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Create Council Round #17 - 07-08-2020 - Council

This is the council report, for KPI 13.3
mochet 4 years ago
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      council-reports/Council Round #17 - 07-08-2020 - Council

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council-reports/Council Round #17 - 07-08-2020 - Council

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+# Council Round #17 - Performance Review and Minutes
+## 1 - Basic Information
+### 1.1 - Introduction
+The council is expected to produce reports during each round and provide feedback in the form of workflow, challenges, thinking and performance as well as minutes covering important events during the council session.
+Usernames referenced are Joystream usernames.
+All times are calculated based on 6 second blocktimes and not actual blocktimes.
+The Council Round number is taken from the chain, the KPI rounds have an offset number.
+This report was compiled by @tomato with assistance from @freakstatic
+### 1.2 - Council Round Overview
+Council Round: #17
+Start Block: #2046811
+End Block: #2147610
+Start time/date: 07.08.2020 ~18:00 GMT
+Forum thread for round feedback:
+### 1.3 - Council members
+Council Members (Member name, Key)
+@hskang9 - 5Cm5sPqHbFnTLBRxLYwFGvyq1BwtsYiUed1wKrfc92pjND4D
+@titan - 5CtJTw9gT3gVKPYUryz8bWu5M1tWfdXrejbxvpDkfydrMERE
+@blackmass - 5CunuuAenxcL2U9bmbXzWSwFMTv8Z8WhudSJjRVknU2fSAXC
+@supunssw - 5EZxuZgXdk82cDM24Sxon4ToPDqFdsG526yvnc96WQJi6wTC
+@jimmy_tudeski - 5EnTgQjJhzKSd4Fz8bsyRjRYiLcH24DX5ahK156CFJ9FvTT8
+@tomato - 5FnXBHfcDE6nQrwHjZqHYYpnzCLap2b9d3eQHt2Jt9eBG6mv
+@rmbangera1983 - 5GJKUAC6CowjvLhUVkX9aSZGAY6eCu8BU5WCNzkDNduQrUMc
+@branko123 - 5GW1DZaHCxgvHegLQqcKppWtvAYRd5fu7Si9boHakpLKGr91
+@sieemma - 5HWKe5kQKPuKopnWkfwMdULGNsZimaxaLv7HuHjfy2yir3f1
+@jstream - 5HhN69rptX3Nm4DMSmCoJ6SCfpQarBSBGVXKDCgQNf1JtMq5
+## 2 - Minutes
+### 2.1 - Proposal Overview
+- 9 Proposals Created
+	- 5 Spending Proposals
+	- 1 FillWorkingGroupLeaderOpening Proposal
+	- 3 Text Proposals
+- 6 Approved & executed proposals
+- 1 NotEnoughCapacity failure
+- 1 canceled
+- 1 expired
+Total time for proposals to finalize: 497.37 hours
+Average time for proposals to finalize: 55.26 hours
+	This average is calculated from all proposals, including canceled and expired proposals.
+### 2.2 - Basic Budget
+- 5 Spending Proposals
+	- Total amount paid out by council: 8684863 tJOY
+### 2.3 - Proposal Breakdown
+#### Proposal 44 - Spending Proposal for Telegram Bot KPI
+- Proposal Link:
+- Proposal Type: Spending 
+- Status: Approved & executed successfully
+	- Time to finalize: 29,846 blocks (49.74 hours)
+- Created by: @enjoythefood
+- Participants: @branko123, @sieemma, @jimmy_tudeski, @titan, @tomato, @blackmass
+#### Proposal 45 - Spending Proposal for Telegram Bot KPI 2
+- Proposal Link:
+- Proposal Type: Spending
+- Status: Approved & executed successfully
+	- Time to finalize: 36,016 blocks (60.02 hours)
+- Created by: @enjoythefood
+- Participants: @branko123, @jimmy_tudeski, @titan, @tomato, @blackmass, @rmbangera1983
+#### Proposal 46 - Spending Proposal for Telegram Bot KPI 3
+- Proposal Link:
+- Proposal Type: Spending
+- Status: Approved & executed successfully
+	- Time to finalize: 37,748 blocks (62.91 hours)
+- Created by: @enjoythefood
+- Participants: @branko123, @jimmy_tudeski, @titan, @tomato, @hskang9, @rmbangera1983
+#### Proposal 47 - Spending Proposal for Telegram Bot KPI 4
+- Proposal Link:
+- Proposal Type: Spending
+- Status: Failed (NotEnoughCapacity)
+	- Time to finalize: 37,931 blocks (63.21 hours)
+	- This was remedied via sudo action by @bwhm0
+- Created by: @enjoythefood
+- Participants: @branko123, @supunssw, @jimmy_tudeski, @titan, @tomato, @rmbangera1983
+#### Proposal 48 - Spending Proposal for Telegram Bot KPI 5
+- Proposal Link:
+- Proposal Type: Spending
+- Status: Approved & executed successfully
+	- Time to finalize: 31,560 blocks (52.60 hours)
+- Created by: @enjoythefood
+- Participants: @branko123, @jimmy_tudeski, @titan, @tomato, @blackmass, @rmbangera1983
+#### Proposal 49 - Fill storage lead
+- Proposal Link:
+- Proposal Type: FillWorkingGroupLeaderOpening
+	- Role: Storage Lead
+	- Previous Candidate: N/A
+	- Payment: 4315 tokens / 600 blocks
+	- Candidate: @rajcprem
+- Status: Approved & executed successfully
+	- Time to finalize: 6,951 blocks (11.58 hours)
+- Created by: @tomato
+- Participants: @branko123, @jimmy_tudeski, @titan, @tomato, @blackmass, @rmbangera1983
+#### Proposal 50 - Proposal to "Overhaul" the KPI System
+- Proposal Link:
+- Proposal Type: Text
+	- Time to finalize: 5,761 blocks (9.60 hours)
+- Forum thread: 
+- Status: Approved & executed successfully
+- Created by: @joystream
+- Participants: @branko123, @sieemma, @supunssw, @jimmy_tudeski, @titan, @jstream
+#### Proposal 51 - Create a help & support forum category
+- Proposal Link:
+- Proposal Type: Text
