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+#### Purpose
+The Curators will sometimes need to be able to edit videos. For example in order to create previews/teasers. Although it's doubtful the best tools are available for free, there may go some that are good enough!
+#### Scope of Work
+Research video editing software that has (some) the following functionalities, in order of priority:
+ A) Cut and splice videos
+ B) Add still images
+ C) Add/replace audio tracks (for specific frames only)
+ D) Transcoding (change the video format, without negatively affecting the audio/video quality)
+For each of the Operative System below, test the default software, and search for the "top" recommended free alternatives, and report back:
+- If possible (A-D)
+- Ease of use
+- Quality of end product
+- Precision (eg. can you cut from specific frame, or by second?)
+- What file formats are supported
+ 1. In browser tools
+ 2. Windows
+ 3. MacOS
+ 4. Linux (ubuntu)
+ Reward Distribution
+Unlike most WG KPIs, you do not have to submit all at once in order to be graded. The same person does not have to do them all.