Jelajahi Sumber

DWG Report 42 - Giza 1

Joystream Stats 3 tahun lalu

+ 33 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# Distribution Working Group
+With [relase of giza]( selected channels were [migrated from Sumer]( ipfs based SP to a [new system]( (read first).
+Details about inception of the group are reported [here]( (@freakstatic [assigned]( this task to @l1dev who handed it @ilich).
+- Lead: [@l1dev]( ([Concept](
+## Reports
+- [Giza 42](
+## Tools
+- GraphQL Playground comes with every [Query node](
+- Workers: (look for `distributionWorkingGroup`)
+- Test availability of bags on all nodes:
+- ![](img/jsstats-distribution.png)
+Help and create a map of all providers: [discussion](

+ 788 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,788 @@
+# Giza - Report 1 - Council Term 42
+## Families
+Preliminary targets during Giza based on [this abstract]( Bucket details:
+> primary families: US, EU, ASIA
+> secondary families: south/central america (SA), africa (AF) - from my research more expensive
+The strategy was to find at least 1 worker per family and compare prices per TB and latency.
+| # | Family                      |       Distributing | Hired         | Capacity TB | Target Providers | Target Capacity TB |
+| 0 | Temporary                   |              @bwhm |                  |          |                  |                 |
+| 1 | Central and northern Europe | @razumv @maxlevush @art_khabibullin | | 5.7      |                2 | 2               |
+| 2 | Russia and eastern Europe   | @lkskrn@Ilichhh @MikeShipa (@l1dev) | | 5.5 (4 HDD) |             2 | 2 TB            |
+| 3 | North America (east)        | @l1dev            |                   | .1       |                2 | 1 TB            |
+| 4 | Central and South America   |                   |                   |          |                1 | 500 GB          |
+| 5 | North Africa                |                   |                   |          |                1 | 100 GB          |
+| 6 | East and South East Asia    | @igrex            | @leetjoy          | 2.39     |                2 | 1 TB            |
+| 7 | Australia                   | @l1dev            |                   | .1       |                1 | .1              |
+## Cost prediction
+target budget:
+> 6 in primary regions ($500) with double replication
+> 4 in secondary ($200) for full coverage with low replication*
+= 700 / month - to stay below $900 in F72
+Sever cost total: `$768` (without setup fee).
+## Workers
+This simple model pays 25% increased server costs to insure for good performance and high responsiveness.                                                        
+| handle         | Worker | Bucket | location    |    TB |      GB/$ | cost $/m | cost+25% | salary $/w |   MtJOY/w | payouts | tJOY/payout |
+| bmwh           |      1 |    0:0 | Frankfurt/M |       |        |          |       0 |         0 |        0 |         |         |
+| maxlevush      |      2 |    1:0 | Helsinki    |   1.7 |      29.8 |       57 |    71.25 |      17.81 |       2.9 |      84 |       34905 |
+| razumv         |      3 |    1:1 | Helsinki    |     4 |     133.3 |       30 |     37.5 |       9.37 |       1.5 |      84 |       18371 |
+| art_khabibulin |      4 |    1:2 | Munich      |       |        |          |       0 |         0 |        0 |      84 |          0 |
+| ilich          |      6 |    2:0 | Novosibirsk |    .5 |      11.3 |       44 |      55 |      13.75 |       2.2 |      28 |       80834 |
+| lkskrn         |      7 |    2:1 | Moscow      |   .48 |       9.4 |       51 |    63.75 |      15.93 |       2.6 |      28 |       93694 |
+| oxygen         |      8 |    2:2 | Moscow      |   .43 |       9.1 |       47 |    58.75 |      14.68 |       2.4 |      28 |       86346 |
+| l1dev          |      5 |    2:3 | Petersburg  |     4 |     117.6 |       34 |     42.5 |      10.62 |       1.7 |      84 |       20821 |
+| l1dev          |      5 |    3:0 | Quebec      |    .1 |         5 |       20 |      25 |       6.25 |       1.0 |      84 |       12247 |
+| leet_joy       |      9 |  (2:4) | Vladivostok |   .48 |         3 |      160 |     200 |        50. |       8.2 |      28 |      293944 |
+| leet_joy       |      9 |    6:0 | Singapore   |  1.75 |       9.7 |      180 |     225 |      56.25 |       9.2 |      28 |      330687 |
+| igrex          |     10 |    6:1 | Tokio       |   .64 |         4 |      160 |     200 |        50. |       8.2 |      28 |      293944 |
+| l1dev          |      5 |    7:0 | Sydney      |    .1 |         5 |       20 |      25 |       6.25 |       1.0 |      28 |       36743 |
+| Total          |        |        |             | 13.9 | 30.7 |      768 |     960 |       240. | 39.5 |     504 |   78385 |
+### leet_joy (9)
+Example criteria for performance based salary with real values. Final value defines salary for coming term.
