@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
+Here you find scripts and info how to retrieve data from the joystream [chain](https://www.joystream.org/roles/).
+There are several ways to access the chain storage. The easiest is the governance app [pioneer](/joystream/joystream/tree/master/pioneer).
+- [How to use the `Chain State` in Pioneer](#chain-state)
+- [How to use the `Javascript` page in Pioneer](#js)
+- [joystream-cli](#joystream-cli)
+- [api](#api)
+- [joystream-api](joystream-api) - examples for the joystream api
+- [Council minutes script](report-generator) - generates Council reports in Markdown
+- [sp-downloader-tester](sp-downloader-tester) - measure storage provider speed
+- [node-setup-script](node-setup-script) - eases the installation of a [validator](https://github.com/Joystream/helpdesk/tree/master/roles/validators) node
+- [validator-report-ui](validator-report-u) - frontend to show eras for selected validator
+- [validator-report-backend](validator-report-backend) - stores validator data for each era
+Telgram & Discord Bots
+- [joystream-leaderboard-bot](joystream-leaderboard-bot) - show FM stats + faucet
+- [joystream-scoring-period-bot](joystream-scoring-period-bot) - sends scoring period deadlines to Telegram
+- [joystreamtelegrambot](joystreamtelegrambot) - posts proposal updates and forum posts on Discord and Telegram
+- [joystreamvideobot](joystreamvideobot) - posts video uploads to `#video` on Discord
+- [storagesize-bot](storagesize-bot) - posts storage provider space usage to #storage-provider on Discord
+# Contact
+For usage questions: [#tech-support](https://discord.com/channels/811216481340751934/815192060276506664).
+To join development come to [#operations](https://discord.com/channels/811216481340751934/812344874099277824) and check [Operations reports](../working-groups/operations-group)
+# Chain State
+First select `Fully Featured` for `interface operation mode` on [Settings](https://testnet.joystream.org/#/settings) and click `Save`.
+Go to [Chain State](https://testnet.joystream.org/#/settings)
+To see the balance of an account navigate to `system.account`, select or enter a key and press the `+` button.
+When you find a member ID and want to know, who it is, use `members.membershipById`.
+If the handle is known: `members.membershipById`. The result is the membership ID to retrieve the membership like above. It expects hexadecimal bytes prefixed with `0x` as input:
+- Use a [hex converter](https://www.online-toolz.com/tools/text-hex-convertor.php) and prefix it with `0x`.
+- With `node.js`: `Buffer.from("handle").toString('hex')`)
+- On [JS](https://testnet.joystream.org/#/js) enter `console.log('handle'.split("").map(c => c.charCodeAt(0).toString(16).padStart(2, "0")).join(""))` (save as `string to hex` for later by clicking on the disk button)
+With the member info two keys are included, `root_account` and `root_account`. These are usually equal, except someone change the controller.
+members.membershipById: Membership
+ handle: joystreamstats,
+ avatar_uri: https://joystreamstats.live/favicon.ico,
+ about: https://joystreamstats.live,
+ registered_at_block: 1,
+ registered_at_time: 1,613,791,830,000,
+ entry: {
+ Genesis: null
+ },
+ suspended: false,
+ subscription: null,
+ root_account: 5C8BEb4AwVmDnxkZmbh4PVxJR5TMQ7QxU6nZtYkqTAvXhUP3,
+ controller_account: 5C8BEb4AwVmDnxkZmbh4PVxJR5TMQ7QxU6nZtYkqTAvXhUP3
+You can try this key with `system.account` to get the current balance.
+For all above and generally it is possible to disable the input to retrieve a list of all entries (equivalent to for example `api.query.system.account.entries()` - see [double maps](https://polkadot.js.org/docs/api/cookbook/storage/#how-do-i-use-entrieskeys-on-double-maps)).
+# JS
+To use the `Javascript` page in Pioneer first select `Fully Featured` for `interface operation mode` on [Settings](https://testnet.joystream.org/#/settings) and click `Save`.
+Open [Toolbox](https://testnet.joystream.org/#/js)), select one of the pre-defined code snippets and press the play button to execute it.
+You can edit the code or paste your own script. If after editing the code nothing happens the browser console (`Ctrl + Shift + I`) can help to debug the problem.