+- Status: Canceled
+	- Time to finalize: 40,441 blocks (67.71 hours)
+- Created by: @tomato
+- Participants: @sieemma, @jimmy_tudeski, @titan, @nexusfallout, @tomato, @blackmass
+#### Proposal 52 - Use Forum as primary community platform
+- Proposal Link:
+- Proposal Type: Text
+- Status: Expired
+	- Time to finalize: 72,000 blocks (120 hours)
+	- Due to a system limitation this proposal allowed votes to occur beyond this council session, the votes are included here. As the proposal was not withdrawn the current proposal system means the proposal becomes impossible to be approved regardless of voter quorum.
+- Created by: @bedeho1
+- Participants: @sieemma, @supunssw, @warrior, @fierydev, @jimmy_tudeski, @titan, @nexusfallout, @sparky, @tomato, @blackmass
+### 2.2 - Community Repo Pull Requests
+	-
+	- PR + forum thread created for Council Minutes & Performance Review
+	- Participants: @tomato, @fierydev, freakstatic_council
+### 2.3 - Select events
+- Storage lead elected
+	- Proposal:
+	- Finalized at block: 2055338
+- Telegram Bot delivered and launched
+	- Proposal:
+- KPI system overhaul initiated
+	- Proposal:
+## 3 - Review
+### 3.1 - Workflow, Performance, Challenged & Thinking
+This council round had a few issues, mostly to do with council member activity. There were 5 proposals made to pay for the Telegram bot, but this completely filled up the allowed number of proposals, which delayed other proposals from being made. This was a big issue as the storage lead had already taken a significant amount of time and meant that our current set of storage workers had not been running storage nodes for quite some time, we should try to avoid this at all costs in the future because the community is very small and huge gaps in inactivity can make people become bored of contributing further. We also began using signal proposals to refill the council mint, this may take some time to be more effectively used, but I think we should try to aim for refilling the council mint in 2 week intervals. If the council mint is empty it not only means that spending proposals won't work, but also that council members won't be paid.
+The KPI improvement proposal was voted through successfully but no council member submitted an improved proposal as required by the actual KPI, it seems we need to work on better communicating the KPIs to the council members in some way, for now I manually highlight some in the Telegram channel but it doesn't look as if council members are looking directly at these when needed. Two proposals failed due to CM inactivity, but these were submitted towards the end of the council term. The only option right now is for the creator of a proposal like this to withdraw (which costs tokens) are resubmit immediately after the new council begins. This is not ideal but is a system limitation for now that will need to be addressed in the future as it makes the later stages of the council term problematic for submitting proposals.
+Currently we also have a backlog of work that the council should be taking care of. The 3 main areas of this are council reports, tokenomics reports and the community repo. With the new council secretary role these may be taken care of. The biggest gap right now is the tokenomics report which requires a bit of technical understanding to complete, but once the script has been created should be the easiest report to produce each week. We may have to look at discussing better incentives to get the tokenomics report completed.
+## 4 - Obligations
+Council obligations are payments or items that carry through council sessions. These are noted so that future councils can easily see what items they should be aware of. Items can be removed from here once they have been resolved or become outdated.
+### 4.1 Regular Payments / Proposals
+- Council Mint
+	- The council mint needs to be checked on a regular basis and in the event it is near depletion, a council member should notify a member of Jsgenesis in order for it to be refilled.
+	- The council mint is set at a value decided by Jsgenesis.
+- Content Curator Mint
+	- The Content Curator Mint currently has a maximum value of 1 million tokens.
+	- The Content Curator Mint has to be filled periodically and the agreed amount was discussed earlier. The amount may change in the future, but the rewards for this role are dependent on the council passing these proposals in a timely fashion.
+	- The Content Curator Lead role is expected to keep track of their mint level and any member of the Joystream platform can create a proposal to refill this mint.
+- Storage Mint
+	- The Storage Mint currently has a maximum value of 1 million tokens.
+	- This mint has be refilled periodically
+	- The Storage Lead role is expected to keep track of their mint level and any member of the Joystream platform can create a proposal to refill this mint.
+### 4.2 Bounties
+- There are no outstanding bounties at this time.