Browse Source


MikeShipa 3 years ago

+ 43 - 43

@@ -10,14 +10,14 @@
 | Worker ID | Name Worker | Region/Time Zone | Language | Perfomance | Notes            |
 | Worker ID | Name Worker | Region/Time Zone | Language | Perfomance | Notes            |
 | --------- | ----------- | ---------------- | -------- | ---------- | ---------------- |
 | --------- | ----------- | ---------------- | -------- | ---------- | ---------------- |
-| 7         | l1dev       | UTC              | EN       | \-         | Technical worker |
+| 7         | l1dev       | UTC              | EN       |  -         | Technical worker |
 | 16        | kiraa       | UTC+3            | EN/RU    | 100%       | Skipper#0353     |
 | 16        | kiraa       | UTC+3            | EN/RU    | 100%       | Skipper#0353     |
 | 18        | mmsaww      | UTC+3            | EN/RU    | 100%       | Mikhail#7681     |
 | 18        | mmsaww      | UTC+3            | EN/RU    | 100%       | Mikhail#7681     |
 | 19        | kadyrovs    | UTC+3            | EN/RU    | 100%       | Ruslan#4019      |
 | 19        | kadyrovs    | UTC+3            | EN/RU    | 100%       | Ruslan#4019      |
 | 22        | igrex       | UTC+3            | EN/RU    | 100%       | IgreX#0267       |
 | 22        | igrex       | UTC+3            | EN/RU    | 100%       | IgreX#0267       |
-| 24        | spat\_sochi | UTC+3            | EN/RU    | 100%       | spat\_sochi#8803 |
+| 24        | spat_sochi  | UTC+3            | EN/RU    | 100%       | spat_sochi#8803  |
-During this reporting period, 120 videos were uploaded, all of them verified.
+During this reporting period, 171 videos were uploaded, all of them verified.
 Everything is optimized, each curator does their job perfectly! Thank you all for your work!)
 Everything is optimized, each curator does their job perfectly! Thank you all for your work!)
@@ -30,43 +30,43 @@ For convenience and statistics collection, general tables for Bounty 24 and Boun
 ## Start Block/Date: #3658506 / 20.12.21
 ## Start Block/Date: #3658506 / 20.12.21
 ## End Block/Date: #3757847 / 26.12.21
 ## End Block/Date: #3757847 / 26.12.21
-| Number of uploads                 |          |
-| --------------------------------- | -------- |
-| Total:                            | 120      |
-| Day:                              | 17.14    |
-| Hour:                             | 0.71     |
-| ———————————————                   |          |
-| Video duration                    |          |
-| Seconds:                          | 73461    |
-| Minutes:                          | 1224.35  |
-| Hours:                            | 20.41    |
-| Days:                             | 0.85     |
-| ———————————————                   |          |
-| Average duration                  |          |
-| Seconds:                          | 612      |
-| Minutes:                          | 10.2     |
-| Hours:                            | 0.17     |
-| ———————————————                   |          |
-| Median                            | 467.5    |
-| ———————————————                   |          |
-| Video file size (mb)              |          |
-| Total:                            | 17114.35 |
-| Average:                          | 142.62   |
-| Median:                           | 78.25    |
-| ———————————————                   |          |
-| Number of videos in each category |          |
-| Comedy                            |          |
-| Education                         | 5        |
-| Entertainment                     | 3        |
-| Film & Animation                  | 9        |
-| Gaming                            | 1        |
-| Music                             | 3        |
-| News & Politics                   |          |
-| People & Blogs                    | 28       |
-| Pets & Animals                    | 4        |
-| Howto & Style                     | 1        |
-| Science & Technology              | 32       |
-| Sports                            | 16       |
-| Travel & Events                   | 4        |
-| Autos & Vehicles                  | 14       |
-| Nonprofits & Activism             |          |
+| Number of uploads                 |         |
+| --------------------------------- | ------- |
+| Total:                            | 171     |
+| Day:                              | 24.43   |
+| Hour:                             | 1.02    |
+| ——————————                        |         |
+| Video duration                    |         |
+| Seconds:                          | 107006  |
+| Minutes:                          | 1783.43 |
+| Hours:                            | 29.72   |
+| Days:                             | 1.24    |
+| ——————————                        |         |
+| Average duration                  |         |
+| Seconds:                          | 626     |
+| Minutes:                          | 10.43   |
+| Hours:                            | 0.17    |
+| ——————————                        |         |
+| Median                            | 463     |
+| ——————————                        |         |
+| Video file size (mb)              |         |
+| Total:                            | 24730   |
+| Average:                          | 144.62  |
+| Median:                           | 79.44   |
+| ——————————                        |         |
+| Number of videos in each category |         |
+| Comedy                            |         |
+| Education                         | 6       |
+| Entertainment                     | 3       |
+| Film & Animation                  | 12      |
+| Gaming                            | 1       |
+| Music                             | 3       |
+| News & Politics                   |         |
+| People & Blogs                    | 38      |
+| Pets & Animals                    | 4       |
+| Howto & Style                     | 11      |
+| Science & Technology              | 42      |
+| Sports                            | 26      |
+| Travel & Events                   | 11      |
+| Autos & Vehicles                  | 14      |
+| Nonprofits & Activism             |         |