@@ -1,28 +1,12 @@
-import { MemberModel, IMember } from './db';
+import { MemberModel, IMember, FaucetModel } from './db';
import axios from 'axios';
+import puppeteer from 'puppeteer';
+import TelegramBot from 'node-telegram-bot-api';
-type SendMessage = (message: any, text: string) => Promise<any>;
-type CommandPrefix = '/' | '!' | string;
-interface BotServiceProps {
- send: SendMessage;
- commandPrefix: CommandPrefix;
- client: any; // TelegramBot | DiscordBot,
- getId: Function;
- getText: Function;
- getDate: Function;
- dbId: 'tgId' | 'disId' | string;
- log: Function;
+import { SendMessage, CommandPrefix, BotServiceProps } from './types';
+import AccountTransferTokens from './commands/transferTokens';
-interface BotProps {
- send: SendMessage;
- commandPrefix: CommandPrefix;
- client: any;
- id: number;
- text: string;
- dbId: 'tgId' | 'disId' | string;
+const prod = process.env.PRODUCTION === 'true';
let cachedFmInfo: any = null;
let lastUpdateFmDate = 0;
@@ -57,7 +41,7 @@ function startCommand(message: any, props: BotServiceProps) {
async function lookupCommand(
- member: IMember,
+ member: IMember | null,
message: any,
props: BotServiceProps
) {
@@ -67,7 +51,7 @@ async function lookupCommand(
if (regexp.test(props.getText(message))) {
const match = props.getText(message).match(regexpMatch);
console.log('message', message);
const handle = match ? match[1] : member?.handle;
if (handle) {
@@ -78,11 +62,14 @@ async function lookupCommand(
if (memberData) {
const memberDataStr =
+ `From data processed berofe: ${new Date(
+ fmInfo.data.scores.cutoff
+ ).toLocaleDateString()}\n\n` +
`Direct Score = *${memberData.totalDirectScore}*\n` +
`Referral Score = *${memberData.totalReferralScore}*\n` +
`Total Score = *${memberData.totalScore}*\n\n` +
- .map((m: any, index: number) => `Period ${index} = *${m}*`)
+ .map((m: any, index: number) => `Period ${index} = *${m || 0}*`)
props.send(message, memberDataStr);
@@ -99,7 +86,7 @@ async function lookupCommand(
async function setHandleCommand(
- member: IMember,
+ member: IMember | null,
message: any,
props: BotServiceProps
) {
@@ -133,12 +120,12 @@ async function setHandleCommand(
if (updMember) {
await MemberModel.remove({
[props.dbId]: props.getId(message),
- handle: null,
+ handle: undefined, // TODO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
await updMember.updateOne({
$set: {
- lastCommand: null,
+ lastCommand: undefined,
[props.dbId]: props.getId(message),
handle: props.getText(message),
@@ -146,7 +133,7 @@ async function setHandleCommand(
} else {
await MemberModel.updateOne(
{ [props.dbId]: props.getId(message) },
- { $set: { lastCommand: null, handle: props.getText(message) } }
+ { $set: { lastCommand: undefined, handle: props.getText(message) } }
@@ -154,6 +141,318 @@ async function setHandleCommand(
+async function faucetOldVersion(memberAddress = '', sendMessage: Function) {
+ const browser = await puppeteer.launch({
+ args: ['--lang="en-US"'],
+ });
+ const page = await browser.newPage();
+ await page.setExtraHTTPHeaders({
+ 'Accept-Language': 'en',
+ });
+ await page.goto('https://testnet.joystream.org/#/accounts');
+ await page.waitForTimeout(5000);
+ sendMessage('Preparing for transfer...');
+ // Open restore json window
+ const restoreJSONText = prod ? 'Restore JSON' : 'Восстановить из JSON файла';
+ const [restoreJSONButton] = await page.$x(
+ `//button[contains(., '${restoreJSONText}')]`
+ );
+ await restoreJSONButton.click();
+ // Fill fields (file + password)
+ // const clickToSelectText = prod ? 'click to select or drag and drop the file here' : 'нажмите для выбора, либо сбростье файл сюда';
+ await page.click('.ui--InputFile');
+ const inputFile = await page.$('.ui--InputFile input[type="file"]');
+ // const inputPassword = await page.$('.ui--Input input[type="password"]');
+ await page.type(
+ '.ui--Input input[type="password"]',
+ process.env.ACCOUNT_PASSWORD || ''
+ );
+ await inputFile?.uploadFile(`accounts/${process.env.ACCOUNT_JSON_NAME}` || '');
+ // Click restore button
+ const restoreButtonText = prod ? 'Restore' : 'Восстановить'; // 'Отменить'; //'Восстановить';
