@@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
+# Storage Working Group Status Reporting - 11
+## Storage Lead : _NexusFallout_
+### Report:
+This is the 11th report for the Storage Provider Working Group.Storage nodes have been quite stable for last week. 2 of the providers seems to take a lot of time load content continously, will be discussing with providers and taking necessary actions. The requests for channel storage size increase is tracked over [here](https://testnet.joystream.org/#/forum/threads/423). Rewards is updated to: 36800 kJOY / 3600 block(s), Current rate is $30.69/ 1MTJoy
+## Current ipfs repo size : 668.76GB
+### nexusfallout
+- Worker ID: 9
+- Tokens earned: 13.8907 MJOY
+- Missed: 403.1480 kJOY
+- Location:Nuremberg
+- Storage capacity: 1.4TB
+- Type of storage: HDD
+- Discord Name: NexusFallout
+- Config: `CPU: 6 vCPU Cores, RAM: 20 GB RAM, 1.4 TB HDD, 1 Gbit/s Port, 32 TB Traffic (100 Mbit/s)`
+- Helios:
+ ```
+ ---------------------------------------
+ Final Result for provider 9
+ url: https://video.keralalivestream.com/storage
+ fetched: 12282/12282
+ failed: 0
+ check took: 441.529s
+ ------------------------------------------
+ ```
+## Storage Provider Information
+### joystreamstats
+- Worker ID: 3
+- Tokens earned: 9.5019 MJOY
+- Missed: 299.9220 kJOY
+- Location: St.Petersburg (Russian Federation)
+- Storage capacity: 4TB
+- Type of storage: HDD
+- Discord Name: freakstatic#0197 / l1dev#4675
+- Config: `CPU: 2 × Intel Xeon L5630 4 × 2.13GHz, RAM: 24 GB DDR3, 4 × 1 TB HDD`
+- Helios:
+ ```
+ ---------------------------------------
+ Final Result for provider 3
+ url: https://ru.joystreamstats.live/storage/
+ fetched: 12282/12282
+ failed: 0
+ check took: 781.025s
+ ------------------------------------------
+ ```
+### julysake
+- Worker ID: 4
+- Tokens earned: 9.3939 MJOY
+- Missed: 407.9220 kJOY
+- Location: EU
+- Storage capacity: 1.4 GB
+- Type of storage: HDD
+- Discord Name: julysake#9954
+- Config: `CPU: 10 vCPU Cores, RAM: 60 GB RAM, 1.6 TB SSD, 1 Gbit/s Port, 32 TB Traffic (100 Mbit/s)`
+- Helios :
+ ```
+ ---------------------------------------
+ Final Result for provider 4
+ url: https://mahathvamtv.com/storage/
+ fetched: 12282/12282
+ failed: 0
+ check took: 112.286s
+ ------------------------------------------
+ ```
+### 0x2bc
+- Worker ID: 5
+- Tokens earned: 9.5019 MJOY
+- Missed: 299.9220 kJOY
+- Location: Germany
+- Storage capacity: 1.92TB
+- Type of storage: SSD
+- Discord Name: xJames#8645
+- Config: `CPU 16 vCores, Storage 1.9TB useful (3*960 GB SSD, RAID 5),RAM 32 GB ,Connection 1 Gbps `
+- Helios :
+ ```
+ ---------------------------------------
+ Final Result for provider 5
+ url: https://xjames.xyz/storage/
+ fetched: 12282/12282
+ failed: 0
+ check took: 100.483s
+ ------------------------------------------
+ ```
+### kalpakci
+- Worker ID: 6
+- Tokens earned: 9.5399 MJOY
+- Missed: 262.0000 kJOY
+- Location: Germany
+- Storage capacity: 1.4TB
+- Type of storage: SSD
+- Discord Name: kalpakci#4894
+- Config: `6 vCPU Cores, 20 GB RAM, 1.4 TB HDD (SSD Cache), 1 Gbit/s Port`
+- - Helios :
+ ```
+ ---------------------------------------
+ Final Result for provider 6
+ url: https://joystreampowered.com/storage/
+ fetched: 12282/12282
+ failed: 0
+ check took: 301.566s
+ ------------------------------------------
+ ```
+### seainvestor
+- Worker ID: 14
+- Tokens earned: 5.1640 MJOY
+- Missed: 146.0000 kJOY