+### Bucket `6:0`
+- Hired at block: `#4295315`
+- Functional at: ``
+- Setup time: `96h` (to change)
+- Capacity: `1.75 TB`
+- Type: `SSD`
+- Cost: `$180` monthly
+| reward calculation for bucket                                      |      6:0 |      $ |
+| monthly costs + 25%                                                |     +225 |    225 |
+| GB/$ bonus: equivalent value in $                                  |    +9.71 | 234.71 |
+| rarity factor:  target buckets in fam / buckets in fam             | *1 = 2/2 | 234.71 |
+| location factor: 1.5=primary, 1.2 secondary, 1 regional)           |     *1.5 | 352.06 |
+| cap at $200/term and convert to possible term salary (/4)          |       50 |     50 |
+| setup bonus: +$80                                                  |      +80 |    130 |
+| setup time from hiring to functional node: -$1/h                   |      -96 |     34 |
+| response time on incidents ($1 penalty per hour, fire at 0 salary) |          |     34 |
+| latency penalty: average latency in ms /100                        |          |     34 |
+| Paid this term                                                     |        0 |     34 |
+| Total                                                              |          |     34 |
+### Bucket (`2:4`)
+The worker decided to add another VPS for a bucket in Vladivostok. At time of writing hypothetical while each additional hour reducing the salary for next term.
+- Hired at block: `#4295315`
+- Functional at: ``
+- Setup time: `96h` (to change)
+- Capacity: `.48 TB`
+- Type: `SSD`
+- Cost: `$160` monthly
+| reward calculation per bucket                                      |                   (2:4) |      $ |
+| monthly costs + 25%                                                |                +200 |    200 |
+| GB/$ bonus: equivalent value in $                                  |                  +3 |    203 |
+| rarity factor:  target buckets in fam / buckets in fam             | /2 = 2/4 (now 3) |    102 |
+| location factor: 1.5=primary, 1.2 secondary, 1 regional)           |                *1.5 |    151 |
+| cap at $200/term and convert to possible term salary (/4)          |                  /4 |  37.75 |
+| setup bonus: +$80                                                  |                 +80 | 117.75 |
+| setup time from hiring to functional node: -$1/h                   |                     | 117.75 |
+| response time on incidents ($1 penalty per hour, fire at 0 salary) |                     | 117.75 |
+| latency penalty: average latency in ms /100                        |                     | 117.75 |
+| Paid this term                                                     |                   0 | 117.75 |
+| Total                                                              |                     | 117.75 |
+This would leave the worker with a term reward of $151.75 at monthly costs at $340.
+Expected salary next term (without penalties): $87.57 ($350/m)
+## ilich (6)
+### Bucket `2:0`
+- Hired at block: `#4295315`
+- Functional at: `#4330964`
+- Setup time: `59h`
+- Capacity: `.5 TB`
+- Type: `SSD`
+- Cost: `$44` monthly
+| reward calculation per bucket                                      |                         2:0 |    $   |
+| monthly costs + 25%                                                |                         +55 |    55 |
+| GB/$ bonus: equivalent value in $                                  |                      +11.36 | 66.36 |
+| rarity factor:  target buckets in fam / buckets in fam             |                        *.66 | 43.56 |
+| location factor: 1.5=primary, 1.2 secondary, 1 regional)           |                        *1.5 | 65.34 |
+| cap at $200/term and convert to possible term salary (/4)          |                          /4 | 16.33 |
+| setup bonus: +$80                                                  |                         +80 | 86.33 |
+| setup time from hiring to functional node: -$1/h                   | -59 | 37.33 |
+| response time on incidents ($1 penalty per hour, fire at 0 salary) |                             | 37.33 |
+| latency penalty: average latency in ms /100                        |                             | 37.33 |
+| Paid this term                                                     |                             | 37.33 |
+|---|---|---|| Total                                                              |                             | 37.33 |
+This would leave the worker with a term reward of $37.33 at monthly costs at $44.
+Expected salary next term (without penalties): $16.33 ($65.34/m)
+## oxygen (8)
+### Bucket `2:2`
+- Hired at block: `#4295315`
+- Functional at: `#4341647`
+- Setup time: `77h`
+- Capacity: `.48 TB`
+- Type: `SSD`
+- Cost: `$47` monthly
+| reward calculation per bucket                                      |                          2:2 |      $ |
+| monthly costs + 25%                                                |                        58.75 |  58.75 |
+| GB/$ bonus: equivalent value in $                                  |                         9.14 |  57.89 |
+| rarity factor:  target buckets in fam / buckets in fam             |                  *0.66 (2/3) |  38.21 |
+| location factor: 1.5=primary, 1.2 secondary, 1 regional)           |                         *1.5 |     57 |
+| cap at $200/term and convert to possible term salary (/4)          |                           /4 |  14.33 |
+| setup bonus: +$80                                                  |                          +80 |     80 |
+| setup time from hiring to functional node: -$1/h                   | -77 |      3 |
+| response time on incidents ($1 penalty per hour, fire at 0 salary) |                              |        |
+| latency penalty: average latency in ms /100                        |                              |        |
+| Paid this term                                                     |                       -17 | 0 |
+| Total                                                              |                              |        |
+This would leave the worker with a term reward of $0 at monthly costs of $340.
+Expected salary next term (without penalties): $14.33 ($38.21/m)
+In this case a restrictive lead who hired more workers than targeted punishes the worker. In response bucket workers could coordinate for one or more to switch into less crowded regions following month.
+If a similar model is applied future reports could be generated by a script based on input by the lead (cost).
+# 42.DT-1 - Maintain Distributor System
+As of block #4,307,237, the status is:
+- 9 (5+Lead hired by non-Jsg) workers
+- 4 (new) families created (6 in total)
+- 6 (new) buckets created (9 in total)
+- 2 (new) are acceptingNewBags and distributing (4 in total)
+- 3 (new) have accepted invite+set metadata (6 in total)
+- 5/6 have working, running nodes
+## Families
+> 1. Outline the current system, wrt. families, buckets, structure etc, within block:
+Bucket families and worker assignments are listed above. Will be added via commit until #4323600.