+ const restoreButtons = await page.$x(
+ `//button[contains(., '${restoreButtonText}')]`
+ );
+ await restoreButtons[1].click();
+ sendMessage('Preparing for transfer - step 2...');
+ // Click send button
+ const sendButtonText = prod ? 'send' : 'отправить';
+ const [sendButton] = await page.$x(
+ `//button[contains(., '${sendButtonText}')]`
+ );
+ await sendButton.click();
+ // Fill address
+ const sendToAddressSelectText = prod
+ ? 'send to address'
+ : 'отправить на адрес';
+ const sendAmountText = prod ? 'amount' : 'сумма';
+ const [addresSelector] = await page.$x(
+ `//div[contains(@class, "ui--Modal-Column") and contains(., "${sendToAddressSelectText}")]/div[contains(@class, "ui--Modal-Column")]//input`
+ );
+ const [labelAmount] = await page.$x(
+ `//div[contains(@class, "ui--Modal-Column") and contains(., "${sendAmountText}")]/div[contains(@class, "ui--Modal-Column")]//input`
+ );
+ console.log('memberAddress', memberAddress);
+ await page.screenshot({ path: `screenshots/send.png` });
+ await labelAmount.click({ clickCount: 3 });
+ await labelAmount.type('1' /* '101' */);
+ await page.screenshot({ path: `screenshots/send1.png` });
+ await addresSelector.type(memberAddress);
+ await page.screenshot({ path: `screenshots/send2.png` });
+ sendMessage('Preparing for transfer - step 3...');
+ // Click to transfer & Sign and Submit
+ const transferText = prod ? 'Make Transfer' : 'Выполнить Трансфер';
+ const [transferButton] = await page.$x(
+ `//button[contains(., '${transferText}')]`
+ );
+ await transferButton.click();
+ const unlockAccountText = prod
+ ? 'unlock account with password'
+ : 'разблокировать аккаунт с помощью пароля';
+ const signAndSubmitText = prod ? 'Sign and Submit' : 'Подписать и отправить';
+ const [unlockPasswordInput] = await page.$x(
+ `//div[contains(@class, "ui--Modal-Column") and contains(., "${unlockAccountText}")]/div[contains(@class, "ui--Modal-Column")]//input`
+ );
+ const [signAndSubmitButton] = await page.$x(
+ `//button[contains(., '${signAndSubmitText}')]`
+ );
+ sendMessage('Start transfer tokens');
+ await unlockPasswordInput.type(process.env.ACCOUNT_PASSWORD || '');
+ await signAndSubmitButton.click();
+ await page.waitForTimeout(2000);
+ console.log('-------------------- create screenshot --------------------');
+ await page.screenshot({ path: `screenshots/example.png` });
+ await page.screenshot({ path: `screenshots/wallet-${memberAddress}.png` });
+ console.log('-------------------- finish --------------------');
+ await browser.close();
+async function setLastCommand(
+ member: IMember | null,
+ message: any,
+ props: BotServiceProps,
+ lastCommand: string
+) {
+ if (member === null) {
+ const newMember = {
+ [props.dbId]: props.getId(message),
+ date: props.getDate(message),
+ lastCommand,
+ };
+ await MemberModel.create(newMember);
+ } else {
+ await MemberModel.updateOne(
+ { [props.dbId]: props.getId(message) },
+ { $set: { lastCommand } }
+ );
+ }
+async function faucetCommand(
+ member: IMember | null,
+ message: any,
+ props: BotServiceProps
+) {
+ const id = props.getId(message);
+ const regexp = new RegExp(`^${props.commandPrefix}faucet(.*)`);
+ const faucetMemberData = await FaucetModel.findOne({ [props.dbId]: id });
+ const dateLastOperation = faucetMemberData?.dateLastOperation || 0;
+ const currentMessage = props.getText(message);
+ const faucetPeriod =
+ 60000 *
+ 10 *
+ (faucetMemberData?.addresses.length >= 3
+ ? (faucetMemberData?.addresses.length - 2) * 60
+ : 1);
+ if (regexp.test(currentMessage)) {
+ // /faucet
+ await setLastCommand(member, message, props, 'faucet');
+ if (faucetMemberData === null) {
+ const newFaucet = {
+ [props.dbId]: props.getId(message),
+ date: props.getDate(message),
+ dateUpdate: props.getDate(message),
+ };
+ await FaucetModel.create(newFaucet);
+ } else if (
+ new Date().getTime() - dateLastOperation < faucetPeriod
+ ) {
+ await setLastCommand(member, message, props, '');
+ return await props.send(message, 'You can use the bot no more then once every 10 minutes');
+ }
+ return await props.send(
+ message,
+ 'Send your wallet address. To cancel the operation, send Q.'