+For above example to get a membership enter:
+const handle = 'joystreamstats'
+const hex = handle.split("").map(c => c.charCodeAt(0).toString(16).padStart(2, "0")).join("")
+const memberId = await api.query.members.memberIdByHandle(`0x` + hex)
+const member = await api.query.members.membershipById(memberId)
+console.log(handle, memberId)
+// nicely print the member object
+Object.keys(member).map(key=> console.log(`${key}: ${JSON.stringify(member[key])}`))
+joystreamstats 1305
+registry: {}
+createdAtHash: undefined
+handle: "joystreamstats"
+avatar_uri: "https://joystreamstats.live/favicon.ico"
+about: "https://joystreamstats.live"
+registered_at_block: 1
+registered_at_time: 1613791830000
+entry: {"genesis":null}
+suspended: false
+subscription: null
+root_account: "5C8BEb4AwVmDnxkZmbh4PVxJR5TMQ7QxU6nZtYkqTAvXhUP3"
+controller_account: "5C8BEb4AwVmDnxkZmbh4PVxJR5TMQ7QxU6nZtYkqTAvXhUP3"
+typeDefs: {}
+Useful functions:
+- `.hash()`: Displays the storage hash
+- `.size()`: Display the storage entry size
+- `.at()`: Display the historic value at a given block hash (see below)
+- `.key`: Display the key for a double map
+- `.keyPrefix`: Display the key prefix for a double map
+Subscribe to balance changes for multiple accounts:
+api.query.system.account.multi([ALICE, BOB], (info) => {
+ console.log('Change detected, new balances: ', info)
+(See example `Listen to multiple balances changes`)
+Show events between two blocks:
+const start = 2000200
+const end = 2000500
+const hide = [ 'ExtrinsicSuccess', 'HeartbeatReceived' ]
+console.log(`--- Events between ${start} and ${end} ---`)
+for (let block = start ; block <= end ; ++block) {
+ const hash = await api.rpc.chain.getBlockHash(block)
+ api.query.system.events.at(hash).then((events) => {
+ // filter hidden event methods
+ const filtered = events.filter(({event}) => !hide.includes(event.method))
+ if (!filtered.length) return
+ console.log(`#[${block}: ${events.length} event(s)`);
+ // loop through the Vec<EventRecord>
+ filtered.forEach((record) => {
+ // extract the phase, event and the event types
+ const { event, phase } = record;
+ const types = event.typeDef;
+ // show what we are busy with
+ console.log(` - ${event.section}.${event.method}::${phase}=${phase.toString()}`);
+ console.log(event.meta.documentation.toString().padStart(`\t`));
+ // loop through each of the parameters, displaying the type and data
+ event.data.forEach((data, index) => {
+ console.log(types[index].type + ';' + data.toString());
+ })
+ })
+ })
+See [augment-api-events.ts](https://github.com/Joystream/joystream/blob/master/types/augment/augment-api-events.ts) for a list of all extrinsics. Note that this runs much faster with a script connected to a local node.
+- [script to show era payouts](https://github.com/joystream/community-repo/tree/kpi35op3/working-groups/operations-group/Network-deployment#code)
+# joystream-cli
+Another useful even tough at first time consuming tool to inspect working groups for example is the [cli](https://github.com/Joystream/joystream/tree/master/cli):
+git clone https://github.com/Joystream/joystream
+cd joystream/cli
+yarn link || bash # Start a new shell after linking `cli`
+./bin/run api:setUri # Select the default api endpoint
+./bin/run working-groups:overview
+./bin/run working-groups:openings
+To select another group: `-g storageProviders, curators, operations[Alpha,Beta,Gamma]`
+# api
+All methods in `Chain State` are available using the `api`
+To start try this compact example in [`joystream-api/src/general/status.ts`](joystream-api/src/general/status.ts) to query the chain:
+git clone https://github.com/Joystream/community-repo
+cd community-repo/scripts/joystream-api
+community-repo/scripts/joystream-api$ yarn
+yarn install v1.22.17
+[1/4] Resolving packages...
+success Already up-to-date.
+$ yarn build
+yarn run v1.22.17
+$ tsc --build tsconfig.json
+Done in 5.55s.
+Done in 5.76s.
+/community-repo/scripts/joystream-api$ yarn status
+yarn run v1.22.17
+$ node lib/general/status
+Chain 'Joystream' - node: Joystream Node v5.9.0-c7711424ef-x86_64-linux-gnu
+Runtime Version: 9.7.0
+Council size: 20
+Validator count: 69
+Total Validator Locked Balances: 171694540
+Done in 8.75s.
+If you have no local validator node, change the provider URL in line 13, for example `wss://testnet-rpc-3-uk.joystream.org` or `wss://joystreamstats.live:9945` (alternatively click on the blue circle in Pioneer to see more, `custom endpoint` shows the address). Or set one up with [node-setup-script](node-setup-script) :)
+The [folder](joystream-api) has more examples and it is worth to look around. You can also try queries from the scripts on the [JS page](https://pioneer.joystreamstats.live/#/js) directly and log the output:
+ const [chain, nodeName, nodeVersion] = await Promise.all([
+ api.rpc.system.chain(),
+ api.rpc.system.name(),
+ api.rpc.system.version()
+ ]);
+ console.log(`Chain '${chain}' - node: ${nodeName} v${nodeVersion}`);
+For the current testnet [augment-api-query.ts](https://github.com/Joystream/joystream/blob/master/types/augment/augment-api-query.ts#L511) gives a list with descriptions (also in `node_modules/@joystream/types/augment`) of :
+ * Registered unique handles and their mapping to their owner
+ **/
+ memberIdByHandle: AugmentedQuery<ApiType, (arg: Bytes | string | Uint8Array) => Observable<MemberId>, [Bytes]>;
+ /**
+ * Mapping of a controller account id to vector of member ids it controls
+ **/
+ memberIdsByControllerAccountId: AugmentedQuery<ApiType, (arg: AccountId | string | Uint8Array) => Observable<Vec<MemberId>>, [AccountId]>;
+ /**
+ * Mapping of a root account id to vector of member ids it controls.
+ **/
+ memberIdsByRootAccountId: AugmentedQuery<ApiType, (arg: AccountId | string | Uint8Array) => Observable<Vec<MemberId>>, [AccountId]>;
+ /**
+ * Mapping of member's id to their membership profile
+ **/
+ membershipById: AugmentedQuery<ApiType, (arg: MemberId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => Observable<Membership>, [MemberId]>;