+## Workers
+> 2. All workers, that are still "employed" (ex. newly employed) at each blockheight, has at least 1 bucket with metadat set, is operational, has been assigned at least 1 bag, and is serving content at block #:
+All workers are up and functional (partly with external QN. 1 worker gets access to the new VPS on monday.
+## Verification
+> Outline a quick approach to measuring the "quality of service" for each node, that takes into accout:
+>whether the object is in cache or not/whether they first have to get it from an SP or not
+> Every day, measure how well each of them performs under said conditions.
+built an UI to check availability more easily (linked above). Next to automate regular latency tests.
+## Configs
+> Get a ("censored") version of each distributors config.yml file, share them, and propose/require changes.
+In progress.
+## Log
+> For each of these:
+> - keep a log of the status, and share a TL;DR update every day (starting from #4323600)
+> - record ALL transactions you as the Lead does, including blockheights and purpose (for moving bags, just do did x across blocks[a,b])
+> - share the thoughts behind your actions
+Since i was [hired]( at block #4290298:
+- added 5 families and announced in #distributors [read](
+  - `storage.updateDistributionBucketMode`
+  - `storage.DistributionBucketFamilyCreated`
+  - `storage.setDistributionBucketFamilyMetadata`
+yarn joystream-distributor leader:set-bucket-family-metadata -f 2 -i ~/distribution-family2.json
+yarn run v1.22.15
+$ /home/joystream/joystream/node_modules/.bin/joystream-distributor leader:set-bucket-family-metadata -f 2 -i /home/joystream/distribution-family2.json
+2022-02-02 13:24:27:2427 CLI info: Setting bucket family metadata
+    "familyId": 2,
+    "metadata": {
+        "region": "ru_eu-east",
+        "description": "Russia and eastern Europe",
+        "latencyTestTargets": [],
+        "areas": [
+            {
+                "continent": 5
+            },
+            {
+                "continent": 6
+            }
+        ]
+    }
+? Tx fee of 0 will be deduced from you account, do you confirm the transfer? Yes
+2022-02-02 13:24:40:2440 SubstrateApi info: Sending storage.setDistributionBucketFamilyMetadata extrinsic from 5EEucXxsz1jZhF5HwQ38cNn5LuZa7RquHquzzyKfnVc1trMy
+2022-02-02 13:24:42:2442 CLI info: Bucket family metadata succesfully set/updated!
+- [filled opening]( [Distributors in Russia and eastern Europe]( (created block #4293044), hired: lkskrn, ilich, oxygen
+- added all channels to bucket `2:3` to cache everything
+Process was interrupted at channel 862:
+$ /home/pioneer/joystream/node_modules/.bin/joystream-distributor leader:update-bag -f 2 -a 3 -b dynamic:channel:862 -y
+2022-02-03 04:40:11:4011 CLI info: Updating distribution buckets for bag...
+    "bagId": {
+        "Dynamic": {
+            "Channel": "862"
+        }
+    },
+    "familyId": 2,
+    "add": [
+        3
+      ],
+    "remove": []
+2022-02-03 04:40:11:4011 SubstrateApi info: Sending storage.updateDistributionBucketsForBag extrinsic from 5EEucXxsz1jZhF5HwQ38cNn5LuZa7RquHquzzyKfnVc1trMy
+2022-02-03 04:40:11        RPC-CORE: submitAndWatchExtrinsic(extrinsic: Extrinsic): ExtrinsicStatus:: 1014: Priority is too low: (10000000 vs 10000000): The tansaction has too low priority to replace another transaction already in the pool.
+- [filled opening]( [Distributor in Asia (east, south east) ]( (created block #4295672), hired: igrex, leet_joy (coolene)
+- created opening [ Distributor in Central and South America ]( at block #4297360:
+> ~/cli working-groups:createOpening -i ~/distributor-opening.json -g distributor
+    {
+        "activateAt": { "CurrentBlock": null },
+        "maxReviewPeriodLength": 432000,
+        "applicationStake": { "mode": "AtLeast", "value": 50000 },
+        "roleStake": {"mode": "AtLeast", "value": 1000000 }
+    },
+    {
+        "version": 1,
+        "headline": "Distributor in Central and South America",
+        "job": {
+            "title": "Looking for SA Distributors",
+            "description": "Requirements: SSD, 500+ GB Storage, synced validator and query node."