+ );
+ } else if (
+ member &&
+ member.lastCommand === 'faucet' &&
+ currentMessage.toLowerCase() === 'q'
+ ) {
+ // Cancel
+ await setLastCommand(member, message, props, '');
+ await props.send(message, 'Canceled transfer');
+ } else if (
+ member &&
+ member.lastCommand === 'faucet' &&
+ // && !faucetMemberData?.address
+ !faucetMemberData?.addresses.includes(currentMessage) &&
+ new Date().getTime() - dateLastOperation > faucetPeriod
+ ) {
+ // Transfer
+ props.send(message, 'Wait a few minutes...');
+ const checkAddress = await FaucetModel.find({ addresses: { $all: [currentMessage] } });
+ console.log('checkAddress', checkAddress);
+ if (checkAddress.length > 0) {
+ props.send(message, 'Transfer has already been made to this address');
+ throw new Error('Error: Transfer has already been made to this address');
+ }
+ await setLastCommand(member, message, props, '');
+ try {
+ await faucet(currentMessage, (text: string) => props.send(message, text));
+ await props.send(message, 'You got funded!');
+ await FaucetModel.updateOne(
+ { [props.dbId]: props.getId(message) },
+ { $set: { dateLastOperation: new Date().getTime(), addresses: [...faucetMemberData?.addresses, currentMessage] } }
+ );
+ } catch (ex) {
+ console.error(ex);
+ props.send(message, ex.message);
+ }
+ const transferTokens = new AccountTransferTokens();
+ const balance = await transferTokens.getBalance();
+ if (balance.toBigInt() < 1000) {
+ // send notification only once a day
+ const dateLastNotify = (new Date().getTime()) - 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24;
+ const notifyMembers = await MemberModel.find({ enableNotify: { $lt: dateLastNotify } });
+ notifyMembers.forEach(async (m) => {
+ await props.send({ chat: { id: m.tgId } }, `Bot balance alert! Current balance - ${balance}`);
+ await MemberModel.updateOne(
+ { tgId: m.tgId },
+ { $set: { lastCommand: '', enableNotify: (new Date().getTime()) } }
+ );
+ });
+ }
+ return props.send(message, 'Operation completed.');
+ } else if (
+ member &&
+ member.lastCommand === 'faucet' &&
+ (faucetMemberData?.addresses.includes(currentMessage) ||
+ new Date().getTime() - dateLastOperation < faucetPeriod)
+ ) {
+ // Reject
+ await setLastCommand(member, message, props, '');
+ return props.send(
+ message,
+ /* 'Can only be done once a day.' */ 'Transfer has already been made to this address'
+ );
+ }
+async function faucet(
+ walletAddress = '5HfxszoqKG9MPxp1WfywYAynUaTnSfmguCidpSGWJvqwaPpu',
+ sendMessage: Function
+) {
+ const transferTokens = new AccountTransferTokens();
+ await transferTokens.start(walletAddress, prod ? 101 : 1);
+async function checkFaucetBalanceCommand(message: any, props: BotServiceProps) {
+ const regexp = new RegExp(`^${props.commandPrefix}balancefaucet`);
+ if (regexp.test(props.getText(message))) {
+ const transferTokens = new AccountTransferTokens();
+ const balance = await transferTokens.getBalance();
+ console.log('balance', balance);
+ props.send(message, `Balance = ${balance}`);
+ }
+// enable notification about expiring balance
+async function enableFaucetBalanceNotifyTgCommand(
+ member: IMember | null,
+ message: TelegramBot.Message,
+ props: BotServiceProps
+) {
+ changeFaucetBalanceNotifyTg(member, message, props, 'enablefaucetnotify', true);
+async function disableFaucetBalanceNotifyTgCommand(
+ member: IMember | null,
+ message: TelegramBot.Message,
+ props: BotServiceProps
+) {
+ changeFaucetBalanceNotifyTg(member, message, props, 'disablefaucetnotify', false);
+async function changeFaucetBalanceNotifyTg(
+ member: IMember | null,
+ message: TelegramBot.Message,
+ props: BotServiceProps,
+ command = '',
+ enableNotify = true,
+) {
+ const regexp = new RegExp(`^${props.commandPrefix}${command}`);
+ if (regexp.test(props.getText(message))) {
+ if (member) {
+ await MemberModel.updateOne(
+ { [props.dbId]: props.getId(message) },
+ { $set: { lastCommand: '', enableNotify: enableNotify ? (new Date().getTime() - 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24) : undefined } }
+ );
+ console.log('message', message);
+ props.send(message, `Notifies ${enableNotify ? 'enabled' : 'disabled'}`);
+ } else {
+ props.send(message, 'Set your handle througs /sethandle');
+ }
+ }
export default async function BotService(props: BotServiceProps) {
props.client.on('message', async (message: any) => {
const id = props.getId(message);
@@ -167,11 +466,19 @@ export default async function BotService(props: BotServiceProps) {
props.send(message, 'Error =( please try later');
- startCommand(message, props);
- lookupCommand(member, message, props);
+ try {
+ startCommand(message, props);
+ lookupCommand(member, message, props);
- if (props.commandPrefix === '/') {
- setHandleCommand(member, message, props);
+ if (props.commandPrefix === '/') {
+ setHandleCommand(member, message, props);
+ faucetCommand(member, message, props);
+ checkFaucetBalanceCommand(message, props);
+ enableFaucetBalanceNotifyTgCommand(member, message, props);
+ disableFaucetBalanceNotifyTgCommand(member, message, props);
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ await props.send(message, e);