members.map((councilMemberInfo) => councilMemberInfo.backersStake).reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0)
+ for (let councilMemberInfo of councilRoundInfo.members) {
+ councilMemberInfo.votesInProposals = proposals.filter((proposal) => proposal.votersUsernames.includes(councilMemberInfo.username)).length
+ }
+ let councilMint = await api.query.council.councilMint() as MintId;
+ let startCouncilMint = await api.query.minting.mints.at(range.startBlockHash, councilMint) as Mint;
+ let endCouncilMint = await api.query.minting.mints.at(range.endBlockHash, councilMint) as Mint;
+ councilRoundInfo.startMinted = Number(startCouncilMint.total_minted.toBigInt());
+ councilRoundInfo.endMinted = Number(endCouncilMint.total_minted.toBigInt());
+ return councilRoundInfo;
+async function getProposals(api: ApiPromise, range: BlockRange) {
+ let startProposalCount = Number((await api.query.proposalsEngine.proposalCount.at(range.startBlockHash) as U32).toBigInt())
+ let endProposalCount = Number((await api.query.proposalsEngine.proposalCount.at(range.endBlockHash) as U32).toBigInt())
+ let proposals = new Array<ProposalInfo>();
+ for (let i = startProposalCount - 1; i <= endProposalCount; i++) {
+ let proposal = await api.query.proposalsEngine.proposals.at(range.endBlockHash, i) as ProposalOf
+ if (proposal.createdAt.toBigInt() < range.startBlockHeight) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ let proposer = await api.query.members.membershipById(proposal.proposerId) as Membership
+ let proposalInfo = new ProposalInfo()
+ proposalInfo.id = i
+ proposalInfo.name = proposal.title.toString()
+ proposalInfo.creatorUsername = proposer.handle.toString()
+ if (proposal.status.isFinalized) {
+ const finalizedData = proposal.status.asFinalized;
+ if (finalizedData.proposalStatus.isCanceled) {
+ proposalInfo.status = ProposalStatus.Cancelled;
+ } else if (finalizedData.proposalStatus.isExpired) {
+ proposalInfo.status = ProposalStatus.Expired
+ } else if (finalizedData.proposalStatus.isRejected) {
+ proposalInfo.status = ProposalStatus.Rejected
+ } else if (finalizedData.proposalStatus.isApproved) {
+ let approvedData = finalizedData.proposalStatus.asApproved;
+ if (approvedData.isExecuted) {
+ proposalInfo.status = ProposalStatus.Executed
+ } else if (approvedData.isPendingExecution) {
+ proposalInfo.status = ProposalStatus.PendingExecution
+ } else if (approvedData.isExecutionFailed) {
+ proposalInfo.status = ProposalStatus.ExecutionFailed
+ let executionFailedData = approvedData.asExecutionFailed
+ if (executionFailedData.error.toString() == "NotEnoughCapacity") {
+ proposalInfo.failedReason = ProposalFailedReason.NotEnoughCapacity;
+ } else {
+ proposalInfo.failedReason = ProposalFailedReason.ExecutionFailed;
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (finalizedData.proposalStatus.isSlashed) {
+ proposalInfo.status = ProposalStatus.Slashed;
+ }
+ proposalInfo.blocksToFinalized = Number(proposal.status.asFinalized.finalizedAt.toBigInt()) - Number(proposal.createdAt.toBigInt())
+ const proposalByVoters = await api.query.proposalsEngine.voteExistsByProposalByVoter.entries(i);
+ for (let proposalByVoter of proposalByVoters) {
+ let key = proposalByVoter[0] as StorageKey;
+ let memberId = key.args[1] as MemberId;
+ let member = await api.query.members.membershipById(memberId) as Membership;
+ proposalInfo.votersUsernames.push(member.handle.toString());
+ }
+ }
+ let proposalDetails = await api.query.proposalsCodex.proposalDetailsByProposalId(i) as ProposalDetailsOf
+ let typeString = proposalDetails.type as keyof typeof ProposalType
+ proposalInfo.type = ProposalType[typeString];
+ if (proposalInfo.type == ProposalType.Spending) {
+ let spendingData = proposalDetails.asSpending
+ let accountId = spendingData[1]
+ let paymentDestinationMemberId = await api.query.members.memberIdsByControllerAccountId(accountId);
+ if (!paymentDestinationMemberId.isEmpty) {
+ let paymentDestinationMembership = await api.query.members.membershipById(paymentDestinationMemberId) as Membership
+ proposalInfo.paymentDestinationMemberUsername = paymentDestinationMembership.handle.toString();
+ }
+ }
+ proposals.push(proposalInfo)
+ }
+ return proposals;
+function getCouncilSecretary(proposals: ProposalInfo[]) {
+ let filteredProposals = proposals.filter(((proposal) => {
+ return proposal.status == ProposalStatus.Executed
+ && proposal.name.toLowerCase().includes('council')
+ && proposal.name.toLowerCase().includes('secretary')
+ && !proposal.name.toLowerCase().includes('deputy')
+ }));
+ if (filteredProposals.length != 1) {
+ return "";
+ }
+ return filteredProposals[0].creatorUsername;
+function getCouncilSecretaryDeputy(proposals: ProposalInfo[]) {
+ let filteredProposals = proposals.filter(((proposal) => {
+ return proposal.status == ProposalStatus.Executed
+ && proposal.name.toLowerCase().includes('secretary') && proposal.name.toLowerCase().includes('deputy')
+ }));
+ if (filteredProposals.length != 1) {
+ return "";
+ }
+ return filteredProposals[0].creatorUsername;
+function convertToPercentage(previousValue: number, newValue: number): number {
+ if (previousValue == 0) {
+ return newValue > 0 ? Infinity : 0
+ }
+ return Number((newValue * 100 / previousValue - 100).toFixed(2))
+function convertBlocksToDays(nrBlocks: number, averageProductionBlockTime: number) {
+ return (nrBlocks * averageProductionBlockTime / 60 / 60).toFixed(2);
+async function computeAverageBlockProductionTime(api: ApiPromise, range: BlockRange) {
+ let startTimestamp = await api.query.timestamp.now.at(range.startBlockHash) as Moment;
+ let endTimestamp = await api.query.timestamp.now.at(range.endBlockHash) as Moment;
+ let newBlocks = range.endBlockHeight - range.startBlockHeight;
+ return (((Number(endTimestamp.toBigInt()) - Number(startTimestamp.toBigInt())) / 1000) / newBlocks);