+        },
+        "application": {
+            "sections": [
+                {
+                    "title": "About you",
+                    "questions": [
+                        { "title": "Your name", "type": "text" },
+                        { "title": "What makes you a good fit for the job?", "type": "text area" }
+                    ]
+                }
+            ]
+        },
+        "reward": "40k tJOY per 1200 blocks ($80 / week)",
+        "creator": { "membership": { "handle": "l1dev"  } },
+        "process": { "details": [] }
+    }
+- 2022-02-03 00:40:58:4058 CLI info: Updating distribution bucket mode... Bucket mode succesfully updated! (`-B 6:0 -d off`)
+- 2022-02-03 00:41:14:4114 CLI info: Updating distribution bucket mode...Bucket mode succesfully updated! (`-B 6:1 -d off`)
+- 2022-02-03 01:12:53:1253 CLI info: Setting bucket operator metadata... (with wrong endpoint)
+- 2022-02-03 01:14:53:1453 CLI info: Updating distribution bucket status... Bucket status succesfully updated! (`-B 2:3 -a yes`)
+- 2022-02-03 02:37:43:3743 CLI info: Updating distribution bucket status... Bucket mode succesfully updated! (`-B 2:1 -a yes`)
+- 2022-02-03 02:41:09:419 CLI info: Updating distribution bucket mode... Bucket mode succesfully updated! (-B 2:2 -d off``)
+- 2022-02-03 04:41:27:4127 CLI info: Updating dynamic bag policy... Dynamic bag creation policy succesfully updated! (`-t Channel -p 1:2 2:2`)
+- added RU channels to bucket `2:1` in moscow:
+set -e
+cd ~/joystream/distributor-node
+# found with query { channels (where: { language: { iso_eq: "ru" } }) { id } }
+# needs confirmation with curators that these were all
+ru="734 735 736 737 738 746 750 752 753 755 758 764 765 769 772 774 779 781 782 783 785 786 787 788 790 791 800 801 802 803 804 806 808 810 811 817 818 819 826 827 828 831 832 835 836 839 842 843 844 846"
+for i in $ru ; do
+  yarn joystream-distributor leader:update-bag -f 2 -a 1 -b dynamic:channel:$i -y
+Finished with:
+$ /home/pioneer/joystream/node_modules/.bin/joystream-distributor leader:update-bag -f 2 -a 1 -b dynamic:channel:846 -y
+2022-02-03 07:37:41:3741 CLI info: Updating distribution buckets for bag...
+    "bagId": {
+        "Dynamic": {
+            "Channel": "846"
+        }
+    },
+    "familyId": 2,
+    "add": [
+        1
+    ],
+    "remove": []
+2022-02-03 07:37:41:3741 SubstrateApi info: Sending storage.updateDistributionBucketsForBag extrinsic from 5EEucXxsz1jZhF5HwQ38cNn5LuZa7RquHquzzyKfnVc1trMy
+2022-02-03 07:37:43:3743 CLI info: Bag succesfully updated!
+- 2022-02-03 19:04:48:448 CLI info: Updating distribution bucket mode... Bucket mode succesfully updated! (`-B 1:0 -d on`)
+- 2022-02-03 19:28:34:2834 CLI info: Updating distribution bucket status... Bucket status succesfully updated! (`-B 1:0 -a yes`)
+- 2022-02-03 23:51:06:516 CLI info: Setting bucket operator metadata... to fix `metadata.endpoint`
+- [adjusted worker rewards]( for all operational nodes to $80 per term (120k/3600 blocks, 40k/1200 blocks)
+- 2022-02-04 16:38:50:3850 CLI info: Updating distribution bucket mode... `-B 1:0 -d of` - uses wrong chain
+- 2022-02-04 16:39:22:3922 CLI info: Updating distribution bucket status... `-B 1:0 -a no` and fixed some time later.
+- 2022-02-04 21:58 toggled bucket `2:0` a few times for testing
+- [#4324724]( add mixed `en-ru` bags to bucket `2:1` (745 751 760 761 762 768 770 778)
+- #4330964++: add ru en-ru asia bags to bucket 2:0
+- #4331741++: add ru en-ru asia bags to bucket 2:2
+- 2022-02-05 19:35 deployed
+-  2022-02-05 19:42: `1-2` accepting + distributing
+-  2022-02-05 19:42: `2-2` accepting + distributing
+- 2022-02-05 19:43: 745 751 760 761 762 768 770 - add to `1-2`, remove from `0:0`
+- 2022-02-06 22:07:01: create buckets for families 3 and 7, invite worker 5 to both, set `accepting=yes`, add one bag, both are up.
+- [4341647]( reward worker 8
+- [4341651]( reward worker 4
+- [4347096]( reward worker 6
+- `leader:update-bag -f 0 -r 0 -b dynamic:channel:776`
+- `leader:update-bag -f 6 -a 1 -b dynamic:channel:776`
+- 2022-02-06 13:31: Bucket `6:1 is u! `leader:update-bucket-mode -B 6:1 -d on -y` + `leader:update-bucket-status -B 6:1 -a yes -y`
+- [4350105]( reward worker 10
+yarn joystream-distributor leader:update-bag -f 1 -a 2 -b dynamic:channel:777 -y
+yarn run v1.22.17
+$ /home/pioneer/joystream/node_modules/.bin/joystream-distributor leader:update-bag -f 1 -a 2 -b dynamic:channel:777 -y
+2022-02-05 23:17:26:1726 CLI info: Updating distribution buckets for bag...
+    "bagId": {
+        "Dynamic": {
+            "Channel": "777"
+        }
+    },
+    "familyId": 1,
+    "add": [
+        2
+    ],
+    "remove": []
+2022-02-05 23:17:26:1726 SubstrateApi info: Sending storage.updateDistributionBucketsForBag extrinsic from 5EEucXxsz1jZhF5HwQ38cNn5LuZa7RquHquzzyKfnVc1trMy
+ ›   Error: Extrinsic failed! Extrinsic execution error: DistributionBucketIsBoundToBag ( Distribution bucket is bound to a bag.)
+what does this mean? the bag is not bound to this bag yet.
+The current strategy is to find at least 1 worker per family and compare prices per TB and actual latency.
+Note for **42.III-2**: I do not plan to have this role forever but i am ready to give up both lead positions.