+- Location: Dusseldorf (Germany)
+- Storage capacity: 1.7TB
+- Type of storage: HDD
+- Discord Name: Pavel-LV#7698
+- Free Space: 982GB
+- Helios :
+ ```
+ ---------------------------------------
+ Final Result for provider 14
+ url: https://gloiaf.eu/storage/
+ fetched: 12282/12282
+ failed: 0
+ check took: 717.413s
+ ------------------------------------------
+ ```
+### maxlevush
+- Worker ID: 15
+- Tokens earned: 5.0210 MJOY
+- Missed: 289.0000 kJOY
+- Location: Helsinki
+- Storage capacity: 8TB
+- Type of storage: HDD
+- Discord Name: Lelik_maxi#6419
+- Config: ` CPU : i7 6700 quad core, Ram : 64Gb,HDD: 2x4TB HDD`
+- Helios :
+ ```
+ ---------------------------------------
+ Final Result for provider 15
+ url: https://whitesocks.ru/storage/
+ fetched: 12282/12282
+ failed: 0
+ check took: 121.39s
+ ------------------------------------------
+ ```
+### joyval
+- Worker ID: 16
+- Tokens earned: 5.1640 MJOY
+- Missed: 146.0000 kJOY
+- Location: Düsseldorf
+- Storage capacity: 6TB
+- Type of storage: SSD
+- Discord Name: plycho#4165
+- Config: `Intel i5-4590 Quad-Core, 32gb ddr3, 2x3000 GB HDD`
+- Helios :
+ ```
+ ---------------------------------------
+ Final Result for provider 16
+ url: https://joyrq.com/storage/
+ fetched: 12282/12282
+ failed: 0
+ check took: 144.948s
+ ------------------------------------------
+ ```
+### dapplooker
+- Worker ID: 17
+- Tokens earned: 5.0210 MJOY
+- Missed: 289.0000 kJOY
+- Location: Düsseldorf
+- Storage capacity: 4TB
+- Type of storage: HDD
+- Discord Name: napolean#8096
+- Config : `CPU AMD Ryzen™ 5 3600, RAM : 64 GB DDR4, HDD: 4TB, Connection : 1 Gbit/s`
+- Helios :
+ ```
+ ---------------------------------------
+ Final Result for provider 17
+ url: https://joystream.dapplooker.com/storage/
+ fetched: 12282/12282
+ failed: 0
+ check took: 109.802s
+ ------------------------------------------
+ ```
+### godshunter
+- Worker ID: 18
+- Tokens earned: 2.5160 MJOY
+- Missed: 219.0000 kJOY
+- Location: Düsseldorf
+- Storage capacity: 8TB
+- Type of storage: SSD
+- Discord Name: plycho#4165
+- Config: `Intel Core i7-6700 [4c/8t] (4.0GHz) / 64 GB DDR4 2666 MHz / 2 x 4 TБ SATA`
+- Helios :
+ ```
+ ---------------------------------------
+ Final Result for provider 18
+ url: https://joystream.godshunter.su/storage/
+ fetched: 12282/12282
+ failed: 0
+ check took: 118.944s
+ ------------------------------------------
+ ```
+## Helios Output
+Found 12 staked providers
+Resolving live provider API Endpoints...
+Checking API Endpoints are online
+19 No url set, skipping
+6: https://joystreampowered.com/storage/ - OK - storage node version 1.1.0
+15: https://whitesocks.ru/storage/ - OK - storage node version 1.1.0
+5: https://xjames.xyz/storage/ - OK - storage node version 1.1.0
+4: https://mahathvamtv.com/storage/ - OK - storage node version 1.1.0
+14: https://gloiaf.eu/storage/ - OK - storage node version 1.1.0
+10: https://rome-rpc-4.joystream.org/ - OK - storage node version 1.1.0
+9: https://video.keralalivestream.com/storage - OK - storage node version 1.1.0
+18: https://joystream.godshunter.su/storage/ - OK - storage node version 1.1.0
+16: https://joyrq.com/storage/ - OK - storage node version 1.1.0
+17: https://joystream.dapplooker.com/storage/ - OK - storage node version 1.1.0
+3: https://ru.joystreamstats.live/storage/ - OK - storage node version 1.1.0
+Data Directory objects:
+12916 created
+12282 accepted
+11485 unique accepted hashes