@@ -2,117 +2,98 @@
This is a report which explains the current state of the Joystream network in numbers. It pulls figures from the chain and tries to provide a basic level of information about the network, tokens and more.
## 1.0 Basic Information
+* Block range: {startBlock} - {endBlock}
* Date Range: {dateStart} - {dateEnd}
* Council session #: {councilRound}
-* Starting block: {startBlock}
-* Block range: {startBlock} - {endBlock}
-### 1.1 Block Generation Information
-| Property | This Session | All Sessions | % Change |
-| Number of blocks | {newBlocks} | {endBlock} | {percNewBlocks} |
-| Block generation time (average) | {avgBlockProduction}| | |
-| Number of nodes (average) | | | |
-### 1.2 Token + USD Information
-| Property | This Session | All Sessions | % Change |
-| Token Issuance | {newIssuance} | {totalIssuance}| {percNewIssuance}|
-| Token Burn | {newTokensBurn} | | |
-| USD Backing | | | |
-### 1.3 Membership Information
-| Property | This Session | All Sessions | % Change |
-| Number of members |{newMembers} |{totalMembers}|{percNewMembers}|
## 2.0 Tokenomics
### 2.1 Token generation breakdown
-| Property | This Session | All Sessions | % Change |
+| Property | Start Block | End Block | % Change |
-| Total Tokens Minted |{totalMinted} | | |
-| Validator Role |{newValidatorReward}| | |
-| Storage Role |{newStorageProviderReward} | | |
-| Council Role | | | |
+| Total Tokens Minted | | | |
+| Total Tokens Burned | | | |
+| Validator Role | | | |
+| Council Role | | | |
+| Storage Role | | | |
+| Curator Role | | | |
### 2.2 Mints
-| Property | This Session | All Sessions | % Change |
-| Council Mint Total Minted |{newCouncilMinted}| | |
-| Curator Mint Total Minted |{newCuratorMinted}| | |
+| Property | Start Block | End Block | % Change |
+| Council Mint Total Minted | | | |
+| Curator Mint Total Minted | | | |
+| Storage Mint Total Minted | | | |
## 3.0 Council
* Council session #: {councilRound}
* Number of council members: {councilMembers}
* Total number of proposals: {newProposals}
-### 3.1 Elections
-| Property | This Session | All Sessions | % Change |
-| Total Applicants |{electionApplicants} |{electionAvgApplicants}||
-| Total Applicant Stake |{electionApplicantsStakes}| | |
-| Total Votes |{electionVotes} | | |
-| Avg Votes per Applicant |{avgVotePerApplicant} | | |
+* Total number of Approved proposals:
-### 3.2 Proposals
-| Proposal Type | # of proposals during this session | Total number of proposal type |
-| Text | {newTextProposals} | |
-| Runtime Upgrade | {newRuntimeUpgradeProposal} | |
-| Set Election Parameters | {newSetElectionParametersProposal} | |
-| Spending | {newSpendingProposal} | |
-| Set Lead | {newSetLeadProposal} | |
-| Set Content Working Group Mint Capacity | {newSetContentWorkingGroupMintCapacityProposal} | |
-| Evict Storage Provider | {newEvictStorageProviderProposal} | |
-| Set Validator Count | {newSetValidatorCountProposal} | |
-| Set Storage Role Parameters | {newSetStorageRoleParametersProposal} | |
-* Average time for proposal vote success:
-* Average overall time for proposal vote success:
+* ### 3.1 Elections
+| Property | Start Block |
+| Total Applicants |{electionApplicants} |
+| Total Applicant Stake |{electionApplicantsStakes} |
+| Total Votes |{electionVotes} |
## 4 Roles
### 4.1 Validator Information
-| Property | This Session | All Sessions | % Change |
+* Block generation time (average):
+| Property | Start Block | End Block | % Change |
-| Number of validators | {avgValidators} | | |
| Validator total stake | | | |
-| Average stake per validator | | | |
-| Tokens generated by validator role |{newValidatorReward} | | |
### 4.2 Storage Role
-| Property | This Session | All Sessions | % Change |
+| Property | Start Block | End Block | % Change |
-| Number of storage nodes | | | |
-| Content storage size | | | |
-| Total storage stake | | | |
-| Average storage stake | | | |
-| Storage Role Reward (/24h) | | | |
+| Mint Tokens Generated (Total) | | | |
+| Number of storage workers | | | |
+| Total storage stake (workers + lead) | | | |
+| Total lead earned rewards | | | |
+| Total worker earned rewards | | | |
+| Total missed rewards | | | |
+| Total rewards | | | |
### 4.3 Curator Role
-| Property | This Session | All Sessions | % Change |
+| Property | Start Block | End Block | % Change |
+| Mint Tokens Generated (Total) | | | |
+| Total lead earned rewards | | | |
+| Total worker earned rewards | | | |
+| Total missed rewards | | | |
| Curator roles filled | | | |
## 5.0 User Generated Content
-### 5.1 Media & Uploads
-| Property | This Session | All Sessions | % Change |
+### 5.1 Membership Information
+| Property | Start Block | End Block | % Change |
+| Number of members | | | |
+### 5.2 Media & Uploads
+| Property | Start Block | End Block | % Change |
-| Number of uploads | {newMedia} |{totalMedia} | {percNewMedia} |
-| Size of content | {newUsedSpace} | {totalUsedSpace} | {percNewUsedSpace} |
-| Average size of content | {avgNewSizePerContent} | {totalAvgSizePerContent} | {percAvgSizePerContent}|
-| Number of channels | {newChannels} | {totalChannels} | {percNewChannels} |
-| Avg. uploads per channel | | | |
+| Number of uploads | | | |
+| Size of content | | | |
+| Number of channels | | | |
-### 5.2 Forum Activity
-| Property | This Session | All Sessions | % Change |
+### 5.3 Forum Activity
+| Property | Start Block | End Block | % Change |
-| Number of threads | {newThreads} |{totalThreads}| {percNewThreads}|
-| Number of posts | {newPosts} |{totalPosts} | {percNewPosts}|
+| Number of categories | {startCategories} | {endCategories} | {perNewCategories} |
+| Number of threads | {startThreads}| {endThreads} | {newThreads} |
+| Number of posts | {startPosts} | {endPosts} | {percNewPosts} |
## 6 Todo / Ideas
+These are properties that are a bit difficult to currently work with, but can be added in future reports:
* Video duration
-* KPIs
* Unique channels
* Verified channels
* Censored channels
* Forum posts by subcategory
* Total staked across platform
+* Avg. uploads per channel
+* Average time for proposal vote success:
+* Average overall time for proposal vote success:
+* USD backing