+# 42.DT-2 - Review and Improve Documentation
+Created thread `Helpdesk Issues` and [keep reporting]( issues there.
+useful links
+- [country codes](
+- [geoiplookup](
+- [timezone maps](
+## Test if uploads worked
+For operators:
+- You will see all uploads have failed. (Check if your storage folder actually have them - eg. 9264,9265, etc.?)
+- Create a membership and channel with a "throwaway" key. Just get some license free images for channel cover and avatar. Log the dataObjectId and the channelId
+- Open the log to your storage-node journalctl -f -n 100 -u storage-node.service
+- set your bucket (id 1) to accept new bags
+- add the bag -> dynamic:channel:<channelId> to your bucket (update bag)
+- set your bucket (id 1) back to NOT accept new bags
+- After a minute at the longest, check the logs. What does it say?
+- Check your downloads folder if it has the files dataObjectIds.
+- [Concept]( - [Proposal](
+## Term 42
+Preliminary targets during Giza based [this abstract]( Bucket details:
+> primary families: US, EU, ASIA
+> secondary families: south/central america (SA), africa (AF) - from my research more expensive
+| # | Family                      |       Distributing | Hired | Capacity | Target Providers | Target Capacity |
+| 0 | Temporary                |              @bwhm |                  |          |                 |           |
+| 1 | Central and northern Europe | @razumv @maxlevush @art_khabibullin | | 1 TB |                2 | 2 TB            |
+| 2 | Russia and eastern Europe   | @lkskrn@Ilichhh @MikeShipa (@l1dev) |     | 480GB (4TB HDD) | 2 | 2 TB            |
+| 3 | North America (east)        | @l1dev            |                  |          |                2 | 1 TB            |
+| 4 | Central and South America   |                   |                  |          |                1 | 500 GB          |
+| 5 | North Africa                |                   |                  |          |                1 | 100 GB          |
+| 6 | East and South East Asia              | @igrex  | @leetjoy |                 |2 |         1 TB         |
+| 7 | Australia                   | @l1dev             |                  |          |                1 | 100 GB          |
+# Cost prediction
+target budget:
+> 6 in primary regions ($500) with double replication
+> 4 in secondary ($200) for full coverage with low replication*
+= 700 / month - to stay below $900 in F72
+Sever cost total: `$768` - does not accommodate for setup.
+## Workers
+A simple calculation that pays 25% increased server costs to insure for good performance and high responsiveness.
+| handle         | Worker | Bucket | location    |    TB |      GB/$ | cost $/m | cost+25% | salary $/w |   MtJOY/w | payouts | tJOY/payout |
+| bmwh           |      1 |    0:0 | Frankfurt/M |       |        |          |       0 |         0 |        0 |         |         |
+| maxlevush      |      2 |    1:0 | Helsinki    |   1.7 |      29.8 |       57 |    71.25 |      17.81 |       2.9 |      84 |       34905 |
+| razumv         |      3 |    1:1 | Helsinki    |     4 |     133.3 |       30 |     37.5 |       9.37 |       1.5 |      84 |       18371 |
+| art_khabibulin |      4 |    1:2 | Munich      |       |        |          |       0 |         0 |        0 |      84 |          0 |
+| ilich          |      6 |    2:0 | Novosibirsk |    .5 |      11.3 |       44 |      55 |      13.75 |       2.2 |      28 |       80834 |
+| lkskrn         |      7 |    2:1 | Moscow      |   .48 |       9.4 |       51 |    63.75 |      15.93 |       2.6 |      28 |       93694 |
+| oxygen         |      8 |    2:2 | Moscow      |   .43 |       9.1 |       47 |    58.75 |      14.68 |       2.4 |      28 |       86346 |
+| l1dev          |      5 |    2:3 | Petersburg  |     4 |     117.6 |       34 |     42.5 |      10.62 |       1.7 |      84 |       20821 |
+| l1dev          |      5 |    3:0 | Quebec      |    .1 |         5 |       20 |      25 |       6.25 |       1.0 |      84 |       12247 |
+| leet_joy       |      9 |  (2:4) | Vladivostok |   .48 |         3 |      160 |     200 |        50. |       8.2 |      28 |      293944 |
+| leet_joy       |      9 |    6:0 | Singapore   |  1.75 |       9.7 |      180 |     225 |      56.25 |       9.2 |      28 |      330687 |
+| igrex          |     10 |    6:1 | Tokio       |   .64 |         4 |      160 |     200 |        50. |       8.2 |      28 |      293944 |
+| l1dev          |      5 |    7:0 | Sydney      |    .1 |         5 |       20 |      25 |       6.25 |       1.0 |      28 |       36743 |
+| Total          |        |        |             | 13.9 | 30.7 |      768 |     960 |       240. | 39.5 |     504 |   78385 |
+## leet_joy (9)
+Example criteria for performance based salary with real values. Final value defines salary for coming term.
+### Bucket `6:0`
+- Hired at block: `#4295315`
+- Functional at: ``
+- Setup time: `96h` (to change)
+- Capacity: `1.75 TB`
+- Type: `SSD`
+- Cost: `$180` monthly
+| reward calculation for bucket                                      |      6:0 |      $ |
+| monthly costs + 25%                                                |     +225 |    225 |
+| GB/$ bonus: equivalent value in $                                  |    +9.71 | 234.71 |
+| rarity factor:  target buckets in fam / buckets in fam             | *1 = 2/2 | 234.71 |
+| location factor: 1.5=primary, 1.2 secondary, 1 regional)           |     *1.5 | 352.06 |
+| cap at $200/term and convert to possible term salary (/4)          |       50 |     50 |
+| setup bonus: +$80                                                  |      +80 |    130 |
+| setup time from hiring to functional node: -$1/h                   |      -96 |     34 |
+| response time on incidents ($1 penalty per hour, fire at 0 salary) |          |     34 |
+| latency penalty: average latency in ms /100                        |          |     34 |
+| Paid this term                                                     |        0 |     34 |
+| Total                                                              |          |     34 |
+### Bucket (`2:4`)
+The worker decided to add another VPS for a bucket in Vladivostok. At time of writing hypothetical while each additional hour reducing the salary for next term.
+- Hired at block: `#4295315`
+- Functional at: ``
+- Setup time: `96h` (to change)
+- Capacity: `.48 TB`
+- Type: `SSD`
+- Cost: `$160` monthly
+| reward calculation per bucket                                      |                   (2:4) |      $ |
+| monthly costs + 25%                                                |                +200 |    200 |
+| GB/$ bonus: equivalent value in $                                  |                  +3 |    203 |
+| rarity factor:  target buckets in fam / buckets in fam             | /2 = 2/4 (now 3) |    102 |
+| location factor: 1.5=primary, 1.2 secondary, 1 regional)           |                *1.5 |    151 |
+| cap at $200/term and convert to possible term salary (/4)          |                  /4 |  37.75 |
+| setup bonus: +$80                                                  |                 +80 | 117.75 |
+| setup time from hiring to functional node: -$1/h                   |                     | 117.75 |
+| response time on incidents ($1 penalty per hour, fire at 0 salary) |                     | 117.75 |
+| latency penalty: average latency in ms /100                        |                     | 117.75 |
+| Paid this term                                                     |                   0 | 117.75 |
+| Total                                                              |                     | 117.75 |
+This would leave the worker with a term reward of $151.75 at monthly costs at $340.
+Expected salary next term (without penalties): $87.57 ($350/m)
+## ilich (6)
+### Bucket `2:0`
+- Hired at block: `#4295315`
+- Functional at: `#4330964`
+- Setup time: `59h`
+- Capacity: `.5 TB`
+- Type: `SSD`
+- Cost: `$44` monthly
+| reward calculation per bucket                                      |                         2:0 |    $   |
+| monthly costs + 25%                                                |                         +55 |    55 |
+| GB/$ bonus: equivalent value in $                                  |                      +11.36 | 66.36 |
+| rarity factor:  target buckets in fam / buckets in fam             |                        *.66 | 43.56 |
+| location factor: 1.5=primary, 1.2 secondary, 1 regional)           |                        *1.5 | 65.34 |
+| cap at $200/term and convert to possible term salary (/4)          |                          /4 | 16.33 |
+| setup bonus: +$80                                                  |                         +80 | 86.33 |
+| setup time from hiring to functional node: -$1/h                   | -59 | 37.33 |
+| response time on incidents ($1 penalty per hour, fire at 0 salary) |                             | 37.33 |
+| latency penalty: average latency in ms /100                        |                             | 37.33 |
+| Paid this term                                                     |                             | 37.33 |
+|---|---|---|| Total                                                              |                             | 37.33 |
+This would leave the worker with a term reward of $37.33 at monthly costs at $44.
+Expected salary next term (without penalties): $16.33 ($65.34/m)
+## oxygen (8)
+### Bucket `2:2`
+- Hired at block: `#4295315`
+- Functional at: `#4341647`
+- Setup time: `77h`
+- Capacity: `.48 TB`
+- Type: `SSD`
+- Cost: `$47` monthly
+| reward calculation per bucket                                      |                          2:2 |      $ |
+| monthly costs + 25%                                                |                        58.75 |  58.75 |
+| GB/$ bonus: equivalent value in $                                  |                         9.14 |  57.89 |
+| rarity factor:  target buckets in fam / buckets in fam             |                  *0.66 (2/3) |  38.21 |
+| location factor: 1.5=primary, 1.2 secondary, 1 regional)           |                         *1.5 |     57 |
+| cap at $200/term and convert to possible term salary (/4)          |                           /4 |  14.33 |
+| setup bonus: +$80                                                  |                          +80 |     80 |
+| setup time from hiring to functional node: -$1/h                   | -77 |      3 |
+| response time on incidents ($1 penalty per hour, fire at 0 salary) |                              |        |
+| latency penalty: average latency in ms /100                        |                              |        |
+| Paid this term                                                     |                       -17 | 0 |
+| Total                                                              |                              |        |
+This would leave the worker with a term reward of $0 at monthly costs of $340.
+Expected salary next term (without penalties): $14.33 ($38.21/m)
+In this case a restrictive lead who hired more workers than targeted punishes the worker. In response bucket workers could coordinate for one or more to switch into less crowded regions following month.
+If a similar model is applied future reports could be generated by a script based on input by the lead (cost).
+# 42.DT-1 - Maintain Distributor System
+As of block #4,307,237, the status is:
+- 9 (5+Lead hired by non-Jsg) workers
+- 4 (new) families created (6 in total)
+- 6 (new) buckets created (9 in total)
+- 2 (new) are acceptingNewBags and distributing (4 in total)
+- 3 (new) have accepted invite+set metadata (6 in total)
+- 5/6 have working, running nodes
+## Families
+> 1. Outline the current system, wrt. families, buckets, structure etc, within block:
+Bucket families and worker assignments are listed above.
+## Workers
+> 2. All workers, that are still "employed" (ex. newly employed) at each blockheight, has at least 1 bucket with metadat set, is operational, has been assigned at least 1 bag, and is serving content at block #:
+1 worker gets access to the new VPS on monday. All other workers have their nodes up and are fully functional (partly with external QN).
+## Verification
+> Outline a quick approach to measuring the "quality of service" for each node, that takes into accout:
+>whether the object is in cache or not/whether they first have to get it from an SP or not
+> Every day, measure how well each of them performs under said conditions.
+To get an idea i built this UI to check availability of bags on each node:
+Automated regular latency tests from different locations will be more meaningful over time to measure provider performance. The [scripts/sp-downloader-tester/
+](../../scripts/sp-downloader-tester) could be updated for that task.
+## Configs
+> Get a ("censored") version of each distributors config.yml file, share them, and propose/require changes.
+In progress.
+## Log
+> For each of these:
+> - keep a log of the status, and share a TL;DR update every day (starting from #4323600)
+> - record ALL transactions you as the Lead does, including blockheights and purpose (for moving bags, just do did x across blocks[a,b])
+> - share the thoughts behind your actions
+Since i was [hired]( at block #4290298:
+- added 5 families and announced in #distributors [read](
+  - `storage.updateDistributionBucketMode`
+  - `storage.DistributionBucketFamilyCreated`
+  - `storage.setDistributionBucketFamilyMetadata`
+yarn joystream-distributor leader:set-bucket-family-metadata -f 2 -i ~/distribution-family2.json
+yarn run v1.22.15
+$ /home/joystream/joystream/node_modules/.bin/joystream-distributor leader:set-bucket-family-metadata -f 2 -i /home/joystream/distribution-family2.json
+2022-02-02 13:24:27:2427 CLI info: Setting bucket family metadata
+    "familyId": 2,
+    "metadata": {
+        "region": "ru_eu-east",
+        "description": "Russia and eastern Europe",
+        "latencyTestTargets": [],
+        "areas": [
+            {
+                "continent": 5
+            },
+            {
+                "continent": 6
+            }
+        ]
+    }
+? Tx fee of 0 will be deduced from you account, do you confirm the transfer? Yes
+2022-02-02 13:24:40:2440 SubstrateApi info: Sending storage.setDistributionBucketFamilyMetadata extrinsic from 5EEucXxsz1jZhF5HwQ38cNn5LuZa7RquHquzzyKfnVc1trMy
+2022-02-02 13:24:42:2442 CLI info: Bucket family metadata succesfully set/updated!
+- [filled opening]( [Distributors in Russia and eastern Europe]( (created block #4293044), hired: lkskrn, ilich, oxygen
+- added all channels to bucket `2:3` to cache everything
+Process was interrupted at channel 862:
+$ /home/pioneer/joystream/node_modules/.bin/joystream-distributor leader:update-bag -f 2 -a 3 -b dynamic:channel:862 -y
+2022-02-03 04:40:11:4011 CLI info: Updating distribution buckets for bag...
+    "bagId": {
+        "Dynamic": {
+            "Channel": "862"
+        }
+    },
+    "familyId": 2,
+    "add": [
+        3                                                                                                                                                          ],
+    "remove": []
+2022-02-03 04:40:11:4011 SubstrateApi info: Sending storage.updateDistributionBucketsForBag extrinsic from 5EEucXxsz1jZhF5HwQ38cNn5LuZa7RquHquzzyKfnVc1trMy
+2022-02-03 04:40:11        RPC-CORE: submitAndWatchExtrinsic(extrinsic: Extrinsic): ExtrinsicStatus:: 1014: Priority is too low: (10000000 vs 10000000): The tansaction has too low priority to replace another transaction already in the pool.
+- [filled opening]( [Distributor in Asia (east, south east) ]( (created block #4295672), hired: igrex, leet_joy (coolene)
+- created opening [ Distributor in Central and South America ]( at block #4297360:
+> ~/cli working-groups:createOpening -i ~/distributor-opening.json -g distributor
+    {
+        "activateAt": { "CurrentBlock": null },
+        "maxReviewPeriodLength": 432000,
+        "applicationStake": { "mode": "AtLeast", "value": 50000 },
+        "roleStake": {"mode": "AtLeast", "value": 1000000 }
+    },
+    {
+        "version": 1,
+        "headline": "Distributor in Central and South America",
+        "job": {
+            "title": "Looking for SA Distributors",
+            "description": "Requirements: SSD, 500+ GB Storage, synced validator and query node."
+        },
+        "application": {
+            "sections": [
+                {
+                    "title": "About you",
+                    "questions": [
+                        { "title": "Your name", "type": "text" },
+                        { "title": "What makes you a good fit for the job?", "type": "text area" }
+                    ]
+                }
+            ]
+        },
+        "reward": "40k tJOY per 1200 blocks ($80 / week)",
+        "creator": { "membership": { "handle": "l1dev"  } },
+        "process": { "details": [] }
+    }
+- 2022-02-03 00:40:58:4058 CLI info: Updating distribution bucket mode... Bucket mode succesfully updated! (`-B 6:0 -d off`)
+- 2022-02-03 00:41:14:4114 CLI info: Updating distribution bucket mode...Bucket mode succesfully updated! (`-B 6:1 -d off`)
+- 2022-02-03 01:12:53:1253 CLI info: Setting bucket operator metadata... (with wrong endpoint)
+- 2022-02-03 01:14:53:1453 CLI info: Updating distribution bucket status... Bucket status succesfully updated! (`-B 2:3 -a yes`)
+- 2022-02-03 02:37:43:3743 CLI info: Updating distribution bucket status... Bucket mode succesfully updated! (`-B 2:1 -a yes`)
+- 2022-02-03 02:41:09:419 CLI info: Updating distribution bucket mode... Bucket mode succesfully updated! (-B 2:2 -d off``)
+- 2022-02-03 04:41:27:4127 CLI info: Updating dynamic bag policy... Dynamic bag creation policy succesfully updated! (`-t Channel -p 1:2 2:2`)
+- added RU channels to bucket `2:1` in moscow:
+set -e
+cd ~/joystream/distributor-node
+# found with query { channels (where: { language: { iso_eq: "ru" } }) { id } }
+# needs confirmation with curators that these were all
+ru="734 735 736 737 738 746 750 752 753 755 758 764 765 769 772 774 779 781 782 783 785 786 787 788 790 791 800 801 802 803 804 806 808 810 811 817 818 819 826 827 828 831 832 835 836 839 842 843 844 846"
+for i in $ru ; do
+  yarn joystream-distributor leader:update-bag -f 2 -a 1 -b dynamic:channel:$i -y
+Finished with:
+$ /home/pioneer/joystream/node_modules/.bin/joystream-distributor leader:update-bag -f 2 -a 1 -b dynamic:channel:846 -y
+2022-02-03 07:37:41:3741 CLI info: Updating distribution buckets for bag...
+    "bagId": {
+        "Dynamic": {
+            "Channel": "846"
+        }
+    },
+    "familyId": 2,
+    "add": [
+        1
+    ],
+    "remove": []
+2022-02-03 07:37:41:3741 SubstrateApi info: Sending storage.updateDistributionBucketsForBag extrinsic from 5EEucXxsz1jZhF5HwQ38cNn5LuZa7RquHquzzyKfnVc1trMy
+2022-02-03 07:37:43:3743 CLI info: Bag succesfully updated!
+- 2022-02-03 19:04:48:448 CLI info: Updating distribution bucket mode... Bucket mode succesfully updated! (`-B 1:0 -d on`)
+- 2022-02-03 19:28:34:2834 CLI info: Updating distribution bucket status... Bucket status succesfully updated! (`-B 1:0 -a yes`)
+- 2022-02-03 23:51:06:516 CLI info: Setting bucket operator metadata... to fix `metadata.endpoint`
+- [adjusted worker rewards]( for all operational nodes to $80 per term (120k/3600 blocks, 40k/1200 blocks)
+- 2022-02-04 16:38:50:3850 CLI info: Updating distribution bucket mode... `-B 1:0 -d of` - uses wrong chain
+- 2022-02-04 16:39:22:3922 CLI info: Updating distribution bucket status... `-B 1:0 -a no` and fixed some time later.
+- 2022-02-04 21:58 toggled bucket `2:0` a few times for testing
+- [#4324724]( add mixed `en-ru` bags to bucket `2:1` (745 751 760 761 762 768 770 778)
+- #4330964++: add ru en-ru asia bags to bucket 2:0
+- #4331741++: add ru en-ru asia bags to bucket 2:2
+- 2022-02-05 19:35 deployed
+-  2022-02-05 19:42: `1-2` accepting + distributing
+-  2022-02-05 19:42: `2-2` accepting + distributing
+- 2022-02-05 19:43: 745 751 760 761 762 768 770 - add to `1-2`, remove from `0:0`
+- 2022-02-06 22:07:01: create buckets for families 3 and 7, invite worker 5 to both, set `accepting=yes`, add one bag, both are up.
+- [4341647]( reward worker 8
+- [4341651]( reward worker 4
+- [4347096]( reward worker 6
+- `leader:update-bag -f 0 -r 0 -b dynamic:channel:776`
+- `leader:update-bag -f 6 -a 1 -b dynamic:channel:776`
+- 2022-02-06 13:31: Bucket `6:1 is u! `leader:update-bucket-mode -B 6:1 -d on -y` + `leader:update-bucket-status -B 6:1 -a yes -y`
+- [4350105]( reward worker 10
+yarn joystream-distributor leader:update-bag -f 1 -a 2 -b dynamic:channel:777 -y
+yarn run v1.22.17
+$ /home/pioneer/joystream/node_modules/.bin/joystream-distributor leader:update-bag -f 1 -a 2 -b dynamic:channel:777 -y
+2022-02-05 23:17:26:1726 CLI info: Updating distribution buckets for bag...
+    "bagId": {
+        "Dynamic": {
+            "Channel": "777"
+        }
+    },
+    "familyId": 1,
+    "add": [
+        2
+    ],
+    "remove": []
+2022-02-05 23:17:26:1726 SubstrateApi info: Sending storage.updateDistributionBucketsForBag extrinsic from 5EEucXxsz1jZhF5HwQ38cNn5LuZa7RquHquzzyKfnVc1trMy
+ ›   Error: Extrinsic failed! Extrinsic execution error: DistributionBucketIsBoundToBag ( Distribution bucket is bound to a bag.)
+what does this mean? the bag is not bound to this bag yet.




